[OFFICIAL] 2010 Debater's League Shit-Talking Thread

Yeah, so I'm an official master debater. A few things though.. how do I already have 20 points against me? Also, what does having a choose of who I debate against mean?

Whom ever I choose will die a painful debating death.. whatever that entails.
Yeah, so I'm an official master debater. A few things though.. how do I already have 20 points against me?

Taking over as an alternate, you have the points (and points against) the debater you replaced had.

Also, what does having a choose of who I debate against mean?

Each of us has a bye week which we can take off, or take a debate worth double points (counting points against too). It's a risky situation, mainly because you won't know who you are debating.
I'll be caught up in a bit. finishing one more fantasy draft and I'll do more. I wouldn't care about this draft but it's for money.. And Becker loves money like the stereotypical fat man loves cake.
Someone's gotta tell those Book This! guys that Yajirobe vs Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear is MONEY!

It must be, because it was their presence in our sigs that must have drawn some viewers into that battle of ours. We could very well have a big money match on our hands Dirty.
I wish I had joined when this thing started, but at least I ended up joining as an alternate and I hope I get the chance to debate some of you.
Umm us this where I should announce that I'm not going to be around for a few days as I'm going on holiday for a few days? I'm not dropping out, but I won't be available around the start of the round.
Shouldn't be a problem Unsex, just means we might just have the punctuality point against you, nothing more, but as we know we'll keep it in mind.
I'd also like to leave a message to Phoenix and D-man concerning my Double or Trouble decision:

Bring it, bishes.

Thank you for your time.
We have the First Round scores finalised, so this was how the standings were after the first week:

Alpha Region
  1. Falkon - 20
  2. Papa Grande - 20
  3. Franchize1990 - 19.5
  4. Disarray - 12
  5. jmt225 - 10.5
  6. Tenta - 9.5
  7. Mr. Steve - 8
  8. Little Jerry Lawler - 0.5
  9. Thriller - 0
  10. LetEmKnow - 0
  11. Numbers -0

Omega Region
  1. GuyCompton - 20
  2. Riaku - 14.5
  3. The Sign Guy - 12.5
  4. nickb03 - 11
  5. Unsex - 10.5
  6. Dave - 9.5
  7. Ferbian - 9
  8. Spoodbeest - 7.5
  9. Blue Cardinal - 5.5
  10. DirtyJose - 0
  11. Digging4Plunder - 0
Apologies in advance to The Sign Guy for this week of debates. I'll be working on the debates first thing in the morning and at the end of the workday, so chances are I'll be coming off as being a cranky asshole for each post.
We all know you're a nice guy GC, so it's all good!

I've just done all my judging for Round 2, will try and do Round 3 when I can but I will have a few busy things happening like WZCW.

I've got to man up with my debate. If I win, I'll sucker more people to attempt DOT-ting and ultimately gain more business for the General Wrestling Section whilst possibly increasing my chances of winning. If I lose... I'll have to live with the fact that one single body organ destroyed a bird.
We have the First Round scores finalised, so this was how the standings were after the first week:

Alpha Region
  1. Falkon - 20
  2. Papa Grande - 20
  3. Franchize1990 - 19.5
  4. Disarray - 12
  5. jmt225 - 10.5
  6. Tenta - 9.5
  7. Mr. Steve - 8
  8. Little Jerry Lawler - 0.5
  9. Thriller - 0
  10. LetEmKnow - 0
  11. Numbers -0

Omega Region
  1. GuyCompton - 20
  2. Riaku - 14.5
  3. The Sign Guy - 12.5
  4. nickb03 - 11
  5. Unsex - 10.5
  6. Dave - 9.5
  7. Ferbian - 9
  8. Spoodbeest - 7.5
  9. Blue Cardinal - 5.5
  10. DirtyJose - 0
  11. Digging4Plunder - 0

I will be updating the leaderboard today.

As you guys probably noticed, I won't be updating anything unless ALL of the judges have scored ALL of the debates in each round. this way, I won't lose track and everyone can get real-time scoring.

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