80's reshaped the industry, As i stated in my previous posts.
The Video Game crash of
1983 had two long lasting effects:
- The games industry shifted from the United States to Japan, this was an integral part of Nintendo's dominance, I know this thread has been quoted as being the Nintendo love thread but this key part of the gaming industry helped shape the wave of Japanese style and manga orientated games for example Megaman.The whole concept and stayle of game design changed.
- The Second result of the crash was the measures taken to control third party development software. stopping third party companies from reverse engineering hardware which partly led to the crash due to the fact that atari and intellivision consoles where cloned.
Nintendo implemented measures such as the chip on it's own cartridges which made it nearly impossible for their games to be cloned and their hardware to be passed over to third parties, agreements where signed in order to insure that staff would not share information.
So yet again, you somehow managed to avoid my opening post Deej, and rather than start your own debate with me, you choose to pick apart phrases and argue out of context.
That doesnt change the fact that the first four years of our decade was spent digging itself out of a self made hole, precious time that wasnt wasted in the 90s. The video game industry was so messed up because of the crash that there was no choice but to improve or let video games fade.
Plenty of video game styles where created in the 90s Deej, check your facts, or check my previous posts, like Ive told you to do about five times now. Instead you insist upon paraphrasing and taking my words out of context.
This is the reason why the 80's where great, it wasn't just about the evolution of the console era, it was about the revolution of home gaming era, without these implementations gaming standars would never have risen to the heights that we are accustomed to, and it speaks volumes as Microsoft, Sony and Sega use these same methods to protect their own patents.
What problem was that?, oh you mean the 80's crash, well see my above post, it makes your point moot, thank you, come again.
In no way are the 80s responsible for the creation of the first at home console, 1972, The Magnavox Odyssey. That would be the first generation at home gaming console.
The Nintendo was a third generation system that wasnt released until the mid 80s.
Wrong, the Genesis was created to stop the momentum of the nintendo entertainment system, but Nintendo fired back in the middle of the 90's, the fact is the war continued using Sega's new 16 bit innovation, you'r point again is moot.
Congratulations, you cant read.
So the Genesis wasnt created in the 80s? Thats all I said, and I know Im not wrong on that.
When did Nintendo fire back again, the 90s, thanks for pointing that out for me Deej, because thats exactly when the war was going on, the 90s.
Wrong again, it was the safety measures in regards to liscencing and innovation of the 80's that led to the continuation of the game industry, again hate to make this a Nintendo love thread, but the fact that they jump started the industry made the next generation possible.
Congratulations once again for not being able to read.
How can I be wrong when all Im doing is asking for a point? Was the crash not a failure that turned into a success?
Thats why 8bit, 16bit, 32 bit and 64 bit consoles where introduced, franchises where creteated and the gaming industry shifted from america to Japan?, yeah the 80's paled in comparison to the 90's
So you agree that the 80s only real claim to fame is the Nintendo, because Ive gone on record about ten times now saying that the Nintendo is one of the most influential systems of all time, but one single system does not a decade make.
not denyiing this but what relevance does it have to ensure that the 90's the most important gaming decade?
Look at cell phone technology today, the 80s had zilch to do with that, the nineties where innovative enough to move gaming onto the cellular phone., and just look at the cell phone today, its a gamers best friend on the go.
Why?, no reason stated kiddo, try again.
I gave you mine, check out my previous post on game and watch.
Go back and read it in context with what DirtyJose was saying, READ IT IN CONTEXT.
Im also a 23 year old MAN, thank you very much.
Game & Watch, you mean because the DS used the same frame design from the Game & Watch that it somehow had a technological impact? No, it didnt have the slightest technological impact, they simply used the same frame design, they didnt take Game & Watch technology from the eighties and infuse it into the DS, and you have the nerve to ask me if Im high. Im always high to fool.
no, you where saying that 90's had better pixels and took credit for gaiming advance's that where made in the 80's, i merely discredited your false statements by stating that the 80's crash made the industry take note.
No, actually this is what I said.
Smooth Sexual Chocolate said:
Indeed I do know, and Im glad you pointed out that this isnt about who, or what came first. Though seemingly many defenders of the 80s dont seem to realize this, and I was simply pointing this out to debunk any future arguments defending the 80s as the be all creator of videogames.
So as you see, you need to learn to read, as what you said has nothing to do with the quote you used from me, nice try though.
What are the innovations of the 90's, please continue....
Ive come to realize that you lack a certain brain capacity, and cant seem to comprehend what Im telling you, so since Ive come to realize you have these special needs, here.
- The transition from raster graphics to Three Dimensional graphics.
- The increasing computing power and decreasing cost of processors,thus leading to what computer gaming is today
- Sonic the Hedge Hog and Kirby, two franchises that still hold up today, as well as Sonic transcending all forms of media, with one of the most popular Saturday morning cartoons of the 90s, further bonding Pop Culture and Video Games.
- The release of Dune II, which is the same format with the same mechanics and map control used for War Craft, Star Craft and Command & Conquer. The biggest online game of all time got its design in 92
- Sim City revolutionized computer gaming in the 90s and is the best selling PC game in the HISTORY of pc gaming.
- 1996 Quake pioneered online first person shooter, one of the most popular genres for this generations gamer.
- The decline and basic destruction of the Arcade, with so many at home consoles available to choose from, it practically eliminated the arcade, and made it a thing of the past.
- The advancement of handheld portable gaming, whether it be the Gameboy, the Sega GameGear, or the first portable color screen from the Atari Lynx.
- 4th and 5th generation consoles advancing graphics and introducing the first 64 bit at home console.
- The transition to CDs as well as the first system able to not just play videogames, but CDs as well.
How is that for you Deej, can you understand that, enough facts, because there are still plenty of facts for you in my opening post if you ever get around to debating that, instead of making yourself look foolish by taking my words out of context.
The Nes competed with the Master System in the 80's, that was the beginning of the war between Sega and Nintendo.
Sega released the Genesis in 1988 to corner the 16bit market in an attempt to release Nintendo's grip on the gaming market.
So when did this war start?, the 80's.
The Master System vs. the NES was not a war, there was no competition, it was all Nintendo. The war didnt begin till the 90s as Nintendo dominated all fronts of the gaming market, and everyone knows you need a healthy completion for products to thrive, and Nintendo didnt get any completion until the 90s.
It was a partial release in 88 and wasnt a worldwide console until August 89 making it hard for that war to get started in the 80s. The battle may have started at the very end of your decade, but there was no war until the 90s. We saw all home consoles jump two generations in the 90s because everyone was trying to outdo the competition, and because of that we saw technology advance at a much faster rate than the eighties; because of the healthy competition in the gaming market during the 90s. There was no completion for Nintendo until late 89 so I dont see how you can claim a war in the 80s when clearly this completion was going on throughout 90s, from beginning to the end of the 90s there was healthy completion that allowed video games to flourish. Unlike the 80s which saw a crash that almost destroyed gaming, and revolutionary system in the Nintendo that dug gaming out of the whole, and the very begging of a completion forming in late 89. Thats it, thats all there is to the 80s, and granted the 90s took advantage of what the 80s started; but lets also not forget that the 80s took from the 70s and was not the generation responsible for the first at home console, and as successful as the Nintendo was, it was still a third generation system with roots from the 70s. For those reasons you cannot claim the 80s to be the most important generation, as it was almost as much a failure as it was a success.