NBA Offseason Thread 2010

Big Sexy

Deadly Rap Cannibal
This is a thread dedicated to everything going on in the NBA offseason. From free agency, to trades, to the Summer Leagues, discuss everything in here. I figure with the huge free agent class and all the moves that will be made, it's better to just keep everything in one thread rather then have a ton of threads on every move and every rumor.

There were a couple interesting reports that came out on ESPN today. One source is saying that right now LeBron and Chris Bosh are both leaning towards signing with the Chicago Bulls. Another report has Joe Johnson and Amare Stoudemire both meeting with the Knicks and it is possible that both guys could end up there. Right now it looks like the balance of power in the NBA could once again start leaning towards the Eastern Conference if some of these rumored moves take place.
Your assessment of how the balance of power shifting to the East is not entirely true. While these would be big moves, these guys are already in the East, with the exception of Amare. Your just trading teams.

Instead of the Cavs being on top, it will be the Bulls. The Cavs will fall right back to the bottom of the pack. The Knicks will be interesting, but not a huge power changing move to start. Over time, yes they will be a force to be reckoned with. But not right away. So that's two teams. Add the Magic. That's it. Boston will lose Doc Rivers, and Wallace, while the big 3 are even older. Atlanta is still a young immature team that's not ready to make a huge impact.

In the West you have the defending champs with still the best player in the world. The Mavs will again be contending. As will Portland be a better team, OKC, Denver, SA. The West still will have the overall better confrence with the better teams.

But I agree that these will be huge moves if made. Something I'm interested in is that it was reported that Phil Jackson is leaning towards retirement. And that a replacment might be Bryon Scott. Word is that's why he hasn't taken the Cavs job or any other job for that matter. He's waiting to see how it plays out in LA. I think he would be a perfect replacement for Jackson. Scott has won being a part of the Showtime Lakers. He a fantastic coach who would fit well with a veteran team like the Lakers, who are ready to win a 3rd straight.
Your assessment of how the balance of power shifting to the East is not entirely true. While these would be big moves, these guys are already in the East, with the exception of Amare. Your just trading teams.

While that is true there would still be a shift in power on my mind. Cleveland would obviously be shit, but you'd have very good teams in Chicago, New York, and Miami. Those three combined with Boston and Orlando would make the East the stronger conference. Not as deep but definitely stronger.
While that is true there would still be a shift in power on my mind. Cleveland would obviously be shit, but you'd have very good teams in Chicago, New York, and Miami. Those three combined with Boston and Orlando would make the East the stronger conference. Not as deep but definitely stronger.

Well it would depend on who Miami could bring down there with Wade. I don't think Boston will be the same team that we've seen. I think Garnett is showing wear and tear, and who knows for sure if Allen will even be back (tho I would place money that he does return). There's no argument that the East will be stronger than in the past, but it remains to be seen exactly how well these teams will be. I think only 3 teams for sure can be seen as very good to great (and this is with the thought that the guys sign with the teams they are rumored to be heading)- Chicago, Orlando, and New York. Boston and Miami are still question marks because I've heard no news on who's going/leaving these teams.
Well it would depend on who Miami could bring down there with Wade. I don't think Boston will be the same team that we've seen. I think Garnett is showing wear and tear, and who knows for sure if Allen will even be back (tho I would place money that he does return). There's no argument that the East will be stronger than in the past, but it remains to be seen exactly how well these teams will be. I think only 3 teams for sure can be seen as very good to great (and this is with the thought that the guys sign with the teams they are rumored to be heading)- Chicago, Orlando, and New York. Boston and Miami are still question marks because I've heard no news on who's going/leaving these teams.

You can say the same about the West. You'll still most likely have the Lakers, Mavs, and Nuggets as elite teams but outside of them there aren't any guarantees. The Suns probably will be without Amare and Steve Nash isn't getting any younger. The Jazz won't be as good without Boozer. OKC made great strides last year but they are still a very young team. And San Antonio has already shown that they are aging and are no longer an elite team.
Well as far as free agency goes this is what I think will happen.

LeBron James - Cleveland or Chicago ( I think LeBron should stay in Cleveland but the word is he's likley headed to Chicago.)

Dwyane Wade - Miami (D-Wade isn't and wasn't never planning on leaving Miami.)

Chris Bosh - Miami or Chicago ( Miami and Chicago looks like the most possible destination for Bosh. I think my Rockets still have a chance but it will be a long shot.)

Amare Stoudemire - Miami or Chicago (If Bosh signs elsewhere I think Miami should look ay Stoud. Same with Chicago as Miami.)

Joe Johnson - New York ( Not to much I can say I just think this is the perfect team for him to go to IMO.)

Carlos Boozer - Chicago, New Jersey and New York(Booz would fit good with Chicago since D-Rose is a PG sort of similar to D-Will. New Jersey says they want an All-Star PF for what when they drafted Favors IDK, but I think they'll definetly look at Booz as well as New York.)

Ray Allen - Boston or Charlotte (MJ does own the Bobcats and Allen is with team Jordan I wouldn't be surprised if this happened. But I don't see the Big 3 or Big 4 rather breaking up just yet.)

Dirk Nowitzki - Dallas or Phoenix (He'll sign back with Dallas I believe but if not Nash will talk to the Suns staff about getting Dirk especially if they lose Stoud.)

Yao Ming - Houston (Haven't heard anything about Yao but everyone believes he'll be staying and so do I.)

David Lee - New York or Oklahoma City (I think New York will sign back Lee he's been to productive for them for over the years. Plus the guy was an all-star this year averging a double double nearly every game. NY needs to go ahead and give him his money instead of praying for LeBron.)

Rudy Gay - Memphis or Los Angeles Clippers (If Gay doesn't sign back with the Grizzlies I wouldn't be surprised to see the Clippers go after him. Even though they drafted Aminu he could easliy come of the bench and be both a SF and PF while Gay starts. I think the Clips will be the breakout team of the year and if they could get Gay in the summer with a healthy Blake Griffin that would make them much better.)
So word is Brian Shaw, assistant on the Lakers, is going to be the head coach of the Cavs. He was thought to be another guy who could have taken over the Lakers should Jackson retire. Maybe he knows that Jackson isn't going to retire this season or that the Lakers are going to take Scott as a first choice. I don't know, just random thoughts.

But I think the Cavs hiring Shaw (rumored for now), is a good move, looking at the coaches left. If Scott is holding out for the Lakers job then Shaw is a good move. He's been on the bench with Jackson and has been a good assistant and I think is ready to take on a head coaching job. It will be interesting to see what Lebron thinks of the hire, and if it has any effect on his decision.
Brian Shaw is a very good hire and from the reports I've heard LeBron endorses it. Shaw has never been a head coach before but he has been an assistant the last few years for the Lakers under Phil Jackson. He also played 14 NBA seasons with 7 teams and Shaq has said that Shaw is the teammate he always respected the most. The two played together in Orlando and LA. Shaw also has 5 NBA championship rings, 3 as a player in LA and two as an assistant coach in LA. So even though he has never been a head coach, all signs point to him being more then ready and capable to handle the job.
Okay, so this is my first thread and what not. I looked a few pages back at least a month ago, no topic yet so if I missed something, i'm sorry.

The latest rumors as of today have James linked to Wade, Bosh, and Chicago/Rose. Both peak my interest, honestly so I can't pick just one to discuss.

James in Chicago makes them immediate contender and autmoatically ups the game of Derrick Rose and Joakim Noah. The feeds James could create for Noah when he cuts to the basket should increase Noah's offensive production ten fold. We're looking at 20-10, possibly. Rose shouldn't need but half the season or less to adjust to playing with someone who can do everything like James. Rose reaches full potential with some pressure off his shoulders quicker with LBJ.

James in Miami with Wade and Bosh makes Miami the favorite to win it all. Unlike the situation in Chicago, where there would be a little growing to do, a three headed monster in Miami would create immediate and substantial impact. Hell, they might contend for best record of all time, surpassing the Bulls of '97, I believe, with their 72-10 record.

Knicks/Nets fan, what do you have to offer LBJ besides money? It seems to be his destiny to win a championship, his fate is in his hands.. would he really choose New York or the soon to be Brooklyn Nets? Not bashing by any means, it just seems the intrigue and possibility of greatness in Chicago and Miami pretty much snuffs teams up north.

As for Cleveland, it's a safe bet that they won't win again next year with the same supporting cast, even with a different coach.

According to ESPN Paul Pierce has decided to opt out of the final year of his contract. This move really surprised me and it may very well lead to Pierce leaving Boston. Danny Ainge has already said that he isn't going to give Pierce a max deal and if some other team comes in and offers him more then the Celtics are willing to then he's gone.

To me this is very similar to Ben Wallace a few years ago when he left Detroit for Chicago. Everyone thought Ben would stay but when Chicago offered him 4 years for 60 million he took that max deal over the Pistons 4 year 48 million dollar offer.

There is one team that I could definitely see doing this and that is the Clippers. Paul Pierce is from LA and the Clippers biggest need is at small forward. At this point in his career Pierce doesn't deserve a max deal but the Clippers are the kind of organization that would give him one. Pierce would get to return home to finish his career and make a shit ton of money doing it.
I've heard the Clippers as well. With their situation, I'm sure they'd be willing to offer Pierce a long term max deal. Will it be overpaying a little bit? Ya. But it may be worth it to get a proven winner and a hometown boy like Pierce. I don't know if he'll last for say, 5 more quality years, but it may be worth the risk.

Still think there's a chance he stays in Boston though. Just tough to see him leaving there. However, Ainge isn't worried aobut letting someone go if he's done with them, regardless of how much they've done for the franchise.

Interesting subplot here to an already insane offseason.
With everything going on this offseason, I completely forgot about Pierce. And I agree that if he's offered more money to go somewhere else then I see him leaving as well. Look, the Celtics are not going to be the same team, with Doc leaning towards leaving (anyone hear anything new about his decision?), Wallace retiring, Allen potentially leaving, Garnett showing signs of wear. Yes they have an exciting Rando and big man Perkins, some nice young pieces. But not enough there to turn down more money.

On a side note, talk has been floating about a sign and trade for the Lakers and Raptors. The Raptors siggn Bosh and trade him to LA for Bynum. I would love for this trade to happen as Bosh right now is just the better player. Having Bosh with Gasol and Bryant would be a huge trade and make the Lakers favorites again. However, the same reason why I want to trade Bynum is the same reason why the Raptors might not (probably won't) do it- Bynum's health, specifically his knees. Bynum can't stay healthy (as what happens to most big men) and its hurting this team. I'm sure the Raptors front office knows this as well which is why this trade will most likely not happen. But until Bosh offically signs with a team, I'll hold out hope.
Well in. The offseason thread and just about every basketball thread has to with LB. No specific thread has been made for each scenario, but that's why we have the offseason thread, to discuss everything that has to do with free agency, signs and trades, coaches moves etc. You seem to know about basketball so join us in that thread and offer you opinions, thoughts, talk about the latest rumors. Since I'm here I'll answer your thread.

Lebron in Miami with Bosh and Wade just doesn't seem realistic. While it certainly would make them the favorites for years to come, I don't see that happening. First off, Bosh, Wade and James would have to take less than the max. Hard to see all 3 doing that. And I always felt that James and Wade wouldn't work well on a team. Plus, Miami is D Wade's town. I can't see James coming in to help Wade win a title, which is how I would look at it. I think Bosh and James to Chicago would be good moves for them both, as the Bulls already have nice pieces and adding James and Bosh would only make this team that much better.
So its offical that Doc Rivers is staying to coach the Celtics one more season. He says he wants to take one more chance at a title with this team. Problem is, with free agency and the big names rumored to be headed to Eastern teams, this might bea bad time to attempt that. The Celtics big pieces continue to age. And if Chicago gets LB and Bosh, and Miami has D Wade and Boozer let's say, add in Orlando and I think the window is closed for Boston to win a title. Now that doesn't mean they won't make it to the playoffs. But a serious run to a title looks to be out of the question now.
I'd be willing to bet a lot of money that the Celtics don't even make the Finals next year. Even if Pierce and Allen both sign back I just don't think they are strong enough of a team overall to take out whatever super team or teams that are going to most likely be created through free agency. The Big Three aren't getting any younger and Perkins is kind of shaky with that knee injury. Rondo is very good but not good enough to lead this current roster to the finals again with the new competition that will be facing.
I'd be willing to bet a lot of money that the Celtics don't even make the Finals next year. Even if Pierce and Allen both sign back I just don't think they are strong enough of a team overall to take out whatever super team or teams that are going to most likely be created through free agency. The Big Three aren't getting any younger and Perkins is kind of shaky with that knee injury. Rondo is very good but not good enough to lead this current roster to the finals again with the new competition that will be facing.

I don't know what you think, but my feeling is that both Allen and Pierce are going to resign. I don't think Rivers would have agreed to come back if he didn't know for sure that Allen or Pierce would be back. The way he seriously contemplated retirement, I don't think he would have come back to coach a team that would struggle to make the playoffs. So I have a feeling he knows they are returning. But either way won't make adifference. As we agree, after everyone has signed, there are going to be at least two supertemas, which will make it all but impossible for the Celtics to return to the Finals.
I don't know what you think, but my feeling is that both Allen and Pierce are going to resign. I don't think Rivers would have agreed to come back if he didn't know for sure that Allen or Pierce would be back. The way he seriously contemplated retirement, I don't think he would have come back to coach a team that would struggle to make the playoffs. So I have a feeling he knows they are returning. But either way won't make adifference. As we agree, after everyone has signed, there are going to be at least two supertemas, which will make it all but impossible for the Celtics to return to the Finals.

I didn't expect Doc to come back so that helps the cause of resigning both Allen and Pierce, but for some reason I still think Pierce is gone. He opted out of the final year of his contract where he was going to make 21.5 million dollars. The most he can make in Boston is a max deal worth 24 million a year and Danny Ainge has already said he isn't giving him max money.

He could just be looking for a long term deal as he knows his age is getting up there and the C's may give him a similar contract to the one he just had where he'll make around 20 million a year but I really wouldn't be surprised to see the Clippers offer him max money and have him leave Boston. Pierce is from LA, the Clippers need a small forward, and no one else wants to go to LA so they will have money to spend. Donald Sterling will do anything to sell tickets and this would do that.
I didn't expect Doc to come back so that helps the cause of resigning both Allen and Pierce, but for some reason I still think Pierce is gone. He opted out of the final year of his contract where he was going to make 21.5 million dollars. The most he can make in Boston is a max deal worth 24 million a year and Danny Ainge has already said he isn't giving him max money.

He could just be looking for a long term deal as he knows his age is getting up there and the C's may give him a similar contract to the one he just had where he'll make around 20 million a year but I really wouldn't be surprised to see the Clippers offer him max money and have him leave Boston. Pierce is from LA, the Clippers need a small forward, and no one else wants to go to LA so they will have money to spend. Donald Sterling will do anything to sell tickets and this would do that.

Yea I didn't expect Rivers back either. Which is why I think he knows something we don't. But then again I believe this is just going to be for one more year. And I don't think the Celtics would pay max money to Pierce so they could get Rivers back one more year, especially since they have already said they weren't going to before. And I fully expect Pierce to want max money, so your probably right when you say he's going to LA. Of all the teams out there with money, the Clippers are the only team whose name is not in the running for big name players. So I can see the Clips throwing a lot of money at Pierce and Pierce being unable to refuse going back home for that much.
Yea I didn't expect Rivers back either. Which is why I think he knows something we don't. But then again I believe this is just going to be for one more year. And I don't think the Celtics would pay max money to Pierce so they could get Rivers back one more year, especially since they have already said they weren't going to before. And I fully expect Pierce to want max money, so your probably right when you say he's going to LA. Of all the teams out there with money, the Clippers are the only team whose name is not in the running for big name players. So I can see the Clips throwing a lot of money at Pierce and Pierce being unable to refuse going back home for that much.

Maybe Rivers talked it over with his family and agreed to coach one more year? The disappointment a coach can feel after losing in 7 games in the NBA Finals may be too tough to deal with. I mean, he could've also been doing Boston a solid for helping him build a team that he could mold into a winner. Perhaps Boston couldn't find a suitable replacement and Rivers staying was a way of him thanking them until they find someone/someone becomes available? I honestly thought Rivers was through, like you said Peoples Champ. I don't believe it's a matter of him knowing that Pierce/Allen will resign.. quite frankly, I think with Pierce clearly past his prime now, he'll take the most money just to ensure his future and family is good. Ray Allen also.. hell, Ray could probably get 2-3 years for $18-21 Mill and be a happy camper. I think Garnett finishes in Boston though, he got his ring and now he can just be a teacher to Glen Davis and get him ready to carry the load.
D'oh.. it's now being reporting this year's free agency may be unraveling into the most anti-climatic poop of all time. Only the 2nd tier free agents seem to have the best possibility to be on the move. Now, not discrediting these guys (Stoudamire, Bosh, Boozer), great players.. but damn, I was hoping for some excitement. The 2nd tier guys will make an immediate impact but I think there are no sure winners for the title except the Lakers, so adding one of those guys wouldn't necessarily put any team over the top.. with the exception of one joining the Cavs or Miami. So this really doesn't improve anything.. seems to me it just adds fuel to a fire instead of.. well, blowing shit up I guess. Kinda lost train of thought there.
Richard Jefferson opted out of the final year of his deal, walking away from $15 million. That's right, after having a very underwhelming year in San Antonio, he's walking away from a shitload of cash. I guess he was just that unhappy there. He'll be lucky to get half as much on the open market, considering he's probably not in the top 20 when it comes to most coveted free agents, at this point.
Damn, thats interesting. I think Jefferson still has something to offer.. he didn't fit in AT ALL with a tad slower paced offense in San Antonio. He couldn't find his groove and he should, and probably will, seek to play in Phoenix or NY. Phoenix because of the faster pace, NY because he will get paid before he proves he still has anything in the tank. With all the talk of NY ending up with practically nothing in free agency so far, they will do what they always do.. sigh and settle.
Maybe Rivers talked it over with his family and agreed to coach one more year? The disappointment a coach can feel after losing in 7 games in the NBA Finals may be too tough to deal with. I mean, he could've also been doing Boston a solid for helping him build a team that he could mold into a winner. Perhaps Boston couldn't find a suitable replacement and Rivers staying was a way of him thanking them until they find someone/someone becomes available? I honestly thought Rivers was through, like you said Peoples Champ. I don't believe it's a matter of him knowing that Pierce/Allen will resign.. quite frankly, I think with Pierce clearly past his prime now, he'll take the most money just to ensure his future and family is good. Ray Allen also.. hell, Ray could probably get 2-3 years for $18-21 Mill and be a happy camper. I think Garnett finishes in Boston though, he got his ring and now he can just be a teacher to Glen Davis and get him ready to carry the load.

I understand how hard it is to lose a Game 7 when you clearly dominated for most of the game. Its not easy to go out like that. However, Rivers seemed really torn about missing his kids-who are all seniors- to coach again. While its true he probably talked to his family, I don't think he would miss out on watching his kids play to go thru a stressful season and coach a team that didn't have its big players and struggle to make the playoffs. He said himself he wanted one more chance with this group, which makes me wonder if he knows Allen and Pierce are staying, keeping this group in tact minus Wallace.
So it sounds like Scott will actually be the head coach of the Cavs after all. It was reported that Shaw and Scott were neck and neck and that Shaw was actually the favorite. In fact, Scott's agent even sent a congradulating email to Shaw on his first head coaching job. Not so fast. The Cavs decided to go with Scott. Scott had a number of things going for him.

1. Former player-He won 3 title with the Lakers in his 13 year career.
2. Has an ability to build strong relationships with superstars- he has maintained a good relationship with Kobe, had a good relationship with Kidd for most of his tenure there, and also with Paul down in N.O.
3. He has had experience with rebuilding-The Cavs don't know if James is coming back. If he does, Scott gets a contender. If he doesn't stay, then Scott gets a team that will be rebuilding, which he did with the Nest and Hornets.
Credit ESPN

So the Cavs couldn't go wrong with Shaw or Scott. Shaw possesed 2 of those 3 listed. He was a player and I'm sure had a great relationship with Bryant. The only difference was that Shaw has no head coaching experience. And maybe that's what won the job for Scott. So it was a good hire for the Cavs. For Shaw,I believes he now becomes the front runner for the Lakers job should Jackson decide to retire. That decision comes tomorrow.
It seemed like Shaw was a lock yesterday but I think that Byron Scott is the better hire because he is a proven winner. He went to two NBA finals in New Jersey and in New Orleans he made the Hornets relevant again. If LeBron leaves he won't have much to work with he is a good enough coach to still make that team credible.

In other news it looks like the Hawks are offering Joe Johnson a max deal and he will most likely accept. I didn't expect the ATL to give Johnson max money after his playoff performance especially with Jamal Crawford there to take the starting job and the recently drafted Jordan Crawford there to take over as the scorer off the bench. In the end I still think it's a good move because it keeps that good, young team intact and gives them another shot to prove they can compete with the big boys in the East.

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