WWE Over The Limit - Wade Barrett (c) vs. Ezekiel Jackson (IC Title Match)

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Barrett should retain here. I know Zeke is going through a face turn right now, and he is receiving a nice push, so winning the IC Championship on a pay per view would be the icing on the cake, but I think it's too soon for Zeke to wear the gold right now. I think Zeke needs some more building before WWE decides to put the strap on him. Zeke has a phenomenal look, and he does have tons of intensity, but his ring work hasn't impressed me too much, and he sounds VERY awkward on the mic. Zeke's time will come, but I don't see it happening tonight.
This is another hard one that I’m not very sure about at all. I think I’ll go with Barrett retaining here, likely through the interference of Nexus. Jackson winning the title would be a good thing for him but I think it happens later when he gets to run through Barrett with relative ease in a one on one match. Barrett is no slouch on his own in the ring but it’s hard to get by a monster like Jackson on his own, hence why I think Barrett will retain but lose.
The Corre is really getting on my nerves. I can't wait till Zeke gets his payback on them. I was thinking there for a while we would see Big Show, Kane and Zeke start their own stable, but Kane and Big Show are feuding with the Nexus too.
Ezekiel Jackson will win the Intercontinental Championship.

I was wrong here, due to the disqualification. I didn't really see that one coming. The feud will likely end up continuing now, with Zeke probably getting the belt in the end so that Barrett can be moved further up the card. The Corre will probably also get a new enforcer in place of Zeke. He never really fit in with them anyhow. The match was alright, and better than a lot of people seemed to be expecting.
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