Officer kills unarmed, black teen; St. Louis riots

Someone should tell these individuals that everything is going to be alright. A New Day is coming Next Monday.
Ah yes, what a bright sun shiny day to tell the minorities of this country that white America cares fuck all about your life.

Or, as it's more colloquially called, Tuesday. Yes, I meant to say Happy Tuesday everyone.
Ah yes, what a bright sun shiny day to tell the minorities of this country that white America cares fuck all about your life.

Or, as it's more colloquially called, Tuesday. Yes, I meant to say Happy Tuesday everyone.

But you don't understand! The people being upset proves that the kid deserved to be shot and that the officer was innocent!
So I'm currently trying to read the report.

Holy shit the witness reports are all over the fucking place. Like there's clear lies trying to get the cop convicted. It really makes you second guess everything.

Too much power is given to the "i feared for my life" defense in America, especially if you're a cop.
I might get flamed for this, but...

I have noticed a clear double standard in our society. Anyone can be deemed a racist bigot just because a black person was "offended" by something they said. But blacks can talk down "whiteboy" all the time and no one bats an eye.

Another example, the NAACP. They have done great things, but what would happen if someone formed the NAAWP? My god, there would be rioting in the streets!

See, everyone is on fre over this Ferguson case. Maybe the decision was right, maybe not. No one will ever know for sure what happened that night except God. But, where was the media attention when two black youth shot a baby point blank, just because a mother didn't have any money. Where were the white people rioting because a group of blacks beat a man who stopped to help a black child he accidentally hit with his car?

These are not protests, this is anarchy! And mostly fueled by the media and that scumbag Al Sharpton. If this was a white riot, they would be labeled terrorists and all arrested. But no one has the balls to say anything bad here, or in favor of Wilson, because the PC police, led by choice outlets like Huffington Post and MSNBC, will spank them good.

What's my point? We need to get over this "blacks are oppressed it's the 1800s again" mentality. We need to educate the black youth, who grow up thinking this "gotta be a gangsta" lifestyle is great. We need to look past the skin color and look at the person inside it. That is how we will stop the hate on both sides.

That's my mind. I've spoken it. Don't call me racist or bigot, just respectfully disagree and tell me WHY.

Holy shit the witness reports are all over the fucking place. Like there's clear lies trying to get the cop convicted. It really makes you second guess everything.

I thought this too.

There was so many contrary statements that that alone should have seen this go to some sort of more public trial rather than some Grand Jury nonsense held behind closed doors.
I might get flamed for this, but...

I have noticed a clear double standard in our society. Anyone can be deemed a racist bigot just because a black person was "offended" by something they said. But blacks can talk down "whiteboy" all the time and no one bats an eye.

Another example, the NAACP. They have done great things, but what would happen if someone formed the NAAWP? My god, there would be rioting in the streets!

See, everyone is on fre over this Ferguson case. Maybe the decision was right, maybe not. No one will ever know for sure what happened that night except God. But, where was the media attention when two black youth shot a baby point blank, just because a mother didn't have any money. Where were the white people rioting because a group of blacks beat a man who stopped to help a black child he accidentally hit with his car?

These are not protests, this is anarchy! And mostly fueled by the media and that scumbag Al Sharpton. If this was a white riot, they would be labeled terrorists and all arrested. But no one has the balls to say anything bad here, or in favor of Wilson, because the PC police, led by choice outlets like Huffington Post and MSNBC, will spank them good.

What's my point? We need to get over this "blacks are oppressed it's the 1800s again" mentality. We need to educate the black youth, who grow up thinking this "gotta be a gangsta" lifestyle is great. We need to look past the skin color and look at the person inside it. That is how we will stop the hate on both sides.

That's my mind. I've spoken it. Don't call me racist or bigot, just respectfully disagree and tell me WHY.


But there's a pretty decent amount of racism, specifically in that last paragraph.

You're entitled to believe exactly what you want, but you're wrong. The reason why you see those riots is because there's a sentiment that black people are fighting just for the right to be considered human. Killer Mike said this and isn't exactly wrong... It is blacks, against the morherfucking machine. That's the perception now... And honestly, are they really all that wrong?

This is the GSD section, so I'm not going to flame you for being an absolute moron.. But you are. So yeah... Next shit list entry coming.
Барбоса;5055353 said:
I thought this too.

There was so many contrary statements that that alone should have seen this go to some sort of more public trial rather than some Grand Jury nonsense held behind closed doors.

This is what bugged me the most. With all the question marks surrounding what happened, there's no way this should not have gone to trial
But there's a pretty decent amount of racism, specifically in that last paragraph.

You're entitled to believe exactly what you want, but you're wrong. The reason why you see those riots is because there's a sentiment that black people are fighting just for the right to be considered human. Killer Mike said this and isn't exactly wrong... It is blacks, against the morherfucking machine. That's the perception now... And honestly, are they really all that wrong?

This is the GSD section, so I'm not going to flame you for being an absolute moron.. But you are. So yeah... Next shit list entry coming.

Why aren't blacks considered humans? They have every oppurtunity whites do. They just don't take it sometimes.
Why aren't blacks considered humans? They have every oppurtunity whites do. They just don't take it sometimes.

You really think black people and white people are equals in America, right now?

Not sure if satire... Or legitimately stupid. Someone, assure me this oerson's trolling. I haven't been here a while, and he's just generic enough I wouldn't remember who he is.
I swear to god im not kidding. In theory, blacks and whites are completely equal. At least, that's what the law says.
I just want to say that this forum is a like a secret hideaway from the rest of the internet, namely the comment sections of major news websites.

My take on this is that the incident that was Michael Brown's shooting was horribly mismanaged after the fact by the Ferguson Police Department. The biggest red flag for me was that no incident report had been filed on the shooting. I've been an augmentee who's served in law enforcement, you don't just forget to file an incident report. I believe that the FPD deliberately chose not to file a report in that they hoped that the circumstances of the incident would get lost in the confusion. There's also the fact that after the St. Louis Police Department took over the case, they only created an incident report after the NAACP successfully sued them to obtain one. That report by the way, contained nothing except the names of those, the date and the location.

All we have as evidence regarding what actually happened that prompted Darren Wilson to shoot was witness testimony. Every witness, except Darren Wilson, has explained that Michael Brown turned around with his hands in the air after seeming to have been grazed by a shot fired while he was fleeing. Darren Wilson claimed that he instructed Michael Brown to get on the ground multiple times in between shooting, and could not recall how many times he fired his weapon during this. No other witness has confirmed that verbal instructions were given to Micheal Brown, no other witness acknowledges that Michael Brown was "charging" at Darren Wilson.

I'm of the opinion that there was enough evidence to suggest that this case had been mishandled and that an indictment was necessary to find the truth. That's all I'm going to say.
Yes, because white people haven't made an entire country off contorting the law to keep those in power, still in power.

Believe me, this pisses me off as well. Our whole damn government is corrupt and needs to go.

What I'm saying is that no one is forcing blacks to stay home from school. No one is just calling blacks the n word for no reason and walking away fine. Blacks are free to do what they want with their future.

This is all I'm saying.
I'm probably not the best person to comment as I don't live in the States but I never saw this as a race thing, I saw it as a cops protecting cops thing. I'm sure race relations in the States are more volatile than it is in Calgary, I get that but the truth is there have been a TON of times I've seen cops pull some real bullshit only to get away with it because their buddies protect them, it happens all the time and I would wager the farm that it happens in a hell of a lot of places, not just in Canada, not just in the States but around. Hell, I read an article today about a cop shooting an unarmed, white teen in Utah who died and the cops are backing that cop and saying that the shot was justified even when video evidence shows it wasn't. Earlier this year a couple of cops beat the shit out of a homeless guy in Orange County, the homeless guy died in the hospital from his injuries and the cops got off scott free, guess what ethnicity the homeless guy was? That's right it was a WHITE GUY.

The fact of the matter is the only reason this has come out as a race issue is because people made it a race issue when chances are there was no need to make it a race issue, people saw the kid was Black, the officer was white and therefore it was a hate crime, and that's what I call:


A savage hypocrisy.
I'm probably not the best person to comment as I don't live in the States but I never saw this as a race thing, I saw it as a cops protecting cops thing. I'm sure race relations in the States are more volatile than it is in Calgary, I get that but the truth is there have been a TON of times I've seen cops pull some real bullshit only to get away with it because their buddies protect them, it happens all the time and I would wager the farm that it happens in a hell of a lot of places, not just in Canada, not just in the States but around. Hell, I read an article today about a cop shooting an unarmed, white teen in Utah who died and the cops are backing that cop and saying that the shot was justified even when video evidence shows it wasn't. Earlier this year a couple of cops beat the shit out of a homeless guy in Orange County, the homeless guy died in the hospital from his injuries and the cops got off scott free, guess what ethnicity the homeless guy was? That's right it was a WHITE GUY.

The fact of the matter is the only reason this has come out as a race issue is because people made it a race issue when chances are there was no need to make it a race issue, people saw the kid was Black, the officer was white and therefore it was a hate crime, and that's what I call:


A savage hypocrisy.

Absolutely, stupendously, marvelously said.
That's cute. The Canadian and the Southern Canadian (let's be real, Buffalo is South Canada) think they understand race relations in this country.

Again, really cute, guys. Borderline adorable.
That's cute. The Canadian and the Southern Canadian (let's be real, Buffalo is South Canada) think they understand race relations in this country.

Again, really cute, guys. Borderline adorable.

I don't know race relations in the States but I sure as shit know cop relations. There have been plenty of times where cops have killed unarmed people who weren't black. If you are so sure this is race related then perhaps you can educate us as to why.
That's cute. The Canadian and the Southern Canadian (let's be real, Buffalo is South Canada) think they understand race relations in this country.

Again, really cute, guys. Borderline adorable.

Oh, and what wonderful, tolerant place are you from? Cali?

Anyway, you are exactly an example of the problem here. People are just seeing the skin color and not the crime. They couldn't care less when it's black on white or even black on black, but when it's a white on black, BEEEP BEEP BEEEP their radar goes off and it becomes a big national event.
I don't know race relations in the States but I sure as shit know cop relations. There have been plenty of times where cops have killed unarmed people who weren't black. If you are so sure this is race related then perhaps you can educate us as to why.

If you really can't see why, I'm not sure what to tell you, other than you're dense as fuck.

Perhaps the most undeniably egregious factor at work here, regardless of the questionable forensic evidence, is that no black person in Ferguson, or probably the entire state of Missouri, or this entire fucking country, has ever been accorded the amount of detailed investigation and careful corroboration of evidence that Darren Wilson received, in order to be exculpated. I don't give a single shit if the grand jury's findings are 100% legit (which is questionable); the fact remains that this white officer received 10 times the consideration of the evidence for killing an unarmed person than a person of color has likely ever received for any type of crime.

I'm far from the only one to find this curious; the National Bar, too, is questioning how this couldn't at least be brought to hurt.
Keep in mind... We're not even talking if he's guilty. Just if this should be brought to trial.

And, as was depressingly predictable, the dominant power structure ensures its own perpetuation. We grow more divided as a nation—and fuck false equivalences: that's the fault of white Ferguson police force and the largely white Missouri judicial infrastructure (fuck what you think about riots). And the structural injustice of the American system gets to pretend that it is the moderate, reasonable, and above all calm voice of reason, when its equanimity stems not from its moral superiority, but from its moral depravity—and that depravity's centuries-long dominance.

I don't understand how a police officer can shoot someone 6+ times who is unarmed. There's a serious lack of proper training for how to handle situations like this without using deadly force. And yet, not only are we not bringing this trial, we're whitewashing the whole matter.

I'm gonna be real: White Americans...
Nay, white people, just don't know how good they have it and why they have it.

It's part of human history to revolt due to injustice or knowing that the system doesn't work. White people know this because they've taken part in the shit. Multiple times. Sometimes, at the expense of black people.

People don't understand that the only successful coup d'etat (besides the Revolution, but whatevs) in American history was brought on by a mob of 2000 armed white men when they descended on Wilmington, NC. White supremacists were upset that Wilmington was run by a mixed race Republican (liberal) leadership. Dozens of black people were gunned down in the streets and the white power structure was propped up to prevent black voting rights. All of that shit went unchecked.

So you can sit there in your frigid ass country of Canada, and judge from up high if this is a race relations issue. But what I'm here to tell you is that if you don't see it as a race issue, it's because you're going out of your way to not see it as a race issue.
Also, I'm not American but my view as a foreigner is blacks in America tend to reach for the racist callcard almost every injustice. Sometimes it isn't race but economics or as deanerandterry said political.

Though I could understand why blacks feel persecuted. Law enforcement recruitment or advancement tend to be racially based all over the world due to sensitivities. Maybe that's why blacks don't feel properly represented in the system and tend to lash out.
Oh, and what wonderful, tolerant place are you from? Cali?

Anyway, you are exactly an example of the problem here. People are just seeing the skin color and not the crime. They couldn't care less when it's black on white or even black on black, but when it's a white on black, BEEEP BEEP BEEEP their radar goes off and it becomes a big national event.

Better... Massachusetts.

Again, watching you cry that the privilege of white people may get called into question is hilarious, and pitiful.
If you really can't see why, I'm not sure what to tell you, other than you're sense as fuck.

Perhaps the most undeniably egregious factor at work here, regardless of the questionable forensic evidence, is that no black person in Ferguson, or probably the entire state of Missouri, or this entire fucking country, has ever been accorded the amount of detailed investigation and careful corroboration of evidence that Darren Wilson received, in order to be exculpated. I don't give a single shit if the grand jury's findings are 100% legit (which is questionable); the fact remains that this white officer received 10 times the consideration of the evidence for killing an unarmed person than a person of color has likely ever received for any type of crime.

I'm far from the only one to find this curious; the National Bar, too, is questioning how this couldn't at least be brought to hurt.
Keep in mind... We're not even talking if he's guilty. Just if this should be brought to trial.

And, as was depressingly predictable, the dominant power structure ensures its own perpetuation. We grow more divided as a nation—and fuck false equivalences: that's the fault of white Ferguson police force and the largely white Missouri judicial infrastructure (fuck what you think about riots). And the structural injustice of the American system gets to pretend that it is the moderate, reasonable, and above all calm voice of reason, when its equanimity stems not from its moral superiority, but from its moral depravity—and that depravity's centuries-long dominance.

I don't understand how a police officer can shoot someone 6+ times who is unarmed. There's a serious lack of proper training for how to handle situations like this without using deadly force. And yet, not only are we not bringing this trial, we're whitewashing the whole matter.

I'm gonna be real: White Americans...
Nay, white people, just don't know how good they have it and why they have it.

It's part of human history to revolt due to injustice or knowing that the system doesn't work. White people know this because they've taken part in the shit. Multiple times. Sometimes, at the expense of black people.

People don't understand that the only successful coup d'etat (besides the Revolution, but whatevs) in American history was brought on by a mob of 2000 armed white men when they descended on Wilmington, NC. White supremacists were upset that Wilmington was run by a mixed race Republican (liberal) leadership. Dozens of black people were gunned down in the streets and the white power structure was propped up to prevent black voting rights. All of that shit went unchecked.

So you can sit there in your frigid ass country of Canada, and judge from up high if this is a race relations issue. But what I'm here to tell you is that if you don't see it as a race issue, it's because you're going out of your way to not see it as a race issue.

It got such a detailed investigation because of the media attention for the case. Any high profile case will get special attention. Stop trying to spin it as it must be racial or nothing. It became racial because of the spin.

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