What's the deal with the career of Ezekiel Jackson?

This should be one sentence, with commas coming after the word "year" and "big Zeke," with the latter replacing the period you used. Commas are your friend.

I believe you were meant to say after the words "year" and "big Zeke" rather than "after the word "year" and "big Zeke" " as saying word would imply it is only one word singular when it is in fact there is two words you are talking about. Also if his name is Big Zeke should Big not be a capital as well due to it being a name such as the Big Show.

If you take the qualities that define a main-event talent, Zeke possesses little to no of any of these qualities. Would you honestly even notice if Zeke was gone? I know I wouldn't.

I believe this should read "If you take the qualities that define a main-event talent, Zeke possesses little to none of these qualities", as little to no of any of these qualities does not make sense.

You're welcome.

Now onto the question that was asked. Big Zeke failed because he has nothing to make him stand out from the other people on the roster. The only thing that makes him stand out is his size and muscles but as there is others that fill the role of big and muscly that doesn't work for him as a stand out trait. His promo work is bad and is in ring work is bad that is why he failed he has nothing good going for him.
I think the WWE came to there senses and realized that a guy like him shouldn't have been where he was on the card, there are so many bad things about him and really no good. His mic skills suck, because he can barely speak English and when he does it's painful.. and he can't wrestle. Then there is the fact that he is god awful to look at. His physique is disgusting.
kinnda like mason ryan just because you have big muscles dont mean you going to get over with the crowd zeke cant cut a promo to save his life mason ryan cant neither i think vince get a hard on for guys that have a muscular build to them but its guys like punk that have the mic skills and match skills zeke has neither so i think they just gave up on him

You should actually wait on Mason Ryan. He isn't a great technical wrestler but he is far better Ezekial Jackson in the ring. His matches aren't bad. I believe he has some good charisma also.

As for Ezekiel, he just has no character. He is one of the most bland superstars in the WWE.

Although I have this criticism, Ezekial Jackson could very well have his career go as Mark Henry's has. Henry was very bland and nothing special for years as is Jackson. Jackson jut needs a better look, more time, a character, and charisma. That's it, lol.
"The Personification of domination" (or his other attempts for that matter) didn't get over with the fans. They didn't cheer, they didn't boo, they were just indifferent to him. If chirping crickets are the response you elicit from the crowd, your carreer goes down the crapper. It's as simple as that.

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