NBA Thread - 2009-10

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Wow have the Mavericks been on fire. They've won 13 games in a row, and they've looked pretty good doing it. It'll be interesting to see if they can hold on to the number 2 seed going into the playoffs or will Denver take it? Either way, I don't see thew Mavericks going to the Finals, even if they make it to the West finals, they will lose to the Lakers because they still have the best team in the league.
The Mavericks had their 13 game winning streak ended by the Knicks last night. I knew their winning streak would eventually come to an end, but they were beaten by the Knicks? This was some what of a shocker because everyone loses to bad teams in the NBA, even the Lakers have lost to some teams that are no where near their level. Still this is kind of surprising because the Mavs did put a 50 point beatdown on the Knicks a while back. The Knicks returned the favor last night with a 34 point beat down of their own over the NBA's hottest team.
My Suns went off tonight, and they now have the most points for a team this year, and they did it in regulation. Sure it was against the Twolves, but scoring 152 points is always a good thing. Something great about the team, it wasnt just one man slamming down 70 points, there were 8 different suns who had double digit numbers. It also helped Phoenix keep pushing up the standards away from the above 500 playoff level.
Well ever since the All-Star break, the Raptors have gone into a free fall. They were playing great basketball before and sat in 5th in the East, but a streak of bad basketball has put them in 8th. I really don't know what's wrong because they looked great before the break, but now it's just not clicking. They are still getting killed on the boards and they have scored 100+ points during this losing streak. It seems that everything they were doing right before, has been lost on them and they look lost. They better smarten up and start winning games or they could miss the playoffs.
Air Jordan officially is up in the ivory tower of the NBA again. I remember the days of yore, when he played once again in the NBA, after coming back for like the 5th time, this time with the Wizards. He also owned that team. They were also shit, and shit upon that shit. Now he is going to try it out again. He became the majority owner of the Charlotte Bobcats, a step that was pretty obvious, the man who played college basketball in North Carolina.

He is going to have to watch what he does. The team is on pace to make the playoffs for the first time since its existances. The East is a strange division, you don't have to be good to make the playoffs, but you have to be fucking incredible to win it. LeBron James is a free man, maybe he will be brought in. Dirk? Bosh? Stoudemire? Ming? A lot of options for a Center and forwards to help that team out.
Well the Raptors finally won a game as they beat the Hawks with a last second shot by Bosh. They have to stay consistent and keep winning some games to climb back up the Eastern Ladder. They cannot afford to coast into the playoffs and face the Cavaliers in the first round. Hopefully this game gives them some much needed confidence and they ride that into a winning streak. We'll find out soon as they play the dangerous Oklahoma City Thunder tonight. They lost by 20+ points last time they faced the Thunder so they'll need to be on their A-game to get a win here.
My Blazers play Washington tonight after resting since Sunday night. This week has been long and hard for me. Anyway, we really only need to bring our C+ game to take this one. Except we have to work hard on the glass. Washington could out-rebound us, and we need to limit their second chance opportunities. Other than that, we're cruisin' into the playoffs. I hope for a first round match-up with the Lakers, because they haven't beaten us on our home-court since 2006, save for this February when Roy was out. Unfortunately, due to schedule difficulties, the Spurs are going to slide past us into eighth. Shame.
36 points from Bosh.

Toronto needs to be competitive in order to have Chris Bosh, one of the best players in all of the NBA, to want to come back to the city. Since the center has been on the team, they have not had that competitive edge to go deep into the playoffs, and look like a potential winning team.

It was proven last night, but in a different way. Toronto won by 10, 100-90 against a horrible New Jersey team. But Bosh led the team with 36 points, over 1/3 of their total points, and also led in rebounds. The rest of the team has to step up, or no one is going to expect Bosh, or any other of the high level players gonig up for free agency to want to stay.
Good comeback win for the Lakers. Now they were only down 7 at half but still looked bad. But they played a great second half. They had much better ball movement and play more aggressively. Artest led the team by playing great defense. That's all we need from him, not his offense, but strong D. 7 straight now for the Lakers. Good but tough win. Which leads to a point I made earlier on in this thread...


Anyone who disagreed/disagrees is on one. While Clevland and Orlando will have a cakewalk to the Eastern final, noone in the West will probably get out of the first round without some struggle. Once again in the NBA Finals, we will see a fresh Eastern team against a Western team that had to survive to get to that point. But I believe the West will prevail again and will win the title.
The New Jersey Nets won their 8th game of the season last night. Yeah, you read that correctly, they've won eight games this season. The Nets did have a pretty impressive win last night, but I doubt it will do anything for the team confidence wise. This is a season they will surely want to forget.

The Hawks clinched a playoff spot last night with a victory over the Magic. I thinks the Hawks can do damage if they get into the playoffs. I wouldn't be surprised if they made it to the eastern confrence finals. They always give the Boston Celtics a tough time, and I believe they can give the Cavaliers or Magic a good fight.
I watched some Lakers/Spurs last night. A few thoughts.

1. Tim Duncan looks to be on the verge of becoming washed up.
2. Derek Fisher is far beyond that point.
3. Who knew George Hill was this good? He had 20 in the first half after coming off a 27 point game. Another great personal move by the Spurs.
4. The Spurs are currently 7th in the West and on the verge of falling to 8th. The West if fucking amazing.
5. Lamar Odom decided to show up last night. Shocking. He is among the most talented men in the league if he comes to play every night.
6. Kobe can still take over a game whenever he wants to.

As the season winds down, I think it's clear that the Cavs and Lakers are the favorites in their respective conferences, but there are plenty of talented team in the top 3 or 4 that are capable of knocking them off.

Also, interesting development with the Zombie Sonics, led by Kevin Durant. One of the youngest and most exciting teams in the league, they are definetly capable of a 1st round upset over someone.
As the season winds down, I think it's clear that the Cavs and Lakers are the favorites in their respective conferences, but there are plenty of talented team in the top 3 or 4 that are capable of knocking them off.

What's amazing about the Western Conference is that any team 1-8 can any team on a given night. My Blazers could lay an egg in Denver one night, then beat the Lakers by 20 at home. The Suns could smash Utah in the face, then get blown out by the Thunder. The parity from top to bottom is amazing. The Lakers are clearly the best team in the conference when all things (experience, talent, coaching) are considered, but I wouldn't be surprised for a moment if the Blazers gave them a run first round, the Jazz took them to 7 games, or the Nuggets were to come out of the West. It's a crapshoot. Put your money down on the Cavs in the East, but think hard before you take anyone in the West lightly.

Kind of speaking of the Nuggets... well, they've been pretty bad with Karl absent. AD just doesn't have the ability to right the ship when things aren't going well. He's a great people-person, and the players love him, but he doesn't have the fire right now to be head coach. They're also really missing Kenyon, who was their defensive leader. He kept Nene and Birdman accountable, and he's going to be needed in the playoffs. Chauncey and Melo really need to step it up and lead the team on and off the court in Karl's absence, or you might see a surprise in the first round of the playoffs.

The Blazers spanked Dallas in the Rose Garden last night. Place was rockin'. Aldridge had a spectacular game, 20 points/10 rebounds/5 assists but his defense on Dirk was a game-changer. Held him to something like 15 points. Roy played very hands off, scoring 16 on 5/7 shooting with 6-8 assists. I like that about his game. He knows when to take over and when to let the game flow through Miller/Aldridge. Blazers are in a tie for 7th, and with the Spurs schedule being so tough, they'll hold it. Teams 2-7 in the West are within 4 games of each other and they all play each other down the stretch. Look for a lot of movement in the standings.

Can't wait for mid-April.
I can't call Duncan washed up he just doesnt have a forward to play by his side and his team is never healthy. If it isn't Manu, its Tony, if it isn't either of them it's Timmy. Duncan is still effective and his ratings and efficiency rating proves that. He is a far better free throw shooter, he is making better decisions. That's a guy who played four years at Wake Forest and has started in the NBA since day one. He has a lot of mileage on that body. Yet he is still good. Too bad the Spurs are average this year. Jefferson hasn't panned out, he isn't as physical as he once was. He can't get to the basket and his outside shot isn't there. They need to upgrade that position and they need to quit drafting foreign players. None come over so it's stupid.

I am still rooting for the Spurs but if it isn't going to be them I want it to be Portland. I used to be a Sabonis fan so that holds some weight and I used to have a soft spot for Damon Stoudamire. I think Orlando is taking the west though, especially if VC plays well.
The NBA playoffs are just three weeks away and I don't expect any movement in the standings in the western conference. Obviously the Lakers and Cavs are the favorites because of their record and the talent present on the 2 teams. If there would be any team at all that is capable of ruining the LeBron- Kobe finals it would be the Magic again. The Nuggets and Mavericks I just don't see those two beating the Lakers, and that is coming from a Mavericks mark! Dallas just can't play physical and the Nuggets though plays very good basketball just won't overcome the Lakers due to the superior talent present on the lakeshow. And the absence of Martin and Karl could very well affect this team's performance come playoff time. Watch out for the Thunder, they could very well advance to the conference finals (call me crazy!) they're my sleeper team.
My friend and I are having a debate on whether the Cavs or Magic are going to be competing in this years NBA Finals. On one side the Magic beat the Cavs last year so they have the psychological advantage. On the flip side the Cavs have homecourt advantage throughout the playoffs, the league MVP, the scoring leader, and two huge additions Shaq and Jamison as well as a few smaller ones. Anthony Parker,Leon Powe, Jamario Moon. JJ Hickson is turning into a star and Anderson Varajao is the best hustle player in the NBA. Orlando kind of screwed themselves in my opinion by trading Turkoglu and Lee so they could have Vince Carter's old washed up ass. So who do you think is the best team in the East Orlando or Cleveland?

If you think its someone else feel free to put them too.
As a complete and completely biased homer, I am going to go with the Magic. I know that the Magic are only 1-2 against the Cavs this year, but they haven't played each other since February. This Magic team team is completely different now and is firing on all cylinders. Vince Carter is finally playing like the player he was brought in to be. Rashard Lewis is a match-up problem against pretty much every team in the Association. And the Magic have the best Center in the NBA today in Dwight Howard. Not to mention JJ Reddick, yes THAT JJ Redick, and Mickael Pietrus have both been on fire lately.

Now for a non-homer opinion. I'm not saying that the Magic are going to beat the Cavs this year, because quite frankly the Cavs look unstoppable. The reason that the Magic beat them last year is because they matched up perfectly with the Cavs. I'm not sure the Magic will match up as well this year. The only other team I can see beating the Cavs is the Hawks.
Cleveland is going to win. They are a completely different team from last year when they lost to the Magic. If Shaq comes back healthy, which he will because it was just an injury to his finger, then they have that big body who can bang with Dwight. They also added Antawn Jamison who is the best player on either team outside of LeBron and Dwight. Plus their bench has a ton of energy with guys like Jamario Moon, JJ Hickson, and Varejo. Anthony Parker was also a nice addition.

Orlando basically has the same team. Jameer Nelson will be healthy which is a plus and they have Vince Carter instead of Turkoglu. The addition of Matt Barnes was also nice. However, last year Orlando gave Cleveland a lot of match up problems and this year they match up a lot better. Mo Williams on Jameer. Anthony Parker can D up Carter. LeBron and Matt Barnes match up well size wise. Jamison and Rashard Lewis are basically the same player with Jamison just being better. And then you have Shaq inside on Dwight.

The only way I see Orlando winning this series (if it even comes down to these teams) is if Vince Carter goes off and turns into the old Vince Carter for a few games. Otherwise I give it to Cleveland.
As a complete and completely biased homer, I am going to go with the Magic. I know that the Magic are only 1-2 against the Cavs this year, but they haven't played each other since February. This Magic team team is completely different now and is firing on all cylinders. Vince Carter is finally playing like the player he was brought in to be. Rashard Lewis is a match-up problem against pretty much every team in the Association. And the Magic have the best Center in the NBA today in Dwight Howard. Not to mention JJ Reddick, yes THAT JJ Redick, and Mickael Pietrus have both been on fire lately.

Now for a non-homer opinion. I'm not saying that the Magic are going to beat the Cavs this year, because quite frankly the Cavs look unstoppable. The reason that the Magic beat them last year is because they matched up perfectly with the Cavs. I'm not sure the Magic will match up as well this year. The only other team I can see beating the Cavs is the Hawks.

I lived in Orlando until three days ago so I know the Magic quite well having gone to many a game Even though I'm a Cavs fan...however. I think Antawn Jamison was the perfect aqusition to match up with Rashard Lewis and if Shaq comes back healthy which he should. He will be well rested and a hard challenge for Howard. Dwight is a beast but when healthy and not dead tired Shaq makes the best Centers frustrated. If we take dwight out of his game I know we can beat you guys this year I know it. Plus couple that with the fact that Lebron is more determined than ever after the way things have gone for him lately and being in a contract year and the Cavs have to be the favorites to win it all.
Ahh.. the NBA Playoffs. Love this time of year. For nearly two months, every night we get a great game. So, let's take a look at this year's match-ups, and give our predictions throughout the first round.

Western Conference:

1) Los Angeles Lakers
8) Oklahoma City Thunder

4) Denver Nuggets
5) Utah Jazz

2) Dallas Mavericks
7) San Antonio Spurs

3) Phoenix Suns
6) Portland Trailblazers

Eastern Conference:

1) Cleveland Cavaliers
8) Chicago Bulls

4) Boston Celtics
5) Miami Heat

2) Orlando Magic
7) Charlotte Bobcats

3) Atlanta Hawks
6) Milwaukee Bucks


Los Angeles Lakers vs. Oklahoma City Thunder - Man, there's nothing more I'd like to see than Kevin Durant average 45 points in this series and lead the Thunder to pull off the upset of the decade. But, unfortunately, I don't see that happening. The Thunder will win one of their home games, but I don't give them anymore than that. I think more than anything Pau Gasol will be the ultimate factor here. The Thunder just don't have a big man who can counter Gasol's offense, or keep him under 20 points a game.

Denver Nuggets vs. Utah Jazz - I picked the Denver Nuggets to win the West at the beginning of the season, and I'm sticking with that pick. However, it will not be an easy road. While I think the Nuggets are fortunate they didn't draw Phoenix in the first road, Utah is no walk through themselves. Darron Williams has solidified himself as the best Point Guard in the league, and Kyle Korver (one of my favorite players) I believed set the record for best 3 point percentage throughout a regular season. So, with guys like that, Utah is a very tough team. However, with Boozer's recent injury, and Denver's depth, they should still be able to take this in 6, if not 5.

Dallas Mavericks vs. San Antonio Spurs - San Antonio's old, and unfortunately for them, Richard Jefferson has been an absolute BUST this season. I thought that acquisition was going to be huge for San Antonio, but it did nothing for them. Dallas should be able to win this series within 6 like they did last year.

Phoenix Suns vs. Portland Trailblazers - Is there a hotter team in the league right now than the Phoenix Suns? I don't think so. And with Brandon Roy's injury, Phoenix should cruise right through this series. Portland might manage to win one game at home (great, great crowd in Portland), but nothing more than that.

Cleveland Cavaliers vs. Chicago Bulls - I don't know why, but I have a feeling Derrick Rose in this series is going to play the best basketball of his life and give Cleveland a run for their money. Doesn't mean I think Chicago will win, but I do think this series will not be easy for the Cavaliers. I have the Cavs winning in 5, but for some strange reason, I have a feeling each game will be close and exciting. Let's hope I'm right.

Boston Celtics vs. Miami Heat - I picked Boston to win the East at the beginning of the Season... I want to stick by that, but I am having my doubts. Honestly, while I pick them to win this series within 6, I wouldn't be shocked if Dwayne Wade played great and was able to single handily get his team past Boston in the first round. But, I don't think that's too likely. Boston, no matter how old they are, still have too many weapons within their arsenal for a team like Miami. Besides, I really think we're going to see the Boston we've all come to expect now that the playoffs are starting. At least, I hope so, otherwise we're in for some pathetic basketball.

Orlando Magic vs. Charlotte Bobcats - Orlando wins this either 4-1, or in a sweep. No way the Bobcats stand a chance. Larry Brown is a tremendous coach, but not even he can lead this team past the Orlando Magic. Gerald Wallace and Stephan Jackson might explode in one game at home and get Charlotte a win, but other than that, Orlando should cruise through this one.

Atlanta Hawks vs. Milwaukee Bucks - Sweep for Atlanta. Bogut going down was a huge blow for Milwaukee, and they just don't have the fire power to hang with a team as deep as Atlanta (who I'm pulling for to win the East, for the record, as Mike Bibby is 2nd favorite player in history). Also, Brandon Jennings inexperience will show throughout this series as well. No way Milwaukee wins even one game. No way.
Dallas Mavericks vs. San Antonio Spurs - San Antonio's old, and unfortunately for them, Richard Jefferson has been an absolute BUST this season. I thought that acquisition was going to be huge for San Antonio, but it did nothing for them. Dallas should be able to win this series within 6 like they did last year.

This is just another hater drinking that haterade. People aren't giving San Antonio enough credit, yes they are old but they are finally healthy, and most of there role players are performing extremely well and they have a lot of key wins down the stretch. Tim Duncan has only lost one time in his career in the first round. Yes it was last year but they weren't that good. Now they have a deeper bench and stuff. I am not saying San Antonio is going to win but they aren't going to lay flat on there backs. Parker is amazing, Blair probably played his best game the other day of his entire career, George Hill is too good not to receive enough minutes. I San Antonio can push this to seven games, then they'll have an opportunity to take the series.
Finally it's here. This is going to be weird for me not having my Pistons in the playoffs for the first time in 9 years but it's still going to be fun.
Western Conference:

1) Los Angeles Lakers
8) Oklahoma City Thunder

4) Denver Nuggets
5) Utah Jazz

2) Dallas Mavericks
7) San Antonio Spurs

3) Phoenix Suns
6) Portland Trailblazers

Eastern Conference:

1) Cleveland Cavaliers
8) Chicago Bulls

4) Boston Celtics
5) Miami Heat

2) Orlando Magic
7) Charlotte Bobcats

3) Atlanta Hawks
6) Milwaukee Bucks


Lakers vs Thunder- The Lakers take this in 5. I fully expect Durant to go off more then once in this series but the Lakers just have too much talent.

Denver vs Utah- Boozer is banged up and I really like the Nuggets so I take them in 7 even without George Karl. Mr Big Shot will step up along with Melo to lead them to victory.

Mavs vs Spurs- The Spurs are hot right now but I take the Mavs in 6. The additions of Butler and Haywood have made them a legitimate threat in the West.

Suns vs Blazers- With or without Roy the Suns win this so the fact that he's not playing is just insult to injury. Suns in 5.


Cavs vs Bulls- Cleveland with the clean sweep. The Bulls will put up a little fight at home with Rose but they just aren't very good. The Cavs shouldn't have any trouble here.

Celtics vs Heat- I knew Boston would fall to the 4 seed this year. I said at the beginning of the year they were too old and Rasheed would not help as much as people thought. They still beat the Miami Dwayne Wades in 6 though.

Magic vs Bobcats- Give me Orlando in 5. Nice to see Charlotte in the playoffs with Larry Brown but Orlando is just too good.

Haws vs Bucks- Give me the Hawks in 5. Atlanta is a very talented team with a nice mix of veterans and young guys. They are going to make some noise in the playoffs this year led by Joe Johnson.
This is just another hater drinking that haterade.

And this is just another blind fan unwilling to take the blinders off.

People aren't giving San Antonio enough credit, yes they are old but they are finally healthy, and most of there role players are performing extremely well and they have a lot of key wins down the stretch.

Yes, regular season games, Becker. Big whoop. This is the playoffs, and the fact is... the vets on San Antonio are too old, and the younger talent are just too young. Bottom line. They won't have an answer for the fire power Dallas brings. No way.

Tim Duncan has only lost one time in his career in the first round.

But wasn't that last year against a Dallas team that's nowhere near as good as this Dallas team here? Hmmm...

Yes it was last year but they weren't that good.

Oh yes, yes it was. Thank you for answering for me. I love being right.

Now they have a deeper bench and stuff.

Lol... "and stuff." That's the best argument you can come up with to defend a washed up San Antonio team, eh Becks?

I am not saying San Antonio is going to win but they aren't going to lay flat on there backs.

Well, of course not. No team is, but I GUARANTEE they win no more than 2 games, if that many.

Parker is amazing,

Amazingly overrated.

Blair probably played his best game the other day of his entire career,

Too young to make a big difference.

George Hill is too good not to receive enough minutes.

Too young to make a big difference. And frankly, he's not that good anyway.

I San Antonio can push this to seven games, then they'll have an opportunity to take the series.

No way they get it to 7 games, and even if by some miracle they did, Dallas has home court advantage, so yeah... San Antonio really has no chance to win this series. No chance.
And this is just another blind fan unwilling to take the blinders off.
LOL, look at the year they've had. One they needed to perform extremely well they went out there dismantled LA, Cleveland ( I think), and even Boston. They can still perform at a high level.

Yes, regular season games, Becker. Big whoop. This is the playoffs, and the fact is... the vets on San Antonio are too old, and the younger talent are just too young. Bottom line. They won't have an answer for the fire power Dallas brings. No way.
The fire power Dallas brings? Caron Butler and an overrated Antwan Jamison? A very old Jason Kidd, who will more than likely get burned by a younger Tony Parker.
But wasn't that last year against a Dallas team that's nowhere near as good as this Dallas team here? Hmmm...
San Antone last year was a watered down Duncan, and an Ginobili. Now they;re fully healthy, plus Hill, and Blair come off the bench.
Lol... "and stuff." That's the best argument you can come up with to defend a washed up San Antonio team, eh Becks?
They're more seasoned and are capable of a big run in the playoffs.

Well, of course not. No team is, but I GUARANTEE they win no more than 2 games, if that many.
They'll win 3 and push it to seven games...

Amazingly overrated.
He's the most explosive point guard in the NBA and now he seems to be fully healthy. He also doesnt have to carry this team like he did last year.

Too young to make a big difference.
Blair? He played at the highest level in College the year before and he just completed an 82 game season and performed his best game the last year of the season. He can make a big difference.
Too young to make a big difference. And frankly, he's not that good anyway.
He just finished an 82 game season, started a lot more in the second half of the season and he performed at a pretty high level in some of San Antons biggest games of the yr without TP.

No way they get it to 7 games, and even if by some miracle they did, Dallas has home court advantage, so yeah... San Antonio really has no chance to win this series. No chance.
It's a shame after Duncans successful career he still has some doubters. This is his most productive NBA season of all time. And by productive I mean efficient season. And he has more weapons. Never underestimate the two time MVP.
I guess I have to defend my Spurs. San Antonio was just in the conference finals two years and they are not drastically different then they were back then. Jefferson hasn't been great and I'll give you that but they are heating up at just the right time. Blair would give them some much needed bench points and rebounds and Popovich knows how to coach in the playoffs. I expect this to go seven games and the Spurs will win because they have no trouble winning on the road unlike most teams.
It isn't going to easy to knock out the Spurs but I just don't see San Antonio beating Dallas. The Mavs should be able to take care of them in 6 games. Duncan is still great but he isn't the same player he used to be. His age is finally starting to catch up to him. Tony Parker is good but often gets overrated. He struggles to stay healthy as well. The Spurs bench is also fairly weak, especially compared to the Mavs. George Hill is banged up and Dejuan Blair well very good, is still just a rookie.

Dallas has a ton of talent. Dirk is by far the best player in this series. Caron Butler and Shawn Marion is a nice combo at the two and three spots. Jason Kidd is old as fuck but still gets the job done. Jason Terry had another great season as the sixth man. Dampier and Haywood have done a great job as a center tandem. The Mavericks are just an all around better team.
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