Who Will be the Next Meaningful IC Champ

I really think they should put the belt on Lance Cade. He and Murdoch have been teamed up for too long, and haven't really gotten over as a team. He is a pretty good athlete for his size, and can feud with anyone, small or large. Plus, with Murdoch's recent injury (shoulder), this would be the perfect opportunity for him to break out as a singles competitor. Imagine, since Jeff is caught up in the WWE title picture, Cade could upset him and have a pretty good title run...they need the belt on a heel who could have a lengthy run, not on a face whose track record is sporadic, and who hasn't defended the belt on a PPV in a while.
I really think they should put the belt on Lance Cade. He and Murdoch have been teamed up for too long, and haven't really gotten over as a team. He is a pretty good athlete for his size, and can feud with anyone, small or large. Plus, with Murdoch's recent injury (shoulder), this would be the perfect opportunity for him to break out as a singles competitor. Imagine, since Jeff is caught up in the WWE title picture, Cade could upset him and have a pretty good title run...they need the belt on a heel who could have a lengthy run, not on a face whose track record is sporadic, and who hasn't defended the belt on a PPV in a while.

Its actually Lance Cade who got the shoulder injury. But i do agree with you that Cade would make a great singles wrestler now that he has acheived success in the tag division and the IC belt on Cade might not be that bad. But i also enjoy Cade and Murdoch tag so hopefully that doesn't end to soon..

But the person i feel would be the next meaningful IC champ is Mr. Kennedy. the guy is pretty good on the mic and he is excellent in the ring the only downside is he has like 5 different finishers but i guess it doesnt matter if it helps win. Hes got everything going for him and he def. needs a title run and the IC title is like perfect for this guy.
i think burke would be the next one cuse yes he is kind of an ecw main eventer,but that is not a big main event lol.... so i say send him to raw and give him the IC title aganist say umanga or even better would be matt hardy .. i did not like the mvp story line but any who and they should maybe turn him face it would look really good ithink.......................................................................................................................
i would like to nsee someone like young cody rhodes or mr.kenedy or carlito i really think orton will screw jeffhardy out of the title and that will give him even more heat heading into the wwe title match at the royal rumble
I was really hopin the Armagedon match with Hardy and HHH would be for the IC title...I find the IC title to have lost its luster and stumble upon mid-carder to mid-carder, . Not that Hardy isnt big because he obviously is way over with the fans, but seeing it defended in a Hardy-HHH match would have made the belt matter a bit more, IMO
Santino Marella is THE choice for next meaningful IC champ. Look at past champs, like the Rock, Kurt Angle, Edge, Honky Tonk, Mr perfect. Many of them were great on the mic. Santino is no different. He was put in an angle with Stone Cold, and that merits some kind of main event calibur dont you think?
I think if you put Finlay on RAW,He'd be champion real soon but he isn't.So I would go with either Santino or Kennedy.Their not doing much with them and Jeff isn't doing much with the title so he'll drop it to one of them.But Santino is in a tag-team with Carlito so we'll se how that turns out.So Kennedy is next in line.
There are a few people I would like to see with the IC Belt and they all have legit arguments for them.

First is Mr. Kennedy, he will get a big push to WWE or World Title shots sometime this year, but I see a short IC title reign being a stepping stone.

One person who I would like to see have a long reign is Elijah Burke. He is a great talent, has the mic skills as well as the technical skills. He could be a great person to feud with Jeff Hardy to become the next IC champ.

I could see former champions like Benjamin, Carlito or Santino, but I think that Benjamin was the only one who made the matches exciting and he should have a shot at the ECW title soon.

Lashley would be another choice due to his past title reigns as US and ECW champion and coming off the injury it would be a good push.
Kennedy would be a great Intercontinental Champion. His mic skills are phenomenal, and it would be a great place for him to start his climb to the WWE championship.

Other than that I think that if they traded CM Punk off of ECW (I mean they did take Sandman off for some reason) he would be a great intercontinental champion too. CM Punk vs. Hardy for the IC Title would be a great match.
Jeff Hardy is a great Intercontinental Champion I think that as Jeff Hardy will be in the main events he can drop the title to Mr.Kennedy, Umaga ( for a lenghty reign) I would say Santino,but he is in the tag team scene right now but if he holds both tag team and Intercontinental championships he would be way over with the fans. I really like the way santion talks on the mic he is really funny!!!
Him and Jericho mouthing off was the best 3 minutes of Raw last year, bar none. As for the IC championship, I'd love to see it used again to build a star... while it didn't quite work for Santino as well as they hoped it would, perhaps DH Smith or Cody Rhodes could benefit from it, much like Randy Orton did while he was in Evolution.
WWE should put the IC belt on Lance Cade because he is a good worker and a young up and comer. His Tag Team with Murdoch has really gotten dry so I think they should make Cade turn on him and launch his solo career. They could push Cade as somewhat of a monster heel because he is a big guy that can go out there and fuck people up. Cade would be an IC champ similar to guys like Test, Albert, or Faarooq. It would give the belt more meaning if it was on someone who looked like they could be a main eventer in the near future. He can work the mic a little too but they just never let him do it.
The belt itself has to be meaningful for there to be a "meaningful" champ. Remember the days this belt meant something? Where you would look forward to Razor Ramon against Shawn Michaels, or Vader, or Mr. Perfect. They had such great intercontinental moments. If all of a sudden we never saw the IC belt, would it really matter to anyone, and would anyone notice? They need to re-establish it because there will always be moments where the world title stuff is just ok and there needs to be backup.
I will throw my hat in for Carlito. He agreed to stay with WWE in return for some consessions. A championship reign certainly would get his attention in negotiations.

Cody? Maybe. Kennedy? I don't think so. It seems a step in the opposite direction, as they may put him into the World Title picture soon after Wrestlemania.

Santino? No. He is a great heel and a decent worker, but he doesn't win often. His character doesn't need it.

Lance Cade? Not a bad idea.
Mr. Kennedy for sure. It would give him the boost that he needs to get back up. My second choise would be Carlito though. Seriously, I can't remember that last time he got a push

I'm neuteral on the Lance Cade idea. If he gets a steady push like Orlando Jordan did, and has a refreshed gimmick, then I think Cade would be raring to go for a IC Title run. Trevor Murdoch is not getting anywhere anyway, and should be released to return to WLW for awhile. Work on his skills.
I'm of the opinion that Kennedy should remain in the world title picture and not chase the IC belt. I think the belt on Carlito would be great, and I think the Hardy/Carlito program would be a good one. After that, why not let Carlito regularly defend the belt against some of the younger talent so they can be built up more. I'm not talking squashes, rather that these young up and comers try their hardest but Carlito is too cunning and ruthless for them. That is until some ppv moment down the line.
Mr. Kennedy has to be the next New IC Champion. I mean he needs to be a cocky champion that destorys talent on the way to the top. Umaga is running his course with the IC belt and I think the WWE needs topull the triggeron Jeff Hardy Main Eventing some brand. So Kennedy is the natural fit as he is not going to be main eventing and winning the WWE Chmpionship anytime soon with Triple H, John Cena, HBK, and Randy Orton all healthy on RAW.

Plus Carlito is tagging with Santino and after that no one else on the Raw roster deserves to be IC Champion, but if the WWE wants to put the belt on someone and see if it flies, then you can give it to Cody Rhodes who can be a face till the fans "Rock turn" him heel.
I really think they need to take the IC Title off of Hardy. He's never in a feud with it because he's in the main event. Have him drop the strap to Kennedy possibly. Kennedy hasn't done much since coming to RAW. He's been suspended and had a feud with HBK. Just have Hardy lose to Kennedy @ WrestleMania and have Kennedy feud with possibly Chris Jericho. I believe that would be a nice IC feud to watch, but that's just me.
Chris Jericho!

He's in no real storyline, he isn't a top face, and he came to "Save Us" from nothing. Everything just fell apart and he doesn't even get a good reaction from people. His return seems like nothing anymore.

I want to see Jericho turn heel where he can be bigger on Raw. To many major faces on Raw. Have HHH or Y2J turn heel and get in the hunt of the WWE Championship or the IC title.

Jericho is who I want to see win the title.
Kennedy I want to see see win the title.
Umaga would make a good champion.
I really think they need to take the IC Title off of Hardy. He's never in a feud with it because he's in the main event. Have him drop the strap to Kennedy possibly. Kennedy hasn't done much since coming to RAW. He's been suspended and had a feud with HBK. Just have Hardy lose to Kennedy @ WrestleMania and have Kennedy feud with possibly Chris Jericho. I believe that would be a nice IC feud to watch, but that's just me.

You can't have Hardy drop the belt at Mania because the rumor is he is going on to win MITB.

Furthermore, I think there are a few issues with Hardy dropping his IC title. First, this would require Hardy to lose. Now, Hardy is getting a huge push as of late, and basically owned Orton for a few weeks, and just came up short to beating him. And I think it is safe to say that Hardy is going to remain in the title picture for a while, as it seems. Having him drop his IC title cleanly would take Hardy a step back, in my opinion, after this pish he has been recieving. I mean, a man who has beat a monster like Umaga, owned Randy Orton, and then almost took his belt is now going to lose his own belt to Santino? Carlito? Definitely a step back, in my opinion.

Also, the Hardy character has this persona about him that is basically a no quit attitude. I mean, do you really think it would be in the Hardy character to drop your IC belt and then just shrug it off? Even if he is going to be in the main event picture, I just can't seem to imagine Hardy losing his belt cleanly and not trying to get it back after...

You could always have him get screwed over and lose the belt that way, but once again, I don't believe it in Hardy's character to just take that sitting down. And once again, it is a step back for him. I really think the WWE should play up the whole, duel champion storyline like they started to do going into the Royal Rumble. Have Jeff win the belt while still holding the IC belt. Then, you add more legitimacy to the Hardy character...Not only is he a daredevil, but he is also the 3rd man to ever hold both titles. In the process, you also give the IC belt a bit more legitimacy. So, in my opinion, keep the belt on Hardy for now.
I'm really bothered by the "state of the IC belt". Back in the day, it seemed to be just as important (not quite, but close) in importance as the WWF Championship. You have the belt, why not use it to create some more storylines! People will get bored when 4 of the same people compete for the main title in a 12 month time span. But i do agree with making Hardy lose "clean" could really destroy the push he's been on. BUT, to make up for that, make it interference or make him do something that causes him to get stripped or what have you. I mean, there are so many things that the WWE could do and make it work. There are so many midcard talents that just aren't being used, or used in the right way. These are the wrestlers that could put on a good program for the IC title (why not make it a title that is on the line every RAW or every other RAW): Mr. Kennedy, Carlito, Santino, Shelton Benjamin, Elijah Burke, John Morrison, Y2J, Cody Rhodes, Charlie Haas, Val Venis, and Lance Cade. (yes, i do realize that some of them are on ECW, but who says they can't make the switch to RAW (again)) I don't know, maybe it's just I miss the good ole days when bein' the IC Champ actually meant something.

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