NXT NWS Debate - Most Important Decade for Video Gaming

It is compared to the Playstation which sold over 102.49 million units.

and if you want to get into numbers look at how the Nes Sold, that's right the 1980's console sold over 61 Million units. how does that make your pride and joy look?

An 8bit console doubled in sales over it's 90's counterpart, this is why the 80's was the best decade for gaming, you keep talking about newer and better ways in gaming when normal home systems like the NES sold better than their 64 bit counterparts.

Shame that.

And on my Wiki quotes, you asked for proof, and i provided it.

None of this has to do with my decade, but N64 sold that much in an alotted amount of time, 96'-02'. You're comparing those sales to the total sales of NES that have spanned over 30 years. Not really a fair comparison.

So until you bring in numbers from a 6 year period that are greater than the N64, GTFO.
DirtyJosé;2392469 said:
For my last contribution to this thread I'd like to first kindly point out to Deej that Wing Commander was not an FMV game in the sense that your cited article describes. That article is speaking of games like "Sewer Shark" and "Night Trap"; relics from the Sega CD. Wing Commader used FMV sequences, but merely as cutscenes or in-game dialogue. At it's core, Wing Commander is a loose space flight simulation.
SSC's basis of the 90's greatness was that Wing Commanders FMV Sequences allowed the 90's to shine, i refuted that claim with the fact that FMV games with actors actually tanked that was my whole point in regards to the genre itself, actors had nothing to do with making any genre of gaming great.

That was my point

The wing commander game series died out after the 90's even spanning into the film genre which was a failure.

-1983: The year we ran out of continues.
I know some of you want to write it off as unimportant because it showed failure, but the importance of it and the fallout simply can not be understated as relevant for the direction of gaming going forward.

-The arrival of Nintendo Cena.
SSC likes to point out to the Sonic cartoon as being of importance to gaming culture, but did he forget about The Super Mario Brothers Super Show and Captain N? Nintendo made a splash unlike any other before or after the NES' time.

-Somewhere in Japan, Sony is scheming.
Nintendo and Sony were in bed together as far back as '86. These negotiations and planning meetings, though ending in failure, set the scene for the 90's, specifically Sony's entry into the gaming market.

You also forgot a few more events that made the 80's great

-Gaming Magazine's became a thing of reality.
The gaming industry became something of mainstream value, with the gaming culture growing thanks to Nintendo's NES console Magazines such as CVG and EGM braught decisive opinions on the gaming industry and shed light on a rather lucrative market.

-The 16 Bit Genre started
Sega Released the Sega Genesis hoping to pull the market away from the NES, Releasing the Console in 88 It allowed the company to gain a slight edge and a lucrative market share in the gaming industry until Nintendo came back Guns Blazing in the 90's with the release of the Super Nintendo.

-Mircosoft Gained dominance and Windows came to prominance.
Windows allowed game design to come together much easier, with its graphical user interface, it also allowed 3D designs for buildings and structures to come to pass, which helped bring the 3D gaming experience one step forward.

Without Microsoft's venture into computing their would also never have been an XBOX360, or live for that matter.

-We came closer to Online gaming even competing online.

With the gameline and the intellivisions Playcable, Players where able to compete online posting high scores from games played from the atari 2600 and Intellivision, though not as vast as online gaming of today it still managed to create the building blocks for what was yet to come.

-The Handheld revolution continues...
Jose touched on Pokemon, but without Nintendo's Gameboy there would be no handheld market, Nintendo revolutionalised this with Super Mario Land, which was still one of the highest selling games on that console, the gameboy went on to defeat the Game Gear, Atari Lynx, even managing to hold its own against the PSP before being eliminated in favour of the Nintendo DS which was based asthetically on the game and watch franchise which Nintendo released in 1980.

-Theres change afoot!.
Nintendo managed to help third party developers where Atari failed, giving third party game companies more control over liscencing and allowed developers to be known.

One of the biggest changes was the market, no longer did the united states hold the key to home gaming, Japan took the brass ring and kept ahold of it till this day, only releasing it's tight grip to Mircrosoft with the arrival of the XBox.

This is the pure and simple reason why the 80's is the most dominant gaming decade ever, yes the 90's continued rivalries but the console wars started between sega and Nintendo with the 1980's.
SSC's basis of the 90's greatness was that Wing Commanders FMV Sequences allowed the 90's to shine, i refuted that claim with the fact that FMV games with actors actually tanked that was my whole point in regards to the genre itself, actors had nothing to do with making any genre of gaming great.

That was my point

The wing commander game series died out after the 90's even spanning into the film genre which was a failure.

Wow, that point flew right over your head, and it was only one of the many points I presented. Never did I say that it's the only reason the 90's where able to shine. It was one point out of many that I presented.

FMV games have nothing to do with my point either, it's just something your bringing up to try and discredit what I said. The fact still remains that it was a first of it's kind, and it did have a lasting effect on the gaming industry. As I already presented you with big name movie stars that have either acted on screen or lent their voice to a videogame.

The success of the FMV genre or the success Wing Commander is irrelevant to what I'm saying, I was simply pointing out an innovation that took place in the 90's.
Now this is over and we have our eliminations I want to mention a few things.

Firstly this would have been a lot less bitchy if we had of done it generations rather than decades. For example Generations 1-3, Generations 4+5, Generations 6+7 would get rid of many an argument of a console being released in the end of a decade but flourishing in the other (Genesis/MegaDrive, GameBoy, DreamCast).

The 80s- Pretty much anything to do gaming wise was cemented in this decade. From home gaming, to a crash, to a rebirth and Japanese companies going to the West for gaming again.

The 90's - Think of gaming in 1990, think of gaming in 1999. You technically have covered Three generations in the same decade and the speed and quality of new products was immense.

The 2000's - It's far too early to tell the impact, but the shift went to accessible games, casual and hardcore mixing like ying and yang and ideas we had previously becoming a reality. That and the opening of many a game from the 80/90s that the west didn't ever see is now available on the net via roms. Truly a huge shift.

All in all great work by everyone involved, this was a very hard one to argue.

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