Officer kills unarmed, black teen; St. Louis riots

I don't care who's saying what where. Here in our little community, it's clear the race angle is being played up more by those who think Brown's killing was justified than by those who don't. It's like this is a perfect opportunity for people who aren't racist because of which wrestlers they like to show just how not racist they are.
I beg to differ. There is no denying there is a racial divide in how the situation is viewed. But both sides are guilty of playing the race card. One side to too fast to try to portray the victim as a martyr or angel. The other side is guilty of not caring enough of how it affects the black community with yet another shooting of an unarmed black kid. (I guess I fall into that group)

I remember a while back when a black member vented his frustration with how he saw his race treated/portrayed by WWE. Users I haven't even seen before came out of the woodwork to tell him he had no right to be upset. I think some signed up just to tell him to stop whining. It was quite overwhelming, and I felt for the guy fighting his fight on like 6 or 7 fronts debating with people shouting him down.
The thing is he was venting at something that is talent or backstage issue, not racial in nature. Talented guys get overlooked for top spots all the time that has nothing to do with race. When the Rock who was half black was brought up as an example defending WWE, he was then labelled 'only' half black.

WWE prefer caucasian wrestlers because traditionally their main demographic prefer one. Why is that an issue? Should we make an issue out of not enough other races in the BET awards or CMA awards? What pisses me off is this representation complex in fiction/entertainment is taking away from legitimate representation issues. White men can't jump is OK right? Asians are math nerds is fine too right?

I posted something regarding the bigger concerns of African Americans during the Trayvon Martin ordeal. The article was dismissed out of hand by many, and because of it I was summarily lectured. I stepped back, chuckled, and thought, "If they only knew..."
It is more of a class issue than a race issue. But those stuck in bad situations continue to view it as a race issue as it is the easier way to get the issue out there for discussion.

It no longer matters to me if Wilson was justified or not. There are bigger issues at play, and bickering on a wrestling forum will help solve approximately none of them. Until people of all races, religions, and nationalities can grow the fuck up, put the weapons down, and follow the golden goddamn rule, we as a species are fucked.
After the public smearing campaign on Wilson in the rush to judgement, now it is no longer matters? We don't even have Wilson's side of the story yet. Ignoring race, who would believe in a he said/she said situation? A 6-year police officer without a prior record like Wilson or Brown's friend Dorian Johnson who seem over eager to get the cop charged but also just saw his friend died before his eyes?
On a side note - Egypt "calls on US to exercise restraint towards Missouri protests". I find that humorous.

On the topic at hand - it's obvious that the race card is beeing played. Not by all, mind you, but by some. To say otherwise is futile.

That beeing said. We don't know for sure what happened. Maybe the cop killed Brown because he was black, maybe the Young man attacked the cop and he had to defend himself. I, for one, am not ready to pass judgement.
On a side note - Egypt "calls on US to exercise restraint towards Missouri protests". I find that humorous.

Yeah, they can shove it up their ass. Wasn't Egypt where Lara Logan pretty much got raped by "protesters"? Fuck them.

That said... it is pretty pathetic how the cops have handled protesters to this point. This is America, we have the right to assemble peacefully. And for the most part, the protestors have been peaceful, not to mention the media.

I'm still unclear about the case at hand and have reserved judgment, but the cops have done a piss poor job handling protestors and the media as a whole. Just piss poor. They should be ashamed of themselves.
Saw this headline a few days ago but thought it was just another one of those "Let's crucify a cop because he had to make a split second decision".

But when I heard that the kid was shot nine times...uh, yeah. That's pretty bad. One thing if he was shot once and it killed him, but nine times? One cop, nine bullets. Unarmed kid. He's in trouble this time. At least they didn't say it was a suicide...To Kill a Mockingbird style.
Jake Smizzy should be crucified in front of The White House and left to rot for eternity as an example of the huge error in judgment he made when he started a thread about hostile real life issues on an internet wrestling forum.

I accept all blame. Add it to the lengthy list of other reasons why I should rot for eternity.

Back to the second shooting we've mentioned: there's now video out. Hearing now that there is evidence that Brown did indeed assault Wilson, and assuming it to be true, this shooting appears worse!

Link to video.

Are tasers now a thing of the past or is it just a St. Louis thing? If I'm an officer in the video, there is no way I'm shooting at that point. The man was absolutley a threat but holy shit, he was easily within taser range.

Edit: watched the video again and in fairness the guy is fucking stupid to continue walking towards the cops when they had their guns drawn.
I accept all blame. Add it to the lengthy list of other reasons why I should rot for eternity.

Back to the second shooting we've mentioned: there's now video out. Hearing now that there is evidence that Brown did indeed assault Wilson, and assuming it to be true, this shooting appears worse!

Link to video.

Are tasers now a thing of the past or is it just a St. Louis thing? If I'm an officer in the video, there is no way I'm shooting at that point. The man was absolutley a threat but holy shit, he was easily within taser range.

Edit: watched the video again and in fairness the guy is fucking stupid to continue walking towards the cops when they had their guns drawn.

The reaction of people to that video, including the commentary of the guy filming and stupid internet comments show how no matter what evidence some people are presented with, they will hate on and blame police for. 'That guy didn't even have a gun!' yes, but he had a knife. A knife which can end either your life, or the lives of members of the public. Loss of life is always horrendous, but given the choice between law abiding citizens and police officers, or a kid walking towards them with a knife, I'd rather the threat be eliminated. And I'm sure most of the people complaining about this situation would change their tune if the man with a knife was coming towards them or their families.
The guy in the second shooting was provoking as heck but I don't think he needed that many shots to be taken down. The shots were excessive an the guy was basically being an idiot when tensions are so high at the moment. Both sides suck but I will side with the officers trying to maintain order over a random dude with a knife 9 out of 10 times.
Loss of life is always horrendous, but given the choice between law abiding citizens and police officers, or a kid walking towards them with a knife, I'd rather the threat be eliminated. And I'm sure most of the people complaining about this situation would change their tune if the man with a knife was coming towards them or their families.

I don't think you're wrong and it's definitely better to eliminate the threat before anyone was hurt, but what I personally don't understand is why gunning him down was the first course of action. He wasn't attacking the community. In fact the recorder walked right by him and others were standing near by and the man didn't even motion towards them. Again, as you say, he was indeed a threat, I agree 100%. But I believe the police could have apprehended him without the need for him to die. And that's still not to say the police failed and should turn in their badges, they made a decision and th community's safety remained intact. Good for them. But I don't believe he should have died.
Verdict on Wilson being announced in roughly 2 hours. St. Louis is on lockdown and the National Guard has been deployed awaiting riots.
It sounds like Wilson is going to be innocent if they are calling for calm like they are now.

That's what I think. Most of the evidence sounds like it's an favor for Wilson's case. However, a few details support Brown. I expect it to go Wilson's way though.

Didn't some 12 year old get shot by cops as well today because he had a fake gun?

Couldn't say. Haven't heard anything about it. Was this out of St. Louis or elsewhere?
And chaos is ensuing...

Just watched on the coverage a large group of protestors trying to tip over a cop car. From the helicopter perspective, it's just smoke everywhere! ground footage is showing smashed windows and random fires. Several small explosions keep going off as well.

Fucking sad.
Watching a live stream on what's going on right now. 2 police cars on fire. People trying to usher a rabbi and a preacher to safety. People telling the cops not to use tear gas because there are children around. "No justice, no peace" being chanted.

This is awful. All of this could have been prevented if cops wore cameras, whether or not you support the indictment decision.
This is some hilarious stuff. If I had a business in one of these neighborhoods I would be wishing for the mobs to torch my property. Take the insurance money and start over in a better place.
My guess is anything other than murder would have incited riots. I thought they would have at least indicted him for manslaughter.
Did they let the police officer go? Maybe keeping the larger picture in mind, because if they punish one police officer, the others too will think that "ah fuck it, why put my job at risk?" like the police here in the subcontinent do, and lawlessness will increase.
Btw, regarding the incident of that 12 year old kid's death, I think it was his own fault. 12 years is an old enough age to know that American cops are a bunch of oversmart pricks that love to do the "Stop resisting! Get down on the ground!! I'm gonna taze you!!!" routine. He sealed his own fate by reaching for the gun with the cops posing like The Expendables in front of him.
It seems like no matter what the community was going to riot.

I just wonder what use is it burning down a Little Caesars?

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