Why does no one protest/talk about white on white crime?
Because the media doesn't cover it unless it's a mass shooting or involves a pretty white woman, and even mass shootings are now getting very little play in the media.
Just like the media doesn't cover black-on-black crime.
The media doesn't cover black-on-white crime.
They cover white-on-black crime though because it GUARANTEES ratings and constant debate from all sides. And people always bite right into it like the sheep that we all are.
After taking it all in, I don't buy for a second that Brown had his hands up surrendering and Wilson then killed him execution style. I believe that Brown charged Wilson, and it wouldn't shock me if it's true that Brown went after his gun. HOWEVER, that does not justify shooting the guy 6 times. I just can't wrap my head around that part of it the more I've thought about it.
Norcal has a point when he says I nor anybody else has zero right to judge how we'd handle it if we've never found ourselves in a kill-or-be-killed situation, but the problem is that cops are supposed to be trained for these situations, we regular civilians are not. Cops are supposed to be trained to handle these kinds of situations in a manner where the criminal gets captured alive, UNLESS he is armed and dangerous.
There definitely is a problem within law enforcement with how they treat minorities, and how well they're protected from situations like this. That is a problem, no doubt about it.
However, it is far from the biggest problem in this country. This cop here in Milwaukee nailed it...
And it's not just crime, it's education, politicians, the media, ... it's every fucking thing.

You just got to laugh at it at this point and just worry about yourself and loved ones. It's a dog-eat-dog World and IMO the best way to not get caught up in the bullshit is not putting other tragedies on your shoulders that the media tells you to, and to simply live your life the best way you can that leads to your happiness.
If someone decides to become a cop, soldier, or true community activist to try and help change this country for the better, then I applaud anyone who does so and wish them nothing but the best. However, 99.9% of the chumps on the internet bitching are losers who don't do anything but bitch on social media and forums alike, 99.9% of the clowns we see on the news showing their "outrage" are money grubbing assholes who don't really give a fuck about anything except their pockets, and 99.9% of the protesters we see on the street are attention seeking morons who are only protesting because they don't have anything else better to do and want to feel important about themselves.
I know that comes across as very cynical, but at the moment I just can't be convinced otherwise.