It's still doesn't make either a better athlete.
You brought up Peyton Manning and his Commercials, I was simply pointing out that Manning wouldnt have those same opportunities f It wasnt for Jordans greatness. Being the better athlete does get you the endorsements, a company like Nike and Gatorade dont just get any athlete for their commercials, they get the best of the best.
But he's not, he didn't do it by himself. Magic and Bird got the ball rolling and MJ picked it up. One thing I haven't brought up yet, That year he was in AA the Bulls still made the playoffs and lost in the second round. I'm just pointing this out to show that the team of "scrubs" that he had around him wasn't as bad as it was made out to be earlier in the thread.
You dont play to have a good season, or to just make the playoffs. The sole purpose and goal of being a professional athlete, in any sport, is to win a Championship. That team never won a Championship without Jordan.
I also never referred to the rest of Jordans team mates as a bunch of scrubs, but there is no doubt that Jordan made that team.
Jordan and the Bulls win three NBA titles in a row.
Jordan retires and the bulls struggle to even make the playoffs.
Jordan returns and they win three more NBA championships in a row.
So clearly Jordan had quite the impact and the Chicago Bulls, and they werent nearly the same team without him, and they may as well of been a bunch of scrubs because they werent going to even sniff the NBA finals without Jordan on their team,
No sir. In baseball Ruth is a God. Ruth's effects on baseball are still felt to this day. Aaron breaking his all time record and the hardships he had to endure during that, Maris when he was chasing the single season HR record, the Curse of the Bambino. Ruth is still a huge part of what baseball is. Jordan might have made the NBA a few more dollars, but that's not really game related.
Jordan making the NBA a few more dollars, thats one of the many, many things Jordan did for the game of basketball. Jordan turned the sport into a worldwide phenomenon, because of his athletic greatness. As Ive proven with the multiple advertising campaigns and mainstream movies and commercials. It was Jordan who popularized the game of Basketball and brought it to the worldwide level of competition its at today.
Ruth, who played against watered down competition, ended up losing his most famous record to an African American, one of the same minorities that was banned from playing baseball when Ruth played. Proving that the lack of African American and Hispanic competition played a part on Ruths overall numbers, and the fact that his records where taken down by the very players he didnt compete against speaks volumes to the significance of not competing against other minority players.
I am gonna stick up for Blue Cardinal at the moment. What makes Ruth so good is his power. When he was hitting fifty homeruns, the second best power hitter was hitting like five. He was a freak for his time. He was probably one of the better pitchers of his time but they realized they couldn't take his bat out of the lineup. He didn't play more than 100 games until 1919. His career began in 1914. He lost five years of at bats. The power numbers didn't come in until 1919. Just think, if he didn' pitch for five years how many homeruns would he have hit?
As Big Sexy pointed out there where other power hitters doing the same thing as Ruth at the time, maybe not to the volume every single year, but in no way was he the only one hitting more than five home runs.
It also speaks to the lack of competition at the time, the fact that such a limited number of players where even capable of hitting home runs at the time and the fact that he wasnt playing against all the best competition takes away from the overall success of the Babe. Where as a guy like Hank Aaron, who played against the best possible competition, had to deal with racial issues and still managed to break the home run record of Babe Ruth puts him right into the conversation for the best all time baseball player. As well as the fact that Barry Bonds, another African American, broke the Babes home run record, showing that not playing against African American competition did have an effect on Ruths overall numbers.
He hit 694 home runs from 1919-1935. That's an average of roughly 40+ a year. I'm almost certain Ruth would have hit over 800 home runs. That's remarkable because players didn't have big home run numbers during that time period.
The fact that Ruth was a pitcher is part of Blues argument for him being the greatest off all time, so if we take pitching out of the equation it just takes away from Ruths overall athletic abilities.
Ruth was a freakish athlete, whether he was on the mound or in the batters box. Ruth is the greatest athlete of all time, and there isn't a doubt in my mind...
Freakish? Because he was simply a bigger than his competition?
If Ruth cant be unanimously considered the best Baseball player of all time, how can he be considered the greatest athlete of all time? Especially when he was one of the least athletic ball players ever, and he is known for being out of shape.
While Ruth may have been the greatest slugger of all time, its debatable if hes even the best ballplayer. Theres a list of players who are better overall athletes in baseball, Ruth was known for home runs, and thats it. Guys like Willey Mays an Hank Aaron hit for power and played outstanding defense, as well as having the ability to steal bases, making them overall better athletes.
A guy like Jordan, is not just known for being a great scorer, but is also known to be one of the top two defensive players of all time as well, because doing just one thing well doesnt make you a great athlete, its a multitude of things that add to the equation, and simply swinging a stick and hitting homeruns isnt going to get the athletic job done in this competition.
And that's the bottom line, because Beckue said so.
Clearly its not the bottom line.
Ruth is the last guy to get taken for any sport other than Baseball, his athletic abilities dont transcend to other sports, or even other areas of his own sport; where Jordan was the best at every area of his sport when he played, and is considered without a doubt to be the greatest basketball player who ever lived. Plus he too even dabbled In the sport of Baseball, after not playing the game for nearly twenty years, which just goes to show hoe great of an overall athlete Jordan was.