Next First Time WWE Champ?

The Viper

Occasional Pre-Show
So i don't know about you but im sick of seeing the same people in the raw title matches, Orton, Cena, HHH, Batista, now i know these guys are the "Money Makers" but look at smackdown! we have a rising star as champ in CM Punk and i couldnt be happier about it. So who could be the rising star of RAW? who would you like to see as the next First Time WWE champ? I'm Gonna go with Jack Swagger! So what if he isn't ready! was Boretista ready when he beat HHH at mania 21? Was Lesnar ready when be beat the rock? No and both those title runs were great! More so Lesnar cuz i hate batista but his run was ok. Now back to the topic, Swagger is great in the ring, he has a lisp but so what he isn't bad on the mic! and hes a great heel. Imagine a nice long feud with Swagger and Orton over the strap! 2 Heels but you know the crowd would end up getting behind Orton, the matches would be great! Letting both men show why they are at the top and should be there, and at the end of the feud have Swagger win the title! Why shouldn't this happen?! So what if it doesn't draw as much as HHH or Cena would! We all have seen those matches! A new feud would draw just fine IMO. Thoughts?
So i don't know about you but im sick of seeing the same people in the raw title matches, Orton, Cena, HHH, Batista, now i know these guys are the "Money Makers" but look at smackdown! we have a rising star as champ in CM Punk and i couldnt be happier about it. So who could be the rising star of RAW? who would you like to see as the next First Time WWE champ? I'm Gonna go with Jack Swagger! So what if he isn't ready! was Boretista ready when he beat HHH at mania 21? Was Lesnar ready when be beat the rock? No and both those title runs were great! More so Lesnar cuz i hate batista but his run was ok. Now back to the topic, Swagger is great in the ring, he has a lisp but so what he isn't bad on the mic! and hes a great heel. Imagine a nice long feud with Swagger and Orton over the strap! 2 Heels but you know the crowd would end up getting behind Orton, the matches would be great! Letting both men show why they are at the top and should be there, and at the end of the feud have Swagger win the title! Why shouldn't this happen?! So what if it doesn't draw as much as HHH or Cena would! We all have seen those matches! A new feud would draw just fine IMO. Thoughts?

You mean that Lesnar run where he got disquailfied against the Undertaker and lost to the Big Show? Very spectacular.

I'll go with MVP. He has had more success in the midcard than Swagger but the problem is I would think he would be better as a heel champ. He's doing good right now but I just can't see him as a face champion. Maybe that will change in time.

Swagger/Orton won't work because two heels facing off doesn't work that well. They would suck as faces so a heel/heel matchup won't be that great.
You mean that Lesnar run where he got disquailfied against the Undertaker and lost to the Big Show? Very spectacular.

I'll go with MVP. He has had more success in the midcard than Swagger but the problem is I would think he would be better as a heel champ. He's doing good right now but I just can't see him as a face champion. Maybe that will change in time.

Swagger/Orton won't work because two heels facing off doesn't work that well. They would suck as faces so a heel/heel matchup won't be that great.

Well yes he did get DQed to taker but he also beat taker in his own match Hell In A Cell. but that isnt the point
i think ill go for a swerve how bout if punk looses to taker (wich is my bet) they trade batista to smackdown for cm punk this makes total sense have batista feud with the taker and a pun orton feud would be excelent and more importantly beliveable cmon you really think mvp will go over and beat orton ah no! but punk could have a great feud and possibly beat him. and the only real great matches batista has had is against the taker, i just dont see punk making him tap or being ready to get the rub from taker.
You mean that Lesnar run where he got disquailfied against the Undertaker and lost to the Big Show? Very spectacular.

I think he meant more along the lines of he had 2 great matches against The Undertaker, the second of which was him defeating 'Taker in a Hell in a Cell match which had never been done before. And he owned Big Show for 5 minutes straight. He lost, but he looked much better than Big Show after the match.
I think that's roughly what he was referring to.

Anyway! Next first time champion...
It's definately not going to be Jack Swagger in my opinion. It's looking like Swagger is just gonna chase the US title until he finally wins it. Which will take a few months considering the program between Miz and Kofi which has barely started.
I'm looking in MVP and Mark Henry's direction. Everyone said MVP was months away from winning the WWE title when he interrupted Orton a while ago, but I'm not sure what happened. Maybe he had backstage heat for a while. But whatever, he's getting a small push at the moment. And while I doubt he'll win the titles with Henry, working with Jericho might help be as good as he used to be.
And speaking of Henry... Well, never say never. The guy's quite over since turning face. Plus he's got a victory over the WWE champion. And he's an experienced vet.

I think the possible first-time wild card might be John Morrison. Let's be honest, the guy is really over. And it's purely because of his awesome matches. A guy who's gotten over from just his in ring work hasn't been seen in a long, long time. So I'm thinking after a couple of months with the IC title, a nice feud with Ziggler he could go on to perhaps win the title. Although I don't think it'll be until after Wrestlemania... Whoever's the champion from January to March is always very important, I doubt they'd put Morrison on top then.
I think he meant more along the lines of he had 2 great matches against The Undertaker, the second of which was him defeating 'Taker in a Hell in a Cell match which had never been done before. And he owned Big Show for 5 minutes straight. He lost, but he looked much better than Big Show after the match.
I think that's roughly what he was referring to.

Anyway! Next first time champion...
It's definately not going to be Jack Swagger in my opinion. It's looking like Swagger is just gonna chase the US title until he finally wins it. Which will take a few months considering the program between Miz and Kofi which has barely started.
I'm looking in MVP and Mark Henry's direction. Everyone said MVP was months away from winning the WWE title when he interrupted Orton a while ago, but I'm not sure what happened. Maybe he had backstage heat for a while. But whatever, he's getting a small push at the moment. And while I doubt he'll win the titles with Henry, working with Jericho might help be as good as he used to be.
And speaking of Henry... Well, never say never. The guy's quite over since turning face. Plus he's got a victory over the WWE champion. And he's an experienced vet.

I think the possible first-time wild card might be John Morrison. Let's be honest, the guy is really over. And it's purely because of his awesome matches. A guy who's gotten over from just his in ring work hasn't been seen in a long, long time. So I'm thinking after a couple of months with the IC title, a nice feud with Ziggler he could go on to perhaps win the title. Although I don't think it'll be until after Wrestlemania... Whoever's the champion from January to March is always very important, I doubt they'd put Morrison on top then.

I thought he meant WWE Champ specifically but if we are talking about world championship then I will have to change my pick to Morrison. He needed that IC championship before he can contend for a world title. Now that he's got it, I hope he can keep the title for a few months and possibly win the Royal Rumble and go on to win the championship.
Let's get back on topic here folks. My picks for next new champs are: Jack Swagger, MVP, John Morrison and Matt Hardy.

Swagger: This guy is one of the new talents in the company hands down. Watching some of his matches is like watching a custom character in the Raw vs Smackdown games, seeing moves most wrestlers in the WWE wouldn't even dream of doing. True he has a lisp, but there's always speech therapy classes, but also it could work for his rivals advantage having plenty of punchlines.
MVP: Couldn't stand this guy before, but starting to grow used to him. He's damn good behind the mic and has an excellent mat game. Too bad his finishers suck, unless he pulls off some crazy counter into the Playmaker.
John Morrison: All I have to say is, this guy is the next Edge. Can't way for the Age of Morrison.
Matt Hardy: Bring the fucking belt home back to N.C. Matt!
most of the guys you all have named all held the ECW title--- to me thats top tier, but where its the only title defended solely on ECW, until they decide to put another title there.

I am gonna say Shelton Benjamin because hes a great athlete, had a good run as IC champ.
Easily Legacy's Cody Rhodes AND/OR Ted Dibiase. They are in a feud with two of the hottest main eventers and is looking better each passing week. A win at Breaking Point would easily shoot them up into main event status.
ok back to the topic i say that matt hardy and john morrison would be my choices morrison should move to raw and build up a feud with orton for the championship or i see him winning the rumbel to go on and challenge orton. matt hardy is a perfect guy to take on punk personal history ie jeff and lita and is in desparate need for the push mvp and swagger are just not ready hardy and morrison are a dream match for me would be hbk vs morrison for the whc at wrestlemania with morrison getting the nod it would be a clasic!
Let's get back on topic here folks. My picks for next new champs are: Jack Swagger, MVP, John Morrison and Matt Hardy.

Swagger: This guy is one of the new talents in the company hands down. Watching some of his matches is like watching a custom character in the Raw vs Smackdown games, seeing moves most wrestlers in the WWE wouldn't even dream of doing. True he has a lisp, but there's always speech therapy classes, but also it could work for his rivals advantage having plenty of punchlines.
MVP: Couldn't stand this guy before, but starting to grow used to him. He's damn good behind the mic and has an excellent mat game. Too bad his finishers suck, unless he pulls off some crazy counter into the Playmaker.
John Morrison: All I have to say is, this guy is the next Edge. Can't way for the Age of Morrison.
Matt Hardy: Bring the fucking belt home back to N.C. Matt!

finally somebody says matt hardy after 10 years in the business its about damn time he gets the big one. if they'll give it to edge several times is stupid ways at least give it to matt once.
What about Christian & Matt both been in the WWE around the same time + if Christian loses the ECW title at Breaking Point and then maybe at the Rumble he wins he can go on and win the WWE title from who ever has the belt. Same thing with Matt... Hell why not Ted Dibiase since he's goin face soon and while i'm at it here's a very simple idea that even Orton's small brain can understand. GIVE.......MVP.....A.....PUSH! and who ever else deserves the push too But definitely Matt and Christian since they been around for 10-11yrs
IMO, i dont think in the current situation the WWE has put MVP, Swagger, Matt, and Morrison in, i dont think theres going to be a new 1st time WHC or WWE champ for a while. With Batistia coming back, most definietly he's going to be in the title picture again *sad faces*. I mean Raw is packed with too mainy Main Eventers and as everyone has said before, the title picture is not changing. I, however believe that on ECW Christian needs to leave that program ASAP and go to SD! I see him getting a push just like Matt because of a possible good storyline with a returning Edge and it's perfect for CM Punk also. Drama will unfold between Punk, Matt and Edge so I can't wait for it to happen. Jeff was pushed as the better Hardy and Matt is more of a techinal wrestler so it works good for him to be champion. Morrison was screwed when Mysterio went. There are too many faces to take the spotlight on RAW.

If Cena wins, Ortons rematch happens, legacy falls apart two more faces are added. HHH and HBK, what would happen to them. Batistia turns heel or something? Orton keeps it, Batistia going for the title again and legacy would still probably fall apart sooner or later. RAW is ridiculous right now with 5 Main Eventers receiving the title back and forth. Swagger, MVP, and Herny would be swallowed whole by the atmosphere. They could do an elimination chamber match to put over someone new but is it worth it right now. Something drastic would have to happen to create a new champ and on the creative team for RAW, i dont see it happening correctly with this PG rating.
If we're talking about WWE title I'm sorry but no one is ready for the title. I know WWE title scene is very very very very stale but if MVP,Swagger or The Miz become the WWE champion they'll fail. Everyone says MVP should win it. Why the fuck he should win it ? He has been nothing but boring since being drafted to RAW. His gimmick is not cool anymore,his mic skills getting only more annoying each time and he's very sloppy and boring in the ring. I prefer heel MVP from SD to this MVP. For the first time ever Mark Henry got over with a serious gimmick. But seemingly WWE have nothing to do with him right now. Kingston,Swagger and Miz should still be in midcard. So unfortunately even though ME scene is very boring and stale there are still no one ready for ME spot.

As for first world title it's without a doubt will be John Morrison. Probably near the end of the year John Morrison will win his world title. He's already beaten 2-3 former and current world champions. He's without a doubt most interesting person in the ring and he's been getting better on mic each time. He is exciting to watch and got pretty over in crowd he'll probably be the new face of SD. Dolph Ziggler has also been getting better but there is still much more time for him to step the ME ladder.

So Morrison seems to be the next guy that'll win his first world title and as for WWE title it's still too early to say something.
I'm going to say Ted DiBiase Jr. I know Ted's going to start his movie pretty soon and thus he'll be taking time off, and I don't forsee the WWE giving the title (either titles honestly) to someone new, especially in light of the Jeff Hardy issue (anyone agree with that?). I say that because a new champ has to be someone not only good in the ring and on the mic, but somebody they can trust. While Jeff was decent on the mic, he was great in the ring (if you like all that flying around lol) but he was never trustworthy. I'd give the rub to Ted because I'm sure he's cool backstage, listens well, has a great look and could easily get over as a face big time. Plus, he seems extremely trustworthy and could carry the company far when other stars start to finally retire. He's the future of the business no doubt about it. So I predict we'll sadly see the same faces on top until about mid-2010 when Ted is ready to be pushed to the stars.
If I had to guess, it'll be Morrison or someone on Smackdown. I can't see MVP or Swagger getting a shot any time soon because of the glass ceiling on Raw known as Orton/Cena/HHH.
seeems most like 2 be john morrison soon but i would much prefer christian to become a wwe or world heavyweight championship, as i believe he'd be a much more capable champion and would be amazing as i love christian, his charisma and mic skills are much better than others who are getting pushed so thats why i believe he deserves to be a new world champion.
Going to have to go with CM Punk here if it's soley based on being the next 1st time WWE Championship winner.

He's getting tremendous momentum and could believably be champion now after his WHC reign on SD. Punk is only a year (tops) away from being the main man along with Cena/Orton/HHH etc. He's rising and rising fast. It's only a matter of time before he gets the WWE title. It might not be until next year sometime but I see him getting it before the likes of Swagger, MVP or Morrison. I could be wrong though.
I think he meant more along the lines of he had 2 great matches against The Undertaker, the second of which was him defeating 'Taker in a Hell in a Cell match which had never been done before.

Ummmm...who won the first Hell in a Cell between the Undertaker and Shawn Michaels?
theirs a new generation of great wrestlers right around the corner
this generation is being led by Cm Punk
it is Matt Hardy, Shelton Benjimon, Christian, MVP, John Morrison ted dibiase, and cody rhoads.
I'd assume that it would be one of them that didn't have the title yet
but if i had to choose one it would be Matt Hardy
He has been in the main event for two weeks now
and after the feud with taker, i would assume he would face punk
I'm gonna say Matt Hardy. I think they're gonna give it to him. Hes now the rival to Punk. They'll have him win it. MVP is stuck in the Mids with Mark Henry, Morrison is stuck in IC hell and it almost looks like Swagger is being put in limbo. I actualy wouldn't be surprised if Chris Masters won it. Big strong pretty boy Batista lookin guy, he might get it too. But my guess is Matt. Like how Rey won the title when Eddie died, something bad happens, everyone knows it so they give it to the closest person to the person that the bad thing happened too. Its Matt.
Man how could I have forgotten Captain Charisma, Christian? Right now I understand he is busy doing his thing bringing the ratings to ECW, much like Punk and Hardy before him, but within the next draft or so they need to move him on to bigger and better things.
He's never been above the IC title before and only had 1 or two champ reigns in TNA. He's one of the most underused people in the entire business. He's got the ring ability and charisma to keep the fans going.
Now that Cena is champ again I think it opens up the mainevent for some new feuds

Batista will return on Raw tommorrow to rekindle his feud with Orton, DX and Legacy will be tied up still. Miz & Kofi are fighting over the U.S., there is only one heel on Raw that can go toe to toe with Cena...

Jack Swagger - He's not in a feud right now and has proved that him and Cena could have good matches together (2009 Draft) Swagger has only improved since then. I would want to see them have a great 2 or 3 month feud where Swagger would finally pick up his first title and freshen up the mainevent scene for awhile eventually being put over by HBK and then buried by HHH so he can have another meaningless reign
I myself am not to sure. If we mean the World Title and the WWE title, then there are a few possibilities I guess. But I think the World title will be tied up for a long time. The WWE championship, as you listed could be won by a couple people. Swagger has that buzz to him right now. MVP is working with Mark Henry right now, so he might be a little off, and under the wrong alignment. Hornswoggle is being buried in his feud with Chavo. But I think the one man who has the best chance next is Ted Dibiase.

Legacy just beat two world champions tonight, in a match very little people were giving them credit for. If Dibiase goes on and beats Shawn Michaels again, or they win in a tag match, it sets up Dibiase's chances going into the winter. I can see a Survivor Series match, with DX and teammates (MVP, Mark Henry, other) vs Legacy with Chris Jericho and Big Show where DiBiase could be given a big push in it, eliminating 3 of his opponents. His best feud option is with Shawn Michaels, if Triple H goes on to fight Orton some-more.

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