What's the deal with the career of Ezekiel Jackson?

CM Steel

A REAL American
Ezekiel Jackson was suppose to be a big deal heading on to the WWE roster from FCW. But he debuted as the bodyguard of (the) Brian Kendrick on Smackdown opposed to getting a single's push. Ezekiel Jackson was suppose to be the Suge Knight to Brian Kendrick's M.C. Hammer. But soon after the stint, big Zeke was sent to the ECW brand under the teaching's of William Regal of the "Ruthless Roundtable". But the faction broke up with Ezekiel Jackson coming up to RAW, only to be injured for all six months in his stay there before coming back to Smackdown joining "the Corre" faction with Wade Barrett as the head.

Later on that year the Corre kicked Ezekiel Jackson out of the stable beginning a feud over the WWE IC championship between Wade and big Zeke. With Ezekiel Jackson winning the IC title from Wade Barrett at the WWE "Capital Punishment" pay per-view in Washington DC. But after Ezekiel Jackson lost the belt to Cody Rhodes on a showing of Smackdown. His career has been on a downward hill in recent month's. He's become a jobber! What the hell?

So what's the deal with the career of Ezekiel Jackson in the WWE?
kinnda like mason ryan just because you have big muscles dont mean you going to get over with the crowd zeke cant cut a promo to save his life mason ryan cant neither i think vince get a hard on for guys that have a muscular build to them but its guys like punk that have the mic skills and match skills zeke has neither so i think they just gave up on him
I personally don't see anything exciting about him. Besides being big, he has absolutely no charisma, he's bland, and he's extremely forgettable. I guess they gave him somewhat of a push when he won the IC title, but didnt stand out so it's back to the drawing board for him.
I see him being future endeavored soon. He's bland, boring, and just plain not entertaining. He's all look no substance. Won't miss him when he's gone.
They both are pretty horrible besides their big build. This is where I think much of it could be hidden if they had tag teams. Atleast hide alot of their flaws. I could see a Powers of Pain type gimmick for Ryan and Ezekial.
I personally don't see anything exciting about him. Besides being big, he has absolutely no charisma, he's bland, and he's extremely forgettable.

That about sums it up. It's interesting, because it's been said that big-bodied guys like him are exactly the type Vince McMahon likes. (Or, as many of you lunkheads like to put it: "The type McMahon gets a hard-on for.":shrug:)

He's also one the guys I wish we could get a true explanation for why he was pushed ....then de-pushed so quickly. Yes, they like to try people out in a featured program to see how they'll get over......but in the case of Big Zeke, if the problem was his promo-cutting ability or his agility and effectiveness in the ring.....well, hell, anyone could've told 'em he was going to come up short.

Personally, I think he was lucky to have been in the spotlight at all. He just isn't that good. Not that I want him fired or anything. He's useful as a guy who can enter the ring, flex his muscles......and lose. Jobber City.
I'm probably one of the few people around here that is actually a fan of Big Zeke. I admit he isn't that great in the ring, but his mic skills aren't as bad as some people say. Plus, he sort of has an aura to him. I'd like to see him succeed. When you have a guy this big and imposing looking basically getting squashed by Damien Sandow, (Don't get me wrong. I'm a fan of his as well.) it doesn't look very realistic.

I don't know how long the current season of NXT is supposed to last, but him teaming with Khali was a decent idea. (At least it allowed him to win a couple of matches.)

People keep saying he'll be future endeavored, (I admit I've been thinking the same for several months.) but it's yet to happen. Maybe Zeke should be Triple H's work-out partner? (Speaking of Triple H, does anyone remember when Ezekiel Jackson no-sold a chairshot to the back from Triple H?)
Sally covered most of it but I will add that Ezekial is a terrible name for a wrestler. How many greats have first names with four syllables?

Ezekial is a name for a cute seven year old or a Deacon, not a wrestler. If he took on a character that fought mythical or Biblical creatures his name would fit but WWE tells a very secular story.

'Zeke' or 'Zack' Jackson are better names for a wrestler but it would probably call on him to show some charisma.

Personally I think he would make a good right hand man or tag team partner for Damien Sandow. There are some nice contrasts between the two (name, strength, personality, skin color) that could make them an interesting fit.
Sally covered most of it but I will add that Ezekial is a terrible name for a wrestler. How many greats have first names with four syllables?

Undertaker and Yokozuna are the only one that comes to mind off the top of my head.

As far as Zeke goes, boring ring work, boring promos (lack of promo skills altogether), and as many have pointed out, he's just another body out there. He needs a massive overhaul for anyone to take him seriously.
It's a classic case of writers not knowing what to do with him.
He would have been my choice for Big Johnny's enforcer. Matches against John Cena would make 'match of the year' but they would have been more entertaining than Tensai. At this point, I think he maybe a lost cause.
Ezekiel Jackson was only watchable when he was the bodyguard of "The Brian Kendrick". Should have remained a heel.

Since becoming face he has just been so bland.
After the Corre broke up and Zeke was a face, I just thought to myself "WWE, you've gotta be kidding me".

I enjoyed watching Zeke in the Corre and breaking away from it was just Barret, Gabriel, and Slater. He was able to over-power The Big Show, Kane, and The Great Khali weekly.

But after the Corre disbanded he just became so boring to watch in the ring, he didn't have very good mic skills, and was just a generic wrestler with the extra muscle.

I can image him getting future endeavored soon.

Probably cause he lacks charisma talent and drawing a crowd. Just because you have muscles doesn't mean anything. He doesn't seem like a person who can bring millions or a topic kids would talk about. But you don't want to get rid of him cause you need people on the roster. So if you can't push him and you need people what else is there for you to do...job
They're dropping the ball bigtime on this guy. He should be the Enforcer for the new Nation of Domination. I mean his music even hits @ Domination. Unless he's Ahmed Johnson's cousin and they're just trying to eff him long term.

But get Sexual Chocolate, Big Zeke, and the PrimeTime Playas together as the new NOD.
He is nothing special big dude no skills in the ring or on the mic!! WOnt miss him when hes gone eventually he is very forgettable! Sad but true there is just no sustance to him whatsoever. Jobber city unfortunately for this guy
Problem is with Big Zeke is that he is just a Massive mound of Mucle and nothing more.
Too happy a face to get over as a heel...and too large and dominant to get over as a face.
The man has little talent on the Mic or in the Ring and quite simply has little going for him in anything but the power department.
Too many massive monsters on the roster for him to get a spot...his only option now is to be fed to Ryback and maybe get over with the crowd by doing well.....but we all know that would just be written as a Squash match for Ryback anyway.

I have little hope for Big Zeke...I like the guy but I have already observed his lack of talent reguardless of my Bias opinion of just liking the guy for no reason I can recall.
well for me ezekail is just another titu o neal they look alike have the same moveset they should be a tag team
They're dropping the ball bigtime on this guy. He should be the Enforcer for the new Nation of Domination. I mean his music even hits @ Domination. Unless he's Ahmed Johnson's cousin and they're just trying to eff him long term.

But get Sexual Chocolate, Big Zeke, and the PrimeTime Playas together as the new NOD.

Stop it with this. People who say this are usually closet racists who long for an excuse to come out of the closet.

Ezekiel Jackson is enhancement talent. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Nothing about Ezekiel Jackson stands out. I'm still baffled by the fact that WWE released Chris Masters when he was finally gaining above average fluidity in the ring, and yet decided to keep Ezekiel Jackson. Big Zeke has no charisma as pointed out earlier in this thread, and he has no mic skills or moves. Remember those triple scoop slams? God awful. He definitely can pull off a good facial expression and his physique is indeed intimidating, but without the mic skills or the moves, there's really nowhere to go but down. What CAN he offer? I also didn't like how they decided to put him over Wade Barrett instead of improving Wade Barrett's Intercontinental Championship reign. Whatever. Until he gets a change of gimmick or something to distinguish him from the rest, I don't see him as being anything more than a jobber.
The problem is he just doesn't bring much to the table in terms of charisma. Guys like him need either a manager or a charismatic tag team partner to do the heavy lifting on promos. Sadly those are two things WWE just doesn't seem to want to do much of.

If he gets a charismatic tag team partner they'll split up the team and push the other guy just when it seems like they're getting over. About the only manager WWE really seems commited to is Vickie Guerrero and we can't have her managing everybody.
Ezekiel Jackson was suppose to be a big deal heading on to the WWE roster from FCW. But he debuted as the bodyguard of (the) Brian Kendrick on Smackdown opposed to getting a single's push.

I believe you meant to say: "Ezekiel Jackson was supposed to be a big deal heading to the WWE roster from FCW, but he debuted as the bodyguard of (the) Brian Kendrick on Smackdown as opposed to getting a singles push.

Later on that year the Corre kicked Ezekiel Jackson out of the stable beginning a feud over the WWE IC championship between Wade and big Zeke. With Ezekiel Jackson winning the IC title from Wade Barrett at the WWE "Capital Punishment" pay per-view in Washington DC.

This should be one sentence, with commas coming after the word "year" and "big Zeke," with the latter replacing the period you used. Commas are your friend.

But after Ezekiel Jackson lost the belt to Cody Rhodes on a showing of Smackdown. His career has been on a downward hill in recent month's. He's become a jobber! What the hell?

So what's the deal with the career of Ezekiel Jackson in the WWE?

"But" should be changed to "however," and the word "after" should be omitted. There should not be an apostrophe in the word "months" either.

You're welcome.

Anyways, to answer the question: What happened to the career of Zeke? The answer is plain and simple: he doesn't have that much talent. There is nothing whatsoever in Zeke's character that makes you want to care at all about him. For a person with his size and stature, he doesn't even use moves that are impactful at all. This aspect of his ring work baffles me, as the guy's finishers throughout his career have been ones used by wrestlers half his size. Yell, grunt, flex, and performing clotheslines/poorly executed powerslams/the WORST torture rack ever can only get you so far from a character standpoint. If you take the qualities that define a main-event talent, Zeke possesses little to no of any of these qualities. Would you honestly even notice if Zeke was gone? I know I wouldn't.

I expected many to say that he has zero mic skills, no charisma, and is just overall bland. Well that's not wrong to say the least.

It's not secret that he doesn't cut very good promos, nor that beside a generic big man muscle pose with a scream added he has shown very little charisma. I don't think I need to beat a dead horse and go farther than that int terms of mic skills and charisma. Another thing is that he has been outshone by other big men.

The WWE has plenty of, if not an over-abundance of big men both bigger, more powerful, and more fun to watch than Zeke. Look at Ryback, he hasn't cut a promo yet but not only has he shown more charisma that Zeke has done in his entire career but Ryback is as fun as hell to watch. Brodus Clay's gimmick centers around a dancing personality which believe it or not has gotten over quite a bit with the audience. Tensai is... in the same boat as Zeke, but Mark Henry and Brock Lesnar are just beasts. Henry had his "Hall of Pain" to conveniently get Himself over as a monster heel while Lesnar is former UFC fighter and according to him an ass kicker. All of these guys that are also big men just overshadow Zeke so much it's not even funny. He has done nothing to make himself stand out from the crowd of the muscular giants that have roamed the WWE for the past year now. What do you with him? Make him the big guy jobber who's size can put other guys over when the defeat him (such as Damien Sandow).

What's up with Ezekiel Jackson? Nothing, you get what you bring to the table. Historically speaking size would get you over by itself, when you have a lot of big men then resort to other things. Jackson hasn't done that yet as far as I can see.



WWE has trotted out a lot of guys over the past couple years who were massive, stacked with muscles, and can't do a damn thing with them.


Remember Jackson Andrews? Don't feel bad if you don't. I'm pretty sure his WWE career lasted as long as Braden Walker's.


Chris Masters even had some charisma, and a decent amount of crowd support. Not even that was enough to get him into the main event. I hear he's likely to pop up in TNA.


Man, this picture of Mason Ryan cracks me up. Is he wearing a little girl's shirt? I can't imagine him making it very far in WWE based on what I've seen from him.

Zeke suffers from the same problems these guys do. I'm sure in most situations these guys don't have to say very much, people probably just stare at their massive physique and put contracts in front of them. Wrestling fans expect a lot. We all want to be entertained. These guys think they're entertaining you just by showing up. Why work hard at anything else when you've already busted your ass to get huge?
It's simple. He can't get any TV time due to being out shined by more deserving guys coming through the ranks like Ryback. He got given his chance with The Corre and won the IC title but he couldn't stay over and is now completely irrelevant.

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