Next US & Intercontinental Champ Will Be..

I see Rhodes taking the ic title at summer slam - if they make the match :) then I'd like to see Rhodes and Daniel Bryan continue their programme but now include the ic title (with Daniel Bryan wanting to wait till wrestlmania to cash in his MITB,this would be a a good way to keep him relevant and an ic reign under his belt before the top title)

As for the u.s title as much as I wanna see a long title run with Ziggler...I see A-RY being the next contender (IMO i think A-RY is a much better heel )

I know everyone is high on McIntyre turning face and fueding but I really wanna see more of the sinister Scotsman as a heel for now - in saying that,raw is lacking mid card faces so it could happen:)
I`m actually a fan of the US champ. Not the way he is being booked, but I find him creditable and a future ME within a year.

IC title has become a joke this year. dirt, spit, etc. kofi had a bad reign, wade had the worst reign in recent memory, and zeke is just roids.

Cody will most likely become the next IC champ either before or at summerslam. Hopefully he will make it creditable again, but I worry creative will get lazy with him as they have all the IC champs lately and he will become a wasted talent. Frankly he`s more WHC material, but people can`t see past his size or his age so unfourtunately this is the best he can do for now.

My picks for the US champ are bourne if he stays heel, or either swagger or drew if dolph dumps vickie and turns face at the same time as he drops the title for ME status.

Honestly whoever gets those belts next are going to be in a bad position unless creative gets their act together.
I think Evan Bourne will definitely be the next US Champ, on Monday he had a match with the US Champion so I think the next thing will be a US Title match at SS and he'll probably win if not then maybe the PPV after. I'm not a big fan of Bourne if I'm honest but I won't go mad if he wins the US Championship.

As for the IC Title I think it will either be Rhodes or Dibiase. Rhodes will probably either win the title or be pushed to the World Title scene depending on how big of a push they think he deserves. Dibiase is my next pick because I could see him winning the title and setting up a Rhodes and Dibiase feud, with Rhodes saying something like "the only reason you're the champion is because of me" turning Dibiase face and having a feud between the two.
So now, compared to lets say a few years ago, both of the mid card championships were seen as something worthy but looking at today

People have been saying this for YEARS. It's always the same argument of "the titles used to mean so much, and now they're crap. A few years ago they were great. A few years ago they meant something." A few years ago people were saying the same thing... There was a time when great people would hold the mid-card titles, but it was rare (if at all) that the belt is what actually made them great. The main problem now is nobody WANTS to be IC or US Champion. It's always a stepping stone to the WWE title, and nobody is actually seeking after the mid-card belts.

Dolph Ziggler - He is being misused at the minute

I completely disagree. A few nights ago he came out with an AWESOME remix to his theme song, and he's been determined and passionate for months now. There is a lot going on for Monday Night Raw, and just because he's not feuding with CM Punk or John Cena doesn't mean he's being mis-used. I like him where he's at. Few guys get that slow build towards the top, and after he was rushed into the title picture against Edge (granted he did a great job) I'm glad to see they are taking their time with him on Raw. He'll get his chance to shine soon, but for now he's doing a fantastic job as champion.

Ezekiel Jackson - Who? Yes I know who he is but really, he came out of nowhere with The Corre, split up from them and won the title from Wade who was doing good as the champ. He isn't really bringing and shine to the title let's say and I want to see someone else with him.

Jackson hasn't been impressing as much as many people thought he would, but I saw that coming from a mile away. He's a huge, bulking character that is great as the muscle of the group, but as soon as they made him go-it-alone I was scared he didn't have the charisma to be champion. BUT, I applaud Smackdown for going in a new direction with him, and giving somebody new the chance to be champion. Also, whoever beats him for the title is going to look great, because dethroning a giant is always a big deal. It could eventually make somebody like Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase, or even Daniel Bryan look really good.

My question to you is, who do you think will be the next US and Intercontinental champion and who do you want as the champions?

I want Dolph Ziggler as the current champion on Raw. He needs to stay right where he is, but I wouldn't mind seeing him go into a feud with Alex Riley, the new face around town. Unfortunately, both of those guys really need the rub right now, and unless they pull out a series of 5 star matches, somebody is going to look weaker.

I won't comment on who I want to dethrone Jackson, because I honestly can't watch Smackdown that often. I don't have the time or ability to do so, so it's hard to really say what would be best for the state of the show.
I think the U.S Champion should be Alex Riley and have him feud with Dolph Ziggler

As for Intercontental it should Be either Justin Gabreil or Sin Cara. Who ever it is should few with the other so we can have some high flying action like the old days
Dolph is about ready to pass the title to someone else, but he doesnt have a good rivarly yet or storyline. I could see him and A-Ry fueding, and Riley winning at NOC or something could be something great to see.

Zeke being a champ is... POINTLESS... this guy does not get over with the crowd. I never liked this guy and never seem him making it far in the business, this dude to me is another mark henry. But I could see Rhodes taking the title from him soon just to have a fued with DiBiase later for the title.

so my desision would have to be

Alex Riley for US Champ
Cody Rhodes or Ted Dibiase for IC Champ.
If I had to pick who was the next U.S./I.C. Champions, I would say A. Ry as the next U.S. Champion and Cody Rhodes as the next I.C. Champion.

A. Ry - very green, but connect with the crowd. Decent mic skills and carries himself as a future champion. It will be a great testment of how good Dolph Ziggler really is if he can have a decent rivalry with him.

Cody Rhodes - It's no doubt that the gimmick he's got going on now has him in the upper mid card/Main event train. It should be him v Big Zeke at SS (still a possibility). He has all the goods and he's now starting to put it all together.
Alex Riley- Next US champ, i'm assuming they will want to give it to a face this time around, it could do wonders for his career, sorta can see him getting the US title, maybe money in the bank in 2012 or 13 and doing as the miz did. Could further the rivalry.

Cody Rhodes- IC Champ, this is a no brainier, they need to create meaning for this title again. By having Rhodes hold it, he can re-create meaning for it, with what i think will be a 250+ day reign.

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