NFL Thread - 2009-10

How many games will the Lions win this year.

  • Winless (0-16, again)

  • 1-4wins

  • 5-8 wins

  • 9-11 wins

  • 12-15 wins

  • Undefeated (16-0)

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Thank fuck my fellow 'Skins fans booed that sorry-ass excuse for a team today at the end of the first half. If anyone really wants to know what it's like to be in an abusive relationship with a sports team, then look no further than Washington; Snyder has one of the, if not the, most profitable franchises in the NFL, and that's all thanks to the 'Skins nation!!!

My rant ends here. I am attending the 'Skins/Eagles game on the 26th...I dislike the Eagles just as much as the Giants, and almost as much as the Cowboys.
I'm not going to change my original vote, but I do have someone to move into my honorable mention slot.

Last night the Steelers picked up a hard fought win over the Chargers, and mainly for one reason. Rashard Mendenhall. He gave Pittsburgh the ground game they've needed all season, and opened up the passing game for Big Ben. He had a couple of big plays, and racked up a bunch of yards. Even with San Diego's banged up defense, he wasn't expected to get a lot because of his past issues with fumbles and his lack of knowledge on the playbook. I think he had a bit of a breakthrough, and that's why he gets my honorable mention.
I'm thinking these new rules are going to cause some big injuries. I finally had a chance to see the Terrell Suggs penalty from yesterday for "Rushing The Passer", and can't help but laugh. I understand taking the flag if he wrapped him up, ran into him, or clubbed his helmet...But he barely swiped his leg, and was diving to avoid contact.

How do I think this will cause injuries? Well, here you go:

The next time Terrell Suggs is heading for a QB who has already released the ball, what is he going to do? Dive to the floor and still get a flag? Or think "Since I'm getting a flag, let's make it worth it", and level the poor guy?

I'm all for protecting the players, but there needs to be a point where they realize these guys are grown men, wearing protective pads, and should be treated as such. If you step on the field, and don't expect to get hit, leave. Please. I'd much rather watch a QB throw a block then a QB cry over getting hit somewhere that isn't between his shoulders and chest (which seems to be the only place you can hit them anymore).

This is not a knock on Brady. He doesn't throw the flags. This is a knock on the rules.
I am going with Ronnie Brown for this week. He completely dominated the bills defense and could not be stopped. He ran over 150 yards and scored a few times as well. With a debuting qb Ronnie took charge and gave the Fins win #1
I'm thinking these new rules are going to cause some big injuries. I finally had a chance to see the Terrell Suggs penalty from yesterday for "Rushing The Passer", and can't help but laugh. I understand taking the flag if he wrapped him up, ran into him, or clubbed his helmet...But he barely swiped his leg, and was diving to avoid contact.

How do I think this will cause injuries? Well, here you go:

The next time Terrell Suggs is heading for a QB who has already released the ball, what is he going to do? Dive to the floor and still get a flag? Or think "Since I'm getting a flag, let's make it worth it", and level the poor guy?

I'm all for protecting the players, but there needs to be a point where they realize these guys are grown men, wearing protective pads, and should be treated as such. If you step on the field, and don't expect to get hit, leave. Please. I'd much rather watch a QB throw a block then a QB cry over getting hit somewhere that isn't between his shoulders and chest (which seems to be the only place you can hit them anymore).

This is not a knock on Brady. He doesn't throw the flags. This is a knock on the rules.

I don't get this attitude at all. What do you guys want, football to be like the 70s again? Go take a look at the guys who played in the NFL in the 70s, most of them are brain dead alzheimers patients. Sorry, but a game isn't worth having an entire generation of mentally ill ex-football players, am I the only one that paid any attention to all of those hearings and controversies over the last few years about the treatment of ex-NFL players?

Suggs, whether accidental or not, swiped Brady below the knees. It's against the rules to hit a QB below the knees. It's as simple as that people, it's irrelevant whether or not it was a big hit or not, it's against the rules (as it should be). How can anyone argue that these shouldn't be held up? Sorry, but entertaining some fans at home with a more vicious looking hit isn't worth having ex-football players with brains that have been bruised more times than a soggy old banana.
I don't get this attitude at all. What do you guys want, football to be like the 70s again? Go take a look at the guys who played in the NFL in the 70s, most of them are brain dead alzheimers patients. Sorry, but a game isn't worth having an entire generation of mentally ill ex-football players, am I the only one that paid any attention to all of those hearings and controversies over the last few years about the treatment of ex-NFL players?

I'll agree that the NFL has mistreated ex-players, but for while they are actively playing, there's no reason to over-protect them. They know what they're getting into by stepping on the field, and they're being more than overpaid to do it.

Suggs, whether accidental or not, swiped Brady below the knees. It's against the rules to hit a QB below the knees. It's as simple as that people, it's irrelevant whether or not it was a big hit or not, it's against the rules (as it should be). How can anyone argue that these shouldn't be held up? Sorry, but entertaining some fans at home with a more vicious looking hit isn't worth having ex-football players with brains that have been bruised more times than a soggy old banana.

Suggs was trying to avoid the hit, and barely swiped Brady. It was nothing like what the rule was intended for. The rule was made for the hits that took Brady out last year, and took Palmer out a few years ago. Those are dirty plays. Suggs wasn't playing dirty.

What I was saying that the next time he's in that scenario, and he knows he's getting a flag no matter what, what's to stop him from "making it worth it"? Instead of trying to avoid him and still getting the penalty, why not just level him, and make the fine worth the punishment?
I'll agree that the NFL has mistreated ex-players, but for while they are actively playing, there's no reason to over-protect them. They know what they're getting into by stepping on the field, and they're being more than overpaid to do it.

This isn't "over-protection". It's so easy to tell these guys to "take off the skirt" when your watching on your couch and don't have seven 300 pound men trying to break you into two pieces. These rules help the NFL, and I'd like to hear how it possibly couldn't. Sorry NSL, but a few vicious hits isn't worth having braindead ex-NFL players, like we have for decades.

Suggs was trying to avoid the hit, and barely swiped Brady. It was nothing like what the rule was intended for. The rule was made for the hits that took Brady out last year, and took Palmer out a few years ago. Those are dirty plays. Suggs wasn't playing dirty.

It's irrelevant whether it was accidental or not NSL. If I "accidentally" hold you, it's still a penalty. Suggs wasn't playing dirty, you're right. Swiping below the knees is still against the rules though.

What I was saying that the next time he's in that scenario, and he knows he's getting a flag no matter what, what's to stop him from "making it worth it"? Instead of trying to avoid him and still getting the penalty, why not just level him, and make the fine worth the punishment?

Umm, if he's in that situation again, you mean the one where he accidentally swiped someone's knees? It was an accident, so he wouldn't think about making a more vicious hit would he NSL? And what's to prevent him from making an extremely vicious hit? Gigantic fines from the NFL, that's what.
Umm, if he's in that situation again, you mean the one where he accidentally swiped someone's knees? It was an accident, so he wouldn't think about making a more vicious hit would he NSL? And what's to prevent him from making an extremely vicious hit? Gigantic fines from the NFL, that's what.

Because it was an accident and got the flag, is why it will be in his head for the future. If he meant to do it, then he expected the flag, and it wouldn't have been an issue after the game.

I'm saying that when he's bearing down on a QB, and he knows it's either dive and get a flag, or de-cleat him...He's going to lower his shoulder and take him out. Gigantic fines are not a big deal for these guys. They're making millions, especially Suggs. He got a ton of money to stick around after Ryan left.
No, It is hitting forcibly at or below the knees and it is something Suggs did not do. Brady whined like a little bitch to the refs. It was the refs and the NFL protecting there golden boy. Brady barely fucking moved so I want to know where he was forcibly hit below the knees? That call was atrocious, and Ray Lewis had all the right to bitch..

"A rushing defender is prohibited from forcibly hitting in the knee area or below a passer who has one or both feet on the ground, even if the initial contact is above the knee. It is not a foul if the defender is blocked(or fouled) into the passer and has no opportunity to avoid him"
Well, fuck...There goes my argument. The day a Steelers fan gets on the officials for a bad call, is the day pigs fly. Except for the botched coin toss, the refs have given the Steelers more wins than Mike Tomczak.

I don't know the exact wording of the rule, and it really doesn't matter. They're all open to interpretation by the refs, just like any other sport. In baseball, an umpire is allowed to change the strike zone. In hockey, a ref can let some hard hits go in a close game. In basketball...Well, there's no rules.

I understand the guys need some protection, but to make calls like that, makes me think they should just run out in a red jersey, and not be touched at all.
Brady whined like a little bitch to the refs.

Oh bull-fucking-shit, more blind Brady hate from you Becker. They threw the flag before the play was even over, Brady didn't even glance at the fucking refs let alone whine to them. What fucking play were you watching?

It was the refs and the NFL protecting there golden boy. Brady barely fucking moved so I want to know where he was forcibly hit below the knees?

I literally JUST watched the play again on Sportscenter 5 seconds ago. Brady trips and stumbles around. He certainly moved. It's against the rules, Suggs got called for it. End of story.
Oh bull-fucking-shit, more blind Brady hate from you Becker. They threw the flag before the play was even over, Brady didn't even glance at the fucking refs let alone whine to them. What fucking play were you watching?
Bull shit, he turned around at the ref acted like he was throwing a fit then the flag came out. It's protection because he whined like a little pussy. They weren't even going to throw a flag until he turned at the fucking ref.

I literally JUST watched the play again on Sportscenter 5 seconds ago. Brady trips and stumbles around. He certainly moved. It's against the rules, Suggs got called for it. End of story.
He didn't hit him forcibly below the knees though. Quarterbacks get hit there all the time and no one says a damn thing. It wasn't until he turned at the refs the flag got thrown. It was a bullshit call on the refs part and both possibly could have cost them the game. When I see him being forcibly hit I might agree with the flag. But I don't. Listen to Dungy, Harrison and every other analyst who believed it was a bull shit call...
Bull shit, he turned around at the ref acted like he was throwing a fit then the flag came out.

I didn't see all that, but on the replay, I did notice that he turned towards the ref. It was a crappy angle, but it looked like he was pumping his fist at seeing the flag. He might have been begging the ref to throw one, but I'm not positive, and didn't watch, so I won't say either way for sure.

Brady isn't the only one though. I'm not putting this on him. I'm putting this on the rules and the refs. They need to let them play a little more, especially in big games like this.

X, turn the tables around. Say this game is being played in January, and Wilfork gets a flag for rolling into Flacco. Would you want a flag thrown then?
Bull shit, he turned around at the ref acted like he was throwing a fit then the flag came out. It's protection because he whined like a little pussy. They weren't even going to throw a flag until he turned at the fucking ref.

So because in the 0.2 seconds it took for Brady to turn around and glance at the ref, and point at him, that's considered whining and bitching like a little pussy now? How do you know the ref wasn't about to throw the flag? I didn't realize it only required about half of a second for a ref to make a judgment call on plays now.

Your stupidity climbs to new heights every day when it comes to sports Brian.

He didn't hit him forcibly below the knees though. Quarterbacks get hit there all the time and no one says a damn thing. It wasn't until he turned at the refs the flag got thrown. It was a bullshit call on the refs part and both possibly could have cost them the game. When I see him being forcibly hit I might agree with the flag. But I don't. Listen to Dungy, Harrison and every other analyst who believed it was a bull shit call...

Dungy is a fucking joke, and Harrison, who I love, is an idiot for what he said "Take off the skirt Tom...", yeah Rodney, because Tom Brady is now a referee, didn't you hear the news?

Continue your blind hatred of Brady Brian, I know it must suck realizing that Big Ben will never be half the QB that Brady is, but suck it up and let it go.
So because in the 0.2 seconds it took for Brady to turn around and glance at the ref, and point at him, that's considered whining and bitching like a little pussy now? How do you know the ref wasn't about to throw the flag? I didn't realize it only required about half of a second for a ref to make a judgment call on plays now.
He turned around at the ref, shrugged. Basically wheres the call. He made a gesture towards the ref... I guess in the Boston and Foxborough areas, it's illegal to get within the same zip code of New England quarterback Tom Brady without drawing a roughing the quarterback penalty.

Dungy is a fucking joke, and Harrison, who I love, is an idiot for what he said "Take off the skirt Tom...", yeah Rodney, because Tom Brady is now a referee, didn't you hear the news?
Dungy a joke? He was a hell of a football coach for years and is a very good analyst. Harrison on the other was right. He was barely hit, he whined got his way. Something of a five year old at the park.

Continue your blind hatred of Brady Brian, I know it must suck realizing that Big Ben will never be half the QB that Brady is, but suck it up and let it go.
LOL. Ben is only one behind in the SB wins. And Ben doesn't have a loss...

Harrison was also his team mate for years where they cherished many good things. :shrug:
Bringing up Rodney Harrison wasn't a smart move Becker. Harrison was always known as the dirty tackler before anyone on Dallas. He was a hard hitter, and paid many fines during his career, and I believe he also was suspended a time or two. Of course he's going to tell someone to man up.
He turned around at the ref, shrugged. Basically wheres the call. He made a gesture towards the ref... I guess in the Boston and Foxborough areas, it's illegal to get within the same zip code of New England quarterback Tom Brady without drawing a roughing the quarterback penalty.

See, maybe some of us might take you seriously Brian if you didn't make it so blatantly obvious with every sports post of yours that you're the king of all homers. Your hatred of the Patriots really makes me laugh, it does.

Brady got hit below the knee, stumbled and tripped, turned around to the ref looking for the call, and the ref immediately threw the flag. Brady didn't say one fucking word to the man. Now, Becker, do tell me, how exactly was Tom Brady supposed to know if Suggs hit was intentional or not? Does he have instant replay ready inside of his helmet within 1.5 seconds of every play on the field? He was on the field Becker, how the fuck is he supposed to know whether that hit was intentional or not, he was busy looking down field for receivers. Explain that one to me, and maybe I'll start to take you seriously here.
Now, Becker, do tell me, how exactly was Tom Brady supposed to know if Suggs hit was intentional or not? Does he have instant replay ready inside of his helmet within 1.5 seconds of every play on the field?

This is why I'm not blaming Brady for the call. How many times do we see anyone look for a flag on a play, when we see the replay instantly and know it should be a no call? It happens on every downfield pass where there's contact, and it happens on practically every single run, where a lineman will blame someone on the other side for a hold or trip.
Another good week of football, but one that is very difficult for me to pick an MVP to. On one hand I'd be tempted to lay the honor on my own QB, Tom Brady for his very good performance against one of the toughest defenses in the NFL, and I don't think that would be a bad option. On another hand, I wouldn't be against awarding the honor to Darren Sharper either, as he continues to prove himself as one of the greatest safeties to ever play the game.

I suppose I'll go with Brady. Just because I'm a homer, and I really was very impressed with how well he did against a tough, tough defense like Baltimore. I'd give an honorable mention to Peyton Manning as well, but I consider Seattle to be a pretty piss-poor team so Brady edges him out for me.
Suggs did not hit Brady forcibly below the knee. He was coming full speed, held up as much as he good, and moved out of the way as much as he could. His arm barely got a piece of Brady's leg. That was not a forcible hit at all and no penalty should have been called. If you got every NFL official into a room to watch that play I highly doubt any of them would say it was a penalty.

Another reason it got called was because who the quarterback was. Guys like Brady, Manning, Favre, and Brees are going to get that call over guys like Jason Cambell, Shaun Hill, Matt Cassell, and Trent Edwards. I don't blame Brady for looking to the ref to get the call. Anytime you can get a free 15 yards to continue a drive, you have to do what you have to do.
Good win by the Giants today. We currently have the top ranked defense in the league, and should remain in the top 5.

I can not wait when Week 6 arrives when we wreck the Saints apart. Can not, fucking, wait.

Looks like I was wrong about the Titans-Jaguars game. I am just completely shocked about how crap their defense is playing. Completely shocked. Jim Schwartz has been the coordinator there for 7 years. How could the defense collapse so quick? Obviously when you're down by 2-3 TD scores, you break down offensively and start throwing the ball on all downs which is what happened to the Titans. Not a good sign and their dominant days are soon to be over. (The funny thing, their defense looked fine at Week 1)

I still believe the Vikings will destory the Packers. The Vikings are 3rd overall in defensive rankings and had the best run defense last year. Aaron Rodgers and the Packers will not be in sync for most of the game. While on the other hand, the Packers defense isn't as great, and AP should have a decent day. Favre's stats won't be amazing but a W is a W.
Before I get to my thoughts of this weekend ill throw my 2 cents in on the Suggs-Brady incident. First off it was a horrible call. By the refs. Brady had nothing to do with that. To call him a pussy and whining is rediculous. He got the call because he's Tom Brady no doubt. As Big Sexy said he's a top QB and is going to get that call. It was a terrible call but Brady was not bitching and all that.
Now for my thoughts:
1. Washington Redskins
I'm a Redskins fan. Yes its a shame. TB was winless. Shut out their last game. Playing on the road. And what happens? Its close until the end. Campbell throws 3 ints, loses a fumble. These last 3 games show just how far this team is from being a contender. They barely beat the Rams. The Rams lost Sunday 35-0. And sre still winless. They lose to the Lions who had lost 19 straight. And barely skate by the Bucs. I almost wish they had lost these games so a change could happen. But the way this team is run and the decisions that made, that probably won't help either.
2. Oakland Raiders
I don't know how much this team gets covered around the country but here in the Bay Area they are killed. Deservedly so I might add. Another poor performance by Russell. Cable reportedly is going to be arrested this week which will lead to a suspension. The offense just sucks. How long before Cable gets fired? Something desperatly needs happen for this team.
3. Tennessee Titans
Wow what happened to the Titans? 0-4 and looking uglier and uglier. The defense is looking just horrible. They got waxed by the Jaguars. The offense no longer has a running game. White had two carries for......two yards. Collins is not a QB who can win games for you. Its Young time.
4. Denver Broncos
What a job Josh McDaniels has done. It looked like they were going to be an awful team. Yet the defense allowed 10 yesterday, the most they have all season! Yes they had played garbage teams up until yesterday but still that is impressive. Brandon Marshall gets the game winning TD. Things are looking up in Denver. It probably won't continue but thiw is the kind of start they needed to calm the storm from the offseason.
5. New Orleans Saints
This unit is playing unbelievable. And I'm talking about the defense. Gregg Willams has brought an attitude to this unit and they are playing incredible. The offense is cooling down a little bit but with the defense playing at such a high level they are finally a true legit Super Bowl Contender.
6. Baltimore Ravens
This was a game they should of had. What is going on with the secondary? They look bad. And they seemed to have abandoned their running game. If this continues then it could get more difficult as the season continues.
I don't know where exactly this argument has gone to, but X is being a complete homer if you can't admit how awful of a call that was. I'm not for players getting concussions and endangering their lives, but Brady wasn't even hit on the play. Suggs got pushed towards him, and he dove away from Brady so that he didn't hit him. I don't see how that is a penalty at all.

And then Brady, who clearly wasn't in any danger at all, goes whining for a flag. This is different that wideouts calling for a flag when they think they may have actually been affected during the play, Suggs did absolutely nothing to Brady.

Just an awful, awful call, and likely wouldn't have happened if someone like Kyle Boller or Derek Anderson was playing quarterback.
This is different that wideouts calling for a flag when they think they may have actually been affected during the play, Suggs did absolutely nothing to Brady.

I had only brought that up, because I was saying that looking for a flag isn't new, and it's not only Brady that did it. If someone thinks they were fouled, even if they clearly weren't on replay, they'll still look for it. It happens in schoolyards, backyards, stadiums, and domes. I'm not blaming Brady at all for the call.

Just an awful, awful call, and likely wouldn't have happened if someone like Kyle Boller or Derek Anderson was playing quarterback.

This is another reason to not blame Brady. It's not his fault he's a top flight QB, and those guys aren't. I don't think there should really be a difference, but obviously to the refs and the NFL, there is.
Oh yeah, forgot to mention, Tony Romo has been struggling a lot so far.

9 TDs to 10 interception. I guess he isn't a 'way better' QB without T.O. (Not that I think with T.O Romo would have better numbers). Romo is just too inconsistent & doesn't have that clutch factor other elite QBs share. I don't care what WR is on the team.

I am also disappointed with Buffalo. They should've picked up the win. I had them making the playoffs during the off season but their offensive line still doesn't look any good. Shame.
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