It doesn't matter now, Rush has withdrawn from the group.
Actually, he was dropped. Big difference.
The left wing racists and bigots in the nfl let politics get in the way of selling the lambs to a guy who is a huge fan and would have been a great ambassador for the league.
Yeah...if we conveniently ignore the fact he's made racial slurs to the racial group which makes up 70+% of the NFL.
The quotes credited to Rush were MADE UP and posted on wikipedia by some lefty who Rush has identified and will be taking legal action againest.
Uhh, no. He said them on national television.
I won't cancel my sunday ticket subscription this year, but I won't be going to any games and I won't buy a new jersey this year. I know they won't care.
Of course they won't. They've already made it clear they don't support racists like you.
The nfl sited the reason they didn't want Rush to be an owner is because of the "Racial" remarks he has made. How do they know what the other owners say in private? If Rush is such a "racist" why would he want to own a team in a league that has 75% black players, who he would have to pay millions of $?
Yes, why would a rich white guy want black people to work for him? Clearly, having black people work for a rich white guy could NEVER equal racism.
One question: How many teams have BLACK owners? Black GMs? Why so many black players, shouldn't there be a more equal balance?
Doesn't that make the nfl racist?
Preventing a white guy from becoming an owner, when there are a lack of black owners makes the NFL racist? Please explain how that logic makes sense.
If it was so outrageous why didn't the 2 BLACK GUYS on the show say ANYTHING at the time? or after the show?
Given you seem to be a fan of Rush Limbaugh, I can understand how you'd miss this one.
The word is called "professionalism". I know it's foreign to Limbaugh and his groupies, but you should look it up.
I know you don't listen to Rush, so I won't comment on your ignorance of his views.
No one intelligent listens to Rush. You agree with conservative ideals, I don't have a problem with that. But no one intelligent listens to Rush, just the ignorant sheep who love being told what to think listen to Rush.
I guess in america a white person can't say a BLACK person sucks at his job, even if he really does. mcnobb isn't the great qb the media, especially at the time, makes him out to be. He's not the worst, but he's not the best.
Is that a racist remark?
Simply unbelievable...
So the TRUTH is RACIST if a white person says it? WOW, welcome to the new amerika.
If what Rush said was racist then the 2 black guys, Michael Irvin and tom jackson, should have had the guts to say something to him at the time. THEY DIDN"T, they probably didn't really think there was anything wrong with it at the time. Then jesse jackson helped them get their minds right and realize that a white person said something somewhat negitive about a black qb. TIME TO LYNCH the white guy, in jesse's mind.
It's amazing people like you actually are given the right to reproduce...
Rush has black people on his staff right now, he has black friends like Clarence Thomas. He is not a racist.
Yes, because clearly having a black friend means you can't be racist.
Who is deciding who is allowed to own a team? The government? Jese Jackson? The black players?
Well, in this case, the group that is wanting to buy the Rams, but don't want the negative publicity that Rush has brought upon himself.
I find it humorous you keep saying that Rush should be allowed to say what he wants, and yet when the NFL wishes to exercise that same freedom, then suddenly it's wrong. Give me one reason why the NFL SHOULDN'T be allowed with whom they go into business with?
The US Government attacking a PRIVATE CITIZEN.
And it's about time. That private citizen has been using US regulated air waves to try and ruin people's lives for years. It's about time he gets a taste of his own medicine.
On the contrary, the NFL and its fans won.
they kept a WHITE GUY from being in a group of people who owned a team. Yes, I'm calling jesse jackson and the others involved racists.
This is completely false...well, not the part about Jesse Jackson being a racist, but about a WHITE GUY being kept from owning a team. The NFL didn't prevent a white guy from owning a team, they kept a loudmouthed, obnoxious and racist jerk from owning a team.
I feel this is completely justified