[OFFICIAL] 2010 Debater's League Shit-Talking Thread

Ok guys... The Vintage One has been disqualified from the tournament. Digging4Plunder will be taking the open spot.

Good luck.

I got an Evan Bourne question!

Digging4Plunder will get a baptism of fire, I can promise that much at least.
It's probably better for him that he doesn't actually.

I am actually the biggest Evan Bourne mark right now. Ask Blade.
A note to CH. Not that it will change my score, but I did say in my last post I was closing my end of the debate there. I know it's not gonna change the score in the least, but I just wanted to make it clear.
Couple of debates done for this evening. Will do more tomorrow as it's getting late this end and my brain usually switches off around this time.
Seriously, after all that shit that dude talked, he couldn't even get one post in?

Just to clarify Guy, VO has got some serious internet problems and had to send his modem (or something like that) back for repairs/a new one. Not too sure on the details, but he told me he can't post for a reason in that area (as we've got this multi-man BT going on, which you should really check out because it's quite good) [/plug]

Unfortunate for him... can he sign up as an alternate once he gets shit sorted?
Just to clarify Guy, VO has got some serious internet problems and had to send his modem (or something like that) back for repairs/a new one. Not too sure on the details, but he told me he can't post for a reason in that area (as we've got this multi-man BT going on, which you should really check out because it's quite good) [/plug]

Unfortunate for him... can he sign up as an alternate once he gets shit sorted?

Know what, Falkon... that's not such a bad idea. I felt kinda bad disqualifying him from the tournament but I didn't really have a choice in the matter. I must make this thing as fair as possible to all parties involved.

Therefore, I have no problem adding him as an alternate but will not do so until I get a request straight from him in the alternates thread.
Call me ignorant, D. But I honestly do not get what you are getting at.
Evan Bourne is awesome!

Seriously, there is no pleasing some people! He loses and people say he is shit. He wins and people say he is shit! What do people want from him (outside of obvious lack of charisma thus far)?


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