Officer kills unarmed, black teen; St. Louis riots

It got such a detailed investigation because of the media attention for the case. Any high profile case will get special attention. Stop trying to spin it as it must be racial or nothing. It became racial because of the spin.

Again, how nice for you to sit in your country and tell me about my countries race relations.
1st off I understand race relations in a VERY real way so don't for one fucking second act like I don't have a clue, I understand better than you EVERYTHING will, THAT I assure you.

Secondly (as I've already explained) this very situation has happened so many times it fucking stupid, and yes there were plenty of times it happened with white folks, a white homeless guy got beaten to death by cops for sitting on a curb and being a little loud, plenty of video evidence shows he did nothing wrong but it didn't stop 2 cops beating him to death and getting off without question. In Utah a white kid was shot and killed while unarmed and video evidence shows him WALKING AWAY FROM THE COPS before he was shot and killed. A black cop recently shot an unarmed white teen because he "felt justified", same with the homeless guy, same with the white kid in Utah.

Maybe we aren't going out of our way too make it not a race issue, maybe it's people like you who go out of your way to make it a race issue.
Better... Massachusetts.

Again, watching you cry that the privilege of white people may get called into question is hilarious, and pitiful.

Stop with the fucking white privilege nonsense. I would agree with you if this was the 1950s. But it's not. It's 2014. Blacks have every single privilage that whites do. It's their fault if they don't want to use them.

Again, how nice for you to sit in your country and tell me about my countries race relations.

He's telling you FACTS. You are the one keeping this about race, just like the media, just like Al "I owe 4.5 million in taxes" Sharpton, and just like every racist black person in Ferguson, Mo.
Again, how nice for you to sit in your country and tell me about my countries race relations.

Tell me is the OJ Simpsons case a race issue or an economic issue? Or is it only a race issue when the justice system fail black Americans? Where were the rioting for justice?
So apparently Torgo doesn't understand the concept of institutional racism, Deaner is a piss poor choice for mod (as KB was sure to tell me once), and doesn't seem to understand race relations in this country, and Alastor is a moron.

That's what you can learn from this thread, people, if you don't feel like reading eleven pages.
DDD= Dirty Dutch Dumbass.

Now then. Just because a person may be upset with an decision does NOT give them the right to ruin someone's livelihood:

Where was this when OJ was acquitted?
Stop with the fucking white privilege nonsense. I would agree with you if this was the 1950s. But it's not. It's 2014. Blacks have every single privilage that whites do. It's their fault if they don't want to use them.

He's telling you FACTS. You are the one keeping this about race, just like the media, just like Al "I owe 4.5 million in taxes" Sharpton, and just like every racist black person in Ferguson, Mo.

This. Lets just face the facts, the only people taking up for the low life criminal are blacks, but why is that? Just because he was black? Its not because he was innocent and got shot because thats not the truth. He robbed a store earlier in the day, had a physical altercation with a police officer, ran from the police officer, acted like he was pulling a weapon out from under his pants, AND charged the police officer. People how much more incriminating can you possibly get? But oh wait because he was black it was supposed to be ok?

Hey by the way, if they would have just dropped job applications into the protesters last night they would have scattered like roaches.
This. Lets just face the facts, the only people taking up for the low life criminal are blacks, but why is that? Just because he was black? Its not because he was innocent and got shot because thats not the truth. He robbed a store earlier in the day, had a physical altercation with a police officer, ran from the police officer, acted like he was pulling a weapon out from under his pants, AND charged the police officer. People how much more incriminating can you possibly get? But oh wait because he was black it was supposed to be ok?

Hey by the way, if they would have just dropped job applications into the protesters last night they would have scattered like roaches.

Oh goodie, you believe Darren Wilson's testimony at face value.

Great, then here's some reading as how to how his story is factually dubious at best. Consider it some homework.
So apparently Torgo doesn't understand the concept of institutional racism, Deaner is a piss poor choice for mod (as KB was sure to tell me once), and doesn't seem to understand race relations in this country, and Alastor is a moron.

That's what you can learn from this thread, people, if you don't feel like reading eleven pages.

At least I can debate my thought process with actual evidence instead of a moron who is hell bent on setting the human race back 50 years. It's people like you who make race relations in the States that much worse.
Oh goodie, you believe Darren Wilson's testimony at face value.

Great, then here's some reading as how to how his story is factually dubious at best. Consider it some homework.

Actually maybe you should do your homework. If you would have done YOUR homework you would know there were witnesses, some of which WERE african american, that had given the same details as Darren Wilson. But wait let me guess, its ALL a Government conspiracy towards blacks right?
Oh fuck me.

You can just tell what's wrong with the situation by the posts here. Police get away with murder. That's the problem here. In a world with alternative methods of subduing perpetrators like trained hand to hand combat, tasers, etc the cops still go for their guns. And those same guns cost more than cameras that they should be holding onto in case of such incidents like this one. No matter what side of the argument you're on, surely everyone can agree that the officer was piss pour at his job, should have been required to keep surveillance equipment on him, and shouldn't have been "afraid for his life" while wearing a vest, having professional training, a gun, etc while the kid didn't have any of those.

I know tension is running high for everyone right now, but he could be completely innocent and still be a complete fucking moron who doesn't deserve his job.
Oh fuck me.

You can just tell what's wrong with the situation by the posts here. Police get away with murder. That's the problem here. In a world with alternative methods of subduing perpetrators like trained hand to hand combat, tasers, etc the cops still go for their guns. And those same guns cost more than cameras that they should be holding onto in case of such incidents like this one. No matter what side of the argument you're on, surely everyone can agree that the officer was piss pour at his job, should have been required to keep surveillance equipment on him, and shouldn't have been "afraid for his life" while wearing a vest, having professional training, a gun, etc while the kid didn't have any of those.

I know tension is running high for everyone right now, but he could be completely innocent and still be a complete fucking moron who doesn't deserve his job.

This is another excuse and a complete ludicrous statement. You mean to tell me a man shouldnt be afraid for his life when a criminal reaches in there pants like theyre about to grab a weapon, just because hes wearing a vest and has gun training? Wow. You gotta be kidding right? Whatever youre smoking is potent.
Oh fuck me.

You can just tell what's wrong with the situation by the posts here. Police get away with murder. That's the problem here. In a world with alternative methods of subduing perpetrators like trained hand to hand combat, tasers, etc the cops still go for their guns. And those same guns cost more than cameras that they should be holding onto in case of such incidents like this one. No matter what side of the argument you're on, surely everyone can agree that the officer was piss pour at his job, should have been required to keep surveillance equipment on him, and shouldn't have been "afraid for his life" while wearing a vest, having professional training, a gun, etc while the kid didn't have any of those.

I know tension is running high for everyone right now, but he could be completely innocent and still be a complete fucking moron who doesn't deserve his job.

When you have a guy the size of Kane running full tilt at you, you're not gonna have success with a taser or hand to hand combat. Yeah maybe the cop is a wimp, I get that impression, but in a life or death situation, I would go for a finisher too.
Think about it, if it was your dad or brother going head to head with a criminal seemingly reaching for a weapon would you think its OK for him to chance and see what happens? The people taking up for this low life criminal are so empty headed and only looking at it as a WHITE shooting a BLACK. Now who's racist?
Autopsy seems to help Wilson's story, and blood was found in Wilson's car which means there was likely an altercation in the car as told by the officer. It may not all add up, but strange things do happen daily.
This is another excuse and a complete ludicrous statement. You mean to tell me a man shouldnt be afraid for his life when a criminal reaches in there pants like theyre about to grab a weapon, just because hes wearing a vest and has gun training? Wow. You gotta be kidding right? Whatever youre smoking is potent.

I didn't expect the same guy that made a race joke to understand what an excuse is. "I was afraid for my life" shouldn't be said by an armed and protected man about a boy who was not armed or protected. That is cowardice and a shitty excuse to kill him.

And again, I didn't say Wilson was guilty. Just that he is a horrible officer.
I didn't expect the same guy that made a race joke to understand what an excuse is. "I was afraid for my life" shouldn't be said by an armed and protected man about a boy who was not armed or protected. That is cowardice and a shitty excuse to kill him.

And again, I didn't say Wilson was guilty. Just that he is a horrible officer.

Bud, when you have a gigantic, pissed off guy running full tilt at you looking to bring the pain, at night, and he looks like he's reaching for a weapon, you tell me you AREN'T scared for your life.
When you have a guy the size of Kane running full tilt at you, you're not gonna have success with a taser or hand to hand combat. Yeah maybe the cop is a wimp, I get that impression, but in a life or death situation, I would go for a finisher too.

I redirect to what I said about cops needing cameras to not only protect themselves, but also people who would be victimized without them. This could have been handled a shitload more professionally than it was, and that's my gripe.
I didn't expect the same guy that made a race joke to understand what an excuse is. "I was afraid for my life" shouldn't be said by an armed and protected man about a boy who was not armed or protected. That is cowardice and a shitty excuse to kill him.

And again, I didn't say Wilson was guilty. Just that he is a horrible officer.

He wasnt the size of a little boy. Also how was he to know he was un armed? Wilson had NO IDEA he was unarmed. ALSO he reached down into his pants like he was grabbing a weapon. So PLEASE learn the details before coming up with excuses that arent even probable.

And officers should never fear for their lives....? What world do you live in?
Stop with the fucking white privilege nonsense. I would agree with you if this was the 1950s. But it's not. It's 2014. Blacks have every single privilage that whites do. It's their fault if they don't want to use them.

Where did you grow up? Kenmore? Grand Island? Amherst? How much time did you spend off Riverside?

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