NXT NWS Debate - Most Important Decade for Video Gaming

So yet again, you somehow managed to avoid my opening post Deej, and rather than start your own debate with me, you choose to pick apart phrases and argue out of context.

I'm actually sick of hearing this so you know what?, I'll tackle your opening post.

- Sega Genesis may have been created in 89', though it was still a 90's machine, and all the important and memorable games where released in the 90's. 80's can claim creation of the Genesis, but the 90's made it famous.

can you tell me why these games where memorable?

Explain how they made the 90's the most important decade?

Without these questions I don't see how this arguement can be a valid one.

For example there where aload of memorable game's in the 80's such as Tron, War games. Maze Wars, and also the most beloved platformer of all time Super Mario Brothers.

Until the 00's Mario was the highest selling game of ever!, and continues to sell till this day, I've established this in my previous rebuttle, the 80's also saw the creation of one of the biggest selling games in the fighting genre, Street Fighter which led to a tone of sequals including street fighter 2: The World Warrior, Super Street Fighter 2, Street Fighter Alpha..etc.

If you base your arguement purley on what games where popular during the 90's it will fall flat because your point remains a moot one without proof.

- Same thing goes for the Gameboy.

How So?

- N64 was the first 64 bit gaming machine, are you trying to tell me that Mario and Star Fox 64 didn't revolutionize three dimensional gaming?

No they did not, and let my friend Wikipedia explain why, since you seem to discredit my arguements, maybe some sound proof would allow you to understand that without the creation of Microsoft Windows, 3D game design wouldn't have gone so far.

Thanks to Wikipedia:

3ds Max (Autodesk), originally called 3D Studio MAX, is a comprehensive and versatile 3D application used in film, television, video games and architecture for Windows. It can be extended and customized through its SDK or scripting using a Maxscript. It can use third party rendering options such as Brazil R/S, finalRender and V-Ray.

Guess when the software was first introduced?...1985

you can read about the software with this link


-Moon Walker was 89 in arcades and it was 90's for home consoles and other than using his music there was no onscreen acting, and just a simple "Whose Bad" and "Woo" and a few other audio clips taken from the songs. This was also just Michael Jackson with a self licensed video game, widely considered to be in the top ten worst games ever made.

What relevance does this have to do with 90's dominance over the 80's?

-other than having an 8-bit Tyson on the screen, and him being referenced, which isn't exactly the same. They also removed Tyson from the game when they re-released it and replaced him with Mr. Dream.

again, relevance?

That doesn’t change the fact that the first four years of our decade was spent digging itself out of a self made hole, precious time that wasn’t wasted in the 90’s.

And you say i can't read, didn't i just explain in my previous posts why the 80's was the decade of change, the crash enabled reforms to stop cloning and oversaturation which was one of the resons the crash happened.

Seriously read the previous posts, because all i keep seeing from you is the same comment's over and over again SSC.

The video game industry was so messed up because of the crash that there was no choice but to improve or let video games fade.
Plenty of video game styles where created in the 90’s Deej, check your facts, or check my previous posts, like I’ve told you to do about five times now. Instead you insist upon paraphrasing and taking my words out of context.

I haven't paraphrased any of your posts, i responded accordingly.

In no way are the 80’s responsible for the creation of the first at home console, 1972, The Magnavox Odyssey. That would be the first generation at home gaming console.

I never denied this, I actually stated that the seventies boom created home gaming, What i responded with in my previous rebuttles is the fact that Companies like Nintendo changed the way gaming operated, with Windows new tools in game making came to pass.

The Nintendo was a third generation system that wasn’t released until the mid 80’s.

Actually it was a first generation home console system for Nintendo,

Nice try though

Congratulations, you can’t read.

Your opiinion.

So the Genesis wasn’t created in the 80’s? That’s all I said, and I know I’m not wrong on that.

I explained the fact that not only the genesis was created in the 80's but also the TurboFX-CD, this also meant that the 80's brought fourth the 8bit, 16bit, 32 bit and 64bit generations of console systems, again see my previous posts.

When did Nintendo fire back again, the 90’s, thanks for pointing that out for me Deej, because that’s exactly when the war was going on, the 90’s.

saying it doesnt make it so SSC.

How can I be wrong when all I’m doing is asking for a point? Was the crash not a failure that turned into a success?

Ask and you shall recieve

My friend Wikipedia

The TurboGrafx-16 (in full, the TurboGrafx-16 Entertainment SuperSystem), known in Japan as the PC Engine, is a video game console developed by Hudson Soft and NEC, released in Japan on October 30, 1987, and in North America on August 29, 1989.
The TurboGrafx-16 has an 8-bit CPU and a dual 16-bit GPU; furthermore, it is capable of displaying 482 colors at once out of 512.
Although there was no full-scale PAL release of the system, imported PC Engine consoles were largely available in France and Benelux through major retailers thanks to the unlicensed importer Sodipeng (Société de Distribution de la PC Engine, a subsidiary of Guillemot Corporation).[2]

The Nintendo Entertainment System (abbreviated to NES or Nintendo) is an 8-bit video game console that was released by Nintendo in North America, Europe and Australia in 1985. In most of Asia, including Japan (where it was first launched in 1983), China, Vietnam, Singapore, Middle East and Hong Kong, it was released as the Family Computer (ファミリーコンピュータ, Famirī Konpyūta?), commonly abbreviated as the Famicom

So you agree that the 80’s only real claim to fame is the Nintendo, because I’ve gone on record about ten times now saying that the Nintendo is one of the most influential systems of all time, but one single system does not a decade make.

The crash was actually 80's real claim to fame, because it reshaped the gaming industry, Nintendo was the 80's saviour and the main reason why guys like you and me still enjoy computing today.

Look at cell phone technology today, the 80’s had zilch to do with that, the nineties where innovative enough to move gaming onto the cellular phone., and just look at the cell phone today, it’s a gamers best friend on the go.

Steve Jobs was responsible for real phone gaming SSC, not the 90's and that's not the whole industry is it?

I’m also a 23 year old MAN, thank you very much.

Than it's probably the drugs.

Game & Watch, you mean because the DS used the same frame design from the Game & Watch that it somehow had a technological impact? No, it didn’t have the slightest technological impact, they simply used the same frame design, they didn’t take Game & Watch technology from the eighties and infuse it into the DS, and you have the nerve to ask me if I’m high. I’m always high to fool.

Actually the game and watch was the inspiration for the DS, i you read the Nintendo interview with head honcho Satoru Iwata but instead your gonna say that i either can't read or have ignored your blinding first post.

80's beat out every other decade hands down!
Wrong. Sega's Master System did extremely well in South America, Australia, AND Europe. Japan and North America may constitute the majority the of the world market, but Sega was staking its claim in the sizable markets that I already mentioned.

It staked claim in ONE sizeable market. Don't try to claim that South America and Australia especially in the 80's were big video game markets. Even in Europe although it did extremely well it was still only on par with Nintendo. Nintendo absolutely dominated in NA and Japan. So in two thirds of the big video game market it was far superior and then in 1/3 it was equal.

Wrong again. The Game Boy took off as soon as it was released in 1989. The overwhelming majority of its units may have sold throughout the 90s and 00s, but that doesn't mean that people were picking up the first batch of Game Boys like hot cakes. In fact, the first shipment to North America consisted of only 1 million units, but all of those sold within a matter of weeks.

I never claimed it sucked right off the bat but it was taken to a much higher level in the 90's. Outside of Tetris name me some successful games that came out for the Gameboy in the 80's. Going to the 90's there are tons of great games and the Gameboy achieved it's ultimate popularity in the 90's.

Then you'd think wrong. Sega had a market share of about 16% throughout the mid- to late-80s, and Nintendo's aggressive marketing strategies in Japan and the US at that time account for Sega's inability to gain a foothold in those markets.

If there was no console war going at that time, why would Nintendo have even worried about Sega?

A war and a potential threat are two different things. Sega was a potential threat so Nintendo did what they could to make sure they didn't become competition. It worked for a while in the 80's and then in the 90's the real war/competition started.
Not only is this analogy fucking horrible, but it's wildly inaccurate for the reasons I listed above. The only place where your analogy would be even slightly credible is in the case of the Genesis and the North American market; without Sonic, it wouldn't have done as well as it did. But, with respect to the Game Boy and the Genesis elsewhere, all that was needed was time, not an extra puzzle piece.

The analogy is actually better with the things you are stating above. The Bulls were still a competitive team in the Eastern Conference in the 80's much like Sega was competitive in a couple small markets and one of the big markets. Then in the 90's Sega became a worldwide threat much like the Bulls became a threat to the entire NBA. I wouldn't expect such a simple mind to grasp something that actually takes a little thinking ;).

Sega and Nintendo did have a war in the 80s. He's right, you're wrong.

Sega and Nintendo had a cat fight in the 80's. It became a war in the 90's.

Is that what people like yourself call their half-truths and shit logic nowadays? Thinking outside the box?

Aww aren't you sweet. Trying to protect your little "rookie." Too bad you failed miserably. Try again homie.
I'm actually sick of hearing this so you know what?, I'll tackle your opening post.

OMG are you serious. This is not my opening post, that’s my response to Lee. I don’t know if you’re doing this on purpose or if you really are this dense. Was my last post to intelligent for you, where there to many facts for you to handle?

My opening post would be the first post that I made, the one you are intentionally avoiding, because I don’t even believe your this dumb Deej, but if you’re going to continue to argue out of context I guess I don’t really have a choice other than to make you look like a fool, though you’re doing a pretty good job of it yourself.

This is My opening post.

The 90’s are responsible for everything you see today in the world of video games, sure there was some ground work laid in the 80’s, and even the 70’s before that, but the 90’s where a decade of innovation. There was the transition into three dimensional gaming, we got out first look at the first person shooter as well as real time strategy games. We even got our first celebrity appearance in a videogame.

Mark Hamill in Wing Commander 3

It’s common to see actors lend their voices to video games, it actually happens quite frequently, but this was the very first example; not just his voice, but actual on screen acting in the videogame. This laid the ground work for such stars as Samuel L. Jackson to earn a little extra cash on the side for games like Grand Theft Auto, which just so happened to make its appearance on the Playstation consol in the 90’s.

With the introduction of the Super NES and the Sega Genesis at the beginning of the 90’s, as well as the introduction to two of the most influential gaming systems ever in the Playstation and the Nintendo 64 it’s clear that the 90’s had a powerful influence on current gaming culture. That’s the ground work for the Wii and the Paystation 3, that’s two of the big three with major 90’s roots.

With those systems we got some of the most innovative games of our time. Games like Mortal Kombat could finally be played at home, which in turn led to the downfall of the arcade. Mario and Star Fox 64 utilized three dimensional graphics like none before, and Golden Eye and Perfect Dark revolutionized the first person shooter, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. So many great games got their start in the 90’s. We have Sonic, Perfect Dark, Resident evil, DDR, Ocorina of Time, Tomb Raider and the list just goes on and on.

We also saw the Gameboy take flight, and for the first time you could play video games on the go, which in turn led to the cell phone video games. I’m talking to you original Nokia with Snake, the first phone game of its kind, a true classic time killer, which led to the ability to download game like Tetris onto your phone, and I don’t have to tell you where that technology has taken you today.

There was also the transition from cartridges to compact discs, which helped to advance three dimensional gaming even further, and of course that’s the only form you see today, other than the Gameboy cartridge which is still running strong.

The 90’s took gaming everywhere and it came in all forms, computers, cell phones, at home consoles. Video games became so important in the 90’s that they influence was felt all over pop culture as well. So with so much innovation in all forms of gaming it seems pretty clear that the 90’s had by far the greatest influence and was easily the most important era of all time.

These are the facts that you managed to skip over from my last post, while instead trying to insult my intelligence. I’m not playing this little game with you anymore Deej. You wanted facts, I gave them to you, and you decide not to respond them and instead ask me for facts again. LOL. I’m literally laughing so hard that I’m about the shit my fucking pants Deej.

- The transition from raster graphics to Three Dimensional graphics.

- The increasing computing power and decreasing cost of
processors,thus leading to what computer gaming is today

- Sonic the Hedge Hog and Kirby, two franchises that still hold up today, as well as Sonic transcending all forms of media, with one of the most popular Saturday morning cartoons of the 90’s, further bonding Pop Culture and Video Games.

- The release of Dune II, which is the same format with the same mechanics and map control used for War Craft, Star Craft and Command & Conquer. The biggest online game of all time got it’s design in 92’

- Sim City revolutionized computer gaming in the 90’s and is the best selling PC game in the HISTORY of pc gaming.

- 1996 Quake pioneered online first person shooter, one of the most popular genres for this generation’s gamer.

- The decline and basic destruction of the Arcade, with so many at home consoles available to choose from, it practically eliminated the arcade, and made it a thing of the past.

- The advancement of handheld portable gaming, whether it be the Gameboy, the Sega GameGear, or the first portable color screen from the Atari Lynx.

- 4th and 5th generation consoles advancing graphics and introducing the first 64 bit at home console.

- The transition to CD’s as well as the first system able to not just play videogames, but CD’s as well.

How is that for you Deej, can you understand that, enough facts, because there are still plenty of facts for you in my opening post if you ever get around to debating that, instead of making yourself look foolish by taking my words out of context.
So why did you choose to skip over the facts that you had asked for over and over again, I finally give them to you and you pretend that you’re going to respond to y opening post, when in fact you couldn’t even do that properly.

I haven't paraphrased any of your posts, i responded accordingly.

Everything you have quoted had been from an debate with someone else, and you take what I say completely out of context and respond to it how you please, yet when I present facts you ignore them, even after I directed you to my previous posts filled with facts, and then I finally put them in a nice list form for you and you refuse to respond to them.

Actually it was a first generation home console system for Nintendo,

Nice try though

Actually it was a third generation at home console.

Your opiinion.

Ask and you shall receive

I didn’t ask you, I already got the answer from DirtyJose, you replied with a WRONG. I was telling you it’s impossible to be wrong when asking for a point.

Than it's probably the drugs.

What’s your point here, are you attempting to insult my intelligence?

Actually the game and watch was the inspiration for the DS, i you read the Nintendo interview with head honcho Satoru Iwata but instead your gonna say that i either can't read or have ignored your blinding first post.

HAHAHA. No technology from the Game & Watch was used in the DS. They simply copied the frame design from the Game & Watch. As I said there is no magical 80’s Game & Watch technology in the DS.

I’m not playing this game anymore Deej, everyone can see that your avoiding facts while throwing insults around, when you’re in no position to do so. Your overconfidence is going to be your downfall, and your overconfidence is quite misguided as well. I’ve left you the facts, you’ve refused to dispute them. I get it, you’re out of ammo, grasping at straws, doing everything and anything to avoid disputing facts. So you can continue to respond all you want, but I’m done with this game, I’ve went out of my way to list facts for you in my last post and you refused to dispute them, instead saying that you’re going to finally attack my opening post, which even that you didn’t do. It’s clear you’re trying to weasel your way out of disputing facts, while claiming your opinion to be so.
I accept SSC's point about the NES being a third gen machine (As per Wiki, Pong was the first, the 4 bit Atari was the second.) I think Deej is doing him a bit of a disservice there.

But we stand firm. Simply put the 80's opened the door to family computers. The Famicom, the Japanese NES. Its' influence should be understated. It dominated its' market and its' position of dominance forced Sega to come back. In the areas where Sega had dominated with the Master System, Nintendo struggled to maintain its success.

Isn't that the definition of the console war?

It continued into the 90's but it began in the 80's. I don't want to repeat this point again.

Dare to say that Nintendo in the 80's haven't influenced the current state of gaming and I list again, the list of incredible franchises that were borne out of this era. I've already done it but the likes of Mario and Zelda and Final Fantasy deserve mention again.

Those franchises have made the greatest games of the last two decades. Many of the great games from this decade have influenced the last 20 years of gaming. Indeed, I'd say there are very few games created in the 90's and 00's that influenced so much.

Myst, GTA, Doom maybe. I'm struggling here for truly original franchises. Not many of you have pointed out the masses of great games made in the last two decades. I'd wager that this is because there was so much created in the 80's that the 90's or 00's have struggled to recreate.

I read that the crash held the tech back. I struggle to believe this because the tech recently moved hand in hand with television technology. Sure the crash was tough but looking back, I see it as a big stretch to say it held the industry back and its' effects are still being felt.

The 80's will be remembered for great reasons. Mario and his role in creating creates platform games. Zelda for the same in adventure games. Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest for incredible role-players. Metroid for great side-scrolling and then 3D adventure-shooter hybrids.

Not to mention the greatest gaming mind of all time. Shigeru Miyamoto. Where's that worship smiley?


Oh, there it is.
This argument is mostly a circular one by now. '80s, '90s, '00s.

What the '80s did was great. I'm not going to sit here and say it wasn't important. But I feel that the advancements made in the '90s are what separates it from the '80s and '00s and makes it more important.

Cartridge to CD-ROM. This came to full effect in the '90s. They were able to hold more storage space, helping with complex graphics, content and sound. Cartridges couldn't do that anymore, going beyond their capactity. Plus it was cheaper to use CD-ROMs and better for production purposes than to use cartridges.

However, even with the N64 being one of the last cartridge based product from Nintendo, it still helped revolutionize 3D platform gaming with how they used Mario in Super Mario 64. Virtua Racing came out in '92, becoming one of the first 3D racing games with great features, multiplayer machine linking, and clean 3D graphics.

I'll also repeat from a previous post, the Dreamcast was revolutionary with abuilt in modem to help start online gameplay, as well as searching internet browsing software. The product itself may not have been the most popular, but you can't deny that the use of online play due to the built in modem came from the Dreamcast. Early systems had modems, but not online-gameplay accessible that were built in.

Last thing I'll mention in this is that the '90s brought us the ratings scale for video games. We can thank the violent games such as Virtua Fighter, Street Fighter II and Mortal Kombat. I'll mostly go with the latter on that with all of the blood, gore, and violence from finishing moves, but each game had their role.
It staked claim in ONE sizeable market. Don't try to claim that South America and Australia especially in the 80's were big video game markets. Even in Europe although it did extremely well it was still only on par with Nintendo. Nintendo absolutely dominated in NA and Japan. So in two thirds of the big video game market it was far superior and then in 1/3 it was equal.

Which equals 16% (or 1/6) of the market share (i.e., Europe, South America, and Australia). How is that not a sizable chunk of the market? That was more than enough to worry Nintendo and make Sega ambitious enough to aggressively expand into North America and Japan. Again, this proves my point: the 80s regional wars brought about the larger war we saw in the 90s.

I never claimed it sucked right off the bat but it was taken to a much higher level in the 90's. Outside of Tetris name me some successful games that came out for the Gameboy in the 80's. Going to the 90's there are tons of great games and the Gameboy achieved it's ultimate popularity in the 90's.

This is beside the point. YOU said that the Game Boy didn't take off until the 90s, and I proved that this was patently false.

A war and a potential threat are two different things. Sega was a potential threat so Nintendo did what they could to make sure they didn't become competition. It worked for a while in the 80's and then in the 90's the real war/competition started.

They were already engaging in regional wars as I've said before, and it escalated into a global electronics war once Americans and the Japanese took interest in Sega.

The analogy is actually better with the things you are stating above. The Bulls were still a competitive team in the Eastern Conference in the 80's much like Sega was competitive in a couple small markets and one of the big markets. Then in the 90's Sega became a worldwide threat much like the Bulls became a threat to the entire NBA. I wouldn't expect such a simple mind to grasp something that actually takes a little thinking ;).

No, your analogy's still complete and utter shit, precisely because Game Boy needed absolutely nothing else to sell well; it was already selling well when it debuted in 1989, and no additions akin to Pippen or Jackson were needed to make it an even bigger cash cow.

The only situation where your analogy works is the Sega Genesis in the North American market (but, I've already conceded this point).

Aww aren't you sweet. Trying to protect your little "rookie." Too bad you failed miserably. Try again homie.

Try again to what? To successfully own you and show everyone how much of an idiot you are?

I said it once, and I'll say it again. You are the Danger Barch of these forums: although you get your ass handed to you by someone at least once a month, your undying ignorance and megalomania support your sense of self-importance. Hopefully, though, you can find a Morgan Freeman to actually beat some of the opponents that decimate you:

OMG are you serious. This is not my opening post, that’s my response to Lee. I don’t know if you’re doing this on purpose or if you really are this dense. Was my last post to intelligent for you, where there to many facts for you to handle?

My bad, oh well now onto the debate.

My opening post would be the first post that I made, the one you are intentionally avoiding, because I don’t even believe your this dumb Deej, but if you’re going to continue to argue out of context I guess I don’t really have a choice other than to make you look like a fool, though you’re doing a pretty good job of it yourself.
Ok fine I'll take a look at your asinine post

The 90’s are responsible for everything you see today in the world of video games, sure there was some ground work laid in the 80’s, and even the 70’s before that, but the 90’s where a decade of innovation. There was the transition into three dimensional gaming, we got out first look at the first person shooter as well as real time strategy games. We even got our first celebrity appearance in a videogame.

Se my rebuttle, 3D gaming was started in the 80's, I also stated that Maze Warz was the first ever first person shooter, so your point there is moot aswell.

And the first ever celebrity appearence is Mike Tyson's punch out, you attempted to discredit it before but you can't.

It’s common to see actors lend their voices to video games, it actually happens quite frequently, but this was the very first example; not just his voice, but actual on screen acting in the videogame. This laid the ground work for such stars as Samuel L. Jackson to earn a little extra cash on the side for games like Grand Theft Auto, which just so happened to make its appearance on the Playstation consol in the 90’s.
So you're saying that voice acting made the 90's the most dominant decade in gaming?

Best selling games of all time

Here's a list of best selling games of all time, tell me if voice acting helped, and i assure you it did nothing, this is the reason why i didn't want to tackle this topic because it was a moot one.

With the introduction of the Super NES and the Sega Genesis at the beginning of the 90’s, as well as the introduction to two of the most influential gaming systems ever in the Playstation and the Nintendo 64 it’s clear that the 90’s had a powerful influence on current gaming culture. That’s the ground work for the Wii and the Paystation 3, that’s two of the big three with major 90’s roots.
Ok so you're basically saying the sega genesis is a 90's console, it wasn't manufactured in that decade, it was manufactured in 88.

Again your point is moot.

Nintendo 64 almost bombed so how is the console influental?, yeah your talking out of your ass in this one mate.

90's had the power to influence the current gaming culture?, did you not read my post on the 80's crash and how it managed to change the way games where being made, liscencing issues where resolved, yet your stating that the 90's changed gaming culture?, you sir are an ignorant little man.

With those systems we got some of the most innovative games of our time. Games like Mortal Kombat could finally be played at home, which in turn led to the downfall of the arcade. Mario and Star Fox 64 utilized three dimensional graphics like none before, and Golden Eye and Perfect Dark revolutionized the first person shooter, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. So many great games got their start in the 90’s. We have Sonic, Perfect Dark, Resident evil, DDR, Ocorina of Time, Tomb Raider and the list just goes on and on.
how did these games revolutionise anything?, what did they do that made the rest of the industry take notice?, oh wait there isn't an answer for that, just a list of endless games.

Good for you for showing initiative SSC, good for you.

We also saw the Gameboy take flight, and for the first time you could play video games on the go, which in turn led to the cell phone video games. I’m talking to you original Nokia with Snake, the first phone game of its kind, a true classic time killer, which led to the ability to download game like Tetris onto your phone, and I don’t have to tell you where that technology has taken you today.
Gameboy happened in the 80's, and your arguement on phones is trivial at best.

There was also the transition from cartridges to compact discs, which helped to advance three dimensional gaming even further, and of course that’s the only form you see today, other than the Gameboy cartridge which is still running strong.
Turbofx-cd in the 1980's was the first console to implement CD's, so again your arguement is baseless.

The 90’s took gaming everywhere and it came in all forms, computers, cell phones, at home consoles. Video games became so important in the 90’s that they influence was felt all over pop culture as well. So with so much innovation in all forms of gaming it seems pretty clear that the 90’s had by far the greatest influence and was easily the most important era of all time.
Video games where always important, the 80's changed the way games where manufactured, the process and the politics of gaming, yet you attempt to pass off crap about pop culture to make the 90's look strong.

Here's a one pop culture icon for you, mario, or what about the legend of zelda, Nintendo as a company became a big part of pop culture, so your arguement again is moot.

These are the facts that you managed to skip over from my last post, while instead trying to insult my intelligence. I’m not playing this little game with you anymore Deej. You wanted facts, I gave them to you, and you decide not to respond them and instead ask me for facts again. LOL. I’m literally laughing so hard that I’m about the shit my fucking pants Deej.
You need to come off the drugs if there making you shit your pants SSC.

So why did you choose to skip over the facts that you had asked for over and over again, I finally give them to you and you pretend that you’re going to respond to y opening post, when in fact you couldn’t even do that properly.
Facts?, nothing written above is factual, it shows lack of research.

Everything you have quoted had been from an debate with someone else, and you take what I say completely out of context and respond to it how you please, yet when I present facts you ignore them, even after I directed you to my previous posts filled with facts, and then I finally put them in a nice list form for you and you refuse to respond to them.
It was written by you, and yet you still pass bullshit off as factual, good for you for trying though.

Actually it was a third generation at home console.
Nope, the first console Nintendo distributed the Magnavox Odyssey, they did not create it and it did not have the nintendo branding, so how could it be the companies first generation console[/quote]

What was the second?, oh you mean the game and watch?, but wait it was a handheld console, thats like claiming the gameboy was the forth generation home console.

So the first console to recieve the nintendo branding was the NES, or the Family home system because it was the first home system Nintendo ever produced.

And you call me stupid.

are you seeing pink bunnies?

What’s your point here, are you attempting to insult my intelligence?
No your doing that all by yourself SSC/

HAHAHA. No technology from the Game & Watch was used in the DS. They simply copied the frame design from the Game & Watch. As I said there is no magical 80’s Game & Watch technology in the DS.
Asthetic you moron, Ashetic, the Game and Watch was the inspiration which i've stated twice now.

I’m not playing this game anymore Deej, everyone can see that your avoiding facts while throwing insults around, when you’re in no position to do so. Your overconfidence is going to be your downfall, and your overconfidence is quite misguided as well. I’ve left you the facts, you’ve refused to dispute them. I get it, you’re out of ammo, grasping at straws, doing everything and anything to avoid disputing facts. So you can continue to respond all you want, but I’m done with this game, I’ve went out of my way to list facts for you in my last post and you refused to dispute them, instead saying that you’re going to finally attack my opening post, which even that you didn’t do. It’s clear you’re trying to weasel your way out of disputing facts, while claiming your opinion to be so.
We'll let the judges decide that my friend, all i can see is a guy getting really wound up because he can't make a point about his decade, you know im right, you know without the 80's the 90's would be nothing, without the 80's there would be no tools to create the games you take for granted.

So stop downplaying it and actually admit it, but you wont, you'll still attempt to make the same point over and over, and your overhyped first post didn't help you either.

Poor guy.
Which equals 16% (or 1/6) of the market share (i.e., Europe, South America, and Australia). How is that not a sizable chunk of the market? That was more than enough to worry Nintendo and make Sega ambitious enough to aggressively expand into North America and Japan. Again, this proves my point: the 80s regional wars brought about the larger war we saw in the 90s.

I'm sorry but 16% is not sizable enough for me to consider it an all out war

This is beside the point. YOU said that the Game Boy didn't take off until the 90s, and I proved that this was patently false.

It didn't reach it's BIGGEST heights until the 90's. Being around for a few months in the 80's is great but it reached it's biggest heights in the 90's and that isn't arguable. I'll take the multiple years of being great and putting out tons of high selling games in the 90's over 6 months with probably 2 great games in the 80's.

They were already engaging in regional wars as I've said before, and it escalated into a global electronics war once Americans and the Japanese took interest in Sega.

The global war was the important one and the global war took place in the 90's.

No, your analogy's still complete and utter shit, precisely because Game Boy needed absolutely nothing else to sell well; it was already selling well when it debuted in 1989, and no additions akin to Pippen or Jackson were needed to make it an even bigger cash cow.

The only situation where your analogy works is the Sega Genesis in the North American market (but, I've already conceded this point).

Of course it needed other things to sell. You think Tetris was going to keep it afloat forever? Get out with that bs. One or two games does not a system make.

I said it once, and I'll say it again. You are the Danger Barch of these forums: although you get your ass handed to you by someone at least once a month, your undying ignorance and megalomania support your sense of self-importance. Hopefully, though, you can find a Morgan Freeman to actually beat some of the opponents that decimate you:

I'd love for you to show me where it get my ass handed to me because I guarantee you are wrong. Just because I'm better then you, you don't need to get your panties in a bunch ;)
Of course it needed other things to sell. You think Tetris was going to keep it afloat forever? Get out with that bs.

No you get out with that, BS.

Ok, that sucked.

Anyway, it seems to me that you are under the impression that Tetris was the only important release for the GameBoy in '89. I would like to educate you of some other important GameBoy releases still in the 80's.

Super Mario Land contributed to driving sales of the new GameBoy system as well. Let's look at a "fact" a few people here keep throwing around: the "numbers" game of how games sell more copies now than ever. Let's take Halo, and Tomb Raider, two releases which in turn became popular franchises in their respective decades.

Halo: Combat Evolved has sold over 5 million units.

Tomb Raider, including the Saturn, PSX, and PC versions of the original release, has sold over 7 million.

Super Mario Land? 18.06 million units.

The Final Fantasy Legend is of huge importance to Nintendo, Square, and the GameBoy. This was the first Square title to sell over a million units. Despite being quickly outclassed by later RPG/Adventure releases for the system, it blew opened the doors for other RPG/Adventure game developers to eye the system as the home for their games. Don't think that's of any relevance? Well, how about this: Satoshi Tajiri has stated that this game gave him the idea to develop an RPG game for the GameBoy, as he didn't think the system could handle what he had in mind. Of course, what Tajiri, founder of Game Freak, had in mind was Pókemon, not only an important title in the history of the GameBoy as a singular system and as a brand of handhelds, but also possibly one of Nintendo's most marketable and popular franchises ever. GameBoy stayed surprisingly resilient through the 90's, but in big part because of the groundbreaking releases of 1989.
DirtyJosé;2389799 said:
No you get out with that, BS.

Ok, that sucked.

Anyway, it seems to me that you are under the impression that Tetris was the only important release for the GameBoy in '89. I would like to educate you of some other important GameBoy releases still in the 80's.

Super Mario Land contributed to driving sales of the new GameBoy system as well. Let's look at a "fact" a few people here keep throwing around: the "numbers" game of how games sell more copies now than ever. Let's take Halo, and Tomb Raider, two releases which in turn became popular franchises in their respective decades.

Super Mario Land? 18.06 million units.

I'm not under the impression it was the ONLY game but Tetris was the highest selling, in part because it was packaged with the Game Boy. But don't think for a second that all 18.06 million units were sold in the few month period it was around in 89. You know damn well that a lot of those sales came in the 90's. I just don't see how the 80's can take more credit then the 90's for the Game Boy's success when it was only out for half a year in that decade. The majority of the sales and the majority of the great games for the Game Boy came out in the 90's and that is a fact.
DirtyJosé;2387404 said:
Here we go, some actual discussion on what importance the 00's hold. The 80's had portable gaming, but...well...it's wasn't pretty. Anyone else remember those Tiger Electronic handhelds? Anyway, I can't really make any argument as to why the 80's are more important to portable gaming than the 00's (beyond the success of Nintendo allowing for the creation of the GameBoy, yadda yadda yadda...), but I think the 90's might have something to say about this.
Say about what? Handheld gaming? It's way better now than it was 12 years ago. Graphically, the games a pretty much 3-D and a portable version of an already awesome system.

Untrue. During the 90's, it was possible to game online with many popular home consoles, including playing sports games, or fighting games, or racing games, and whatever other examples you gave except for Tiger Woods, because I don't think that was a game back then.
But was it as big as it is today? Fuck no. Online gaming is so important nowadays. You can't play it online no one wants to buy your game. That's the significance of online gaming that was brought to you by the Ps2 and what not. Online football wasn't huge in the 90's and dont give me that bull shit that it was a building block for today. Because it's not. It was minor, it's taken off this decade. It's an important thing in gaming.
So what's more important to video gaming: the precedents set by the 80's which have been emulated to this very day, or the shiny graphics and technical capabilities of the machines from 2000 to 2009?
Graphics and stuff because times are changing. If you give a kid now a Nintendo's he gonna be like wtf is this shit. Graphics are a huge selling point that was brought forth in this decade. Not the 90's or 80's.

Again: neat tech, bro.
all right cuz.

Lessons and events which shaped the industry vs one blockbuster game (of which there have been bigger and better)? You tell me what is more important here.

LOL, those games I mentioned are pretty much bigger than anything you've mentioned. Halo is a successful series, so is GTA. The sims were fucking huge. Like I said each of those games are important to the industry. Far bigger than most things in the 80's and 90's.

Another point to Jeffue, XBox live was an innovation in it's own right, but could you explain how "Microsoft designed it's own (internet connection)". Anyway, to tell the truth, the innovation of XBox live was Microsoft realizing what Sony, Sega, and Nintendo really hadn't: online gaming and downloadable content require broadband access to be successful. Sega had tried making a broadband add-on for the Dreamcast, but since it was released with a base dial-up modem, all content available to the network as based on 56k speeds, which consumers hated (while praising the initial concept of building in the modem in the first place).

You can't really blame Xbox live on someones failure. Xbox live is huge. Like you said, xbox live was an innovation and very important in the gaming industry. When did it happen? You guessed it. 2000-2009.
I've already stated that I feel just being first doesn't , but this isn't the case of someone else coming along and making an old thing better: the concept of immersive non-standard controller gameplay control has been a goal of Nintendo's since the 80's. Remember the Power Glove (yes, it's bad, so bad)?

Wii made stuff bigger and better. That's truly innovation.

Gaming this decade is so important. Networking websites are adding to it. You got games on facebook like farmville, which was a huge success. PC gaming sky rocketed. 2000-2009. You can't dispute the importance of gaming in this decade.

Gaming this decade is accessible to pretty much everyone. How many major releases were there in the 80's? Not many. 90's? a little more. Now? A bunch. You got wii sports, your gran tursimo3, your GTA Vice City, Mario Kart for the DS. Gran Turismo 4. Grant theft auto III and even Vice City.

You know what else has been important? Gaming within the browser, such as HTML, Java Script and so forth. That's also an important part in PC gaming. Along with the Sims, a gaming company that has sold 100 million copies going into 2009. Now that's a success, and important in the gaming industry.
You know another one of my points... Everyone keeps mentioning popular games like Kirby and so forth. But how many of those games were popular in the 80's or 90's?

Let me use Kirby as an example. As a whole the kirby thing was perceived as a failure. It had moderate success with the Nintendo 64. When did the Kirby rave become popular? That's right, the Smash Brothers Melee. Which was released in what year? You betcha. My decade. It was released in 2001. Yes Brawl was perceived as a much better game but that means nothing when it was released within this decade. Melee was rated a 92 on the metacritic scale of 100. Game rankings rated it an 89% percent. Yeah, the 1999 version did absolutely nothing for the Kirby character. That character took off in my decade.

I believe I've seen Dragon Quest being brought up in this thread? It took to VIII for it to be released in the UK and VIII for it to be called Dragon Quest in the US. What year was that released? 2004. Yeah another positive for the importance in this decade.

What about Metroid? Metroid? Great games were the first few in the series but it’s Nintendo’s equivalent of the Green Lantern. No one knows of it outside of the gaming community. That changed in 2002 when Prime was released. Prime, you know, the highest perceived Metroid game in the entire series. Both highly ranked by game rankings and Metacritic. It was a 96 on the Game Ranking scale and a 97% on the Metacritic scale.

That's truly a shame when important games in your decade didn't become popular until it released games within 2000-2009. It's no mistake that games become much more popular now because gaming in todays world is so important compared to what it was in the 1980's and 1990's.
And the first ever celebrity appeacence is Mike Tyson's punch out, you attempted to discredit it before but you can't.

So you're saying that voice acting made the 90's the most dominant decade in gaming?

Tyson had an 8-bit look alike character in the game. He’s also a sports figure not an actor.

Mark Hammel had an onscreen role, the very first of its kind, the incorporation of real life into videogames had not been done before, and now days you see real life clips in videogames all the time, as well as famous actors lending their voices to video games.

Here's a list of best selling games of all time, tell me if voice acting helped, and i assure you it did nothing, this is the reason why i didn't want to tackle this topic because it was a moot one.
Yeah, I just explained it for the fifth time deej, and I didn’t claim anything to be the most important, it’s the combination off all these things that make the 90’s better.

Ok so you're basically saying the sega genesis is a 90's console, it wasn't manufactured in that decade, it was manufactured in 88.

As I’ve explained, worldwide release of the Genesis didn’t happen until August 89’, and I’ve credited the production of the Genesis to the 80’s on a number of occasions, but the system didn’t take off until the 90’s, when it’s most famous games and characters where released.

Again your point is moot.

Why, because you say so? You haven’t backed anything up, you claim my point to be moot, YOU CLAIM it to be moot, just because you claim it doesn’t make it so.

Nintendo 64 almost bombed so how is the console influental?, yeah your talking out of your ass in this one mate.

It didn’t bomb, and it was the first at home 64 bit console, and it was very influential , unless your claiming the NES to not be influential, because you’ve got nothing to back that up.

90's had the power to influence the current gaming culture?, did you not read my post on the 80's crash and how it managed to change the way games where being made, liscencing issues where resolved, yet your stating that the 90's changed gaming culture?, you sir are an ignorant little man.

Yes, I did. Something you should try to do, READ. And perhaps SPELL CHECK while you’re at it.

I’ve given credit to that, something you refuse to do, you simply blindly credit the 80’s for everything, I’ve give plenty of credit to other generations.

This doesn’t change the fact that the crash set the eighties back, just because you worked your way out of it doesn’t mean it didn’t almost kill the gaming industry and cost the 80’s half a generation while trying to fix the problem.

how did these games revolutionise anything?, what did they do that made the rest of the industry take notice?, oh wait there isn't an answer for that, just a list of endless games.

You’ve listed games too Deej, don’t be a hypocrite. I went out ant actually listed them, while all you seem to be able to do is quote Wiki.

All those games did have an influence too, if the 80’s where so amazing we’d all still be playing the same 8 bit games over and over again, I’ve given plenty of credit to the 80’s, but the generation can’t stand on the Nintendo alone.

Good for you for showing initiative SSC, good for you.

Thanks for trying to patronize me Deej.

Gameboy happened in the 80's, and your arguement on phones is trivial at best.

Just like the Genesis, it was the end of the 80’s and took flight in the 90’s.

Turbofx-cd in the 1980's was the first console to implement CD's, so again your arguement is baseless.

Referencing an obsolete, obscure, practically unknown system, and not giving facts about its capabilities, I typed it in many different ways and couldn’t find any information on it.

Video games where always important, the 80's changed the way games where manufactured, the process and the politics of gaming, yet you attempt to pass off crap about pop culture to make the 90's look strong.

Pop Culture and gaming go hand in hand Deej, thanks to the 90’s.

Again, the 80’s changed the way because they nearly destroyed gaming, costing you almost five years of downtime in the 80’s

Here's a one pop culture icon for you, mario, or what about the legend of zelda, Nintendo as a company became a big part of pop culture, so your arguement again is moot.

Do mean Link?

Here you go with blind Nintendo love, and claiming points moot because you say so.

You need to come off the drugs if there making you shit your pants SSC.

It’s not the drugs, it’s you deej, I’ve had more progressive conversation with the angry ******s from my highschool.

Facts?, nothing written above is factual, it shows lack of research.

So, from that entire list of reasons why I think the 90’s are better this is all you can come up with. I listed facts Deej, and my research is solid, this is just another blatant attempt to dodge factual evidence as to why the 90’s had a greater overall affect on gaming.

It was written by you, and yet you still pass bullshit off as factual, good for you for trying though.

Yes, I do right my own stuff, unlike you who can’t help but quote wiki, and copy and paste information as your own.

Nope, the first console Nintendo distributed the Magnavox Odyssey, they did not create it and it did not have the nintendo branding, so how could it be the companies first generation console

The Nintendo is a third generation at home console. Check your facts Deej. Your partner numbers already conceded this fact.

What was the second?, oh you mean the game and watch?, but wait it was a handheld console, thats like claiming the gameboy was the forth generation home console.

What the fuck is with this obsession with the Game & Watch

Intellvision, and Colecovision would be your Second Generation at home consoles, so again check our facts before trying to call me out.

So the first console to recieve the nintendo branding was the NES, or the Family home system because it was the first home system Nintendo ever produced.

It was still a third generation at home gaming consol that had taken from the previous two generations. You really need to remove that blindfold Deejsauce.

And you call me stupid.


are you seeing pink bunnies?


No your doing that all by yourself SSC/

Okay, whatever you say Deej.

Asthetic you moron, Ashetic, the Game and Watch was the inspiration which i've stated twice now.


We'll let the judges decide that my friend, all i can see is a guy getting really wound up because he can't make a point about his decade, you know im right, you know without the 80's the 90's would be nothing, without the 80's there would be no tools to create the games you take for granted.
Just like the 80’s needed the 70’s, without the 70’s the 80’s would be nothing. The 80’s didn’t invent gaming as you claim they did.

I’ve made plenty of points, you’ve been dodging them since page one.

Poor guy.

Cool Story
Tell it again
Tell it at party’s
Make new friends.
Tyson had an 8-bit look alike character in the game. He’s also a sports figure not an actor.

Does it matter?, you said it was a first appearence in video games and Tyson name and likeness where used so your point again is moot dear sir.

Mark Hammel had an onscreen role, the very first of its kind, the incorporation of real life into videogames had not been done before, and now days you see real life clips in videogames all the time, as well as famous actors lending their voices to video games.
As i said look at the link, you want me to make it clearer for you?,


Wind Command isn't listed, the fact is with all the voice over costs games like this never even made a dent until the 00's when Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 utilised more and more voice over techniques, so next time you run your mouth use your brain a little before attempting to discredit the 80's.

Yeah, I just explained it for the fifth time deej, and I didn’t claim anything to be the most important, it’s the combination off all these things that make the 90’s better.
They do not, the fact is 90's was nothing compared to the 80's where home gaiming rose from the ashes of the 80's crash and became dominant, it shifted from the United states to Japan, you say you've done your research but have yet to pertain anything in regards to why your decade was better, this my friend makes you a self self righteous moron.

As I’ve explained, worldwide release of the Genesis didn’t happen until August 89’, and I’ve credited the production of the Genesis to the 80’s on a number of occasions, but the system didn’t take off until the 90’s, when it’s most famous games and characters where released.
Again Bull, the genesis gave sega an advantage over the nintendo entertainment system at the end of the 80's, the feud continued into the 90's where nintendo gained an upper hand, again do some damn research and stop attempting to refut my claims with bull.

Why, because you say so? You haven’t backed anything up, you claim my point to be moot, YOU CLAIM it to be moot, just because you claim it doesn’t make it so.
I have and also gave reference I can provide urls of more useful information, but yet you won't read them will you.

It didn’t bomb, and it was the first at home 64 bit console, and it was very influential , unless your claiming the NES to not be influential, because you’ve got nothing to back that up.
It bombed harder than your acedemic career son, it was the only console never to actually move over to cd's the only console that attempted to use cartridges and thus wasn't able to attain the same status as the Playstation and the Dreamcast as innovations in technology, there was nothing that made the N64 stand out like its two predecessors.

Yes, I did. Something you should try to do, READ. And perhaps SPELL CHECK while you’re at it.
Oh SSC took at shot at me I'm so hurt....

I’ve given credit to that, something you refuse to do, you simply blindly credit the 80’s for everything, I’ve give plenty of credit to other generations.
It's a debate to say why your decade is the strongest a debate that you are sorely losing.

Why should I give credit to a year that just carried over technology that was manufactured in the 80's?, that would be unreasonable to say the least.

This doesn’t change the fact that the crash set the eighties back, just because you worked your way out of it doesn’t mean it didn’t almost kill the gaming industry and cost the 80’s half a generation while trying to fix the problem.
actually it revived the industry, sheesh your grasping at straws just to keep the 90's relevant, poor boy.

You’ve listed games too Deej, don’t be a hypocrite. I went out ant actually listed them, while all you seem to be able to do is quote Wiki.
I'm quoting it to prove a point, you assumed that my facts where baseless, I proved otherwise young lad.

All those games did have an influence too, if the 80’s where so amazing we’d all still be playing the same 8 bit games over and over again, I’ve given plenty of credit to the 80’s, but the generation can’t stand on the Nintendo alone.
The 80's created 8bit, 16bit, and 32bit gaiming, and was also the birth of 3D, you know, what is used to create games of todays high quality.

Thanks for trying to patronize me Deej.
Again, all you mate.

Just like the Genesis, it was the end of the 80’s and took flight in the 90’s.
Sure it did SSC, Sure it did.

Referencing an obsolete, obscure, practically unknown system, and not giving facts about its capabilities, I typed it in many different ways and couldn’t find any information on it.
wasn't the colecovision, the intellivision and the atari obsceure and irrelevant systems?, yet you referenced them just fine SSC.

Pop Culture and gaming go hand in hand Deej, thanks to the 90’s.
Like Mario and gaming right?

Again, the 80’s changed the way because they nearly destroyed gaming, costing you almost five years of downtime in the 80’s
I can give you five different versions of this same comment, each time you keep posting about this, your beating a dead horse SSC, you seriously have no proof that the crash destroyed gaming at all.

Here you go with blind Nintendo love, and claiming points moot because you say so.
it's not blind, Nintendo single handedly revived the industry, sega just followed suit.

It’s not the drugs, it’s you deej, I’ve had more progressive conversation with the angry ******s from my highschool.
Is your highschool a special school SSC?

So, from that entire list of reasons why I think the 90’s are better this is all you can come up with. I listed facts Deej, and my research is solid, this is just another blatant attempt to dodge factual evidence as to why the 90’s had a greater overall affect on gaming.
passing crap as facts doesnt really draw me into a debate with you SSC, why not try creating another thread about how Borat is an amazing piece of cinematography, oh wait you did that and got owned.

Yes, I do right my own stuff, unlike you who can’t help but quote wiki, and copy and paste information as your own.
I suppose its all fiction.

The Nintendo is a third generation at home console. Check your facts Deej. Your partner numbers already conceded this fact.
The NES was a first generation for its company, you keep repating yourself over and over again with no validation.

What the fuck is with this obsession with the Game & Watch
Your the one who keeps calling it, I told you about the asthetics of the device that made the DS, you kept denouncing it.

Intellvision, and Colecovision would be your Second Generation at home consoles, so again check our facts before trying to call me out.
Actually the Atari was the second generation if you really want to play this game.

It was still a third generation at home gaming consol that had taken from the previous two generations. You really need to remove that blindfold Deejsauce.
You really need to climb out of the 90's rock your hiding under...

Just like the 80’s needed the 70’s, without the 70’s the 80’s would be nothing. The 80’s didn’t invent gaming as you claim they did.
Great job at defending the 90's btw.
Does it matter?, you said it was a first appearence in video games and Tyson name and likeness where used so your point again is moot dear sir.

Yes it matters, because having an 8-bit character named Tyson, and having the Legendary Mark Hamel of Luke Skywalker fame appearing on screen and actually talking to you while playing the videogame, as well as actually acting out screen shots, two completely different things.

Again claiming a point to be moot doesn’t make it so.

As i said look at the link, you want me to make it clearer for you?,


Wind Command isn't listed, the fact is with all the voice over costs games like this never even made a dent until the 00's when Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 utilised more and more voice over techniques, so next time you run your mouth use your brain a little before attempting to discredit the 80's.

Wing commander isn’t listed because it wasn’t just voice over, it was actual on screen acting and real life video clips, and as you just pointed out had an influence on the 00’s.

Is wiki your only source for information Deej? Just because it’s not on one list on wiki doesn’t mean a damn thing, fact is if you look hard enough you will find plenty of information about it on wiki, it’s there, I checked.

They do not, the fact is 90's was nothing compared to the 80's where home gaiming rose from the ashes of the 80's crash and became dominant, it shifted from the United states to Japan, you say you've done your research but have yet to pertain anything in regards to why your decade was better, this my friend makes you a self self righteous moron.

Self Righteous Moron? Because I gave you multiple lists of facts that you refuse to dispute? If you say so.

Again Bull, the genesis gave sega an advantage over the nintendo entertainment system at the end of the 80's, the feud continued into the 90's where nintendo gained an upper hand, again do some damn research and stop attempting to refut my claims with bull.

Sega didn’t grab the upper hand until the 90’s, It’s hard for a company to gain the upper hand when they don’t reach the worldwide market until August 89’.
I’ve done plenty of research, this is why I’m able to credit all generations, because I didn’t just research the 90’s, I looked at all generations of gaming and have given credit where credit is due, but in my opinion, and yes, this debate is about opinion, because there is no one generation that has been defined as the greatest generation.

I have and also gave reference I can provide urls of more useful information, but yet you won't read them will you.

It’s not my job to read through provided urls, if there are facts that you want to present, type them out so everyone can read them.

It bombed harder than your acedemic career son, it was the only console never to actually move over to cd's the only console that attempted to use cartridges and thus wasn't able to attain the same status as the Playstation and the Dreamcast as innovations in technology, there was nothing that made the N64 stand out like its two predecessors.

Lol, more irony from Deej. When trying to insult someone’s intelligence it helps to be able to spell words like Academic.

So because it used cartridges it bombed? It was still the first AT HOME 64BIT CONSOLE, cartridges or not, it also evolved, just look at the Wii.

Oh SSC took at shot at me I'm so hurt....

No shot taken, it’s a pain in the ass to read through your terrible spelling and crap sentence structure.

It's a debate to say why your decade is the strongest a debate that you are sorely losing.

Just because it’s a debate doesn’t mean I have to be blind to other generations influences, I respect the 80’s and the 00’s, and I’m not blind to their influences.

Why should I give credit to a year that just carried over technology that was manufactured in the 80's?, that would be unreasonable to say the least.

Because that’s just what the 80’s did, carry over technology from the 70’s, and the 60’s before that. Otherwise your just being a blind hypocrite.

actually it revived the industry, sheesh your grasping at straws just to keep the 90's relevant, poor boy.


I'm quoting it to prove a point, you assumed that my facts where baseless, I proved otherwise young lad.

I didn’t assume anything, I just called you out on quoting wiki directly for more than half of your argument.

The 80's created 8bit, 16bit, and 32bit gaiming, and was also the birth of 3D, you know, what is used to create games of todays high quality.

We may have seen a glimpse of 32 bit and 3D gaming from the 80’s, but three dimensional home gaming consoles didn’t come around until the 90’s, in the system that you label as a huge failure, also known as the Nintendo 64.

Sure it did SSC, Sure it did.
The Genesis and the Gameboy both took flight in the 90’s. it’s hard to garner momentum when both systems where released at the end of your decade.

wasn't the colecovision, the intellivision and the atari obsceure and irrelevant systems?, yet you referenced them just fine SSC.

No, because I just proved you completely wrong.

You tried to say the fucking Game & Watch was 2nd generation system, what I did was list the REAL second generation systems. You then tried to say that the Atari was an obscure system, when the Atari is referenced all the time in Video game culture.

Like Mario and gaming right?

89’ – 94’ is when the original Mario brothers show aired, and it didn’t catch on till 91. So yet something else that needed the 90’s to help get it off the ground. So again, 90’s helped to revolutionize the relationship between gaming and pop-culture.

I can give you five different versions of this same comment, each time you keep posting about this, your beating a dead horse SSC, you seriously have no proof that the crash destroyed gaming at all.

Yeah, because I have to keep replying to your brain dead comments.

I never said it did, I said it almost destroyed gaming, which is in fact true, you’ve even stated this, hence the changes that had to be made to bring gaming back out of the hole it had fallen into.

it's not blind, Nintendo single handedly revived the industry, sega just followed suit.

You realize that this completely contradicts your previous statement.

Is your highschool a special school SSC?

Yeah, it holds a special place in my heart.

passing crap as facts doesnt really draw me into a debate with you SSC, why not try creating another thread about how Borat is an amazing piece of cinematography, oh wait you did that and got owned.

Yet again, talking your way out of replying to the list that you asked for on numerous occasions.

Lol, thanks for referencing my Borat thread, not to brag or anything, but I’m pretty sure I won the last round. If I my ask, how did I get owned in that thread?

I suppose its all fiction.

Facts and opinions actually.

The NES was a first generation for its company, you keep repating yourself over and over again with no validation.

I don’t fucking care, it’s still a third generation at home console that borrowed from previous generations, I’ll keep repeating myself, because I’m right.

Your the one who keeps calling it, I told you about the asthetics of the device that made the DS, you kept denouncing it.

Because other than the outer frame the Game & Watch has nothing, and I mean NOTHING to do with the DS.

Actually the Atari was the second generation if you really want to play this game.

You where the one that said Game & Watch was a second generation system, both systems I listed are second generation consoles as well, so what game are we playing Deej?

You really need to climb out of the 90's rock your hiding under...

Doesn’t change the fact that the NES was a Third Generation Home Gaming Console, I’ve given plenty of credit to the 80’s and the 00’s, something you refuse to do.

Great job at defending the 90's btw.

Thank you Deej, what can I say, I’m something special.
Looking at 2000-2009, a lot of things in the gaming industry stick out. You can pracrically game on any kind of handheld device. Your cell phone, Ipod, they still have portable gaming devices and they're getting better. PSP vhas probably been the best hand held gaming device ever. And that just came out recently.

I love it. Forget the Nintendo machines - the best handhelds - you choose the PSP - a fucking abomination with horrific ergonomic design. And you also forget how disasterous the N-gage was and only Apple's efforts are making handheld gaming on a non-Nintendo formats competitive.

You can also bring up online play but it's better now. In the 80's and 90's what kind of computer games could you play against one another? Games lick Checkers and Chess. Sure they had a few select games. But nowadays you can wrestle one another, play football against one another. Shoot and attempt to kill one another. You can race and so forth. That was non existent. This decade has that. No other decade can say that. It's gotten so much better. You don't have to be sitting next to your bestfriend to play a game like Tiger Woods golf. He can be in Germany and it would still have the same feel as him being right by your side.

Decent point I suppose. I still don't think it's a massive innovation. It was simple advances in tech that dragged gaming along with it.

Anyways, do you wanna know what the 80's brought? A huge ass video game crash. It brought an end to what is considered to be the second generation of video gaming. The cause of crash included a poorly designed E.T game and Pac Man for the Atari.

The first and second gens were poor but required so we could arrive at the crash. The crash brought about everything in modern gaming.

Do you want to know what the 2000's brought us? Ill tell you. It brought us games like GTAIII, one of the most successfull games ever. Grand Theft Auto III, it's pretty much a huge milestone in gaming.

One of the few original IP's that this decade brought about. Thanks for letting me make that point again.

This decade also brought us Xbox live. Instead of being able to support an internet connection, Microsoft designed it's own. Calling it Xbox live. Which became a huge selling point for the Xbox because of games like Halo2.

You made this point up there somewhere. I have to concede this but it was simple tech advancement.

Another selling point for this decade is the rise in casual pc gaming. You know what the biggest hit was? The Sims, it surpassed Myst, which was a 90's game.

Casual PC gaming is the offspring of family gaming, which Nintendo introduced.

Now you can even bring up motion control. The Wii capitalizes on the motion control with games like wii fit and wii sports. Yes they do have a joystick and a controller but you don't get the same experience as you do with the wand. Motion controlling is a huge success, it might have happened before but it isn't as big as it is now.

The Wii, a Nintendo machine. The company that innovated family gaming, succeeds yet again, just like the they did in the 80's with the Famicom/NES and the Game Boy.

So ultimately, no matter how you look at it. The years 2000-2009 are so important in gaming because it blows everything else out of the water. We don't have crashes in the industry today. Well crashes that don't destroy the industry. We have better online play, with a wider variety of online game play. We can play games in HD. This decade improved computer gaming and this decade produced some of the biggest games of all time, and some of the biggest series ever. No other decade can compare to this one. Which is why this decade is the most important in Video Gaming.

Things being better and smaller isn't always a good thing. Innovation was crucially lacking.

You also neglect to mention how big the pre-ownership thing. Pre-owned games are forcing games makers to create new ways of releasing DLC. Codes are being released with games to reward pre-ownership and gamers who buy new. Those who buy pre-owned will be asked to either pay for it or buy it as part of a larger DLC. This attempt to kill pre-owned games is in danger of doing more harm than good.

Great influence there.

This argument is mostly a circular one by now. '80s, '90s, '00s.

What the '80s did was great. I'm not going to sit here and say it wasn't important. But I feel that the advancements made in the '90s are what separates it from the '80s and '00s and makes it more important.

Cartridge to CD-ROM. This came to full effect in the '90s. They were able to hold more storage space, helping with complex graphics, content and sound. Cartridges couldn't do that anymore, going beyond their capactity. Plus it was cheaper to use CD-ROMs and better for production purposes than to use cartridges.

Decent point I suppose but it was just part of innovation in other areas. CD-Rom gaming came when CD were becoming generally acceptable.

Last thing I'll mention in this is that the '90s brought us the ratings scale for video games. We can thank the violent games such as Virtua Fighter, Street Fighter II and Mortal Kombat. I'll mostly go with the latter on that with all of the blood, gore, and violence from finishing moves, but each game had their role.

Street Fighter is the better series and it came out in the 80's. Mortal Kmobat was only one of the games which brought over the ratings system. It was hardly new though as was already in place for film.

Se my rebuttle, 3D gaming was started in the 80's, I also stated that Maze Warz was the first ever first person shooter, so your point there is moot aswell.

It's a generous comparison but on that needs to be made as it was important.

Ok so you're basically saying the sega genesis is a 90's console, it wasn't manufactured in that decade, it was manufactured in 88.

Plenty of other consoles were made in the 80's and were released in the 90's. See that alongside the time it takes to bring consoles from Asia to Europe via North America and the Genesis is "technically" a 90's machine as it came out in 1990.

how did these games revolutionise anything?, what did they do that made the rest of the industry take notice?, oh wait there isn't an answer for that, just a list of endless games.

Franchises specifically. An endless list of franchises that are either being remade to this day or have massively influenced the current world of gaming.

DirtyJosé;2389799 said:
Anyway, it seems to me that you are under the impression that Tetris was the only important release for the GameBoy in '89. I would like to educate you of some other important GameBoy releases still in the 80's.

Super Mario Land contributed to driving sales of the new GameBoy system as well. Let's look at a "fact" a few people here keep throwing around: the "numbers" game of how games sell more copies now than ever. Let's take Halo, and Tomb Raider, two releases which in turn became popular franchises in their respective decades.

Halo: Combat Evolved has sold over 5 million units.

Tomb Raider, including the Saturn, PSX, and PC versions of the original release, has sold over 7 million.

Super Mario Land? 18.06 million units.

Great point well made.

The Final Fantasy Legend is of huge importance to Nintendo, Square, and the GameBoy. This was the first Square title to sell over a million units. Despite being quickly outclassed by later RPG/Adventure releases for the system, it blew opened the doors for other RPG/Adventure game developers to eye the system as the home for their games.

FF was made as Square's last game. It saved the company and launched a whole genre that is huge to this day. Becker tries and fails to make a point about this later.

Don't think that's of any relevance? Well, how about this: Satoshi Tajiri has stated that this game gave him the idea to develop an RPG game for the GameBoy, as he didn't think the system could handle what he had in mind. Of course, what Tajiri, founder of Game Freak, had in mind was Pókemon, not only an important title in the history of the GameBoy as a singular system and as a brand of handhelds, but also possibly one of Nintendo's most marketable and popular franchises ever. GameBoy stayed surprisingly resilient through the 90's, but in big part because of the groundbreaking releases of 1989.

Another great point. The same battle system among many similarities between the two games.

I'm not under the impression it was the ONLY game but Tetris was the highest selling, in part because it was packaged with the Game Boy. But don't think for a second that all 18.06 million units were sold in the few month period it was around in 89. You know damn well that a lot of those sales came in the 90's. I just don't see how the 80's can take more credit then the 90's for the Game Boy's success when it was only out for half a year in that decade. The majority of the sales and the majority of the great games for the Game Boy came out in the 90's and that is a fact.

But that's simple math. A game that is on sale for six months will sell less than one on sale for 18 months.

So your point is asinine at best and argumentative at worst.

Tetris has been cited by many as the greatest game of all time. So it was going to sell many regardless. Your point tells me that Tetris sold machines. Every machine launch needs that killer title to sell machines. Nintendo are particularly good at having this.

Say about what? Handheld gaming? It's way better now than it was 12 years ago. Graphically, the games a pretty much 3-D and a portable version of an already awesome system.

Wow it looks better.

Becker wins the debate by himself with that one sentence.

Nintendo have dominated handheld gaming and this is in no small part to a great catalogue of games. Many of which are ports or improvements of 80's titles or franchises

But was it as big as it is today? Fuck no. Online gaming is so important nowadays. You can't play it online no one wants to buy your game. That's the significance of online gaming that was brought to you by the Ps2 and what not. Online football wasn't huge in the 90's and dont give me that bull shit that it was a building block for today. Because it's not. It was minor, it's taken off this decade. It's an important thing in gaming.

You are giving online way too much credit. It has not contributed as much as you think.

Graphics and stuff because times are changing. If you give a kid now a Nintendo's he gonna be like wtf is this shit. Graphics are a huge selling point that was brought forth in this decade. Not the 90's or 80's.

But if you gave a kid a Game Boy in 1989, not only will he be amazed, but he will likely turn into a buyer of games and consoles now. Graphics are not entirely key here. It's how the machine plays too.

LOL, those games I mentioned are pretty much bigger than anything you've mentioned. Halo is a successful series, so is GTA. The sims were fucking huge. Like I said each of those games are important to the industry. Far bigger than most things in the 80's and 90's.

Games that couldnt exist on 8 or 16 bit consoles.

Wii made stuff bigger and better. That's truly innovation.

The Wii is the weakest current-gen console.

Gaming this decade is so important. Networking websites are adding to it. You got games on facebook like farmville, which was a huge success. PC gaming sky rocketed. 2000-2009. You can't dispute the importance of gaming in this decade.

It's important, no doubt but it is not truly innovative. It simply moved well with the times, better than any othe generation before it.

Gaming this decade is accessible to pretty much everyone. How many major releases were there in the 80's? Not many. 90's? a little more. Now? A bunch. You got wii sports, your gran tursimo3, your GTA Vice City, Mario Kart for the DS. Gran Turismo 4. Grant theft auto III and even Vice City.

You can mainly credit this to retail. Games are cheaper than ever and more available than ever.

You know what else has been important? Gaming within the browser, such as HTML, Java Script and so forth. That's also an important part in PC gaming. Along with the Sims, a gaming company that has sold 100 million copies going into 2009. Now that's a success, and important in the gaming industry.

Again, far too much credit to something that simply has come along thanks to the internet.

You know another one of my points... Everyone keeps mentioning popular games like Kirby and so forth. But how many of those games were popular in the 80's or 90's?

ALL OF THEM! Give this era some credit. It damn deserves it!

Let me use Kirby as an example.
Of all the possibilities you chose the weakest. And a 90's one at that so you ignored a whole five years of possibilities.

As a whole the kirby thing was perceived as a failure. It had moderate success with the Nintendo 64. When did the Kirby rave become popular? That's right, the Smash Brothers Melee. Which was released in what year? You betcha. My decade. It was released in 2001. Yes Brawl was perceived as a much better game but that means nothing when it was released within this decade. Melee was rated a 92 on the metacritic scale of 100. Game rankings rated it an 89% percent. Yeah, the 1999 version did absolutely nothing for the Kirby character. That character took off in my decade.

Rubbish, absolute BS and a desperate leap on your part. Again.

I believe I've seen Dragon Quest being brought up in this thread? It took to VIII for it to be released in the UK and VIII for it to be called Dragon Quest in the US. What year was that released? 2004. Yeah another positive for the importance in this decade.

Wrong. DQ VIII only came out in 2006 in the UK (the first PAL DQ game and a superb one too) and 2005 in the US. DQ VII came out in 2001 in the US.

Piss poor research on your part.

And as stated before, DQ sells more games worldwide than most. And it has pierced the Japanese consciousness like only other a couple of gaming franchises has done.

Your point is mute as well as poorly researched.

What about Metroid? Metroid? Great games were the first few in the series but it’s Nintendo’s equivalent of the Green Lantern. No one knows of it outside of the gaming community. That changed in 2002 when Prime was released. Prime, you know, the highest perceived Metroid game in the entire series. Both highly ranked by game rankings and Metacritic. It was a 96 on the Game Ranking scale and a 97% on the Metacritic scale.

Not even the best game of its series.

That's truly a shame when important games in your decade didn't become popular until it released games within 2000-2009. It's no mistake that games become much more popular now because gaming in todays world is so important compared to what it was in the 1980's and 1990's.

They only really had five years to become as popular and to less of an audience. Mario has been successful for 25 years. How many non-Nintendo characters (besides Sonic, a 90's creation)can say that?

As I’ve explained, worldwide release of the Genesis didn’t happen until August 89’, and I’ve credited the production of the Genesis to the 80’s on a number of occasions, but the system didn’t take off until the 90’s, when it’s most famous games and characters where released.

Taking off is all well and good but as I explained above, it only had a few months. Of course it's true success was going to be felt later.

This doesn’t change the fact that the crash set the eighties back, just because you worked your way out of it doesn’t mean it didn’t almost kill the gaming industry and cost the 80’s half a generation while trying to fix the problem.

Half a generation? Really? I don't think the next 15 years suffered at all.

The Nintendo is a third generation at home console. Check your facts Deej. Your partner numbers already conceded this fact.

I did and Wiki does state it.


OK so I have seen very little to actually back up how influential and innovative the 90's and 00's were. Sure technology has propelled online gaming to prominence and 3D a necessity in all console games.

But the 80's proved that great games required incredible gameplay. Mario, Zelda, Street Fighter and Metroid all had it. It could look like a turd but the gameplay is crucial.

Given that the NES came five years into its' decade, it has done more for gaming than the X-box has in a similar amount of time.

The games have been improved on over the years but at the time, many of these games could not be beaten.

Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda, the Metroid series, Alex Kidd, Donkey Kong, Golden Axe, Kid Icarus, Street Fighter, Duck Hunt, Columns, Gauntlet, Metal Gear, Mega Man, Mike Tyson’s Punch Out, Tetris, Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy.

So how many puzzle games have done as much as Tetris?

How many adventure games are as relevant as The Legend of Zelda series?

And how many platformers are as well designed as the very first Super Mario game? None except for other Mario games.

And that is my point, the 80's provided some of the most important and influential titles of its time. The 80's are the pivotal era in gaming and as such, this is why the 80's should win this conversation.


This is my closing post. Thanks and good luck to all.
Whoa, whoa, Numbers - did you seriously just call the XBox Live technology and Online Gaming a "minor advancement?"

Numbers said:
Decent point I suppose. I still don't think it's a massive innovation. It was simple advances in tech that dragged gaming along with it.

Numbers said:
I have to concede this but it was simple tech advancement.


Okay...ya did. That's gross.

The ability to speak to and play games with or against people from the other side of the fricken' planet is a vastly more important innovation than handheld gaming. What's more impressive? "Look, I can play tetris in the car!" OR "Look, I am shooting bad guys with someone from Germany and someone from Holland!" Isn't that WEIRD?

I realize I'm going overboard with the Goldmember quotes. Sorry.

Numbers, I understand that you have to hold your point together, but you can't seriously try to sweep the important of online gaming under the rug as a "minor advancement." The sheer number of people who play online games each and every day is mind boggling.

So to you I say...


I called it a simple advancement. Don't read too much into it. Not to understate it but the internet was coming and it was for years. Gaming was going to take advantage. It had to.

It was a necessary advancement, but I see very little innovation in just playing on-line. It's just not that big of a deal.

DLC is innovation, I'd concede that. But then DLC is working against gamers now, because of my point about pre-ownership. Companies are holding content back because they are worried about losing out to retailers who take advantage of pre-ownership.

Sorry I don't have a random Goldmember gif or fancy meme to go with that.
Yes it matters, because having an 8-bit character named Tyson, and having the Legendary Mark Hamel of Luke Skywalker fame appearing on screen and actually talking to you while playing the videogame, as well as actually acting out screen shots, two completely different things.

Again claiming a point to be moot doesn’t make it so.

Tyson is famous, Hamils only claim to fame is star wars.

Yet you go on about the guy like he's the second coming:rolleyes:.

Btw here is an article from my so called only reference material wikipedia.

FMV-based games were popular during the early 1990s as CD-ROMs and Laserdiscs made their way into the living rooms, providing an alternative to the low-capacity cartridges of most consoles. Although most games did manage to look better than most sprite-based games, they were a niche market—a vast majority of FMV games were panned at the time of their release, and most gamers dislike the lack of interaction inherent of these games. This format became a well-known failure in video gaming. The popularity of FMV games declined after around 1995, as more advanced consoles were released.

So as you can see, FMV games such as your favorite Wing commander where an absolute failure, ending in 1995, this was due to the fact that it was directed at a niche market.

You can moke me all you want but your the one attempting to say that a dead genre in computing revolutionalised the 90's even though it didn't last half of it, not even your friend mark hamil can help the genre from going bottom up.

Nice try though.

Wing commander isn’t listed because it wasn’t just voice over, it was actual on screen acting and real life video clips, and as you just pointed out had an influence on the 00’s.

It's because it was apart of a dead genre in gaming that tanked, the fact that the genre of gaming made a comback in the 00's due to better system's and overall appeal of games such as command and conquer and those of the RPG genre (which btw started in the 80's) we started to see FMV games make a come back.

These FMV games frequently used D-list (or worse) movie and TV actors and promised to create the experience of playing an interactive movie. However, production values were quite low with amateurish sets, lighting, costumes, and special effects. In addition, the video quality in these early games was low, and the gameplay frequently did not live up to the hype becoming well-known failures in video gaming.
Is wiki your only source for information Deej? Just because it’s not on one list on wiki doesn’t mean a damn thing, fact is if you look hard enough you will find plenty of information about it on wiki, it’s there, I checked.

Not really, but it helps alot especially when it comes to proving you wrong SSC.:lmao:

Self Righteous Moron? Because I gave you multiple lists of facts that you refuse to dispute? If you say so.

There not facts, you want to continue this debate do so, but in the end your only claim to fame is a dead gaming genre that was apart of a nieche market, I have a whole decade that reletavly started a war between two companies, as Tdigs has stated it sega managed to gain a 16 percent market share from Nintendo, that's something not even TNA can accomplish.

Sega didn’t grab the upper hand until the 90’s, It’s hard for a company to gain the upper hand when they don’t reach the worldwide market until August 89’.

The Mega Drive initially competed against the aging 8-bit NES, over which it had superior graphics and sound. Despite this, the Mega Drive was all but ignored in Japan as soon as it was launched. Despite some positive coverage from magazines Famitsu and Beep!, Sega only managed to ship 400,000 units in the first year.In order to increase sales, Sega released various peripherals and games, including an online banking system and answering machine called the Sega Mega Anser. Despite this, the Mega Drive remained a distant third in Japan behind Nintendo's Super Famicom and NEC's PC Engine throughout the 16-bit era.

If you call this an upperhand, look at the dismal sales from the sega megadrive, it couldn't even compete with Turbographicsfx, also known as the PC engine, you know, the console you apparently think isn't real.

I’ve done plenty of research, this is why I’m able to credit all generations, because I didn’t just research the 90’s, I looked at all generations of gaming and have given credit where credit is due, but in my opinion, and yes, this debate is about opinion, because there is no one generation that has been defined as the greatest generation.

You didn't use any research at all, if you did you would have known that thing's you keep crediting for making the 90's famous actually tanked, it's sad really attempting to see you salvage the 90's based on the hype of Mark Hamil and other D list actors attempting to make FMV gaming look good.

It’s not my job to read through provided urls, if there are facts that you want to present, type them out so everyone can read them.

I was just proving a point, URL linking was to provide the guy who thinks he's right proof that the 80's are the greatest decade in gaming.

So because it used cartridges it bombed? It was still the first AT HOME 64BIT CONSOLE, cartridges or not, it also evolved, just look at the Wii.

Wii isn't apart of the 90's but i bet you'll try to take credit for that aswell.:rolleyes:

Actually the first home 64 bit console was the Atari Jaguar produced in 1994 and would be the last console ever to have the atari banner attached to it.


I love proving you wrong.

Just because it’s a debate doesn’t mean I have to be blind to other generations influences, I respect the 80’s and the 00’s, and I’m not blind to their influences.

See my previous post, you said that the N64 was the first ever 64 bit console, and i proved you wrong, just like i have been doing post after post.

Because that’s just what the 80’s did, carry over technology from the 70’s, and the 60’s before that. Otherwise your just being a blind hypocrite.

The 80's still managed to restructure gaming and revive the shattered home console market generating billions of pounds for the gaming industry.

and guess what else it did

two of the first gaming magazine publications where created in 1981, the first was in the United Kingdom and was titled computer and Video Games or as most hardcore gamers know it as CVG.

The second which was released in the United States was titled EGM (Electronic Games Magazine), which was released two weeks after CVG.

Another Milestone in gaming history thanks to the decade that braught us more firsts than any other and you know what decade that was the 80's.

I didn’t assume anything, I just called you out on quoting wiki directly for more than half of your argument.

And i called you out for being an idiot, guess who wins:)

We may have seen a glimpse of 32 bit and 3D gaming from the 80’s, but three dimensional home gaming consoles didn’t come around until the 90’s, in the system that you label as a huge failure, also known as the Nintendo 64.

you mean the first 64 bit console?

oh, wait, no, this was the first 64 bit console...


The Genesis and the Gameboy both took flight in the 90’s. it’s hard to garner momentum when both systems where released at the end of your decade.

Numbers stated previously, the gameboy dominated in sales in the 80's with the highest selling game on the system Super Mario Land, seriously your either arrogant or stupid i just can't tell which.

No, because I just proved you completely wrong.

By saying that a failed genre is the saviour of the 80's, yeah, I hate to break it to you....:rolleyes:

You tried to say the fucking Game & Watch was 2nd generation system, what I did was list the REAL second generation systems. You then tried to say that the Atari was an obscure system, when the Atari is referenced all the time in Video game culture.

I was being sarcastic....:suspic:

89’ – 94’ is when the original Mario brothers show aired, and it didn’t catch on till 91. So yet something else that needed the 90’s to help get it off the ground. So again, 90’s helped to revolutionize the relationship between gaming and pop-culture.

Super Mario Bros.: Peach-Hime Kyushutsu Dai Sakusen! (スーパーマリオブラザーズ ピーチ姫救出大作戦!, Sūpā Mario Burazāzu.: Pīchi-Hime Kyushutsu Dai Sakusen!?, literally, "Super Mario Bros.: Great Mission to Rescue Princess Peach!") is a Japanese anime film released on July 20, 1986. Directed by Masami Hata and produced by Masakatsu Suzuki and Tsunemasa Hatano, it stars Mario and Luigi, who get stuck in a Famicom video game, in which they must save Princess Peach from Koopa. A manga adaptation of the film was published in Japan around the same time as the film's release.
Three OVAs, based on Momotaro, Issun-bōshi and Snow White, were released in 1989. These generally featured Mario as the hero, Peach as the damsel and Bowser as the villain, with other Mario characters playing supporting roles.

Again your wrong, Mario was released in other media prior to the US release of the cartoon and live show, so that makes Mario a pop Culture Icon in the 80's Mario games where also released in other formats due to the immence popularity, the game far exceeded expectations and made Nintendo and mario a house hold name.

I never said it did, I said it almost destroyed gaming, which is in fact true, you’ve even stated this, hence the changes that had to be made to bring gaming back out of the hole it had fallen into.

Nope, didn't destroy gaming at all.

Facts and opinions actually.

I don’t fucking care, it’s still a third generation at home console that borrowed from previous generations, I’ll keep repeating myself, because I’m right.


Because other than the outer frame the Game & Watch has nothing, and I mean NOTHING to do with the DS.

It was still the inspiration behind it, no matter how far they went with modifying the ting.

Thank you Deej, what can I say, I’m something special.

Special in the head you mean:rolleyes:
Atari Jaguar produced in 1994, that's right, so the first 64 bit home console was still produced in the 90's. That's the point, the 90's gave birth to the first 64 bit at home gaming console. So you're not actually proving me wrong, I just had my systems switched up. Fact remains the first 64 bit home console was a product of the 90's.

So in your attempt to prove me wrong about the N64 you instead proved my point for me.
Atari Jaguar produced in 1994, that's right, so the first 64 bit home console was still produced in the 90's. That's the point, the 90's gave birth to the first 64 bit at home gaming console. So you're not actually proving me wrong, I just had my systems switched up. Fact remains the first 64 bit home console was a product of the 90's.

So in your attempt to prove me wrong about the N64 you instead proved my point for me.

Actually it didn't, because like the N64 the system tanked.

and let me prove to you why the N64 died a painful death.

As Nintendo prepared to launch its newest console, they decided to make the Nintendo 64 a cartridge-based system like its predecessors. Publicly, Nintendo defended this decision on the grounds that it would give games shorter load times than a compact disc (and would decrease piracy). However, it also had the dubious benefit of allowing Nintendo to charge higher licensing fees, as cartridge production was considerably more expensive than CD production. Many third-party developers viewed this as an underhanded attempt to raise more money for Nintendo and many of them became more reluctant to release games on the N64.
They might as well have gone over to sony with a list of names of third party developers.

Nintendo alienated some of the biggest companies that made their console great, this is one of the sole reasons that games such as Final Fantasy 7 where never released on the system, Nintendo felt that charging for their "cartridge based system" would provide them with a ton of money and still bring in those that where with the brand from the beginning, this proved their downfall, arrogance just like the arrogance your showing with your fictional posts.
Actually it didn't, because like the N64 the system tanked.

and let me prove to you why the N64 died a painful death.

You don't get to have it both ways, and none of it changes the fact that the first at home 64 bit console was released in the 90's.

That's a fact, something that you continue to dodge.

Nintendo alienated some of the biggest companies that made their console great, this is one of the sole reasons that games such as Final Fantasy 7 where never released on the system, Nintendo felt that charging for their "cartridge based system" would provide them with a tone of money and still bring in those that where with the brand from the beginning, this proved their downfall, arrogance just like the arrogance your showing with your fictional posts.

.....again with the wiki quotes, I don't care if that's the only place you get your info, but I don't care to read direct quotes from the site, if you have something important to say type it in your own words.

N64 sold 32.9 million units, and spanned from 96'-02'

Sounds pretty successful to me.

the N64's graphics chip was the first console capable of trilinear filtering, which is a big part in advancing three dimensional graphics.
You don't get to have it both ways, and none of it changes the fact that the first at home 64 bit console was released in the 90's.

That's a fact, something that you continue to dodge.

.....again with the wiki quotes, I don't care if that's the only place you get your info, but I don't care to read direct quotes from the site, if you have something important to say type it in your own words.

N64 sold 32.9 million units, and spanned from 96'-02'

Sounds pretty successful to me.

the N64's graphics chip was the first console capable of trilinear filtering, which is a big part in advancing three dimensional graphics.

It is compared to the Playstation which sold over 102.49 million units.

and if you want to get into numbers look at how the Nes Sold, that's right the 1980's console sold over 61 Million units. how does that make your pride and joy look?

An 8bit console doubled in sales over it's 90's counterpart, this is why the 80's was the best decade for gaming, you keep talking about newer and better ways in gaming when normal home systems like the NES sold better than their 64 bit counterparts.

Shame that.

And on my Wiki quotes, you asked for proof, and i provided it.
For my last contribution to this thread I'd like to first kindly point out to Deej that Wing Commander was not an FMV game in the sense that your cited article describes. That article is speaking of games like "Sewer Shark" and "Night Trap"; relics from the Sega CD. Wing Commader used FMV sequences, but merely as cutscenes or in-game dialogue. At it's core, Wing Commander is a loose space flight simulation.

Next, though I've stated my opinion on the discussion, I feel like some of you still haven't grasped what is important and what is wank. So, I submit a short list of the 3 most important developments of each decade:


-1983: The year we ran out of continues.
I know some of you want to write it off as unimportant because it showed failure, but the importance of it and the fallout simply can not be understated as relevant for the direction of gaming going forward.

-The arrival of Nintendo Cena.
SSC likes to point out to the Sonic cartoon as being of importance to gaming culture, but did he forget about The Super Mario Brothers Super Show and Captain N? Nintendo made a splash unlike any other before or after the NES' time.

-Somewhere in Japan, Sony is scheming.
Nintendo and Sony were in bed together as far back as '86. These negotiations and planning meetings, though ending in failure, set the scene for the 90's, specifically Sony's entry into the gaming market.


-GameBoy, I choose you!
80's releases Tetris and Super Mario Land got GameBoys into the hands of millions of gamers. An already long shelf life (with minor updates to the hardware) was increased dramatically however by the release of Pokemon to America. I'm quite serious: each of you on the side of the 90's fails just a little bit for not having mentioned the biggest Nintendo franchise not to come from the 80's, especially since it wouldn't have been too difficult to argue that the Pokemon series drives Nintendo handheld sales to this very day.

-You wanna war?
It's Nintendo taking on Sega, with Atari lurking outside the ring. But wait! Sony is thinking of going to help Nintendo! PHILLIPS WITH A BLIND SIDE CHAIR SHOT TO SONY! AND I THINK NINTENDO PLANNED THAT ALL ALONG! Now Sony is getting up to his feet and OH MY GOD, he's laid out Phillips! And Sega! Atari has run away to the locker rooms! And now it's down to just Nintendo and Sony! The war is responsible for the introduction of CD's over cartridge based games, the "bit wars" of increasing speed of computing, advancements in controllers and other peripheral hardware (including many, many, many dumb fucking ideas from Sega which ultimately caused their withdrawal from the hardware market), and increased the overall popularity of gaming. Meanwhile, the Arcade scene has retired to the indies and will never be heard from again...until someone creates Dance Dance Revolution.

Though it would reach new heights of accessibility during the next decade, online gaming began in earnest in the 90's. This is tied to the increasing amount of households with computers and internet access, and next gen PC games which blew away anything most home consoles of the time could do. Blizzard's insanely popular "Warcraft" franchise is born, as is it's spinoff series "Starcraft", both of which are bestselling franchises in part because of Blizzard's "Battle.net" online gaming system. Years later, their success spawns "World of Warcraft". With the X-Band, even SNES and Genesis owners could join in the fun.


-Don't make me hit you with my Broadband.
Sega is praised for releasing the Dreamcast with a network adapter built-in, but Microsoft is the first to recognize the potential of online gaming and shopping via the home console, and designs the X-Box for Broadband access; technology Sega and others had for one reason or another dismissed. The X-Box Live system was a critical selling point of the X-Box home console, and directly affects both Nintendo's and Sony's online strategies going forward.

-BluRay: The world of TOMORROW!
As the BluRay/HD-DVD wars got going, Sony's release of the PS3 practically ended it. As the PS2 was quite successful for including built in DVD playback, the PS3 also looked quite appealing to not only gamers but techies eager for a next-gen DVD player. Do they even make HD-DVD's anymore? Xbox 360 tried to catch up by releasing an external HD-DVD drive, but that fared as well as the media it played.

-I buy it, I download it, I play it...is it mine?
The implementation of download-and-play services for each modern console allows for old classics to be played on newer systems, and gives smaller developers an easier way to get attention from investors. But developers are then faced with problems like consumers who feel they release half-finished games in hopes of selling "extra" content via downloads, and the question of "If you buy and download a game to play, or in-game content for a game, what have you actually bought and what rights do you have to use it as you wish?". This is brought up again with the rise of gaming on sites like Facebook.com, where company Zynga makes millions selling...well...I couldn't tell you what.

In the end, I welcome you all to enjoy the rest of your competition, and then to shut the fuck up and play some games.
It is compared to the Playstation which sold over 102.49 million units.

and if you want to get into numbers look at how the Nes Sold, that's right the 1980's console sold over 61 Million units. how does that make your pride and joy look?

An 8bit console doubled in sales over it's 90's counterpart, this is why the 80's was the best decade for gaming, you keep talking about newer and better ways in gaming when normal home systems like the NES sold better than their 64 bit counterparts.

Shame that.

And on my Wiki quotes, you asked for proof, and i provided it.

The NES spanned over ten years and had no competition for it's first five years. So in twice as much time, with no competition you sold twice as many units, not that impressive.

My pride, what are you even talking about, I simply listed the numbers to prove that the system wasn't a failure. It's hard to fail when you span two generations, and are competing with two other big time consoles.

Everyone and there mother's can quote wiki, put it in your own words, this isn't a who can quote wiki the best debate.

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