End of Raw....who the hell's the champ?

I texted my friend last night during Raw, that if HHH or Cena somehow walked out as champion I would be furious. I think we're about 1/2 way there, with HHH returning and an all but officially vacant title.

There are a number of ways Raw could go with a vacant title. Of course, it will end up in the obvious hands of one of three men. Cena, HHH, or Randy Orton.

If that's the case, they are REALLY dropping the ball on an excellent opportunity to freshen up the brand.

What would happen if there was an 8-man tournament, and someone like MVP or Matt Hardy were able to walk out as WWE Champion? Or Shawn Michaels comes back to win the title? Or someone like Christian jumped ship for the tournament and won the title? How exciting would the possibilities be then?

No, instead, we're going to end up in the same recycled Main Event hell we've been in virtually the whole year with Raw.
I was thinking the same thing as you, but next week the WWE title must be put on the line again so Batista has to show or forfit again, it will probley be either awarded to Orton at the top of next mondays Raw or a vacant match bettween Orton and HHH or maybe even MVP in that mix with what he said on Raw, or possibly they have "tornament matches" on next Raw leading to the main events WWE title match

I feel Smackdown might do the same have a Beat the Clock thing on Smackdown this week

ECW will probley just have Christian vs Swagger this week to see who gets the shot on monday

AND Dont get me wrong, my name might suport HHH but Im tired of him coming back to win the title, it should go on Orton, MVP, maybe Matt Hardy or Christian jumping ship to Raw to win the WWE title next week on Raw with its 3-for-all
I think the bell rung and threw the match out as soon as Triple H hit the ring, DQing Batista for Triple H's interfearence, and since a belt can't change hands on a DQ.. Batista is still champion, only way I can make sense of the whole thing..
Well, they are advertising a 3-hour RAW next week where all the titles are being fought over, and MVP has already threw his name into the hat for next week. So chances are, a new champ will be crowned next Monday.
Vacent prolly, which means that next week we either get another Triple H/Orton yawn fest, or they go with a Battle Royal, which would no doubt end with Orton and Triple H being the final two, finish would most likely be similar to the finish of the RR
I don't understand all this talk about pointless title changes. WE may all be smarks, but the core demographic of WWE's PG era is a bunch of kids who believe that these titles are really changing hands through competition and not a work. I don't believe there's any such thing as a pointless title change. It's all part of the "Anything can happen in the WWE" motto.

From the perspective of the casual fan, Batista won the title, then got injured. It's all supposed to be real. There doesn't need to be a "point". For some (insane) reason, people like Batista, and they hate Orton, so they got what they wanted for a night. That's good business. Give the people (and by that I mean the majority of the fan base) what they want every once in a while.
I think we will see a hastily arranged Winner wins the title/King Of The Ring for the 3 hour show announced by Flair (the ratings will already be big for the anticipation of the GM slot so not knowing its KOTR won' matter as much)...

Perhaps just have the semi finals... Orton, Hunter, Cena and Show... or they can hold the number matches in 3 hours (with the traditional double count out, eliminating 1 match, immediately elevating an MVP or Kofi to the semi finals...

WWE needs to push people quickly on RAW, and this is a good way to do it... Have Cena and Show eliminate each other... MVP ends up in the semis as a result... it could also be a good way to swerve and bring Kane or Christian into the RAW fold...

2. Look at the last week from last monday night in the wwe with all the surprises like:
A)Kingston becomes US Champ
B)Punk pickin up Umaga for a GTS both on SD! & Xtreme Rulz then at the end of the night cashin in his MITB briefcase and winnin the WHC from Jeff Hardy. (Go back and look @ J.R. face when we hear his music played.
C)Tommy Dreamer actually becomin the only person in history holdin both versions of the ECW Title.
D)Jericho once again beatin REY-REY for his mask and title. I was glad that Jericho finally took off the mask Of Rey. It was Kevin Nash in WCW who won the right for Rey to never wear that mask again.
E)Vickie quitin which i hatin that cause she deserved to be GM unless hopefully Trips take that spot to test the water for his future on screen role later in life.
F)Cena gettin poned from both the Miz & Big Show.
G)Hopefully MVP short speech on the WWE Championship comes True and they have MVP become WWE Champ because out of the superstars that are on the RAW roster and have been there for only (this doesnt include returning superstars who took WWE hitaus' and returned later) 2-3 yrs MVP is the only 1 who deserves the WWE Championship.
H)I was surprised it was Trips that returned to the on-screen role and not the backstage stuff cause he's at every RAW BTS doin Vince's job. Trips at least had the Title mean somethin last night not just another forfeit job that we've seen plenty of them in the last 5 yrs and them once again just handin Orton the title which would've been BS. Orton doesn't deserve to be in Main Events just look at his daddy.
I) WWE do the right thing not the wrong (test the waters) and have MVP be WWE Champ that would be Straight Up Ballin' (look what it did 4 Swagger & Punk). Go foward not rewind or pause cause the time is now cause "HE'S COMING"
this episode of raw made little to no sense what so ever! I saw no credible reason at all to have the ref stop counting just because they showed the ambulance truck. What is up with WWE'S creative writing team these days huh?

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