Officer kills unarmed, black teen; St. Louis riots

Thanks for the updates, Smizzy.

In news relating to the Michael Brown shooting itself, an autopsy revealed that he was shot six times in the front and had marijuana in his system. An additional autopsy will be conducted by Pentagon officials at a later date.

My personal feelings about the autopsy is that this seems like pretty damning evidence for the police officer. If Michael Brown was shot during the struggle for the gun, wouldn't one shot have done the trick? If Michael Brown was shot running away after losing the struggle for the gun, why was he shot in the FRONT six times? How was Brown 35 feet from the police car if, according to the officer responsible for shooting Brown, Brown was involved in a struggle for the gun when the officer was in the car?

I wonder how the presence of marijuana in Brown's system is going to affect public perception. I think many of us can agree that marijuana doesn't exactly make you want to commit crimes, or do anything too far from the nearest couch and bag of Doritos, so to me I the marijuana seems like a non-factor. That said, public perception of marijuana is still foggy, and perhaps the public will see this as an additional sign that Michael Brown wasn't exactly acting like a model citizen the night of his death.

And most don't try to rob a convenience store to celebrate going to college. I'm not saying he did try to get the gun. I'm saying it isn't a stretch to have an opinion that he tried to do so given his action on the day of the incident.

But it is. Again, show me the study that says once someone commits petty theft it's indicative of willingness to commit assault with a deadly weapon, or whatever charge one would get for attempting to steal an officer's gun.

People who grow up in this type of environment know exactly what the consequences of their actions are. To borrow from renowned urban spokesperson, David Chapelle,

And I feel you are trying too hard to pass judgement on this one cop and defend the dead kid.

What gave you that idea? My weighing all of the evidence we have presented to us, or my separating myself from the folks quick to call this a race crime of some sort?

Have you seen the pathetic arguments by those trying to make this a racial angle? Like focsuing on damaged property from the riots over the dead black kid is somehow a reflection of racism. Or like you glossing over the fact that the kid just committed a crime of a violent nature as if robbery is OK just because it isn't as bad as murder.

I have seen these arguments, but I didn't come here to argue with the rabble, I came here to discuss this event with intelligent people like jmt or Shocky. Clearly you would rather throw yourself into the festering cesspool known as the comment section of a Yahoo news article rather than rise above the rabble and discuss this rationally.
But it is. Again, show me the study that says once someone commits petty theft it's indicative of willingness to commit assault with a deadly weapon, or whatever charge one would get for attempting to steal an officer's gun.
Robbery isn't petty theft. It is taking stuff by force or intimidation. I'm not saying it is any indication that the person will attempt to strongarm his way out of an arrest. My point is it isn't unreasonable to come to this conclusion if the kid think he can overpower the lone police. You clearly disagree.

People who grow up in this type of environment know exactly what the consequences of their actions are. To borrow from renowned urban spokesperson, David Chapelle,
I just find it curious that you label others for projecting when you are doing it more blatantly.

What gave you that idea? My weighing all of the evidence we have presented to us, or my separating myself from the folks quick to call this a race crime of some sort?
Your continued acceptance of Brown or the protesters reasoning for violent behaviour but completely ignoring the lone cop could have reacted emotionally in a bad situation as well?

I have seen these arguments, but I didn't come here to argue with the rabble, I came here to discuss this event with intelligent people like jmt or Shocky. Clearly you would rather throw yourself into the festering cesspool known as the comment section of a Yahoo news article rather than rise above the rabble and discuss this rationally.
You are guilty of the same. What discussion were you having except being completing one sided in your stance? Is it not rational to believe that Brown resisted arrest in a violent manner, the cop feared for his life, and shot him excessively in emotional distress based on the evidence so far? You on the other hand seem to have already rush to judgement.

Look I'll condemn the cop if he is guilty of murder as well. 6 shots with 2 headshots is pretty damning that he was going for the kill. The question for me is whether he did it in self defence or not. However do you think the mob mentality will accept it if investigations clear the cop of any wrong doing, even if evidence support it? They will just scream cover-up and continue the contempt for authority.
I wonder how the presence of marijuana in Brown's system is going to affect public perception. I think many of us can agree that marijuana doesn't exactly make you want to commit crimes, or do anything too far from the nearest couch and bag of Doritos, so to me I the marijuana seems like a non-factor. That said, public perception of marijuana is still foggy, and perhaps the public will see this as an additional sign that Michael Brown wasn't exactly acting like a model citizen the night of his death.

I can already hear Nancy Grace proclaiming that she told us so about marijuana and its connection to crime and violence.

Just leave each other alone.

Smizzy, what's it like in the area? I mean, I'm sure the entire region has got to be feeling the effects of all this by now.

Was referring to a mob mentality, which I thought we clearly established in this thread is based more on emotion than rational thought. o_0
A young black criminal and an oversmart American policeman... nothing new here.
Both sides seem to be at fault. The antisocial brat had to pay for his doing with his life, and the policeman will be discharged and probably sentenced for a few years in order to appease the sheep people and get this over with. Both are losers at the end.
Thanks for the updates, Smizzy.

In news relating to the Michael Brown shooting itself, an autopsy revealed that he was shot six times in the front and had marijuana in his system. An additional autopsy will be conducted by Pentagon officials at a later date.

My personal feelings about the autopsy is that this seems like pretty damning evidence for the police officer. If Michael Brown was shot during the struggle for the gun, wouldn't one shot have done the trick? If Michael Brown was shot running away after losing the struggle for the gun, why was he shot in the FRONT six times? How was Brown 35 feet from the police car if, according to the officer responsible for shooting Brown, Brown was involved in a struggle for the gun when the officer was in

How does that damn the officer? Over a dozen witnesses have stated Brown was charging at the officer.
The woman called claiming that Brown “bum-rushed” Wilson moments after pushing him into his squad car, punching him in the face and trying to grab the cop’s gun.

“Michael and his friend turn around. And Michael taunts him… And then all the sudden he just started bumrushing him. He just started coming at him full speed. And, so he just started shooting. And, he just kept coming. And, so he really thinks he was on something,” the caller added. “The final shot was in the forehead, and then he fell about two or three feet in front of the officer.”

We still have toxicology, the Feds still have to perform a third autopsy. Nothing is settled yet. It's a he said/he said situation at this point still, just like a week ago when this all started.
How does that damn the officer? Over a dozen witnesses have stated Brown was charging at the officer.

The account the police have been giving is that Brown assaulted the officer before the officer could even get out of the car. It seems like they're trying to cover something up, and the six gun shots and distance from the car just doesn't equate to their story.

That said, the other eyewitness accounts saying Brown bumrushed the officer is news to me. As far as I knew there were only three witnesses.

We still have toxicology, the Feds still have to perform a third autopsy. Nothing is settled yet. It's a he said/he said situation at this point still, just like a week ago when this all started.

Yeah, but with slightly more evidence. Granted, not enough to say for sure what happened (and we'll likely never see that level of clarity), but at least the pieces are starting to come together.
Smizzy, what's it like in the area? I mean, I'm sure the entire region has got to be feeling the effects of all this by now.

I'm 100 miles south but there's plenty of people from my fraternity and college in general that are from the area and county that are really being effected. They are seeing places familiar to them being destroyed. Family and friends endangered every night. Can't get into West Florissant, it's all barricaded. People of the town can't get groceries or go throughout their day.

Went to the Cardinals game Saturday and just around Busch it's all the talk and chatter. There were several related shirts scattered around.

Really everyone is just shocked that it's happening here of all places.
I'm 100 miles south but there's plenty of people from my fraternity and college in general that are from the area and county that are really being effected. They are seeing places familiar to them being destroyed. Family and friends endangered every night. Can't get into West Florissant, it's all barricaded. People of the town can't get groceries or go throughout their day.

Went to the Cardinals game Saturday and just around Busch it's all the talk and chatter. There were several related shirts scattered around.

Really everyone is just shocked that it's happening here of all places.

That's got to be surreal. It's the talk 1,000 miles away, so I can only imagine being that close and knowing people who are from there and all that. Best wishes to all you folks up there.
I've reviewed all the evidence at hand and can safely and confidently say that Darren Wilson was justified in his shooting of Brown. Brown rushed him, attacked him and tried to take his gun. He was a legitimate threat. A cop must shoot until the threat is neutralized.

I browse the web and see that many blacks simply refuse to read the evidence, and instead just yell RACISM!. This is really affecting my worldview. The world isn't out to get you guys. To the contrary, we bend over backwards for yall quite often. White slurs are acceptable, but watch what happens if you say a black slur. You simply cannot under any circumstances.

I'm a Mark Henry and Bad News Brown mark, I never see color. But reading all these comments the past 2 weeks is really changing things. How can so many people be so blind to facts, and instead expect the world to feel sorry for them? What happened to Brown could happen to any of us, it isn't a skin color thing, it is a BREAKING THE LAW thing.
A protester has been shot and killed today.

78 people arrested last night!

If it's the story I've read, he wasn't a protestor and it wasn't really in Ferguson. Sounds like a crazy crackhead trying to steal energy drinks and went after the cops with a knife. They actually have witnesses supporting the cops' story on this one.
Yeah I believe I jumped the gun on that one without the full story. It was being reported with the rest of the Ferguson coverage. Regardless, I don't envy the patrol at all this month.
Maybe the cop was totally justified in shooting. I don't know. Still, I'm very glad that this situation has been handled so publicly. All police related shootings should be dealt with like this. I don't mean that cities should loot and riot, just that every step of the investigation should be made public. If a normal citizen shoots another one and claims self defense, the detectives/ADAs or whatever don't just take their word for it. There's an investigation of some kind and the news usually reports the findings. However, I hear about cops killing in self defense and that's the beginning and end of the story. Not saying that there isn't an investigation, we just never hear anything about it.

For instance, last year in Kansas City there was a 16 year old kid who was shot in the back of the neck while running from the cops. The cops said that they recovered a gun but everyone who was interviewed said that he never had one and that he never drew on the cops. That's the end of the story. No follow up, nothing.

I'm not saying that there was no gun and that the cops are covering for one of their own, but when they refuse to be transparent in their investigation or release their findings, how can you blame people for fearing police when it seems that they're able to kill at will with no repercussions? If they're going to keep it all internal, they welcome this kind of backlash.
I don't care who's saying what where. Here in our little community, it's clear the race angle is being played up more by those who think Brown's killing was justified than by those who don't. It's like this is a perfect opportunity for people who aren't racist because of which wrestlers they like to show just how not racist they are.

I remember a while back when a black member vented his frustration with how he saw his race treated/portrayed by WWE. Users I haven't even seen before came out of the woodwork to tell him he had no right to be upset. I think some signed up just to tell him to stop whining. It was quite overwhelming, and I felt for the guy fighting his fight on like 6 or 7 fronts debating with people shouting him down.

I posted something regarding the bigger concerns of African Americans during the Trayvon Martin ordeal. The article was dismissed out of hand by many, and because of it I was summarily lectured. I stepped back, chuckled, and thought, "If they only knew..."

It no longer matters to me if Wilson was justified or not. There are bigger issues at play, and bickering on a wrestling forum will help solve approximately none of them. Until people of all races, religions, and nationalities can grow the fuck up, put the weapons down, and follow the golden goddamn rule, we as a species are fucked.
It is clearly Jake Smizzy's fault that this all went down.

My take since you didn't ask - cops are presented with dangerous and questionable situations all the time. Most don't need to shoot their weapon to keep the peace and their life. This cop seems incompetent, incompetence that killed a person. He should stand in front of a jury for some crime that I can't name since I am not a lawyer or judge or know-it-all.

Jake Smizzy should be crucified in front of The White House and left to rot for eternity as an example of the huge error in judgment he made when he started a thread about hostile real life issues on an internet wrestling forum.

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