Who Will be the Next Meaningful IC Champ

rhinoUmaga, another fantastic post. Well said.

Has anybody examined the possibility of Trevor Murdoch getting taken down a notch / injured / choking to death on dip spit / starting the Skinner fan club and allowing Lance Cade to step up? Cade is a student of Shawn Michaels, has a look and mic skills, decent in ring work. He's like WWE's Lance Hoyt, only they may potentially use Cade properly.

The other idea was Paul London. Thier tag team has fallen off the face since they left Smackdown. Either Kendrick OR London playing the underdog role may be interesting.
I think it could be carlitio and because he already a big push from jobbing with flair to WGTT to beating john cena (yes it was a little cheating) but it wasent a dq or count out at least it was a clean pin witch was nice for once.But i think the Ic champ i think he will get it from umaga some how at summerslam but if they dont get it to him they need to get it to at least booker t becuase he isnt going to be in the wwe title picture when you have Orton,HHH,Cena,Hbk back in the picture and i think kennedy needs to get in the world title picture somehow
I didn't know Carlito had an attitude problem. But it's obviously not bad enough to get him suspended for a lack of maturity. That's part of my problem with Jeff Hardy now. He's been with the company for a long time, recently had a good IC feud with Nitro, was supposed to get the IC title again, and now he's suspended. It's like he doesn't respect the company or the fans enough to behave. And obviously good backstage behavior won't make up for lack of talent, but his behavior just takes away from his.

anybody can say what you want about Jeff hardy there is more to wrestling than a colorful hair do and a bunch of flips. Anyways no one understands all the stuff that Orton does, not show up goes through peoples bags etc, he has a problem an even more serious one than Jeff Hardy and he is going to win Heavyweight gold at Summerslam. So why cant hardy be IC champ?. ANyways onto my opinion the next best meaningful champ they have is the champ they have now in Umaga. Him turning Babyface is a career killer to some but it might work out. OR i would agree with most and give the Belt to Shelton because he is so stinking talented. I agree with whomever or the Kennedy situation because it would be a downgrade from the MITB. but i say the next meaningful champ is the champ they have now because he is the Samoan bulldozer and an unstoppable force and he does more than the spike.
i definitely think it will be carlito because from what weve seen in past weeks hes getting a pretty strong push. hes allowed to talk again and is very entertaining on the mic and gets good heel heat as a weasel it think if carlito won it would be just what the title needs to add legitimacy.
Usually, the belt goes to someone they want to push. Right now, that push belongs to Mr. Kennedy. And, although he's still a bit green in the big time, Cody Rhodes would be a good choice.
Kennedy should get the IC title, and in all fairness should have stayed on Smacdown and gotten the World title too.

I also think Umaga is a meaningful champion. For a big fat guy with Somoa branded on his gut he does more entertaining shit in the ring that Cena does.
If Shelton Benjamin broke away from WGTT in the future I could see a possibility, but he has no mic skills really. As of now IMO it should be Carlito, then after a long reign he should get bumped up in the roster to an upper-card wrestler. He's really the whole package, he's the guy the fans love to hate, and that makes for great rivalries.
Kennedy could really bring something special back to the title if he wins it Sunday. His character, along with the McMahon story could really propel his career and bring something back to the IC title. The title was once used to help the future of the company (ie Bret Hart, HBK) turn into main event performers. It really was not a good idea for them to take the title away for those years back in the early 2000's. I think wrestlers like Kennedy can really take this opportunity to shine with a championship around his waist. They put this belt on Carlito early in his career and he had the opportunity to be a main eventer as well. Though it didn't pan out and he's back to the title picture again, many fans took him seriously as a performer in a main ever status. Just give a person like Kennedy a nice run as champion and it will mean something when he loses it. Thus, the next person who wins it could be a bigger deal than the person holding the belt.
Please god no one. The roster doesn't have the major split like it did in the good ole wwf days where it had the true big time players main eventers and then it had that lower class with the likes of val venis and d/lo and so on.

Now, you watch and all of the talent has been pushed there really is not that big of a difference. All wrestlers are already established. You just keep giving guys who don't need pushes the belt. (I.E. you gave it to Umage-didn't need already came off as a huge heel, you give it to jeff hardy-c'mon do i need to explain this, he has been over for years, carlito, kennedy etc-all have been established and put into higher feuds so they don't bring the prestige back ot the title and don't need it.
Shelton has held the belt 3 times for the record. But anyway, someone who can bring this belt back from the dead would be the debuting HARRY SMITH! They should not be put on smackdown, bring them to raw baby! Evolution worked wonders didn't it? Now, granted they do not have a stand out star yet, because they are all new, they can still work well. Give Harry the title, let him run with it, and then drop it to whomever he is feuding with, and let him go on to the big belt. This can elevate him as well as make the title worth something like in 1992 when his dad won it from bret.
The problem with the IC title picture is the same problem with the WWE, there are no new stars to help elevate to the main event picture so the title remains in mid card limbo, in the 90's the title was used to elevate the careers of stone cold steve austin, the rock, triple h, shawn michaels, and even bret hart to name a few, the title needs to have a good long run with someone who will be elevated to the main event picture once their run with the title is over and we have a few good candidates that have shown time and time again that they cannot be elevated so the title gets used and abused and is left meaningless,

lets look at the candidates

Jeff Hardy, current IC champ most recently used as fodder for the great khali , why does he hole the title?, because after serving a 30 day suspension they had only one credible champion who had to have the title taken off of him because he is serving a 30 day suspension for the whole pharmacy scandal and that person is

Umaga Again see Jeff Hardy to know why he has no credibility for main event status

Kennedy simple fact the guy went out and lied to everyone that he was clean, put his foot in his mouth one too many times, should he be elevated?, yes, when?, hopefully not too soon as with this whole pharmacy scandal it will look like the wwe's rewarding him for lying, cheating and most of all making them look like idiots.

Shelton, the more credible of the list, i consider him the saviour of the wwe, he has the skills and talent to go far, why is the wwe not pushing him, lack of charisma, simple fact they dont care about talent, they just want better mike skills to entertain the crowd, how do we resolve this issue, put someone solid on the mike to help shelton someone like heyman, bischoff, even val venis this way he can get the push he deserves.

santino morella do i need to go down this road, this guy had a tone of potential and is now runing around chasing maria on tv, if i need to bumb a quote off of ron simmons "DAMN!"

Carlito last time ive seen carlito he is being used as fodder in a triple h feud just to give him time before he eventually takes the big title off of cena, this one is a damn wast.

the only way the wwe can resolve this issue is to either push shelton or someone new that they know needs to be elevated, otherwise the title will remain with all of its potentials in mid card hell!
I think Jeff Hardy should keep the ITC. Championship because he has had a lot of time in the WWE and deserves more then a Tag Team Championship he should even get the WWE Championship he has been here a long time plus Jeff Hardy is awesome

Viva La Jeff Hardy:headbanger:
I think Jeff Hardy should keep the ITC. Championship because he has had a lot of time in the WWE and deserves more then a Tag Team Championship he should even get the WWE Championship he has been here a long time plus Jeff Hardy is awesome

Viva La Jeff Hardy:headbanger:

Ok Jeff should be champ because he's been there a long time? So has Jim Duggan, HHH, HBK, Ron Simmons, Val Venis, Kane, Big Daddy V and Stevie Richards. Neither of those I think should be given the belt because they've been there for a while, if it's on ability Jeff does have potential and he beginning to spot less and less from what I've seen the past few weeks. But next champ cos he's been there for a while? That's a bit stupid.
by the way lee i dont agree with the stevie comment as i think stevie deserves a mid card push, but you are right about jeff, he doesnt really need an ic push unless he is going for the main title and its setting him up for a wwe feud with cena, which truthfully it aint
you never know wwe are famous for crazy crap i would like jeff to get a mian event push he got one in a house just a couple of weeks back not in cape town somwhere else but he won a battle royal and had a hell of match with i wouldn't mind seeing it on t.v and i'm sure i'm not the only one
in a perfect world wed see both the hardys with theworld championships at mania but i doubt it, i love the hardy mvp, feud jeff needs a push but needs to show commitment
It has to be Kennedy. He's the only mid card guy who could get over in the main event. Jeff Hardy should never be world champion, the top guy in the company needs to be able to tell a story in a match, all Hardy can do is take a beating and hit a couple of high spots to get the crowd popping. He has no idea of how to wrestle a solid 20 minutes. Which brings me to a question. Why the hell are Batista and Khali still feuding for the World title. These guys will never put on a decent match, get rid of them.
I gotta be honest, I think if given a bit of character and the right gimmick, Cody Rhodes could probably carry that belt and do it some justice. I've been quite a fan of him since he debuted, definitely got a whole world of potential however potential doesn't pay the bills. So it's time the WWE creative team came up with something for Cody and gave him a decent push.
We have a meaningful champ in Jeff, they are just using him in a way that seems like his punishment. After his little fall-out with the WWE before. IN a house show he won a battle royal for a title shot at Cena that night. Needless to say he lost, but it could be a sign of things to come. Kennedy is another one. But I have to say, he rubs me the wrong way sometimes. He certainly has the microphone skills (probrably the best on raw) but his in ring performance is inconsistent. If he can go out every night and put on a performance like his match with Matt Hardy a few months ago, I think Mr. Kennedy may very fulfill what he said on his debut at Raw....he will headline Wrestlemania this year. Now for guys who should get a run, Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin, Super Crazy, Val Venis and my odds on favorite, to bring to superstardom Lance Cade. He's big, rugged and a pretty boy all at the same time....he just needs a finisher he can call his own.
Yeah of course we all are going to agree The only interesting Title Matches are The World, and Wwe Championships. Im going to to admitt it as well The intercontinental Title has lost its prestige over the years. So has The u.s. and the Tag team championships. Its all a big joke now. When was The last time you saw a Top superstar Hold the intercontinental or U.s. Title

U.s. John Cena [2004]
I.c. RVD [2006]

These other Titles are a disgrace i Think Carlito or umaga should Defeat Jeff Hardy - Then Jeff Hardy Go to S.d.! and Take The U.s. From MVP that would be interesting. Then have Triple HHH defeat either Umaga or Carlito. Later on When Orton wins WWE title He confronts Triple H - Causes Triple H to lose I.c. to Carlito - Umaga - Shelton - Then Tag Team Between Triple H + John Cena Vs Randy Orton and Opponent I.c. Champ Wrestlemania o ppv Cena wins I.c. From either Three Triple H Fails Feud goes on Until He wins.
i always thought that kennedy should have a really long ic title reign before his jump to the heavyweight title picture. all of the real greats were elevated to main event status after incredible reigns with the ic title (see the rock, stone cold, bret hart, hbk, edge among others) in which they put on some electric matches.

i think raw has the talent to have a great ic title division. Cody rhodes, jeff hardy, mr kennedy, santino marella, val venis, haas and benjamin (who should be broken up and put into singles) and even william regal could get involved in it if he really wanted to start wrestling again.

also, i say wen lashley gets back he should start in a fued for the ic title rather then go right back into the world title picture because i just dont think hes ready to be leading raw.

and carlito and umaga should be moving on to main event status sometime soon so i wont include them in this.

the ic title is such an important belt as far as putting a character over. they dont use the belt the way they used to which is why we dont have as many big stars as back in the old days. there was a time wen ic title matches were the most highly anticipated matches on the card (rock/hhh and stone cold/owen and hbk/razor) and they need to get back to that. they certainly have the talent to do it.
I definately think the way to go with this is to put the title on a main eventer. With a main guy carrying the title wit automatically gives it credibility.

Let's put it on hunter. From the looks of last night he's gonna be chasing Orton. The fact that both of Raws main titles are in such a prominent position adds value to the title. Each week you can have Orton arranging bouts between hunter and mid-carders all wanting the IC belt. Orton gets to play heel by arranging others to do his dirty work and mid-card guys get the exposure of being in competitive matches with HHH.

Then after a month or so of this a Carlito, kennedy, Shelton take the belt in a match with HHH and retain it the next week. 2 wins over HHH no matter how they are achieve are still two wins.

Shelton would be a better candidate if this was the route taken as he could do with the rub more than the other two. In fact they could have Shelton side with orton when HBK gets back, if they keep him and HHH together. Both the heels have ultra cocky peronas and may work well together and working with these 3 guys would give Shelton and the IC title some much needed cred when it comes to taking the IC title to a mid card fued.
I think that it's got to be Kennedy. In my opinion, Kennedy, if not the most charismatic wrestler on the roster, has got to be up there with the top few. He's held the United States Championship last year for a short while and has not held anything since, I really think it's time for Kennedy to pick up some form of gold again. With a win over Jeff Hardy last night, hopefully it means that Kennedy will get the chance to compete for the Intercontinental Championship and before long, move up into the Main Event scene.

Apart from Kennedy I wouldn't mind seeing Lance Cade becoming the Intercontinental Champion as he's decent in the ring and improving on the mic.. it was rumoured about a month ago that he could be in for a push too.
With Santino's new heel turn, i think he should have a legitimate IC run in the near future. Once he get's out of promos that really have no long term weight, he should receive some sort of push

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