Officer kills unarmed, black teen; St. Louis riots

In yet another case of American police brutality and racism, a 57-year old Indian man has been rendered temporarily paralyzed and in need of surgery in Alabama, after the police used excessive force- something they are (in)famous for doing in the USA.
Apparently, someone made a call to the cops that a suspicious (read non-white) character is walking in the neighbourhood. The cops must have entered the scene and did their usual stuff- " LET ME SEE YOUR HANDS!!! GET DOWN ON THE GROUND!!!! ah fuck it, lets tackle him down."

The police department is insisting that there was some communication problem between the man and the officers, but he was clearly saying his house number and pointing towards it when approached by the police. The police has said that the caller mentioned that that the man was looking into people's garages, but that charge has been denied and is most likely false, or an exaggeration at the most. When you walk across the footpath, you may look left and right towards cars and stuff- nothing wrong with that. On the positive side, the police department has suspended the coward and wished the victim a speedy recovery.

But why was he a victim? Because he was a "suspicious character". Why was he a suspicious character? Because of his brown skin. U.S. Govt needs to stop lecturing other countries on communalism, equality, tolerance and shit when incidents like this are regularly happening in its own country.

So there was no basis of truth in that scene from Slumdog Millionaire where the kid is fucked up in the police station? Tell us more about how welcoming and tolerant your people are. Let's start with the Caste system.

And don't tell me about American racism. Indians have it easy in this country. We are much more racist against so many other types.
It was a news story when the assumption was a white, christian male murdered those three. Ends up being a progressive, anti-theist, and the media is suddenly silent.
It was a news story when the assumption was a white, christian male murdered those three. Ends up being a progressive, anti-theist, and the media is suddenly silent.

It's incredibly disappointing, but it really seems like the media can't report on a story unless there is an over-arching narrative they can tie it into.
It's incredibly disappointing, but it really seems like the media can't report on a story unless there is an over-arching narrative they can tie it into.

There is a story that people should be pissed off about. Three people lost their lives due to a parking dispute (on the surface anyway). People should be pissed over how stupid that is.
It was a news story when the assumption was a white, christian male murdered those three. Ends up being a progressive, anti-theist, and the media is suddenly silent.

THAT was the actual no bullshit reason those events were tragic(as far as coverage goes)...

It wasn't ANTI-muslim, or not caring about a muslim, they just figured out that they didn't have any spiders to stick in the jar and shake around, so they had no interest in it.

Fucking sickening.
So there was no basis of truth in that scene from Slumdog Millionaire where the kid is fucked up in the police station? Tell us more about how welcoming and tolerant your people are. Let's start with the Caste system.

And don't tell me about American racism. Indians have it easy in this country. We are much more racist against so many other types.

So what your saying is its okay to be racist to indians, or at least they shouldn't complain about it, because thats kinda fucked up*.

*assuming your being serious
THAT was the actual no bullshit reason those events were tragic(as far as coverage goes)...

It wasn't ANTI-muslim, or not caring about a muslim, they just figured out that they didn't have any spiders to stick in the jar and shake around, so they had no interest in it.

Fucking sickening.

Spot on.
People get murdered every day in this country, if you want to make it to the national news, it better be buzz worthy. Race, religion, mental health, politics, or maybe even class warfare can make murder a sexy story, but if it's just road rage, the local news can cover that shit.

What's more sad than the fact that a murder needs to be sexy in order to get national news coverage is that murder is such a mundane story in America that it can be ignored by the national media if it's not sexy.
So there was no basis of truth in that scene from Slumdog Millionaire where the kid is fucked up in the police station?

So you're drawing your inference from a movie? How credible. Or are we going to use one wrong to justify another? Even better. Although I don't think you deserve a response, the issue is serious and I'll give you my answer. Whether that scene had any relation with real-life police interrogation- I dare say, none. Such things used to happen in the 70's and 80's (there was a term for it- "Third Degree Interrogation"), which Danny Boyle had probably heard about, but they don't happen in this day and age. An isolated case might come up once a year, but it's not regular thing... unlike USA, where police brutality is almost an everyday thing. Update your stock, old man.

Tell us more about how welcoming and tolerant your people are. Let's start with the Caste system.

We don't go around lecturing other countries, do we? Again, the caste system too, has almost been totally wiped out- in terms of equal treatment, rights, justice, opportunity. It has been reduced to only a political tool to get votes now. And whatever is left of it, we Indians condemn it all the time, not defend it, like you are defending racism.
Pro tip: Next time, pick communalism, not casteism, when trying to insult an Indian, and (secondarily) turn the tide of the argument in your favour. But with your obnoxious attitude, I don't see that working out too well, either. Oh, and please keep your stocks updated.

And don't tell me about American racism. Indians have it easy in this country. We are much more racist against so many other types.

Wow, what a thing to be proud of! It is because of this shameless mentality that such incidents keep happening. Voices have to be raised; don't laugh these issues off, they're serious. I don't think you'll come on here and lay pseudo-troll baits if your children get paralyzed (or worse) tomorrow because of racial tension or police aggression.

Seems you conveniently left out the part where Mr. Patel put his hands in his pocket. The situation sucks, and the officer should be removed.
I was going by what was being said on the news and the report that I linked to. There is no mention of him putting his hands in his pockets anywhere in the news report, and I didn't hear it in the news either. Are you sure about it?


No, I'm just trying to help you with half way decent grammar and punctuation. It is not working. Go away.

Translation: You got me. Since I've clearly lost the argument and have nothing better to say, I'll just try and pick on your grammar.
So you're drawing your inference from a movie? How credible. Or are we going to use one wrong to justify another? Even better.

My lord you are stupid. Is that really the tact you are taking now? Are you so fucking naive that you think I am OK with police brutality? I'm just pointing out what a dumb shit you are and how you have little clue what you are saying.

Although I don't think you deserve a response, the issue is serious and I'll give you my answer. Whether that scene had any relation with real-life police interrogation- I dare say, none. Such things used to happen in the 70's and 80's (there was a term for it- "Third Degree Interrogation"), which Danny Boyle had probably heard about, but they don't happen in this day and age. An isolated case might come up once a year, but it's not regular thing... unlike USA, where police brutality is almost an everyday thing.

If you are really that naive to think that police brutality and corruption is not prevalent in India you are really stupid. Just because Americans don't consume your culture doesn't mean we can't make sense of how things may be in a huge population with poor communities. Or do a simple Google search.

Update your stock, old man.

I would consider not using age as a derogatory term when you are trying to be noble. Or is age discrimination foreign to you?

We don't go around lecturing other countries, do we?

Get a soap box and then show me how little time you spend on it. In the meantime note that your country has expressed concern over this very issue. A reasonable request by the way that I understand.

Again, the caste system too, has almost been totally wiped out- in terms of equal treatment, rights, justice, opportunity. It has been reduced to only a political tool to get votes now.

Wiped out but still a political tool, sounds pretty wiped out to me.

And whatever is left of it, we Indians condemn it all the time, not defend it, like you are defending racism.

Yes, I'm defending racism. You are so stupid it hurts.

Pro tip: Next time, pick communalism, not casteism, when trying to insult an Indian, and (secondarily) turn the tide of the argument in your favour. But with your obnoxious attitude, I don't see that working out too well, either. Oh, and please keep your stocks updated.

I'm not insulting you for being Indian, I'm insulting you for being a moron who consumes American culture despite being so high and mighty yet unable to understand that what he sees as racism may not actually be racism. It is careless and incompetent but not actually racism.

Wow, what a thing to be proud of! It is because of this shameless mentality that such incidents keep happening. Voices have to be raised; don't laugh these issues off, they're serious. I don't think you'll come on here and lay pseudo-troll baits if your children get paralyzed (or worse) tomorrow because of racial tension or police aggression.

Yes, because your post is going to save thousands of lives. We reasonable people are against police brutality and police incompetence and police carelessness and police racism. But we don't pretend that every unfortunate incident is all of the above to suit our need to feel superior. Especially when we understand that as humans our own countrymen have their problems.
My lord you are stupid. Is that really the tact you are taking now? Are you so fucking naive that you think I am OK with police brutality? I'm just pointing out what a dumb shit you are and how you have little clue what you are saying.
Ah, a flame war. Just when I thought you couldn't be any more immature. Alright then, if that's how you want it to be. Just to let you know, usage of the word "fucking" doesn't add any extra emphasis or value to your otherwise foolish and ignorant statements.
No, much worse. You were trying to use a scene from a movie to imply that the police of our country assaults people too (and thus I shouldn't have protested when a citizen of my country gets attacked in yours). Guess who's the "dumb shit" now?

If you are really that naive to think that police brutality and corruption is not prevalent in India you are really stupid. Just because Americans don't consume your culture doesn't mean we can't make sense of how things may be in a huge population with poor communities.
Why are you bringing corruption into the topic? What's next, red beacon cars? It's not about consuming someone's culture. It's basic humanity to not pound a 57-year old to the ground, or cavity search a female diplomat, or shoot a kid, or choke a man till he is dead, only because of their skin colour. Now if being humane not a part of your culture, you really are an obnoxious moron.

Or do a simple Google search.
Or take references from a movie? :rolleyes:

I would consider not using age as a derogatory term when you are trying to be noble. Or is age discrimination foreign to you?
I'm not trying to be noble. Not with you. There is a saying in this part of the world, which roughly translates to "people of kicks don't listen to words." It applies really well on you. Because, see, people like you are never gonna learn until and unless it happens with someone of your own family. Trying to make you see reason is like talking to a brick wall.

Get a soap box and then show me how little time you spend on it.
Stop watching movies and start reading books. Or maybe come over here and join a school, and maybe learn a few things for a change. The government here gives away free books, the people won't be taunting you for being too old, and the cops won't be pounding your ass to the ground and paralyze you because someone made a phone call that you look suspicious.

In the meantime note that your country has expressed concern over this very issue. A reasonable request by the way that I understand.
An Indian citizen was a victim of American police brutality. The Indian embassy and consul took up the matter with their American counterparts. If an American citizen was paralyzed by the Indian police, I can only imagine how the U.S. Embassy would have reacted. Maybe the Obama administration would have imposed a sanction on India. There is a difference between the embassy raising concern and a head of the State going to another country and lecturing them.

Wiped out but still a political tool, sounds pretty wiped out to me.
A failed political tool, mind you. Recent trends show that caste division doesn't work anymore. Election results from the day before yesterday showed that religious polarization doesn't work anymore either. I guess India is finally moving ahead of divisions... unlike some countries. Inadequate knowledge got to you again. But it was a nice attempt at diverting the topic though.

Yes, I'm defending racism. You are so stupid it hurts.
Here is your comment:
"And don't tell me about American racism. Indians have it easy in this country. We are much more racist against so many other types."
So you are not just an insensitive motherf***er and an idiotic individual, you are also a liar. The fact that people like you still exist in this world- now that's what hurts.

I'm not insulting you for being Indian,
You were insulting the people of India, as can be clearly seen by your usage of "your people" when raising the issue of casteism. Unlike you, I am not insulting the American people, but criticising the American police for its usage of excessive force, and the American Government, for the lecture Obama gave us on equality, on the 27th of January, yet his failure to prevent such incidents in his own country.

I'm insulting you for being a moron who consumes American culture despite being so high and mighty yet unable to understand that what he sees as racism may not actually be racism. It is careless and incompetent but not actually racism.
Police brutality is not "American culture", it is a menace to society. Its victims are not just immigrants but citizens too. One doesn't have to be "high and mighty" to observe this. Your feeling of responsibility to defend any criticism against any body or structure of your country is making you question whether blatant instances of racism are actually racist or not. "Careless and incompetent" would be a kind way to describe you, but an old c**ksucking douchebag would be a more appropriate term, and something you would be able to relate to really well, thanks to your own foul-mouthing tendencies.

Yes, because your post is going to save thousands of lives.
Yes, because you know whether I take part in protests, rallies and marches or not :rolleyes: The aim of my post was to spread awareness, and social media and the internet is one of the most convenient ways to do it. But you are too intolerant to criticism to be able to see that. You fired back with 50-years earlier status of caste system and Slumdog Millionaire, to play down the importance of what happened at Alabama.

We reasonable people are against police brutality and police incompetence and police carelessness and police racism.
:lol: You are not a reasonable person from any angle, count yourself out of that demographic. You are the type of scumbag that proudly makes declarations like "We are much more racist against so many other types."

But we don't pretend that every unfortunate incident is all of the above to suit our need to feel superior.
Alas, you failed to see the point of the entire story. I pity your ignorance. Obama was the one that lectured us on equality of religions and rights of women, blah blah blah... Make no mistake about it, Obama was the one acting superior because USA is the world leader in these areas, or so he feels. Less than a month later, this incident happens. Obama should either give a similar lecture addressing the country's police forces and people like you, or quit the double standards.

Especially when we understand that as humans our own countrymen have their problems.
Very well... Then stop defending what is wrong. It's as simple as that. Next time someone criticizes something related to the USA, don't fire back with "your country has this problem, your country has that problem..." If voices aren't raised, nothing will change. The feeling of "you post/speech/banner/letter/slogan isn't gonna save 1000 lives" is the reason why changes take so long to come into effect.
So your sense of cultural superiority now extends to the US as well as all the Arab states. Who out there aren't you better than?
If I want to insult the country of India I will generalise that all Indian men are rapists and mock their absolute lack of humour.
People get murdered every day in this country, if you want to make it to the national news, it better be buzz worthy. Race, religion, mental health, politics, or maybe even class warfare can make murder a sexy story, but if it's just road rage, the local news can cover that shit.

What's more sad than the fact that a murder needs to be sexy in order to get national news coverage is that murder is such a mundane story in America that it can be ignored by the national media if it's not sexy.

I guess that's true. I just hate that we've come to a stage where if that was a Muslim that shot 3 white Americans, most likely, it'd be everywhere.
Ah, a flame war.

Nope, just calling you stupid. I was stupid and idealistic too when I was younger. I still can be at times. Never as stupid as you, but still.

Just when I thought you couldn't be any more immature.

Really, you think about me. My points may actually be hitting home a bit. Are you finally realizing how off base you are with your comments? Are you not as stupid as I think?

Alright then, if that's how you want it to be. Just to let you know, usage of the word "fucking" doesn't add any extra emphasis or value to your otherwise foolish and ignorant statements.

And pointing that out helps your statements how?

No, much worse. You were trying to use a scene from a movie to imply that the police of our country assaults people too (and thus I shouldn't have protested when a citizen of my country gets attacked in yours). Guess who's the "dumb shit" now?

You, the answer is always you. Now show me India's spotless record of policing and equality.

Why are you bringing corruption into the topic? What's next, red beacon cars? It's not about consuming someone's culture. It's basic humanity to not pound a 57-year old to the ground, or cavity search a female diplomat, or shoot a kid, or choke a man till he is dead, only because of their skin colour. Now if being humane not a part of your culture, you really are an obnoxious moron.

Are you defending corruption? If you really read my words as me defending police incompetence, brutality, corruption, or racism you really are stupid. Stop being stupid.

Or take references from a movie? :rolleyes:

Or assuming you know the reasons for a police incident because you read something online?

I'm not trying to be noble. Not with you. There is a saying in this part of the world, which roughly translates to "people of kicks don't listen to words." It applies really well on you. Because, see, people like you are never gonna learn until and unless it happens with someone of your own family. Trying to make you see reason is like talking to a brick wall.

Yet, you're jumping to conclusions from an article you read half way around the world and seem to think that I am OK with police brutality, racism, incompetence, and corruption. Keep preaching Captain Nobility.

Stop watching movies and start reading books. Or maybe come over here and join a school, and maybe learn a few things for a change.

I just want you to know that I don't blame your stupidity on India's educational system. Most Indians I know are bright and have a strong introspection of life and how things work. You are a moron despite all these things.

The government here gives away free books,

Do you mean like a public library?

the people won't be taunting you for being too old, and the cops won't be pounding your ass to the ground and paralyze you because someone made a phone call that you look suspicious.

Do you really think this is prevelant in America? Are the 20% of the people sitting on my train right now of Indian decent all going to get reported and beaten by the end of the day? Stop being a moron.

An Indian citizen was a victim of American police brutality. The Indian embassy and consul took up the matter with their American counterparts.

You mean the response that I described as reasonable.

If an American citizen was paralyzed by the Indian police, I can only imagine how the U.S. Embassy would have reacted.

There are plenty of documented cases US Embassy reacting to incidents with their citizens. I would think someone as educated as you would not have to imagine anything.

Maybe the Obama administration would have imposed a sanction on India. There is a difference between the embassy raising concern and a head of the State going to another country and lecturing them.

Why would India need to do that? They have you spreading your stupidity.

A failed political tool, mind you. Recent trends show that caste division doesn't work anymore. Election results from the day before yesterday showed that religious polarization doesn't work anymore either. I guess India is finally moving ahead of divisions... unlike some countries. Inadequate knowledge got to you again. But it was a nice attempt at diverting the topic though.

So wait, your country has a long history of inequality and discrimination and you are coming out of it after a long haul with problems that remain but still progress? Sounds familiar.

Here is your comment:
"And don't tell me about American racism. Indians have it easy in this country. We are much more racist against so many other types."
So you are not just an insensitive motherf***er and an idiotic individual, you are also a liar. The fact that people like you still exist in this world- now that's what hurts.

You are so stupid.

You were insulting the people of India, as can be clearly seen by your usage of "your people" when raising the issue of casteism. Unlike you, I am not insulting the American people, but criticising the American police for its usage of excessive force, and the American Government, for the lecture Obama gave us on equality, on the 27th of January, yet his failure to prevent such incidents in his own country.

Tough shit, your country has problems. My country has problems. But go on insulting American police because you are clearly an expert on the topic and have a full grasp of this particular situation.

Police brutality is not "American culture", it is a menace to society. Its victims are not just immigrants but citizens too. One doesn't have to be "high and mighty" to observe this. Your feeling of responsibility to defend any criticism against any body or structure of your country is making you question whether blatant instances of racism are actually racist or not. "Careless and incompetent" would be a kind way to describe you, but an old c**ksucking douchebag would be a more appropriate term, and something you would be able to relate to really well, thanks to your own foul-mouthing tendencies.

So now you use a derogatory term for gays to insult me. Keep preaching idiot. I am against police brutality. But I also understand that not every unfortunate incident involving police a person getting hurt is simply brutality. I also understand that not every unfortunate incident between two members of different ethnicities or race is racism.

Yes, because you know whether I take part in protests, rallies and marches or not :rolleyes: The aim of my post was to spread awareness, and social media and the internet is one of the most convenient ways to do it. But you are too intolerant to criticism to be able to see that. You fired back with 50-years earlier status of caste system and Slumdog Millionaire, to play down the importance of what happened at Alabama.

Bullshit, the purpose of your post was your own selfish self importance. You came here an angry dick set out to feel right and you just ended up looking like a fool, again. Grow up.

:lol: You are not a reasonable person from any angle, count yourself out of that demographic. You are the type of scumbag that proudly makes declarations like "We are much more racist against so many other types."

No, I just sometimes treat idiots like idiots. Preach to me more about American racism and American police and next maybe I'll make silly comments about the parts I remember about the treatment of homosexuals in India from reading Son of the Circus.

Alas, you failed to see the point of the entire story. I pity your ignorance. Obama was the one that lectured us on equality of religions and rights of women, blah blah blah... Make no mistake about it, Obama was the one acting superior because USA is the world leader in these areas, or so he feels. Less than a month later, this incident happens. Obama should either give a similar lecture addressing the country's police forces and people like you, or quit the double standards.

Why do so many of your countrymen come here and stay here? Even with our evil police? Why do they build families and join communities? If your view of American police is accurate how could any minority stay here? Especially when we also have a preachy president.

Very well... Then stop defending what is wrong. It's as simple as that. Next time someone criticizes something related to the USA, don't fire back with "your country has this problem, your country has that problem..." If voices aren't raised, nothing will change. The feeling of "you post/speech/banner/letter/slogan isn't gonna save 1000 lives" is the reason why changes take so long to come into effect.

Or maybe real problems end up getting trivialized because Chicken Littles like you jump to conclusions and come off like self aggrandizing a-holes so the rest of start to tune out.

The cop has been arrested and will be fired. This is probably the right thing to happen after an unfortunate incident. Doesn't make your shitty comments justified but it looks like the right things are taking place.
I guess that's true. I just hate that we've come to a stage where if that was a Muslim that shot 3 white Americans, most likely, it'd be everywhere.


If that had happened, you would be sure that somehow somewhere, religion would have been brought to the forefront and such a story would dominate news headlines the world over as usual.

If that had happened, you would be sure that somehow somewhere, religion would have been brought to the forefront and such a story would dominate news headlines the world over as usual.

One side bitches about the media overblowing an incident where a black man is killed by a white cop while the other side complains about a hypothetical situation where the media overblows a Muslim man murdering three whites.

A lot is getting accomplished on the internet lately.

Not saying either side is wrong or that media is right, I'm just saying you are all more similar than you think and the media is what you choose to make of it.
Last year in Detroit a Muslim killed a white man at a kid's soccer game where the white man was refereeing. Sounds like a sexy story, right? Did any of you hear about it?

The only reason I heard about it was because a friend of mine on another forum knew the guy who died pretty well. I'm surprised I even remember it right now.

Here's the story...

So, to everyone so sure that this would have been covered if the races were reversed, are you still so sure?

Black-on-white crime hardly ever gets any kind of national media coverage.

Smark, here's a story for you, a few of years ago a black kid I went to middle school with was arrested with 2 other guys for killing 2 Indian kids, very violently I might add. Here's the story...

Did any of you hear about this? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Shit even though it happened in the city I live in, it was so hardly covered that the only reason I heard about it was because I once knew one of the suspects.

I sometimes just wish people would shut the fuck up. On one side, you have the whiny cunt bleeding heart liberals who go out of their way to point out every "white privileged" story they can find to shove in people's faces only so they can feel better about themselves. And on the other side of the spectrum, you have ******** conservatives constantly whining about being victims today, when most actually live very comfortable lives and have no idea what it's like to truly be a victim of institutionalized racism. Then you have people like me who just whines about everyone else's whining. We're all ridiculous. We all just need to realize that certain aspects of life fucking sucks and be thankful that it's not our or our loved lives being directly affected by the evils of the World.
Nope, just calling you stupid. I was stupid and idealistic too when I was younger. I still can be at times. Never as stupid as you, but still.
What about "dumb shit"? That's the kind of term whose usage can get you booted from a debate. I used to think older people are well-mannered. You are a disgrace to your generation.

And pointing that out helps your statements how?
By making you see that slangs and abuses won't help prove your point, although that seems to have gone over your head. Thus, I was right in answering abuses with abuses.

You, the answer is always you. Now show me India's spotless record of policing and equality.
It has no relevance to the topic, and thus I am disinclined to grant your request.

Are you defending corruption?
No, I'm pointing out that you have brought up the issue of corruption to try and divert the topic, but it won't work.

If you really read my words as me defending police incompetence, brutality,
Then you had no business mentioning that scene from Slumdog Millionaire to downplay what happened with Mr. Patel.

You brought that up with the sole purpose of derailing the argument. It has no other relevance to this discussion.

or racism
"And don't tell me about American racism. Indians have it easy in this country. We are much more racist against so many other types." <----- Your exact words.

you really are stupid. Stop being stupid.
Stats don't lie. But you are a liar. Stop being a liar. Set a good example for your kids, old man.

Or assuming you know the reasons for a police incident because you read something online?
Its called a news report. The reasons were clearly mentioned in the report. Oh goodness, I don't have to call you stupid in every paragraph to assure you that's what you are, along with being a liar, a coward, an extremely rude, highly ignorant and obnoxious individual, of course.

Keep preaching Captain Nobility.
Keep denying, Captain Ignoramus.

I just want you to know that I don't blame your stupidity on India's educational system. Most Indians I know are bright and have a strong introspection of life and how things work. You are a moron despite all these things.
Likewise, I don't blame your nature on "American Culture"; a few defective pieces are born here and there, and you just happen to be one of them.

Do you mean like a public library?
No, I mean literally giving away books. See if you can find a movie related to that, which would appeal to dysfunctional brains like yours.

Do you really think this is prevelant in America?
Racism and police brutality are quite prevalent in America. People don't protest on the streets for nothing. In the past year alone, there were quite a few cases that made headlines worldwide. News of immigrants becoming victims of racism are not uncommon either.

Are the 20% of the people sitting on my train right now of Indian decent all going to get reported and beaten by the end of the day? Stop being a moron.
Terrible example. About time you start acting like your age.

You mean the response that I described as reasonable.
Don't flatter yourself. You talked as if Obama's moral lecture to India and the Indian embassy's reaction on one of its citizens being paralyzed are the same thing. I pointed out that it's not.

There are plenty of documented cases US Embassy reacting to incidents with their citizens. I would think someone as educated as you would not have to imagine anything.
Oh, looks like you think of me too :rolleyes: My points must be more effective than you are claiming them to be.

Why would India need to do that? They have you spreading your stupidity.
Or maybe the Govt. of India is aware of its own country's shortcomings, unlike Obama.

You are so stupid.
You are so predictable.

Tough shit, your country has problems. My country has problems. But go on insulting American police because you are clearly an expert on the topic and have a full grasp of this particular situation.
I'm no expert, I just read the news regularly and stay updated with what is happening around the glove. Not a very hard thing to do. You should try that sometime.
And I'm not insulting the American police; I'm criticizing them. Understand the difference. An uncivilized fool like you would have called the police "dumb shit" or one of those things (those are insults), but not me.

So now you use a derogatory term for gays to insult me.
No, no, no... I personally designed that term for you as a memoir of the day when you tried to throw your weight around a 20-year old, but things didn't exactly go according to plan :shrug: By the way, do you use that term for gays? You really should be ashamed. Your children would hesitate to refer you as their father, if they find out about this.

Keep preaching idiot.
Keep denying, old man.

I am against police brutality. But I also understand that not every unfortunate incident involving police a person getting hurt is simply brutality. I also understand that not every unfortunate incident between two members of different ethnicities or race is racism.
What a change in attitude! The slangs seem to have worked. I'll keep that in mind the next time I see grandpa GSB quoting one of my posts.

Bullshit, the purpose of your post was your own selfish self importance.
Nope, that was your aim. Your selfishness and arrogance is clearly reflected by your statement that Indians have it easy in USA and you are much more racist against against so many other types.

No, I just sometimes treat idiots like idiots.
That's an ill-timed claim, judging by the standard of comments you've been making for the last two days.

Preach to me more about American racism and American police and next maybe I'll make silly comments about the parts I remember about the treatment of homosexuals in India from reading Son of the Circus.
Anything to divert the topic. :yousuck:

Why do so many of your countrymen come here and stay here? Even with our evil police? Why do they build families and join communities? If your view of American police is accurate how could any minority stay here?
I'm guessing agencies like NASA believing Indians are well-equipped for enriching and enhancing their organization has a lot to do with that.
Non-cocky answer: Those that face these problems, which is a large proportion of them, they accept and ignore the bad treatment either because the salary is significantly higher, or because they have nowhere else to go. Doesn't mean everything is alright or changes aren't needed.

Especially when we also have a preachy president.
In the words of Harold J. Laski, "a government can always learn more from the criticisms of its opponents than from the eulogy of its supporters." Obama doesn't need your help. Not because you have done a piss-poor job at defending him (or the cops, or the racial tensions), but because criticism helps correct mistakes, promote progress and making a difference.

Or maybe real problems end up getting trivialized because Chicken Littles like you jump to conclusions and come off like self aggrandizing a-holes so the rest of start to tune out.
Or maybe real problems get suppressed because d-bags like you try to downplay its importance at every step and assure the rest that the matter is not serious.

The cop has been arrested and will be fired. This is probably the right thing to happen after an unfortunate incident... but it looks like the right things are taking place.
That's a start. Practices like making the suspect lie down on his front, on the dirty ground, then riding on his back with the knee on his neck, take-downs and choke-holds, extra aggression towards coloured suspects, then you have the "routine procedure" of strip search and cavity search for charges with no relevance to them- all have to be lessened. Then we can say right things are taking place.

You came here an angry dick set out to feel right and you just ended up looking like a fool, again. Grow up.
Doesn't make your shitty comments justified
Of the two of us, which one made an outrageous comment but failed to back it up? You. For the last two days, you have used every weapon in your arsenal, from sarcasm to movie references, from diversion attempts to blatant denials, from insults towards me to insults towards my countrymen... Yet you sealed your fate in your very first comment, and did very little to repair the damage in the subsequent posts. TBH, If your aim was to only troll me, it was successful to an extent, because I wasted around 3 hours of my time behind arguing with you. But I also learnt that you old guys are not invincible in debates, and this knowledge should serve me well.
As I depart, I have three tips that might be of help to you in the future:
1. Don't underestimate someone because of their age or ethnicity.
2. Don't say "You are stupid" 10 times per post and then make stupid comments yourself.
3. Don't play devil's advocate if you can't debate.
Later, Grandpa.
Smark, here's a story for you, a few of years ago a black kid I went to middle school with was arrested with 2 other guys for killing 2 Indian kids, very violently I might add. Here's the story...

Did any of you hear about this? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

I personally do not remember reading about the news, because that was over 7 years ago, and I spent most of my time watching either wrestling, anime or porn around that time, and didn't bother about news. :blush: How boring life is now compared to that! But yes, it did make the news here in India. Here are three Indian news channel websites that I found reporting the story when I searched the headline on Google (in the third site, they have given photos of the victims too):

Shit even though it happened in the city I live in, it was so hardly covered that the only reason I heard about it was because I once knew one of the suspects.
Blame people like GSB for downplaying such important news. :shrug:

I sometimes just wish people would shut the fuck up. On one side, you have the whiny cunt bleeding heart liberals who go out of their way to point out every "white privileged" story they can find to shove in people's faces only so they can feel better about themselves. And on the other side of the spectrum, you have ******** conservatives constantly whining about being victims today, when most actually live very comfortable lives and have no idea what it's like to truly be a victim of institutionalized racism. Then you have people like me who just whines about everyone else's whining. We're all ridiculous. We all just need to realize that certain aspects of life fucking sucks and be thankful that it's not our or our loved lives being directly affected by the evils of the World.
We don't have liberals and conservatives here; just people that care and people that don't, but I get what you mean. My mouth is shut here on. :)

Can't we all be human?

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