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[Official] 2009 MLB Season Thread

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I'm not really sure Williams knows what he is doing. Going in to 2009 the Sox had a 96 million dollar payroll and they had over 100 million dollar payroll last year and what do they have to show for all that? They go out there and signed Rios off waivers, yet they begin to lose, they take control of Peavy's contract yet he hasn't pitched, and he's just been diagnosed with Bursitis or some shit.

I never truly understood coughing up 100 million dollars to lose while teams like Minnesota who cough up like 65 million and are in contention every year, or a team like the Rays who went to the post season and were four games from winning a world series with a 43 million dollar payroll. Or even a team like the Marlins who have like a 35 million dollar payroll and they're only a couple of games out of a wildcard spot.

I don't think an owner who coughs up 100 million for a losing team has any idea what they are doing. At least a team like the Angels know what they're doing when it comes to spending right.
I never truly understood coughing up 100 million dollars to lose while teams like Minnesota who cough up like 65 million and are in contention every year, or a team like the Rays who went to the post season and were four games from winning a world series with a 43 million dollar payroll. Or even a team like the Marlins who have like a 35 million dollar payroll and they're only a couple of games out of a wildcard spot.

I don't think an owner who coughs up 100 million for a losing team has any idea what they are doing. At least a team like the Angels know what they're doing when it comes to spending right.

See, you aren't sure. But there are factors that lead to this. A) You don't live in Chicago. B) You don't seem to realize what he has done throughout his career as a GM. C) You don't read or hear what he does in the newspaper, other than blockbuster trades such as the Peavy and Rios deals.

Now let us see here. During Kenny Williams' tenure as White Sox General Manager, he has only had one horrid season, and that was the only time that the Sox finished under .500, which was in 2007. Look up your facts before you say he doesn't know what he is doing. I guess bringing in Jim Thome for 2006 was a horrible move right? The team finished 90-72 in 2006, and yet finished third. I guess he did a horrible fucking job that year. He has made the playoffs three times, and won a World Series. Which brings me to another point. The White Sox won said World Series with a payroll of $75 million. But like you said, that is still high right? You are judging two moves out of a whole slew that he has done? Besides, Rios has only been with the team for two or three weeks. I guess you have to jump on Kenny Williams back because his deal didn't work right away, even though you aren't even a fan of the fucking team Brian.

Also, since you are judging GMs that haven't had success even though they have payrolls over 100 million. I like how you are only judging Kenny Williams in this. But how about Brian Cashman? He has been throwing money for years. But for the past nine years the Yankees haven't done shit. He sucks though too right? He has to because they haven't produced like they should. Why don't you mention Jim Hendry? He threw a shitload of money for the Cubs, but look where they are now. Out of contention, even though they were picked to run away with not only the NL Central, but also the NL itself. For fucks sake Brian I hope you were going to use them as examples of owners that don't know what they are doing if you had to explain yourself more.

Baseball isn't about how much talent you have. If that were the case, then the Yankees or Red Sox would have been meeting the Cubs in the World Series this year. It is about how you play. The Twins play the game the right way. Ron Gardenhire makes sure his team plays correctly, pitching and defense first, then bunting and running while up to bat. That is why they are in contention just about every year. The Rays are doing the same thing, except the Rays should be doing well, they have had some of the top draft picks for the last 7 years. You play the game the right way, you will win.

Get off the hatorade Brian. Just because he picked up contracts of good players who haven't panned out in a month (Peavy) and a few weeks (Rios) doesn't mean he isn't a good GM. Like I said, they were moves for the future as well. But apparently the future doesn't matter when it comes to big stars, they have to produce right away.
It's still a little early, and a lot can happen in the coming weeks, but I'm making an early "campaign" for Bochy to win this award. The Giants were not expected to compete for much of anything coming into the season, and now they are right in the thick of things for the NL Wild Card, and potentially the division.

The Giants are last in the majors in home runs, and do not have a pure slugger on the team, or much of a pure anything anywhere in the line-up. A lot of guys are out of position on defense, yet are still playing well. The bullpen was under-rated coming into the season, and has proven to be more than serviceable. The rotation is doing exactly what was expected, and that's get huge numbers from Cain and Lincecum, while getting enough innings from the other 3 to save the bullpen.

I think Bochy has done the most with the least to work with, and that's why he deserves the award, whether they make it or not.
I understand the award is Pujols' to lose. No one else has a realistic shot, but here's my chance to name someone that should come in 2nd. Let it be known, I don't believe pitchers should be nominated, they have they're own award.

Matt Kemp has been the most consistent player on the most consistent team in the majors. He's 3rd in the league in steals, and has been on a tear lately, clubbing homers in 4 of his last 5 games. He's on pace for a 30/30 season, and will, in all likelihood, finish in the top 5 for Avg and RBIs. Basically, he's a triple crown player. Pujols Lite, if you may. His defense is also very good, and he's carried the infield through a lot of injuries over the years.

Again, I know Pujols will win this award, I just feel Kemp has a legitimate argument for 2nd.
I am not a Chicago fan but I think Kenny Williams is a good gm. Sure, he takes some risks that don't pan out but overall he makes solid moves. I liked the Rios move when he made it but at this point it's not working out the best, but he still has a ton of potential. He has a big contract but a team in a market like Chicago can take a loss on a contract like that if need be. If Rios failed in say Kansas City or Pittsburg, a contract like that would cripple the franchise. And I think he got Peavy more for next year, anything this year would have been a bonus.
I have a question for David. I have Mark Buehrle in a fantasy league, and other that last night he has been terrible since his perfect game. What's up? Is he healthy? Did he throw too many pitches in the perfect game? Is he just streaky?
I understand the award is Pujols' to lose. No one else has a realistic shot, but here's my chance to name someone that should come in 2nd. Let it be known, I don't believe pitchers should be nominated, they have they're own award.

Matt Kemp has been the most consistent player on the most consistent team in the majors. He's 3rd in the league in steals, and has been on a tear lately, clubbing homers in 4 of his last 5 games. He's on pace for a 30/30 season, and will, in all likelihood, finish in the top 5 for Avg and RBIs. Basically, he's a triple crown player. Pujols Lite, if you may. His defense is also very good, and he's carried the infield through a lot of injuries over the years.

Again, I know Pujols will win this award, I just feel Kemp has a legitimate argument for 2nd.

You are right that this is Phat Albert's to lose. If he doesn't win then I will be shocked. Kemp has brought his pail to work everyday, and has quietly gotten these numbers, at least they are quiet for me, as when I hear about the Dodgers it is usually about how Manny hit a huge home run or how he fucked up in the field. His stats according to ESPN.com, he is batting .314, with 23 HR and 87 RBI. If he can hit 7 more home runs this month, I do believe that 30/30 will be accomplished, as I'm sure he will steal one more bag in the next month. But you bring up Kemp who is on a contender.

I am not saying this next person I will bring up will be an MVP, as his team is out of contention and has been basically all year, but I think he should get at least a nod.

Mark Reynolds from the Diamondbacks. Obviously the D-Backs are not a contender this year, and in recent memory the MVP goes to a player on a contender. But he does deserve to get a look or nod go his way. Also using stats from ESPN.com, Reynolds is hitting .274, has 40 HR, (more than Pujols) and 90 RBI. The one thing that scares me about Reynolds though, is that he has 181 strikeouts. But 40 home runs, and he even has stolen 22 bases, still fairly impressive. I'm not saying Reynolds for MVP, but he should get his fair look as well.
I am not a Chicago fan but I think Kenny Williams is a good gm. Sure, he takes some risks that don't pan out but overall he makes solid moves. I liked the Rios move when he made it but at this point it's not working out the best, but he still has a ton of potential. He has a big contract but a team in a market like Chicago can take a loss on a contract like that if need be. If Rios failed in say Kansas City or Pittsburg, a contract like that would cripple the franchise. And I think he got Peavy more for next year, anything this year would have been a bonus.
I have a question for David. I have Mark Buehrle in a fantasy league, and other that last night he has been terrible since his perfect game. What's up? Is he healthy? Did he throw too many pitches in the perfect game? Is he just streaky?

To be perfectly honest CFH, I'm not sure. He is usually very solid. But he did say before his start against the Yankees that he had been slipping in his mechanics a little bit, possibly tipping his pitches. I forgot what it was, but he had gotten out of what makes him Mark Buehrle. It may have been him throwing more curves and change-ups than fastballs or something. He is one of the "healthiest" (I use it lightly lol) pitchers on the team. His mechanics had been off for a bit. The way you can tell with Buehrle on if his mechanics are off, he consistently throws the change-up high. When that happens, he gets hit and hit hard. When he keeps it down and away, he is going to usually win. I think he has figured it out a little bit, as he has been pitching better his past few outings, and not getting shelled.
Sorry, I am going Hanley Ramirez at the #2 spot of the MVP Ballot. He is hitting .350 and has no protection in his lineup. OBP is .417. He is going to have over 200 hits, 20 plus homeruns, over 100 rbis and runs scored. He has all the stats and have carried the Marlins offense. He is the #2 and deservedly so.
Im going Jim Tracy of the Colorado Rockies for my NL Manager of the Year. Nothing against Bochy and he has done a fantastic job for the Giants, and if they make the playoffs over the Rockies I have no problem with him winning the award.

Jim Tracy took over the Rockies, he is 56-31. When the Rockies were under Clint Hurdle they had a record of 18-28, and were ready to have a fire sale. Jim Tracy took over this struggling team and now have them in the Wild Card hunt
I think Bruce Bochy has definitely done a hell of a job with the Giants considerin' that he's done well with not much, but i'll agree with Mr. Baller & say that Jim Tracy should be the NL Manger of the Year.

If I recall, the Rockies were horrid under Clint Hurdle & had they not have fired Hurdle then the Rockies' season hopes would've been flushed down the toilet sooner, but somehow, someway Jim Tracy has lit a fire under them & now the Rockies are in the Wild Card hunt with him at the helm & they have a really good shot at bein' the NL representative in the World Series.
I'm going with Bochy. Please, without research, name a Giant position player.....Still waiting.....that's what I thought.

Jim Tracy has done a good job with the Rockies. All they needed was inspiration though. The core of the team, minus Matt Holiday, was in the World Series two years ago. The Giants haven't been relevant since 2003. There is no one left from the World Series team. Bruce Bochy has done a remarkable job with that team. Either one of them would be good choices, and honestly, if I had to pick now, it's Bochy. If I wait till the end of the year, I might just pick whichever of those two teams makes the playoffs.

Where is the Tony LaRussa love? The NL Central was a lock for the Cubs as recently as the All-Star break. It sure looks like LaRussa has done a great job. I know, his teams are competitive every year, so he get forgotten, but he has done a remarkable job considering that he doesn't have a bullpen. He an Dave Duncan saved Joel Piniero's career.
Sorry, I am going Hanley Ramirez at the #2 spot of the MVP Ballot. He is hitting .350 and has no protection in his lineup. OBP is .417. He is going to have over 200 hits, 20 plus homeruns, over 100 rbis and runs scored. He has all the stats and have carried the Marlins offense. He is the #2 and deservedly so.

No protection? Surely, you're joking, right?

Dan Uggla is perhaps the best hitting 2B of the last 3 years, and is having what will end up as a career year. Cody Ross is having a very quiet season, where he could eclipse 30 HRs and 100 RBIs. John Baker, the catcher, is also having a very good year for a catcher's standards, and he even missed some time due to a concussion. I'm not saying he has protection like Pujols or Manny has, but at least he's got something around him.
I'm going with Bochy. Please, without research, name a Giant position player.....Still waiting.....that's what I thought.

Molina, Sandoval, Ishikawa, Rowand, Lewis, Velez, Uribe...

I'm cheating, technically. I have a good friend that is a die-hard Giants fan, so we talk about our teams quite often. You're right, they don't have a whole lot to work with, and that's shown with Rowand hitting in the lead-off spot. They have absolutely no power, and aren't even that great at stealing bases. Except for Winn, I don't think anyone else has double digit steals. Their pitching has been their bread and butter, and hasn't even been close to 100% all season.
This shouldn't even be a discussion. There really isn't a second place when it comes to the MVP. This award is Pujol's. For the better part of like 90 games Pujols carried that offense, didn't really have any protection, yet was putting up a lot of home runs and at one time was a serious threat to be the first triple crown winner in quite some time. But if i had to choose another person to win the award it would be Tim Lincecum. He's leading the league in K's and has like a microscopic ERA. The man is just a tremendous pitcher and should seriously be in consideration for the CY Young and the NL MVP award.
No protection? Surely, you're joking, right?

Dan Uggla is perhaps the best hitting 2B of the last 3 years, and is having what will end up as a career year. Cody Ross is having a very quiet season, where he could eclipse 30 HRs and 100 RBIs. John Baker, the catcher, is also having a very good year for a catcher's standards, and he even missed some time due to a concussion. I'm not saying he has protection like Pujols or Manny has, but at least he's got something around him.

I think the true question is, are you joking?

Dan Uggla is hitting around .240, he strikeouts more then he hits the ball. To be exact he has 114 hits and 122 strikeouts, that is not protection. Cody Ross is not even hitting .270, its not all about the homeruns and he only has 76 rbis, so I dont believe he will reach 100 by the end of the season. Yes John Baker has done a much better job then I thought he would, but he doesnt even have 50 rbis, and he has started the entire year, so he really isnt doing that great of a job.

All in all, Jorge Cantu is truly the only protection for Hanley Ramirez, and he isnt really what I would want to be my protection.
No protection? Surely, you're joking, right?

Dan Uggla is perhaps the best hitting 2B of the last 3 years, and is having what will end up as a career year. Cody Ross is having a very quiet season, where he could eclipse 30 HRs and 100 RBIs. John Baker, the catcher, is also having a very good year for a catcher's standards, and he even missed some time due to a concussion. I'm not saying he has protection like Pujols or Manny has, but at least he's got something around him.

He has some protection but he has less protection then Kemp does. Only one other player in Florida's regular lineup is hitting over .300. You say Dan Uggla is having a career year? Bullshit. Dan Uggla is having the worst year of his fucking career. He is hitting .244 with 25 homers and 72 rbi's. He is on pace to have the worst batting average and slugging percentage of his career.

Hanley Ramirez is hitting .359 with 20 home runs and 91 rbi's. He has a better batting average, slugging percentage, and on base percentage then Kemp. However, this is all irrelevant because Pujols could miss the rest of the season and he would still win the NL MVP award.
Yeah, I'm not sure what the hell you're smoking when you're talking about Uggla NSL, he's been mediocre at best this year. Just as I expected he would be. And the best 2nd basemen of the last 3 years? Did Chase Utley change positions or something?

As for Matt Kemp for NL MVP? Not a chance in hell, there's a reason why Pujols is a shoo-in for this award; he deserves it. Pujols has easily been the best player not only in the NL this year, but the AL as well. Matt Kemp...no fucking way. I doubt he'll even crack the top 5 of MVP voting. I wouldn't vote for him.
Obviously this is Pujos' award, that was a sure thing a few months ago. He has 44 HRs, is hitting well over .300, and is on the best team in the NL at the moment. I don't see how anyone else can even be considered, and whoever is in 2nd place isn't really that relevant.

However, if we are going to play that game, I'd have to go with Hanley Ramirez. He's hitting .359 and is almost singlehandidly keeping an average Marlins team in playoff contention. Matt Kemp is a decent player, but I can't see him as an MVP candidate.
As a Dodger fan, it's nice to see Kemp get some attention, especially for the great year he's had. But I don't agree with him being 2nd for MVP this year; that should go to Hanley Ramirez. Kemp has been incredibly consistent, but Ramirez's stats are too impressive to pass up. Actually, when you think about it, he's one of the most underrated players in the league.

So, in short: it's good that you mentioned Kemp(as he gets little national attention), but he isn't 2nd to Pujols this year.
As far as everyone hating on me with Uggla...Bite me. His average is down, and he strikes out a lot, but none of those are big surprises. As far as the last 3 years, he's done nothing but be a true slugger. He hits a solid amount of home runs, drives in a lot of runs, and isn't totally inept on the basepaths. His glove brings him down, a lot, so I'll edit my opinion to "best offensive 2nd baseman of the last three years". I also saw some mention Baker, and how he's started all season. No, he hasn't. He's been the starter, but he missed 2 weeks (?) because of a concussion, and it affected him for roughly a month after that. The line-up for Florida is better top to bottom than LA's, and that was my point. I even forgot to mention Coghlan, who has been a solid player in LF for them, and has taken over the lead-off spot. I'm not knocking Hanley as a player. I'd put him as 2a to Matt Kemp.

I know that Kemp has tremendous protection in the line-up, but he hasn't had it all season. Ethier is streaky, Manny missed 50 games, and Martin hasn't been himself in almost 2 seasons. Blake was the most consistent hitter on the team, and he's been hitting as low as 7th.

Basically, what I'm trying to say, is there is an argument to made for Hanley. He's a great player, and will eventually win an MVP Award or 2, but I'd give my 2nd place vote to Kemp.
ESPN said:
NEW YORK -- Bobby Cox will retire as manager of the Atlanta Braves after the 2010 season, ending a career in which he guided the team to 14 consecutive postseason appearances and the 1995 World Series title.

The 68-year-old, a four-time Manager of the Year, agreed to a one-year contract extension for 2010, the Braves announced before Wednesday night's game against the New York Mets.

He will start a five-year consulting agreement to advise the team in baseball operations after he steps down as manager.

"While I have decided that 2010 will be my last season in the dugout, I want to make it clear that we will all be working as hard as ever to win another world championship," Cox said in a statement.

A cigar-smoking baseball lifer, Cox managed the Braves from 1978 to 1981, switched to manage the Toronto Blue Jays from 1982 to 1985, then returned to manage Atlanta in 1990.

He began Wednesday with 2,408 regular-season wins as a manager, fourth behind Connie Mack (3,731), John McGraw (2,763) and Tony La Russa (2,550). Cox and Joe McCarthy are the only managers with six 100-win regular seasons.

"Bobby and I have been talking about this for some time," Braves general manager Frank Wren said in a statement. "We are very excited that Bobby, who is one of the best and most respected managers in the history of baseball, will again be managing our club in 2010."

Well, this is sad news, though one that could be expected after so many years in the game of baseball. I'm no Braves fan, but it's hard to deny the accomplishments of Bobby Cox, and the legacy he has left on both the Braves organization and the MLB itself. Any Braves fans on here, thoughts?

Sad news that he'll step down though. Nothing beats a good old Bobby Cox outburst, and him stepping down is truly a sign of a chapter of baseball history coming to a close. A new era is upon is, in both Atlanta and abroad.
Bobby Cox has more ejection than anyone in the history of baseball. I love him for that.

I have spent much of my adult life hating the Braves for their constant beatings of the Astros in the playoffs. I am still full of respect for the guys who did it. I will miss him. He still plays national league baseball, moving runners, and playing for one. He did such an amazing job developing players through the years. His teams always play hard. Their fire is a reflection of their manager. Cheers to you...Bobby Cox.
Being from GA, I think It's time for Cox to step down. He had a great run & turned the Braves into winners leading them to fourteenth consecutive Division championships & three World Series appearances & 1 win, but they haven't really done anything worth shit in the playoffs in for ever. I got so tired of watching them breeze through the regular season only to bitch up during the playoffs. It'll be the end of an error for sure, but I think it's time. Bobby Cox will be missed though!
As a Braves fan it's sad news, but expected, although the timing isn't. I actually thought he was going to end up retiring after this season, but I'm glad he's on board for one more year. The saddest part for me is to think Chipper will probably go out with him.
I grew up on Atlanta baseball. They were one of the best teams at the time when I got satellite TV, and what was on the air at channel 430 and 650? TBS and WTBS. Almost ever single Atlanta game. In fact, Atlanta Braves games rivaled Toronto Blue Jays games on TV for me.

So Bobby Cox is that figure I will always have in the back of my head. Too bad he probably wont go out on a championship team, but it is a team he coached to a lot of success. I just hope at game 162 next year, he gets ceremoniously thrown out;).
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