NXT: Non-Wrestling Moderator

3 of the 4 judges have scored the 4 non-immune participants. We'e waiting on one more set of votes to announce who was eliminated. Then we'll have our final four.

Fact is, with maybe only one exception, all of the participants did an awesome job this week.
Round 3 Results Are In!

Eliminated from the competiton are:
CH David
Deexter Jorgan

The final four are Becker, Blue Cardinal, SSC, and Numbers.

Once again, thank you to CH for giving it another go and to Deexter for a passion that has been unmatched in this contest. You've both done a great job; CH by reinforcing his great reputation and Deexter for creating a name for himself unlike anyone else has. Well done all around.

I will announce the next round tomorrow. It will begin either tomorrow or Monday. Next weekend we will have the last elimination before the championship round.
I'd also like to mention how impressed I was with one non-participant, Dirty Jose. He brought a whole new wrinkle to the competition, and showed us all he's a really solid poster. Sometimes the guys who make the big names for themselves aren't even involved. So well done, Jose!
Except for the part where he made a bunch of shit posts.

I enjoyed his work. And above all, his passion.

One of the dings on him this past round was his inability to keep his cool. It's a maturity thing - a good moderator has to be able to handle the heat and not sink to a lower level. It'll come with time.

Personally, I think Deexter got a lot of shit that he didn't deserve in the last month, but he's earned as much or more respect from me than many others have if only out of effort.
I'd also like to mention how impressed I was with one non-participant, Dirty Jose. He brought a whole new wrinkle to the competition, and showed us all he's a really solid poster. Sometimes the guys who make the big names for themselves aren't even involved. So well done, Jose!

Thank you, IC25. I'm glad my input was able to stir the pot a bit.

Good luck next round, guys.
Former boss, just keep in mind that Monday is Labor Day, so some people may not be able to post immediately. May want to wait until Tuesday to start or start it tomorrow.
Dityjose, my official tag-team partner, together we form the team DirtySex.

Congrats to all, CH Davids posts where as solid as usual, and he provided some points that completely slipped my mind.

Deej provided constant pressure, and definitely had a passion for 80's gaming, but this point it moot.
Two things. One is pointless other isn't.

1) The debate would have been better on generations rather than decades.

2) I think Music should be next as everyone has a speciality in sports (of those left) so it'll be more fun in a head to head of their strongest with not as strongest next.

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