NBA Thread - 2009-10

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Like I've said in a few other threads, I've been gone for a few weeks due to moving and a broken laptop, but I should be back in the swing of things in a few days. Hopefully the few of you that knew me remember me.

As for my beloved Hawks, they took a bit of a stumble losing to the Magic and Knicks at home [FML], they also lost to the Pistons. I'll never understand how they can beat some of the best teams in the league and lose to some of the worst. Either way, I think they've stepped it up again.

And yeah the Lakers Heat game last week was nuts. Kobe is spectacular. Just saying. I feel bad for D'Wade he is easily one of the best players in basketball and has no squad around him. He spends every game just trying to catch up. The Cavs are still overrated. LeBron is basically in the same position as D'Wade except he has Shaq.. Who is past his prime. If they had gotten him last year when they should've I think they could've easily put on an awesome show against LA in the finals.
Ima big lakers fan so i might be a little biast in saying that, the lakers cant be stopped. i just dont see them losing a game at all. it might be a bit far-fetched but the way they're playing just seems like nobody can make a dent on the lakers run.

hey i dont want to sound like a noob, but how do you post a thread? ima desperate and pissed off lol :banghead:

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Dammit, Kobe injured his 3rd finger yesterday and they lost today, (what is up with that, Kobe's injured 3 fingers, I haven't heard of a single other finger injury in the whole league)

As for other league news

Man I feel bad for Portland and of course especially for Greg Oden. People give them and him a lot of shit, but to be honest if he wasn't injury prone I'd still take him over Durant on my team. I think his recent play has been very underrated and of course Durant is a primetime scorer so he completely overshadows Greg.

Tim Donahgy is a douche, the man is a cheat and a liar and now that he needs money he's willing to take the rest of the league with him. Never believe a man that only starts telling the "truth" once he's been arrested and dishonored.

Despite losing two games in a row I still think the Magic are the most talented team in the East, however they may also have the stupidest players.

Memphis is looking very good with AI out, everyone is playing well, and Marc Gasol is one of the most underrated players in the league at the moment. Right now he's looking like Pau Gasol 2.0. Two bad they drafted future bust Thabeet. Maybe the Lakers can trade Josh Powell and the rights to the possibility of a future Gasol brother for him.

The Wizards, the Wizards, the Wizards, I seriously thought they'd be better than the Hawks this year, I really don't know whats going on. Bulls too, Raptors too actually, man the East is disspointing the heck out of me.

The Hornets, I don't like that team, I don't predict a nice future for that team, CP3 is going to be good enough to keep them from getting a nice lottery pick and the team will be bad enough to keep them in the 1st round/9th seed. My dream scenario, CP3 voices his public desire to be traded to the Lakers and only the Lakers. Acceptable scenario, we trade Kobe for him(yes I said it, I like him that much)

Thats it for now.
Trade Kobe for Paul? Sorry mate as much as I see Paul being better than Kobe in 3 or 4 years I just don't see the Lakers trading him. his high IQ, leadership and to jsut score at will will keep him put in LA, plus he will one of those players that will never leave there club. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK, utah beat Lakers after Kobe goes 9-27 and 1-9 from 3 point land, Gee's louise. Utah didn't even have a proper threat apart from D-Will. Far out.

Anyone else looking forward to the Raptors and Rockets match tomorrow, I reckon it'll be sick...
Dammit, Kobe injured his 3rd finger yesterday and they lost today, (what is up with that, Kobe's injured 3 fingers, I haven't heard of a single other finger injury in the whole league)

Kobe is a warrior. I know some of you are looking at this going "it's just his fingers.." And although that maybe true, have you ever played basketball? Let alone with an injured finger? 'cause that shit fucking hurts.

Man I feel bad for Portland and of course especially for Greg Oden. People give them and him a lot of shit, but to be honest if he wasn't injury prone I'd still take him over Durant on my team. I think his recent play has been very underrated and of course Durant is a primetime scorer so he completely overshadows Greg.

I agree, to an extent. I don't think Oden is quite as well-rounded as Durant, but Oden definitely has shit for luck.

Tim Donahgy is a douche, the man is a cheat and a liar and now that he needs money he's willing to take the rest of the league with him. Never believe a man that only starts telling the "truth" once he's been arrested and dishonored.


Despite losing two games in a row I still think the Magic are the most talented team in the East, however they may also have the stupidest players.

They need Jameer Nelson. Every night this week, the Magic are proving the theory that they were a fluke conference champion last year. I still feel like they're missing Turkoglu [even though he isn't doing much in Toronto.] It's really hard for me to dislike Howard, but he really hasn't been producing like he should be [and can't be expected to carry the team], Vince Carter is actually older than everyone realized, and Van Gundy and JJ Reddick are huge douchers.

The Wizards, the Wizards, the Wizards, I seriously thought they'd be better than the Hawks this year, I really don't know whats going on. Bulls too, Raptors too actually, man the East is disspointing the heck out of me.

The Hawks are easily a conference champion team this year, if they can keep their shit together. The biggest disappointment for me in the East [that shouldn't be disappointing] is Chicago. I don't know what's going on with Derek Rose, but he is literally killing my fantasy career. He's had some decent numbers, but nothing what I feel he should be living up to. I guess Ben Gordon just made that much of a difference last year. I still say it was stupid to just let him walk out the door.

The Hornets, I don't like that team, I don't predict a nice future for that team, CP3 is going to be good enough to keep them from getting a nice lottery pick and the team will be bad enough to keep them in the 1st round/9th seed. My dream scenario, CP3 voices his public desire to be traded to the Lakers and only the Lakers. Acceptable scenario, we trade Kobe for him(yes I said it, I like him that much)

Toroc I'm going to take that as a huge grain of wishful-thinking-sand. Kobe will never eeeever get traded. Period. Why would LA want CP3 over him? or any team for that matter? Chris Paul would be better off to stay in NO and hope for them to get someone decent in the 4 or 5, either by signing a free agent, or trading for draft picks, but really they'd have to get rid of 2 or 3 players at this rate to do that. Personally, I like Chris Paul. I love Chris Paul actually. I was pissed when he got injured the night before New Orleans came to Atlanta a couple weeks ago. He's incredibly talented, but trade him for Kobe? no way.
That was completely wishful thinking, I'm positive Kobe will never ever ever get traded, thats just my wish(not for Kobe to get traded just anyway to get CP3 in LA) Anyway, I'd definately trade him for Kobe straight up, he has Kobe's killer instinct(When you see him play you know he wants to win and doesn't take shit from anyone on the court) and I don't know I just think he is a more valueable player going forward as well as right now. If we traded Kobe for CP3 straight up, I think we'd be even better than we are now. Not complaining though, Lakers are great as is.

Also I still think the Magic are better than last years team and Hedo was overrated. VC definately needs to stop jacking up so many three's and drive a lot more.
Well, Philly finally got over the hump.

The Sixers have been very close to winning all of their games since having A.I. back, but they finally got it done. Ironically, it came with having Iverson playing the two guard as opposed to the point guard which is where he is the most effective. A.I. hasn't been a bother to this team. Actually, with him on the court, guys like Iggy, Young, and Dalembert have played very well. A.I. has had two back to back 20 point games and it looks like he is slowly, but surely, returning to form. I can't wait to see what they may do in the future. This is the point in every season where the Sixers seem to turn it around. It was in late December last year were they went on a 10 game winning streak. Let's see what they do now.
76ers was trash dude they are one of the worst defensive teams in the league, and A.I. coming back was a waste. He is doing nothing like he used to do ,and 76ers was losing before he even came. Cavs beat these bums tonight, LBJ lit up 36 on the 7shitters. Sixers need a better team, and I mean a whole new team with new coaches and people in charge of the team.
Great game between the Celtics and Pacers last night. One of the first games of the season that KG has missed, and it looked like we were really going to struggle without him for the first half. Pierce just could not find his jump shot in that first half and the defense wasn't clicking, but when the second half came around the C's kicked it into high gear. Rondo continues to show the world that he's one of the very best point guards in the entire league with double digits in assists and something like 7 or 8 steals in the second half alone. Pierce found his jump shot, Ray knocked down a few 3s and the defense stepped it up and the C's were able to get the come from behind win against the Pacers. Fun game.

We're about halfway through the season now, and it should come to no shock to everyone that the Celtics and Lakers are the two best teams in the league right now, both teams have practically the same exact stats. Lakers have a few points edge in points scored per game, and the Celtics have a few points edge in points given up per game. I think it's safe to assume we may be seeing a repeat of the 2007 Finals, and I for one could not be more excited if it comes to that. KG has to stay healthy though, so I'm glad we're resting him now while we can afford to.

It's almost January, time for teams to start thinking about the playoffs.
Lol at the Lakers fans throwing stuff on the basketball court. Way to go LA fans, thats why nobody likes you or your cocky, arrogant ass basketball team. Glad the Cavaliers blew the roof off them suckas! Cleveland just proved to me that when they can play they can be dangerous and be NBA World Champions.
Lol at the Lakers fans throwing stuff on the basketball court. Way to go LA fans, thats why nobody likes you or your cocky, arrogant ass basketball team. Glad the Cavaliers blew the roof off them suckas! Cleveland just proved to me that when they can play they can be dangerous and be NBA World Champions.

Don't speak for Laker fans when you have no idea what your talking about. Last I checked we were the NBA champions and while we played a bad game tonight we are still the best team in the league. Lebron isn't better than Kobe, and the Cavs aren't better than the Lakers. Thats a fact.
Don't speak for Laker fans when you have no idea what your talking about. Last I checked we were the NBA champions and while we played a bad game tonight we are still the best team in the league. Lebron isn't better than Kobe, and the Cavs aren't better than the Lakers. Thats a fact.

A) That's not a fact. That's actually an opinion.

B) He said nothing about your team. He spoke about your fans, who acted like pissy thirteen year old girls stomping their feet and crying.

So yesterday we saw a multitude of games being played on the annual Christmas Day of NBA action, but the only game I really tuned into was the Celtics-Magic game, which proved to me once and for all thus far this year that the Celtics are the best team in the East, possibly the best team in the NBA. They're scoring over a 100 points a game and they've got hands-down the best defense in the entire league as well as one of the deepest benches, things are really coming together for us. Paul Pierce is out for two weeks with a knee injury, but even without Pierce last night we absolutely DOMINATED the Magic in every single category. Rondo continues to prove that he's one of the best PGs in the game (seriously, people need to start noticing this kid ASAP), and our defense just absolutely smothered Dwight Howard and the rest of Orlando. Total domination last night, and I loved every second of it.

So far I think it's safe to assume we're going to be seeing an NBA Finals match up of the Lakers-Celtics again.
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LOL @ Lakers fans. They're such fucking clowns. Throwing foam fingers? I wouldn't be surprised if it was Lamar Odom's wife who started it.

Seriously though, Lakers fans are not allowed to EVER complain about anything a ref calls for the next 25 years. All the calls they've gotten this decade in their favor? It's fucking ridiculous. Moreover, as Mark Jackson and Jeff Van Gundy said, the Lakers just got completely outplayed yesterday. Kobe played like shit, while LeBron played averagely, but got a lot of help from Mo Williams and Moon. Shaq also had a nice little game. Nobody for the Lakers team, however, stepped up to help Kobe out, and that's why they lost. Not because of the refs, but because of Kobe's supporting cast.

Also, can we now start acknowledging just how much of a bum Andrew Bynum is? He played like shit in the Playoffs last year, and he's played horrible this season. The guy very well could be the most overpaid player in the game right now.
Also, can we now start acknowledging just how much of a bum Andrew Bynum is? He played like shit in the Playoffs last year, and he's played horrible this season. The guy very well could be the most overpaid player in the game right now.

I'm by no means a Lakers fan, but Bynum is actually quite good. He didn't play well in the playoffs last year because he missed the last couple months of the season and he was only getting about 17 minutes per game throughout the postseason.

As for this year he is averaging 15.5 points, 8 boards, almost 2 blocks, and he's shooting over 56% from the field. Considering all the talent he has around him especially with Gasol, Odom, and Artest in the front court, those are very good numbers. When Gasol was injured for the first couple months of the season, Bynum was averaging 20 and 10. As long as Bynum stays healthy this year I wouldn't say he is overpaid.

You want to talk about overpaid, look at guys like Eddy Curry, T Mac, Elton Brand, and Luke Walton. Yes, Luke Walton a guy who has averaged 5.6 ppg for his career and would be the third small forward on the Lakers roster if he was healthy right now is getting paid 10 million dollars per year.
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A) That's not a fact. That's actually an opinion.

Nah i would probably say it was a fact. Yes Lebron is a good player, He can get to the basket any time he wants, he can actually shoot now ( Miracles do happen) and can play solid D, But with someone that has the athleticism and Strength of him I would expect him to be getting any less. With Kobe he doesn't ahve nearly as much things as Lebron has going for him, yet he still is doing just as good.

as well as one of the deepest benches,

Haha ok really who in the bench of Boston do they have? Wallace and house? That is a good duo but no way in hell is it one of the deepest compared to when you have got Cavs, Mavs, Magic and sometimes Lakers ( Vujacic is a good bench player just a shame he doesn't get much time anymore)

Kobe played like shit,

Nobody for the Lakers team, however, stepped up to help Kobe out, and that's why they lost. Not because of the refs, but because of Kobe's supporting cast.

Ok Kobe played like shit, but nobody stepped up to help him out? So your saying he played like shit yet he still did good enough to beat the Cavs? Wow I must really undestimate Kobes game. Anyways For what I really quoted it for, How did Kobe Play shit, how does 35/9/8 sound? from 16-30 shooting and 4-8 from the 3 point arc with a broken finger? Doesn't sound shit to me, Yes 7 turnovers is too many but come on, 35/9/8 is a very good day at the office when you are vsing Lebron and Shaq.

Also, can we now start acknowledging just how much of a bum Andrew Bynum is? He played like shit in the Playoffs last year, and he's played horrible this season. The guy very well could be the most overpaid player in the game right now.

Hahah oh is he shit now? Last year he had knee surgery right before the playoffs? Do you think he is just gonna go 20 and 10 after that and only 17 minutes of playing? I dont think so. Also at the start of the season he was one of only two players ( Chris Bosh ebing the other person) averaging 20 and 10 and shooting over 50%, he did this until Gasol came back. Also Kareem is working with him, i don't think Kareem would be working with someone that is "shit" and overpaid.
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The Raptors beat the Pistons again tonight making it a four game winning streak. I hope this team is starting to come together because they have talent on that team, it's just getting everyone on the same page. If they get going and are hot going into the playoffs, they are going to give any team a run for their money. Here's hoping they stay consistent for the rest of the season because consistency has been their weakness for a couple of years now.
Kobe, Kobe, Kobe. Lakers defeated the kings, In a great match. Lakers really were pieces of shit in the first half, just not defending well, playing to the other teams tempo. But in the second half ( mostly the last quater) they really really stepped up. Then Kobe stuck another dagger to the fans that were hoping they could beat the reigning champs LA, with a 3 with 1 second remaining. God Kobe has continued to prove why he is one if not the best clutch player ever. He finished with 39 points and 5 assists and Gasol had 17 and 14. But come one Lakers step up!
Roy, Miller, Howard, Pendergraph, and Webster. That will likely be our starting five tonight. Bayless and Cunningham will come off the bench, and there's Shavlik Randolph too, but he hardly counts. The Blazers are down to eight active players (seven really), even after being granted the hardship rule for a second time. I mean, WTF. Steve Blake is out indefinitely with pneumonia, LaMarcus Aldridge is missing a few games with a sprained ankle. Joel Pryzbilla and Greg Oden had freak, season-ending knee injuries, Rudy Fernandez is missing 4-8 weeks after surgery on his back, Travis Outlaw broke his foot and Nic Batum tore up his shoulder in pre-season. Wow. For a team that was praised for their depth, who at the start of the season could have started another franchise with their back-ups (Pryzbilla, Howard, Outlaw, Fernandez, Miller.. they could be the 6th seed in the East) is now starting a rookie who's played 5 NBA games, a 36 year-old man as their center, and giving meaningful minutes to Dante Cunningham.

Something miraculous is happening with this team, though. They've bucked up, and are tied for the Division and fourth seed in the West. The future is bright! Nic Batum, our best one-on-one defender is back to practice and should be suiting up soon. The Suns, Spurs, and Mavericks have all looked like they're about to show their age, and we've proven that we can beat Denver even with a depleted squad.

What an exciting season it's been.
Well, in light of the rumors of Vinny Del Negro getting the can recently, the Bulls have been playing some very good basketball, having won their last four games in a row. The team has been getting a little healthier as the season has gone on, with Rose being hampered early on by an ankle injury, and with Tyrus Thomas being out with a few injuries as well. Luol Deng has been having a pretty good comeback season after being injured the past few years as well.

But the catalyst for this winning streak has to be the return of Tyrus Thomas. He may not be the best player on the team, but his energy and ability get the team going, and provide a much needed spark both on the offensive and defensive side of the ball. Rose also deserves credit for his recent resurgence helping the team. He is running the floor a lot better, and gaining more confidence because of it. The whole team is just playing better, and they are making a small run, so let us see where the team goes the rest of the season.

The sad thing about the Eastern Conference as a whole right now, is that even with the abismal first few months of the season for the team, the Bulls are in 7th place right now. The top teams are there for a reason, but the 5th spot and down are 9 games or more back from the Cavaliers.
The sad thing about the Eastern Conference as a whole right now, is that even with the abismal first few months of the season for the team, the Bulls are in 7th place right now. The top teams are there for a reason, but the 5th spot and down are 9 games or more back from the Cavaliers.

In other words, back to business as usual. Seriously though, minus last season, the East(as a whole) has been really horrid. It seems like every year you hear jokes about how, "well the knicks are in last place right now, but if they can go 3 and 5 for the next 8 games they may make the playoffs!"

In other news, I'd like to shout out to the Grizzlies today, they we're pretty widely criticized for picking Zach Randolph up his offseason, but the man has picked up an unfair reputation as a loser, when he's been on nothing but bad teams for the majority of his career. He's coming up BIGTIME in Memphis though, along with Marc Gasol, OJ Mayo and the regular contributions from Rudy Gay and an improved Mike Conley. Big ups to Memphis, I really enjoy watching them play.
So, great great game last night between the Celtics and Heat, with the Celtics making a fourth quarter comeback to take the lead and seemingly appear to win the game before D-Wade got his hands on the ball and appeared to have won the game for the Heat. Only, he didn't, because there was still 0.6 seconds left on the clock. Surely the Heat have it won though, right?


Absolutely perfect execution right there. We came away with a hard earned victory in overtime and I'm really looking forward to how this team will do in the playoffs. Rajon Rondo, well I'm done saying he's "on his way" to being an all-star, no he IS an all star now. This kid has just got crazy talent with the basketball and with his quick feet, one of the best point guards in the game right now and he showed it again against the Heat with another great game.

Yep, that's my in-your-face rant about the Celtics right now. The game was an awesome one though.
Get Fucked Lakers! Ha opnly kidding, but come on 3 out of our last 4 games have been losses, and we are now 8-6 on the road.

Tonights lost to the Spurs can be justified a bit. Kobe went out during the 3rd quarter, Gasol missed his 5th straight game due to a hamstring injury. Ron Artest has a sprained finger and Sasha has a strained Hamstring. So I guess Injuries continue to follow Lakers but don't follow Lebron James, haha just the NBA I guess.

I will say that we played very poorly against Portland, and even a win over Timberwolves, we played like shit. Kobe 4-21 is just laughable. We had to rely on Lamar and Bynum to crash the boards and either score or pass to Brown and Farmar.

Oh wells I just hope the Lakers can pull together for the Post-Season and win another ring, becuase the only team I see that can stop them is Cavs, which will be ahrd seeing as Ron and Kobe's willpower will lift the whole team.
I am not much of a basketball fan but I have always followed the Spurs, and during the offseason they drafted someone I knew, not personally but I played against in High School and I've seen play live multiple times in my life. Yesterday Dejuan Blair scored 28 points on 11-17 shooting. He had 21 rebounds, 11 came offensively and the other 10 came on the defensive end. They sat Duncan for rest and Blair and Parker took over both recording 28 points. I am actually happy for the local product who graduated High School not too far from my home. Hopefully this is a sign of things to come.

Go Spurs.
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Completely agree with Becker. It was pure stupidity that Blair dropped that far in the draft. Sure, he had some minor knee problems and he isn't 7 feet tall, but he's a basketball player. He's strong as hell and gets after it each and every night, which isn't something a lot of NBA players can say. I guarantee he'll have a long and successful NBA career and I'm estatic to see him doing so well in the NBA.

Sam Young is also playing pretty well for the Grizzlies.
Wow so the 5 game rookie from Utah, Saines, hits a game winning 3 against the cavs with 2 seconds remaining The defender was all in his face, I am actually surprised he got the ball over the defender. Looks like this kid will now get a contract for the rest of the year instead of a ten day contract. I would post the video but I dont know how to :| .

Anywho, as I was watching the box score, Utah were up by 6 with 2.10 remaining, I thought that was a sure win, seeing as they had to atleast give 3 or 4 possesions to lose the lead, so in the next minute what happens? Cavs are suddenly up by 2 with 1 minute left. I was in disbelief because during that minute, James pulled in 3 rebounds and got 6 of those points ( fuck i hate him so much). Then the lead grew to 5 but Jazz hit a 3. Then with 5 seconds left the lead was 2 and I couldn't see the jazz winning/ But then Saines just drops a big 3 over the Cavs. That made my day to be honest, knowing the Lakers are 2 games ahead of Cavs.
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