Ezekiel Jackson: IC Champ - Who's Next?

Who Will Be The Next IC Champ?

  • Wade Barrett

  • Mark Henry

  • Sin Cara

  • Jinder Mahal

  • Other (Please State)

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Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
So, much like Dolph Ziggler, Ezekiel Jackson won the Intercontinental Championship at Capitol Punishment from Wade Barrett. He's also been holding the Title for 16 days and counting, but once again, he will eventually have to lose that Title. But to who? Again, I will go through some possible contenders to the Title. You can then vote on the Poll, sharing your own opinions with us, on who you think may become the next IC Champion.

1) - Wade Barrett
Much like I done with the Dolph Ziggler Thread, my first possible Contender for the IC Title, is its previous Champion. Once again, there could be a scenario where Barrett gets involved with Jackson and wants to prove that he is once and for all better than him, so challenges Jackson to put his IC Title on the line in a Match between the two. Then, Barrett could possibly become our new Champion, or he may not. However, in the WWE, anything is possible, so we never know it. Plus, you never really know it, what with the WWE, but maybe Barrett has an ace or two up his sleeve? (Slater/Gabriel).

2) - Mark Henry
The man who we really don't want to see hold the World Heavyweight Championship here. He's been going round, destroying everything and everyone he possibly can, so what happens when eventually (& I'm sure he will), come into the path of Ezekiel Jackson? Surely, Henry would attempt to take out Jackson, possibly failing in doing so, leading to a Title match between the two men. However, I would see Henry winning this, giving him one final Title run before he finishes with the WWE.

3) - Sin Cara
I would love to see this guy become the Intercontinental Champion, but I couldn't see him putting on a very good match at all with Jackson. As I have said though, anything in the WWE is possible. So, maybe Cara ends up (somehow), with an IC Title Shot. There's all chance he takes out Jackson and ends up winning.

And Finally.. (For my choices)

4) - Jinder Mahal
He is currently with The Great Khali, helping to bring him back "on form". However, I would much prefer to see Mahal go on a singles run, being a very dominant Superstar. I could really imagine him defeating Ezekiel Jackson, possibly with Khali's help, to be the new Champion. It's a good way of getting the new guy known I suppose, by landing him some Gold.

Now, you can vote for any of these guys on the Poll, if you want to. Also, I will say, I haven't put Cody Rhodes, or Sheamus down for that matter, because they're MiTB Contenders in my eyes. However, if you believe that they will be the next IC Champ, just vote "Other" on the Poll and let us know.

Share your views with us!

Totally forgot to actually give who I voted for here, just like my Ziggler Thread.

I voted here, for Jinder Mahal. I think what he needs to do, is one day on Smackdown, (preferably the sooner the better, 'cos Zeke bores me) is to come out and challenge him to a Title Match. He then gets his Match and wins the Title with the help of the Great Khali, who comes out midway through the match. Then, Mahal looks good as the newbie with the Gold. He should eventually turn on Khali and say he only used him to win the Title, with Mahal beating him in some way in a Match. He really needs to prove himself and it could work (Possibly) this way.
Cody Rhodes if he does not win MITB. He seems to be on a better run than all the above mentioned. And he now has a pinfall win over Jackson this past week. I can see Dibiase interfering to help Rhodes get the win. He may be next.

But, if you are holding me to the above selections.... Jinder sounds the the most likely.

Barrett jobbed to Kane last week (No disrespect to the Big Red Machine, as he is my true favorite) and with the loss of the Corre he seems to be on a slide.

Henry is on a tear. BUT...PLEASE..... No reason ever to see a Mark Henry/Jackson match.

For Sin Cara to get the title, Jackson would have to drop it first. Maybe to Rhodes.
Daniel Bryan as i don't think he is winning money in the bank although i hope i am wrong, if not him then Cody Rhodes. They are the only two in my eyes worthwhile of holding that belt and would put on good matches
I think Daniel Bryan should be next. He would be a perfect fit for hyping up the crowd with a great opening match at PPV's as the IC champ. I just hope he would get a more eventful reign than his run with the US title. It won't be Barrett because he just got out of a feud with Zeke and is likely moving higher up on the card next. Jinder would be a bad idea. He is uninteresting and should never hold a title. Mark Henry!? Are you joking!? As for Sin Cara, he makes the most sense out of the options in the poll due to the big plans Trips and the others have for him. It may be too soon for a title run though so Bryan would be the better candidate for now.
I picked Jinder Mahal. The WWE clearly has plans for him as he's been on a hell of a tear on Smackdown, so I think it's safe to assume that the WWE wants to do something significant with him. He hasn't been so impressive that he's worthy of a jump that lands him right in the main event, but I think he is midcard champ material, and he might be one of the few men in the WWE that can beat Zeke... providing he still has Khali in his corner come title match time.

I don't see Mark Henry winning it because I think he's past the point in his career where the WWE wants to put any titles on him. He's still enough of a threat that he can help elevate guys to the main event level, and that's where they'll use him. I don't think Cara will lift the title off of Zeke because I just don't think Zeke is capable of wrestling Sin Cara... at all. Wade Barrett is a toss up, but I think he'll be doing something else since both his matches (and therefore his feud) with Big Zeke was wildly underwhelming. There's nobody on Smackdown that's in a better spot to take that title off of Zeke than Jinder Mahal.
Cody Rhodes is my pick

We could use a good heel character holding the prestigious Intercontiental Championship, and I don't think there is a better fit for the title than Cody Rhodes. His blood is the WWE and the Intercontiental Championship has quite the WWE history.

Still to early for Mahal and Sin Cara, IMO. There are others more deserving.. like Cody Rhodes or Daniel Bryan...

Anything short of the World Title for Wade Barrett or Mark Henry at this stage is just unacceptable.
My pick is "Grotesque" Cody Rhodes.

Rhodes won't be winning Money in the Bank because he isn't quite ready for the main event and Wade Barret is my pick to win Smackdown's Money in the Bank ladder match. Rhodes also has a pin-fall victory over Zeke so I think that will be a lead-on for their soon-to-be feud where I think Rhodes will take the I.C title and, hopefully, give us a good mid-card title reign.
I picked Jinder Mahal. The WWE clearly has plans for him as he's been on a hell of a tear on Smackdown, so I think it's safe to assume that the WWE wants to do something significant with him. He hasn't been so impressive that he's worthy of a jump that lands him right in the main event, but I think he is midcard champ material, and he might be one of the few men in the WWE that can beat Zeke... providing he still has Khali in his corner come title match time.

Then why give it to the guy? Whatever he has done up to this point has been quite forgettable, if one has remembered it at all. Zeke himself is quite limited too. No, not because he is a big strong guy kind of wrestler. But because he comes across as clumsy and his bumping just reminds me someone squeezing a balloon when he lands. Well, wouldn't surprise me to see him pop a muscle by landing wrong.

I am with the people that say Rhodes. Not only have they actually.. I know.. Started the feud? Zeke needs someone who is going to fall down like an asshole to make him look impressive and the likes. Cody is great as a stoogie type.
Then why give it to the guy? Whatever he has done up to this point has been quite forgettable, if one has remembered it at all. Zeke himself is quite limited too. No, not because he is a big strong guy kind of wrestler. But because he comes across as clumsy and his bumping just reminds me someone squeezing a balloon when he lands. Well, wouldn't surprise me to see him pop a muscle by landing wrong.

I agree that Zeke is clumsy in the ring, but I don't get why Jinder is "forgettable" at all. Great look, good ability, and he's crushed everyone up to this point. Vladamir Kozlov did the same thing but made the jump right to the main event and it didn't work out so well in the long run. Perhaps having Jinder go to the midcard first will help solidify him as a key WWE player and will eventually move up to the main event.

I am with the people that say Rhodes. Not only have they actually.. I know.. Started the feud? Zeke needs someone who is going to fall down like an asshole to make him look impressive and the likes. Cody is great as a stoogie type.

Now this is pure bologna. Cody Rhodes is most certainly NOT the stoogie type... at all. In fact, he's looked pretty damn dominant in just about every match he's had recently, and he didn't exactly look totally outclassed in his match with Zeke last week. Furthermore, why does Zeke need someone to fall down and make him look impressive? Zeke is nothing more than a flash in the pan, a one trick pony that audiences are still only moderately excited about. I think making Zeke look like a chump would just be another step towards becoming a main eventer in the WWE for Jinder, and I think the WWE would love to have an Indian star at the top of the card one day.
I agree that Zeke is clumsy in the ring, but I don't get why Jinder is "forgettable" at all. Great look, good ability, and he's crushed everyone up to this point. Vladamir Kozlov did the same thing but made the jump right to the main event and it didn't work out so well in the long run. Perhaps having Jinder go to the midcard first will help solidify him as a key WWE player and will eventually move up to the main event.

You said he hasn't been impressive. All he has done is squash people and look great in comparison to the Great Khali (who really sucks). They already have a guy who still believes in divine right, and he ain't doing so good with that gimmick either. :p

Now this is pure bologna. Cody Rhodes is most certainly NOT the stoogie type... at all. In fact, he's looked pretty damn dominant in just about every match he's had recently, and he didn't exactly look totally outclassed in his match with Zeke last week.

He falls down like a pro and looks like a stick figure. Sure, he has been booked as dominate, but the guy's biggest strengths is looking like as asshole that is about to get turned into a pretzel.

Furthermore, why does Zeke need someone to fall down and make him look impressive? Zeke is nothing more than a flash in the pan, a one trick pony that audiences are still only moderately excited about. I think making Zeke look like a chump would just be another step towards becoming a main eventer in the WWE for Jinder, and I think the WWE would love to have an Indian star at the top of the card one day.

Again, YOU just said that Jinder has been unimpressive. Unless that means something other than "forgettable," why would they give him to Zeke, who needs someone who can work around his limits? Also, Jinder is doing some Indian thing Khali. So, Jinder's hands are kinda full as well.

They have been pushing Zeke relatively hard for a mid-carder this year. They have pulled out all the stops to make this guy look like a monster sans what Mark Henry is currently doing. Cody makes perfect now more than ever because he is a vain stick figure and Zeke snaps twigs. Plus, Cody has Teddy; so he doesn't have to job.
You said he hasn't been impressive. All he has done is squash people and look great in comparison to the Great Khali (who really sucks). They already have a guy who still believes in divine right, and he ain't doing so good with that gimmick either. :p

I don't see how Del Rio applies to this conversation at all. And you misinterpreted what I said, which was that Mahal hasn't been so impressive that he's worthy of a jump to the main event, but he has been impressive enough to jump to the top of the midcard for certain.

He falls down like a pro and looks like a stick figure. Sure, he has been booked as dominate, but the guy's biggest strengths is looking like as asshole that is about to get turned into a pretzel.

I'd say his biggest strength is his illustrious microphone skill and the ability to work a terrific match. How do you figure his biggest strength is looking like an idiot?

Again, YOU just said that Jinder has been unimpressive. Unless that means something other than "forgettable," why would they give him to Zeke, who needs someone who can work around his limits? Also, Jinder is doing some Indian thing Khali. So, Jinder's hands are kinda full as well.

Once again, he's looked more than impressive enough for the midcard, just not the main event. And yes, Jinder is doing "some kind of Indian thing with Khali," so what? He can still do the "Indian thing" as the IC Champion.

They have been pushing Zeke relatively hard for a mid-carder this year. They have pulled out all the stops to make this guy look like a monster sans what Mark Henry is currently doing. Cody makes perfect now more than ever because he is a vain stick figure and Zeke snaps twigs. Plus, Cody has Teddy; so he doesn't have to job.

Cody doesn't make sense now more than ever. In fact, he makes sense now LESS than ever. Getting the Intercontinental Championship would be a step down for Cody Rhodes as he is clearly destined for the main event. He has the best microphone skills on Smackdown and is one of their best wrestlers as well. It's clearly only a matter of time before he challenges Orton for the World Heavyweight Championship, and I can't see him stepping down into the role of Intercontinental Champion until that happens.
Sin Cara. I see him having various mid-card championship reigns while giving Main Eventers a run for their money (having competitive non-title matches with them) and possibly a win against a ME once in awhile (from possible interference) for about a year or so until likely and hopefully he will hold the main championships then.
Without a doubt in my mind, Cody Rhodes. Ever since losing his dashing looks Cody has been on another level, and everyone can agree on that whether they like him or not. He is most certainly destined for stardom and this is his next step up, he is at the perfect time in his career to finally wear the Intercontinental title and I cannot wait to see what he does once he wins it.
I don't agree that Rhodes should be the one to win the strap off of Zeke. I'd much rather see the guy competing for the world championship. In my view, Rhodes transcends the Smackdown midcard as a whole and winning the title would actually be a step down for him. I would much rather see him win MITB. I'm kinda torn on Barrett. He could seek revenge for losing his title but like Rhodes, I'd much rather see him move up the card and into the main event scene instead of staying in the midcard. Sin Cara might be possible but I'd prefer not to see a Cara/Zeke match. From what I've seen, Cara is extremely limited in regards to the people he can wrestle. I don't think a Cara/Zeke match would appeal to me now. Mahal seems to be likely option. No, I don't like him but there seems to be big plans in store for him. Having him work the midcard and eventually be its top dog is a step in the right direction as opposed to thrusting him straight into the main event picture.
I am going with Ted DiBiase, he scored a pin victory over him last night so it automatically makes him in the top 2 to challenge him for the IC Title.

Him and Rhodes are the only ones I can see fighting for the IC Championship right now, but Rhodes ia already close to the main event, making him the IC Champion is destroying his momentum.
Ted DiBiase needs the title to be relevant on his own, and I can see him as IC Champion and Rhodes as World Champion in the next few months.
Then automatically make Ted lose the IC Title because Rhodes wasn't with him and turning on him, it's a good option I guess.

Well my pick is DiBiase...
i rhought i would be the 1st to say Teddy Jr. But I was beat by the above poster.!!

But every1 is to busy making there picks because of what every1 on the smackdown mid-card is doing right now.But unless you think they are aBOUT TO JUST THROW THE BELT OFF OF zEKE SOON YOU GOTTA THINK about the future booking style of smackdown.

Jinder Mahal-His name has been mentioned a few times.I think him & Khali will get the tag straps in the future so they can build Mahal's credibilty.He is definately IC champion material in todays WWE.Considering the huge indian market.But i just dont think he will get a singles chamionship until 2012

Daniel Bryan-He already held the US belt while on raw,so the IC belt is baisicly the same thing on smackdown.Although he isnt getting jobbed out or anything his all american veegan nerd gimmick is really dry.So if he would be the 1 to take the belt off of Zeke he would obviously have to turn heel(he can play a heel way better than a face,plus he wrestles way better as a heel)but that will take time so i dont think he will be Zeke's foil!

Sin Cara-He is a face so nope not yet.If he learns to cut a promo in english this man will be what Jericoh and Mysterio use to be in the IC title picture because HHH will book him with lots of mid card belt and will probably have 2 or 3 runs with the big belt like Myserio got.But thats a long time away.IM talkin 2018..LOL


Teddy OR Cody. If Cody looses MiTB he WILL BE THE NECT IC CHAMP.!!!
If he wins or even if Cody looses but is somehow elevated into like a fatal 4 wat for the WHC then he will assist Teddy in the IC picture.He will probably loose a couple of times to Zeke,and Cody will verbaly abuse Ted until he win's then when he does he will turn face on Cody just like A-ri did Miz.

---Just MY opiniOn---
There are so many Cody Rhodes fanboys in here slating him to be the next IC champ but honestly I think that Cody Rhodes is too good for the IC title. The IC title hasn't been important since Drew Mcintyre held it (go back to 2009 and you'll understand how he was the last good champ) and it depreciates in value with each one of these terrible holders. Fanboys want Rhodes to be the next big thing, but let me you tell you, winning the IC title in 2011 is not the way to do it when he could just win MitB instead.

As for the post, I picked Jinder Mahal, he's perfect - He's a heel, he has a good look, and he hasn't quite been established to the IWC or the Universe. All we know is that he bitches out Khali and he's a dousche, so give him some gold to brag about and garner heat
Being a Justin Gabriel fan since he was NXT I'm just going to go fangirl straight out. JUSTIN!!!!!!

Okay, I'm done.

On a serious note, I think Justin Gabriel would be an amazing IC champ. You fiure that he's the kind of guy who would get it at the start of his singles career. Once he got it WWE would be able to put him in some awesome feuds and really show him off to the WWE universe. However, I'm going to have to go with- Scratch that. I'm sticking with Justin. If I'm the only one then I'l just stay quiet
Being a Justin Gabriel fan since he was NXT I'm just going to go fangirl straight out. JUSTIN!!!!!!

Okay, I'm done.

On a serious note, I think Justin Gabriel would be an amazing IC champ. You fiure that he's the kind of guy who would get it at the start of his singles career. Once he got it WWE would be able to put him in some awesome feuds and really show him off to the WWE universe. However, I'm going to have to go with- Scratch that. I'm sticking with Justin. If I'm the only one then I'l just stay quiet

Na I kid, he has potential and (personally) think he'll skip the US title stage and go automatically mid+ card.

I can see Jinder Mihal taking this, he has 100% momentum recently, (although thats only against low opponents such as barreta and tatsu)
+ they need a heel as US champion in my eyes.
This is very interesting to me, because I feel like the Intercontinental Championship isn't going anywhere soon. I can see Ezekiel Jackson having a very dominant reign as IC Champion. Out of the choices I am quickly going to eliminate Mark Henry as I feel he will be challenging for the World Title in weeks to come. I am also going to rule out Wade Barrett, because it seems he and Jackson are done with each other for the time being. Jinder Mahal, I don't really know what this guy is gonna be doing on Smackdown, I haven't really seen a lot of him. Sin Cara, he is a possibility and is definitely going to be a future IC Champion, but the next IC Champ, I don't think so. I can see Cody Rhodes becoming the next Intercontinental Champion, because he needs to really get a title to maintain the heat that he currently has, I went to a Smackdown Taping not too far back, and as far as the live crowd without the WWE editing, Cody got the most heat. A lot of it was cheap heat, but the crowd hates him, and his current gimmick gives a lot to hate. Giving him the IC Championship would benefit his career because people are wondering if Cody can win a singles championship, and have a strong singles career. In my opinion that has already been proven, but for all the people that are still doubting him, winning the title, would shut them up.
Probably Jinder Mahal, i see a big push for him over the years, hes only 24 so he may be a mcintyre type push, as thats how old he was when he got the ic title, whether or not jinder will be pushed right i dont know, cause zeke has just won the ic title and has been pretty poor so far in losing a tag match and singles but we will just wait and see
I have to agree with Ted Dibiase. WWE still seems to have not given up on him, and the intercontinental title seems to be the only place he can really go right now.

I don't think it's going to be Cody, as he's my pick for MITB. But even if Cody doesn't win MITB he doesn't really need the intercontinental title right now.

I do think that Jinder will chase the title eventually, but he's too new for the title right now and I can't see him getting it this quickly.
I feel like Cody Rhodes is on his way to the Main Event scene, otherwise I'd choose him. As of now, though, it's gotta be Ted Dibiase. One of the better workers in the company and now he finally has character and a storyline to get people attached to. He's got to be primed and ready for a legit title run, his first since the tag title run he had with none other than Cody himself.
I'm going with Rhodes.

If anyone needs it, it's him.

He had a whole bunch of steam after 'Mania beating one the top guys in the company and then it all fizzled out.

Rhodes has the mic skills and the in ring skills to be successful.

He needs the IC title more than anyone else right now.

Otherwise, let him win MITB.
I really don't know. To be quite honest, I don't care who it is as long as the take it off of Jackson fast. Unbelievably dull man. However, let's see who could do it...

Cody Rhodes should be in the main event sooner rather than later. Even though he hasn't held a singles title, for me Rhodes is above the Intercontinental Championship. He's my pick to win the Money In The Bank match. And even if he doesn't win, I've got him down to be solidly in the main event by the end of the year.

I could really see WWE set up an Ezekiel Jackson vs. Mark Henry feud. Jackson was shown to overpower The Big Show in the Show/Corre feud. Henry is currently being shown to overpower The Big Show. It makes sense to me. Vince loves this big man vs. big man shit, so I can see it happening.

Sin Cara is a face. Ezekiel Jackson is a face. It's not going to happen. May sound to simple, but it's true. Neither are going to turn heel, and I can't see them having a respectful feud. I mean, how could you tell? Sin Cara speaks absolutely no English.

Jinder Mahal is a main eventer in waiting. That's certainly how I see it. And if the dirtsheets are to be believed, that's how WWE sees it. Like Cody Rhodes, he just seems above the Intercontinental Championship. You don't get a push he's getting and squash jobbers like he's doing to win the Intercontinental Championship.

Mark Henry is definitely my pick. Not just from these four, but from everyone on the SmackDown roster. I think the prospect of two huge, powerful guys is to big for Vince McMahon to resist.

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