Deexter Jorgan
Has a Dark Passenger on board...
So yet again, you somehow managed to avoid my opening post Deej, and rather than start your own debate with me, you choose to pick apart phrases and argue out of context.
I'm actually sick of hearing this so you know what?, I'll tackle your opening post.
- Sega Genesis may have been created in 89', though it was still a 90's machine, and all the important and memorable games where released in the 90's. 80's can claim creation of the Genesis, but the 90's made it famous.
can you tell me why these games where memorable?
Explain how they made the 90's the most important decade?
Without these questions I don't see how this arguement can be a valid one.
For example there where aload of memorable game's in the 80's such as Tron, War games. Maze Wars, and also the most beloved platformer of all time Super Mario Brothers.
Until the 00's Mario was the highest selling game of ever!, and continues to sell till this day, I've established this in my previous rebuttle, the 80's also saw the creation of one of the biggest selling games in the fighting genre, Street Fighter which led to a tone of sequals including street fighter 2: The World Warrior, Super Street Fighter 2, Street Fighter Alpha..etc.
If you base your arguement purley on what games where popular during the 90's it will fall flat because your point remains a moot one without proof.
- Same thing goes for the Gameboy.
How So?
- N64 was the first 64 bit gaming machine, are you trying to tell me that Mario and Star Fox 64 didn't revolutionize three dimensional gaming?
No they did not, and let my friend Wikipedia explain why, since you seem to discredit my arguements, maybe some sound proof would allow you to understand that without the creation of Microsoft Windows, 3D game design wouldn't have gone so far.
Thanks to Wikipedia:
3ds Max (Autodesk), originally called 3D Studio MAX, is a comprehensive and versatile 3D application used in film, television, video games and architecture for Windows. It can be extended and customized through its SDK or scripting using a Maxscript. It can use third party rendering options such as Brazil R/S, finalRender and V-Ray.
Guess when the software was first introduced?...1985
you can read about the software with this link
-Moon Walker was 89 in arcades and it was 90's for home consoles and other than using his music there was no onscreen acting, and just a simple "Whose Bad" and "Woo" and a few other audio clips taken from the songs. This was also just Michael Jackson with a self licensed video game, widely considered to be in the top ten worst games ever made.
What relevance does this have to do with 90's dominance over the 80's?
-other than having an 8-bit Tyson on the screen, and him being referenced, which isn't exactly the same. They also removed Tyson from the game when they re-released it and replaced him with Mr. Dream.
again, relevance?
That doesnt change the fact that the first four years of our decade was spent digging itself out of a self made hole, precious time that wasnt wasted in the 90s.
And you say i can't read, didn't i just explain in my previous posts why the 80's was the decade of change, the crash enabled reforms to stop cloning and oversaturation which was one of the resons the crash happened.
Seriously read the previous posts, because all i keep seeing from you is the same comment's over and over again SSC.
The video game industry was so messed up because of the crash that there was no choice but to improve or let video games fade.
Plenty of video game styles where created in the 90s Deej, check your facts, or check my previous posts, like Ive told you to do about five times now. Instead you insist upon paraphrasing and taking my words out of context.
I haven't paraphrased any of your posts, i responded accordingly.
In no way are the 80s responsible for the creation of the first at home console, 1972, The Magnavox Odyssey. That would be the first generation at home gaming console.
I never denied this, I actually stated that the seventies boom created home gaming, What i responded with in my previous rebuttles is the fact that Companies like Nintendo changed the way gaming operated, with Windows new tools in game making came to pass.
The Nintendo was a third generation system that wasnt released until the mid 80s.
Actually it was a first generation home console system for Nintendo,
Nice try though
Congratulations, you cant read.
Your opiinion.
So the Genesis wasnt created in the 80s? Thats all I said, and I know Im not wrong on that.
I explained the fact that not only the genesis was created in the 80's but also the TurboFX-CD, this also meant that the 80's brought fourth the 8bit, 16bit, 32 bit and 64bit generations of console systems, again see my previous posts.
When did Nintendo fire back again, the 90s, thanks for pointing that out for me Deej, because thats exactly when the war was going on, the 90s.
saying it doesnt make it so SSC.
How can I be wrong when all Im doing is asking for a point? Was the crash not a failure that turned into a success?
Ask and you shall recieve
My friend Wikipedia
The TurboGrafx-16 (in full, the TurboGrafx-16 Entertainment SuperSystem), known in Japan as the PC Engine, is a video game console developed by Hudson Soft and NEC, released in Japan on October 30, 1987, and in North America on August 29, 1989.
The TurboGrafx-16 has an 8-bit CPU and a dual 16-bit GPU; furthermore, it is capable of displaying 482 colors at once out of 512.
Although there was no full-scale PAL release of the system, imported PC Engine consoles were largely available in France and Benelux through major retailers thanks to the unlicensed importer Sodipeng (Société de Distribution de la PC Engine, a subsidiary of Guillemot Corporation).[2]
The Nintendo Entertainment System (abbreviated to NES or Nintendo) is an 8-bit video game console that was released by Nintendo in North America, Europe and Australia in 1985. In most of Asia, including Japan (where it was first launched in 1983), China, Vietnam, Singapore, Middle East and Hong Kong, it was released as the Family Computer (ファミリーコンピュータ, Famirī Konpyūta?), commonly abbreviated as the Famicom
So you agree that the 80s only real claim to fame is the Nintendo, because Ive gone on record about ten times now saying that the Nintendo is one of the most influential systems of all time, but one single system does not a decade make.
The crash was actually 80's real claim to fame, because it reshaped the gaming industry, Nintendo was the 80's saviour and the main reason why guys like you and me still enjoy computing today.
Look at cell phone technology today, the 80s had zilch to do with that, the nineties where innovative enough to move gaming onto the cellular phone., and just look at the cell phone today, its a gamers best friend on the go.
Steve Jobs was responsible for real phone gaming SSC, not the 90's and that's not the whole industry is it?
Im also a 23 year old MAN, thank you very much.
Than it's probably the drugs.
Game & Watch, you mean because the DS used the same frame design from the Game & Watch that it somehow had a technological impact? No, it didnt have the slightest technological impact, they simply used the same frame design, they didnt take Game & Watch technology from the eighties and infuse it into the DS, and you have the nerve to ask me if Im high. Im always high to fool.
Actually the game and watch was the inspiration for the DS, i you read the Nintendo interview with head honcho Satoru Iwata but instead your gonna say that i either can't read or have ignored your blinding first post.
80's beat out every other decade hands down!