[OFFICIAL] 2010 Debater's League Shit-Talking Thread

[QUOTE="iMPACT! Player" Riaku;2340176]I must break Nickb03.[/QUOTE]
Dude... He's like seven.
Look, it has come to my attention that this Mod Battle has caused half the competitors in this DL to drop everything, and focus solely on being a mod. In case you all haven't noticed, such is the case with my opponent, Numbers, as he's dropped the DL, mid debate to take part in this competition.

To which, I'd like to say... Really, guys? Does anyone else realize that, usually, a mod is expected not only to drive discussion in his section, but also to carry about the regular parts of being a poster? D-Man and Phoenix have done everything they can to take part in this challenge, and it seems to me that everyone and their mother has been so fixated on this mod challenge, they've forgotten this DL exists.

To which I say, if you can't handle two things, don't sign up, folks. Seriously.
I'm still in it to win it.

BC you're about the only poster I give any credit to sacking up, and actually trying to pull off double duty. The only one, man.

I really can't wait until I get a legitimate debate to go with. Since JMT, LJL had to back out, which I respect, and Numbers backed the Hell away to the challenge, and I haven't had a legit match since Week One
I kept out of that nonsense because I didn't want to spread myself too thin or take on something I might not have time to see through. Well, that and that I just don't want to be a mod.

Great job to both of you for quality posts here and in NXT:NWS.
Yeah, I'll be all caught up on judging sometime this weekend. I got caught up in the NWS thing, so, I'll concentrate on the judging once the movie round ends on Saturday.
Yeah, I'll be all caught up on judging sometime this weekend. I got caught up in the NWS thing, so, I'll concentrate on the judging once the movie round ends on Saturday.

Judges I give more leeway to, because it's a bitch and a half to just have to read everyone's posts, and grade them. This is more for the people who signed up to take part and debate, and now are pussying out faster than I can see
And you'll never know how I really feel about it deep down inside. You made your choice, I worked with what I was given.

I did take rather long showers after each post, though.
BC you're about the only poster I give any credit to sacking up, and actually trying to pull off double duty. The only one, man.

I really can't wait until I get a legitimate debate to go with. Since JMT, LJL had to back out, which I respect, and Numbers backed the Hell away to the challenge, and I haven't had a legit match since Week One

This Sunday, bro.

Also, me right now aft seeing the JMT rep

Just got two more Round 2 Debates which I will do tomorrow, so Falkon/Steve and BC/Jose, you will know your scores by then.

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