NBA Thread - 2012-13

It's like I've started saying, watching LeBron for me is every bit as "must see" as watching Jordan was when I was younger.

I'm a Heat fan because I'm a Lebron fan. And I'm a LeBron fan because A) he's the best player in the world and B) because he gets unfairly criticized.
I can't get that same feeling. I think part of it is that Jordan was my childhood. Also the difference for me is that Lebron has lost. It's not surprising when Lebron loses, while it was surprising when Jordan lost (actually, he never lost).

Wade didn't really give them anything, I didn't think. You could argue he's better defensively, but I'm not sure that was really true tonight. I know you go with your best group...but still.

Absolutely, and like I said, I wasn't criticizing him for it, I just didn't like it. I've been in those situations before (a few different times), and I always believe you go with what's working. That's why NBA teams are paying me millions of dollars right now. ;)
I agree Wade didn't do anything, and it's probably my Madden mentality of putting your best players in for the end of the game that was saying "put in Wade." But once San Antonio started coming back with Wade in the Heat should have quick gone back to LeBron and a bunch of shooters, which was working.
An interesting stat I saw on Twitter:

7 restricted area shots in 16 w/o Wade minutes for LeBron. 3 in 33 minutes with Wade.

Gotta think Spo goes with that at least a little more unless Wade is hot early. Space the floor and really let Lebron get going.

EDIT: Another one here:

Heat O-Rtg with LeBron + Wade on court: 92.0. Heat O-Rtg with LeBron + no Wade: 143.3
I mean it was pretty clear the LeBron/Chalmers/Miller/Allen/Big lineup was working great on offense. Just isolate LeBron on the wing or in the post and the Spurs either have to help off shooting or somehow try and defend LeBron one on one with Leonard or Diaw. Either scenario is not ideal. On the other end Wade is a better defensive player than Miller, but I'd still rather have the shooting on the other end.

However, I don't think Spo has the balls to significantly cut Wade's minutes or keep him out the game during crunch time, even if it may be what's best for the team.
Let's go for the full series now. O-Rtg/D-Rtg with LBJ/Wade: 100.8/112.7 ... O-Rtg/D-Rtg with LBJ/NO Wade: 131.7/89.5

Man... at least at the end of the first/beginning of the 2nd I'm running with that lineup. Unless Wade is absolutely on fire (which in a G7 I wouldn't count him out fully) I get LBJ working in that lineup.
I can't get that same feeling. I think part of it is that Jordan was my childhood. Also the difference for me is that Lebron has lost. It's not surprising when Lebron loses, while it was surprising when Jordan lost (actually, he never lost).
Jordan lost plenty of times. He lost in 1985, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, and 95.

I agree Wade didn't do anything, and it's probably my Madden mentality of putting your best players in for the end of the game that was saying "put in Wade." But once San Antonio started coming back with Wade in the Heat should have quick gone back to LeBron and a bunch of shooters, which was working.
Overall, it obviously worked, or at least didn't cost them.
An interesting stat I saw on Twitter:

7 restricted area shots in 16 w/o Wade minutes for LeBron. 3 in 33 minutes with Wade.

Gotta think Spo goes with that at least a little more unless Wade is hot early. Space the floor and really let Lebron get going.

EDIT: Another one here:

Heat O-Rtg with LeBron + Wade on court: 92.0. Heat O-Rtg with LeBron + no Wade: 143.3
Not surprising at all. I've been frustrated with Wade throughout the playoffs.
Jordan lost plenty of times. He lost in 1985, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, and 95.

2 months old, 14 months old, 2 years old, 3 years old, 4 years old, 5 years old, 6 years old. There's no recollection of those Jordan years for me. Jordan in his prime only lost when he missed part of the season to play baseball.
Hell of a game for sure. Pop blew it when he took out Duncan which resulted in Bosh grabbing the rebound and Allen hitting the game tying three. But really, it was a good game. Some calls that should've made at the end there, but I guess the referees wanted them to play it out.

I expect game 7 to be the ultimate chess match imo. Spoelstra has figured out a lineup that works and Pop does his best to counter but came up short today. This series has probably been the most entertaining series I've watched tbh. I'm not sure if LeBron guarding Parker early is a good move as it tires out LeBron, but it worked in this game. I fully expect both teams to bring their A game. Game 7, let's get to it!
Hell of a game for sure. Pop blew it when he took out Duncan which resulted in Bosh grabbing the rebound and Allen hitting the game tying three.
Nonsense. The reasoning was sound and if I have to choose between defending the three or worry about giving up an offensive rebound and then defending another three, I'll make the same decision Popavich did. It was a tremendous shot by Allen, but it was a contested three on a step back shot.

Don't trivialize the great play by Allen by using 20/20 hindsight against logical coaching.

Some calls that should've made at the end there, but I guess the referees wanted them to play it out.
So true. I still don't understand why Ginobilli was allowed 4 steps without a traveling call, or why Splitter was allowed to take three steps on his screen which got Danny Green open for the shot Bosh eventually blocked at the end.

Should have been a traveling call and a moving screen by Splitter, but as it turns out, the referees didn't cost the Heat.

I expect game 7 to be the ultimate chess match imo.
I hope not, because the Heat will lose if it comes down to coaching.

This series has probably been the most entertaining series I've watched tbh. I'm not sure if LeBron guarding Parker early is a good move as it tires out LeBron, but it worked in this game. I fully expect both teams to bring their A game. Game 7, let's get to it!
Parker has had a rough series. He's made some spectacular plays, but in between he's not been of superstar quality. Of all the players for the Spurs in this series, Parker has been the one guy who has not played up to his ability.
I'm pretty excited for game 7 and can't wait to see who wins. You can say Ginobli should have gotten the foul call (which he should have) but he also should have gotten a travelling call so there you go (did he forget how to dribble?).

I hope they finally let these guys play on game 7 and not call every questionable foul because that has gotten quite annoying this series, they really need to stop doing that. It was nice to finally see a close game this series that wasn't blown wide open but I don't think its happening tomorrow, I think it will be close for a bit but someone's blowing this game wide open and winning decisively.

Lastly if I was Spoelstra I would hope to hell that San Antonio doesn't show up because if they do he is not gonna win the coaching battle, his players will either decisively take the Spurs down or they will lose game 7. Most would probably take the Heat tomorrow but I'm not so sure, they are facing a team that's very good, very experienced and up to this point, in all cases if the Spurs didn't put the opposition away in game 6, they always did it in game 7 regardless of where its played.

Good luck LeBron, if game 6 was any indication you're gonna have to win this game mostly on your back.
Nonsense. The reasoning was sound and if I have to choose between defending the three or worry about giving up an offensive rebound and then defending another three, I'll make the same decision Popavich did. It was a tremendous shot by Allen, but it was a contested three on a step back shot.

Don't trivialize the great play by Allen by using 20/20 hindsight against logical coaching.
There was over 20s left on the clock. Spurs was burnt earlier with a lack of rebounding in an earlier possession. The reasoning is good, but that doesn't mean he can't be held accountable. Stop putting Pop on a pedestal. If Spoelstra/Vogel did the same you would have crucified them for having no safety backup.

I hope not, because the Heat will lose if it comes down to coaching.
Again with this nonsense? Spoelstra has been on par with the adjustments in the series. He recognizes his mistakes and has shown a willingness to adapt. He trusts in his players. What more can you ask for in a decent coach?

He had the balls to attempt small ball as plan A. Sure it didn't work and needed Riley to come up with Birdman to solve some issues but he has shown a willingness to come up with a system to enhance his best player.

Parker has had a rough series. He's made some spectacular plays, but in between he's not been of superstar quality. Of all the players for the Spurs in this series, Parker has been the one guy who has not played up to his ability.
Experts and most fans disagree with you on that. Everything the Spurs do offensively goes through him. He missed some shots, but other than that he has been excellent. Ginobili and Spliter get a free pass for underperforming?
There was over 20s left on the clock.
All the more reason to have Duncan out of the game, as that gives the Heat more time to run off screens, get mismatches and find shooters. :shrug:

Spurs was burnt earlier with a lack of rebounding in an earlier possession.
So? If you don't believe in your team to get one defensive rebound, then your team probably isn't good enough to get to the NBA Finals.

The reasoning is good, but that doesn't mean he can't be held accountable.
Held accountable for what? A good decision with what you admit is good reasoning?

Stop putting Pop on a pedestal.
Because he made a good coaching decision which didn't work? That's stupid.

If Spoelstra/Vogel did the same you would have crucified them for having no safety backup.
Frank Vogel DID do the same thing and I defended him for it. Not ONCE did I criticize him for having Hibbert out of the game on that last second drive by LeBron. Furthermore, I already defended Spoelstra's decision to re-insert Wade into the game, even though I didn't like it.

Not only are you not making sense, you are flat out wrong. Your understanding of coaching basketball is obviously quite limited. I'm certainly not Mike Krzyzewski, but through the course of our conversations, it's pretty clear I know more than you.

Again with this nonsense?
It's not nonsense. Popavich is a better basketball coach than Spoelstra. That's not a knock on Spoelstra, it's just crediting the greatest basketball coach in the NBA today.

Spoelstra has been on par with the adjustments in the series. He recognizes his mistakes and has shown a willingness to adapt. He trusts in his players. What more can you ask for in a decent coach?
One whose teams don't constantly go into offensive funks which last 5-10 minutes at a time?

When Miami is on, they're on. But when they are not on, they look awful. With the talent the Heat have, there's no reason they should look as bad as they do on offense at times.

Again, your understanding of coaching is obviously quite limited. I suggest you stop debating this with me, because you will not win.

He had the balls to attempt small ball as plan A. Sure it didn't work and needed Riley to come up with Birdman to solve some issues but he has shown a willingness to come up with a system to enhance his best player.
He also changed his offense to a more spread style offense in the basketball mold of Chip Kelly's offense (former Oregon football coach) after the Finals loss to the Mavericks. His teams will usually get good looks after timeouts, especially underneath the basket. He's not afraid to sit those who are not playing well.

But none of that has to do with the fact he's not as good of a coach as Greg Popavich, and your continued insistence that he is does nothing but make me laugh.

Experts and most fans disagree with you on that.
Game 1: 21 points, 6 Ast, 9-18 FG, 0 TO
Game 2: 13 points, 5 Ast, 5-14 FG, 5 TO
Game 3: 6 points, 8 Ast, 2-5 FG, 2 TO
Game 4: 15 points, 9 Ast, 7-16 FG, 3 TO
Game 5: 26 points, 5 Ast, 10-14 FG, 3 TO
Game 6: 19 points, 8 Ast, 6-23 FG, 0 TO

He had a great Game 1 and a good Game 5. Otherwise, he's been average or below. By the way, he's also averaging less than 1 steal and 2.2 rebounds per game, while averaging over 35 minutes a game (in a series which has featured multiple blowouts).

I don't know who these "experts and most fans" are, but if they think 2 good games out of 6 is Tony Parker playing up to his Superstar level, then they probably aren't the best people to be taking basketball advice from.

Everything the Spurs do offensively goes through him.
Except in Game 3 when Danny Green and Gary Neal exploded and Game 5 when Ginobili exploded and the first half of last night when Duncan exploded...

Keep in mind, I didn't see Game 2, but judging from his stat line, Parker didn't seem very effective.

He missed some shots, but other than that he has been excellent. Ginobili and Spliter get a free pass for underperforming?
I forgot about Ginobili, because he isn't a starter. He's been dreadful, aside from the play in Game 5. And yeah, I'd say Splitter is playing as well as you would expect him to play in this type of series. Obviously Danny Green has been playing out of his mind, as has Gary Neal. Kawhi Leonard has had some very good games and has played very good defense. Tim Duncan has been great.

If you're going to sit there and tell me Parker has had a superstar series, then I would seriously question either your objectivity or knowledge of basketball. Because one of them is obviously lacking.
All the more reason to have Duncan out of the game, as that gives the Heat more time to run off screens, get mismatches and find shooters. :shrug:

So? If you don't believe in your team to get one defensive rebound, then your team probably isn't good enough to get to the NBA Finals.
His team failed to get the rebound 2 times in a row. I guess they aren't good enough to get to the NBA finals.

Held accountable for what? A good decision with what you admit is good reasoning?
For getting it wrong on hindsight. Sometimes getting the decision wrong isn't an indication of bad coaching, but that doesn't mean he can't be questioned about it.

Because he made a good coaching decision which didn't work? That's stupid.
For thinking he can do no wrong. Good coaches can make bad decisions.

Frank Vogel DID do the same thing and I defended him for it. Not ONCE did I criticize him for having Hibbert out of the game on that last second drive by LeBron. Furthermore, I already defended Spoelstra's decision to re-insert Wade into the game, even though I didn't like it.

Not only are you not making sense, you are flat out wrong. Your understanding of coaching basketball is obviously quite limited. I'm certainly not Mike Krzyzewski, but through the course of our conversations, it's pretty clear I know more than you.
Going for personal attacks to make your point again? Seems like your go to move if anyone dares to question you on these forums.

It's not nonsense. Popavich is a better basketball coach than Spoelstra. That's not a knock on Spoelstra, it's just crediting the greatest basketball coach in the NBA today.
The tone you do it is knocking Spoelstra. You claim to admit both are good coaches but will always attack one first before the other for making errors. I'm no Spol fan boy but I hate the complete disregard of his contribution to his team success.

One whose teams don't constantly go into offensive funks which last 5-10 minutes at a time?

When Miami is on, they're on. But when they are not on, they look awful. With the talent the Heat have, there's no reason they should look as bad as they do on offense at times.

Again, your understanding of coaching is obviously quite limited. I suggest you stop debating this with me, because you will not win.
And Spurs don't go into offensive funks too? They were bailed out many times even in this series by Parker's brilliance and some hot shooting. Just because a team scored doesn't mean it was a good possession.

Again with the personal attack? Is that your coaching style?

He also changed his offense to a more spread style offense in the basketball mold of Chip Kelly's offense (former Oregon football coach) after the Finals loss to the Mavericks. His teams will usually get good looks after timeouts, especially underneath the basket. He's not afraid to sit those who are not playing well.

But none of that has to do with the fact he's not as good of a coach as Greg Popavich, and your continued insistence that he is does nothing but make me laugh.[/CODE]Why is getting a team to the NBA finals 3 times in a row not an accomplishment to make a case for him to be just as good? These two coaches have more in common than you realize. I am merely insisting in this series they are on par. I have not seen him being outcoached to a degree that it was so obvious as compared to his first finals series or last year when Scott Brooks was clueless.

Game 1: 21 points, 6 Ast, 9-18 FG, 0 TO
Game 2: 13 points, 5 Ast, 5-14 FG, 5 TO
Game 3: 6 points, 8 Ast, 2-5 FG, 2 TO
Game 4: 15 points, 9 Ast, 7-16 FG, 3 TO
Game 5: 26 points, 5 Ast, 10-14 FG, 3 TO
Game 6: 19 points, 8 Ast, 6-23 FG, 0 TO

He had a great Game 1 and a good Game 5. Otherwise, he's been average or below. By the way, he's also averaging less than 1 steal and 2.2 rebounds per game, while averaging over 35 minutes a game (in a series which has featured multiple blowouts).

I don't know who these "experts and most fans" are, but if they think 2 good games out of 6 is Tony Parker playing up to his Superstar level, then they probably aren't the best people to be taking basketball advice from.

Except in Game 3 when Danny Green and Gary Neal exploded and Game 5 when Ginobili exploded and the first half of last night when Duncan exploded...

Keep in mind, I didn't see Game 2, but judging from his stat line, Parker didn't seem very effective.
Game 2 to 4 were blowouts. If you base a player's worth to the team base purely on stats, I wonder are you really a good coach.

I forgot about Ginobili, because he isn't a starter. He's been dreadful, aside from the play in Game 5. And yeah, I'd say Splitter is playing as well as you would expect him to play in this type of series. Obviously Danny Green has been playing out of his mind, as has Gary Neal. Kawhi Leonard has had some very good games and has played very good defense. Tim Duncan has been great.

If you're going to sit there and tell me Parker has had a superstar series, then I would seriously question either your objectivity or knowledge of basketball. Because one of them is obviously lacking.
In other words you admit your hubris for stating Parker the one Spurs not playing up to his ability? I wonder your objectivity for calling out Parker. Is he playing to the best of his abilities? No. But he has been doing things to help the team win and has been the guy to find open guys.

Please stop the quote wars. I hate this type of back and forth. It seem like a simple attempt to get people to stop arguing with you to let you win by default.
His team failed to get the rebound 2 times in a row. I guess they aren't good enough to get to the NBA finals.
Is that what I said? No? Then your comment is ridiculous.

For getting it wrong on hindsight. Sometimes getting the decision wrong isn't an indication of bad coaching, but that doesn't mean he can't be questioned about it.
That makes no sense. Criticizing someone because you have the benefit of hindsight is beyond stupid. Do you not think if Popavich knew what the result was he would have done something different?

Criticizing for logical thought and consistency is just stupid.

For thinking he can do no wrong. Good coaches can make bad decisions.
But it wasn't a bad decision, you already said that. So you want me to criticize him for making a quality decision which simply did not happen to work out.

Do you realize how irrational you are being about that? Did Popavich piss in your Cheerios or something?

Going for personal attacks to make your point again? Seems like your go to move if anyone dares to question you on these forums.
Nothing there was a personal attack. It was just correctly pointing out how poor your understanding of my philosophies and basketball coaching in general are.

But hey, good job trying to divert from the fact you were 100% wrong. I mean, you didn't come close from distracting me, but who knows...maybe the next time you argue with an 8 year old it might work.

The tone you do it is knocking Spoelstra. You claim to admit both are good coaches
Do you realize how stupid you sound when you say things like this?

"Hey, I know you say he's a good coach, but since you're not kissing the very ground he walks on, I'm not sure I believe you. And, while we're on the subject, I think you're kissing the very ground Popavich walks on and I'm going to criticize you for that too."

Seriously, do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound right now? I praise Pop and it pisses you off. I don't praise every little thing Spoelstra does and it pisses you off.

At the end of the day, it comes back to what I keep saying. You clearly have no understanding of basketball, at least not when it comes to coaching it.

And Spurs don't go into offensive funks too?
Is that what I said? Are you going to continue to resort to these dishonest arguments as you've already done three times in this post now (1: trusting team to rebound 2: Falsely accusing me of a personal attack to divert from the fact you were wrong about Vogel/Spoelstra and 3: this time).

If you're going to continue your dishonest posts, just let me know. Because then you really will understand what it means to be on the receiving end of personal attacks.

Again with the personal attack? Is that your coaching style?
A personal attack would be me calling you stupid. Telling you that you have a very limited understanding of coaching is just a truth.

Why is getting a team to the NBA finals 3 times in a row not an accomplishment to make a case for him to be just as good?
The fact you even asked that question makes it painfully obvious I've been right about your inability to understand coaching.

Good coaching has nothing to do with wins and losses. The best coach in the world couldn't make the Charlotte Bobcats an NBA champion. The best coaches maximize their talent, get their players to play up to the best of the abilities and a well coached team will, almost always, be successful (and success has nothing to do with winning).

The Miami Heat are better than the Spurs. But they have not played like it through most of this series.

I am merely insisting in this series they are on par.
And you're wrong. :shrug:

Game 2 to 4 were blowouts. If you base a player's worth to the team base purely on stats, I wonder are you really a good coach.
Hey, great job with the fallacious argument.

First of all, I never claimed to be a good coach. I am very content with what I accomplished when I coached, but I never claimed to be a good coach. What I've been saying is that I'm far superior to you when it comes to understanding coaching in basketball.

Second of all, stats are important in basketball. Are they the only thing? Of course not, no one is arguing they are. But we are not comparing Tony Parker to anyone else, we are comparing Tony Parker to Tony Parker. So we're going to assume his value to the team is roughly the same now as it's been all season (when he was an MVP candidate for most of the year, mind you).

Which means, third of all, we have to mostly look at Tony Parker's stats to determine how well he's been playing. And the fact is, as I've said, he has not played up to his maximum ability in this series. For you to argue otherwise only further highlights your ignorance of basketball.

Tony Parker has had some spectacular moments, but outside of those moments, he has not been a superstar. At this point, I think you are far more interested in just being disagreeable than you are caring about what you're debating.

In other words you admit your hubris for stating Parker the one Spurs not playing up to his ability?
That doesn't even make sense. Why the fuck do I care if Parker isn't playing well? And I already said Ginobili has been dreadful. So, seriously, what the fuck are you talking about?

I wonder your objectivity for calling out Parker. Is he playing to the best of his abilities? No.

Holy shit, do you have any idea how stupid you sound right now? Seriously, this was the comment I've made which has led to our discussion:

Parker has had a rough series. He's made some spectacular plays, but in between he's not been of superstar quality. Of all the players for the Spurs in this series, Parker has been the one guy who has not played up to his ability.

And you just now said this:

I wonder your objectivity for calling out Parker. Is he playing to the best of his abilities? No.

And you said that after arguing with me. I'm literally dumbfounded as to how someone could be as stupid as you've just demonstrated. And yes, that's a personal attack, but given the ridiculousness of your posts, it's a totally justified personal attack, because you're posting stupidly.

Please stop the quote wars.
Please quit saying obviously stupid things.

And no. This is how I've posted on Internet forums for over 8 years. I'm not changing just because you don't like the fact you're being embarrassed over your lack of basketball understanding.

I hate this type of back and forth.
Then quit saying dumb things.

It seem like a simple attempt to get people to stop arguing with you to let you win by default.
I don't give a flying fuck why you think I'm doing it, I always do it this way.

It's really simple. Don't say stupid things (like arguing with me while agreeing with me or posting blatantly dishonest comments) and we'll be good.
Sly, can I ask what team you're rooting for in the finals? And who's your favorite team? Sorry if this is a noob question, I just don't frequent this section a lot, so I don't know.

Anyone else think Bosh is a pretty good defensive player? I'm not saying I think he is, but he's been pretty good defensively or decent at best in this series. So yeah, talk about Bosh :p
Sly, can I ask what team you're rooting for in the finals? And who's your favorite team? Sorry if this is a noob question, I just don't frequent this section a lot, so I don't know.
No problem. It's actually funny, I'd probably say the Heat and Spurs would be my two favorite teams, with a special place in my cheering heart for the Pacers.

I'm not a "fan" of any NBA team really, I'm more a fan of individual players (my fandom is saved for the Atlanta Braves and college athletics). I was always in awe of Dwayne Wade back when he was in college at Marquette (he and Travis Diener were a letal college back court), and with all the ridiculous criticism LeBron gets, while being the greatest player in the world, I've become a fan of his. So that's why I like the Heat and why I'm rooting for them to win the series.

But I like the Spurs because I think they do basketball the right way. They play a team game, you never hear about selfishness or pettiness, they may not always be the most athletic, but they're always well-coached and efficient. I think Ginobili in his younger years was an absolute treat to watch and Tony Parker amazes me more every year with how much he seems to improve each year. And, of course, what basketball coach wouldn't be a fan of a guy nicknamed "The Big Fundamental"?

As for the Pacers, Reggie Miller is probably my all-time favorite basketball player, and even though he's gone now, I still hold a little place for them. Soon after Reggie left, the Pacers had a team I simply could not support (full of thugs), so it soured me on them as being a fan, but with the current team they have, a team which seems to be filled with decent guys (as well as the Hansbroughs, who grew up about an hour from me) I do like them a little as well.

Anyone else think Bosh is a pretty good defensive player? I'm not saying I think he is, but he's been pretty good defensively or decent at best in this series. So yeah, talk about Bosh :p
It's hard to gauge Bosh, because he's a 4 man who is being asked to guard 5's. Tim Duncan absolutely lit him up Monday in the first half, but is that something you can really blame Bosh for, since he's undersized and outmuscled? It's just hard to judge Bosh defensively when he's with the Heat.
I said it before and I'll say it again:

LeBron is LeClutch. What an absolutely amazing Game 7 for LeBron, including hitting a clutch jumper and two clutch free throws. He is indisputably the best basketball player in the world and anyone who still has criticism of him at this point is just being petty.

What an incredible Game 7 all the way through, but the better team won.
Much respect to the Spurs, they left it all out on the court, but LeBron James and Heat just took it into a different gear in the final few minutes. What LeBron did tonight, when his team needed him most, is stuff of legend. Great game.
Manu Ginobili said he was mulling retirement; maybe he should go ahead and follow through. That said, LeBron James can go ahead and ask his critics if they prefer jelly or syrup. I didn't have a dog in the fight, I just wanted to see an entertaining series, and they didn't disappoint. Even those confounding blowouts were fun to watch, and games 6 and 7 were just terrific.
I haven't been a pro basketball fan since the days of Jordan, but Lebron James made a believer out of me this playoff season. It was the first basketball playoffs I have watched in years, and man, Indiana/Miami San Antonio/Miami were two of the best series I have ever seen. Great stuff this year.
Both teams gave their all and either one could have won it. Lebron confirmed his status as the undisputed best player in the world. He did it all for the team in this series. Leonard was a beast. Battier was huge off the bench in this game. Special mention to the Birdman too. Role players standing up. Parker and Bosh non-factors. Wade showed up.

Curious why Pop kept telling his team to stay off Lebron after he got hot shooting. Poor Danny Green got exposed as a one trick pony on offence in the last 2 game.

Hard for next year to top this series.
I'm glad you've finally come around.

Curious why Pop kept telling his team to stay off Lebron after he got hot shooting.
Because LeBron hitting a 19 footer counts just as much as him hitting a 2 footer, but he has a much better chance of hitting the 2 footer.

If LeBron is hitting shots like he did tonight, it doesn't matter how you guard him, he's going to score.

Hard for next year to top this series.
It'll be interesting to see if the Heat make it back. It's one thing to win back-to-back, but making the Finals four years in a row and winning it three times in a row is a mighty big feat.
Good game, really really good game. Stepping away from LeBron for a moment, we saw the D-Wade of old in games 6 and 7. I kind of forgot about how good D-Wade was but then he made us all remember with this performance tonight. Shane Battier stepped up tonight as well along with Chalmers. LeBron hung around a little before taking over the game which was pretty good to see. Overall good effort by the Heat tonight, respect to them, good win, enjoy your title, get ready for next season.

For the Spurs, it's really bittersweet. We may not see the Big 3 in the Finals again, could we see the Spurs rebuilding? I think all their big guys except Duncan will be free agents and I don't mind this. Let Splitter, Diaw, and Bonner go, try and sign Al Jefferson or Paul Millsap and sign Blair back, that'll be a formidable backcourt. However, the bright side is that we see that Leonard has potential to be a really special player. Everyone knew his defense was good but his offense is slowly coming along. The Spurs have a good future, but I think we'll see them knocked out in the playoffs early, here comes OKC next season and maybe the Clippers. The West is really up in the air.

Overall, what a series this was. Spurs had this series won in game 6 but it slipped from their fingers. This series was good for basketball, I'm sure everyone enjoyed the series, great last series for Stern to retire to. Next season should be even better!
I'm glad you've finally come around.

Because LeBron hitting a 19 footer counts just as much as him hitting a 2 footer, but he has a much better chance of hitting the 2 footer.

If LeBron is hitting shots like he did tonight, it doesn't matter how you guard him, he's going to score.

It'll be interesting to see if the Heat make it back. It's one thing to win back-to-back, but making the Finals four years in a row and winning it three times in a row is a mighty big feat.

I'm disappointed you still havn't come around the Pop kool-aid or the Spoelstra disrespect.

Make it harder for him to find his rhythm? He got open 3s, not just open 2s.

Who cares about the Heat making it back? I just want another competitive series like this.
I'm disappointed you still havn't come around the Pop kool-aid or the Spoelstra disrespect.
That's because you're being stupid/hypocritical about it. I've already explained why.

Make it harder for him to find his rhythm? He got open 3s, not just open 2s.
If you close out too hard, he drives right by you. If LeBron is hitting like he did, it's not going to matter how you guard him.

Who cares about the Heat making it back?
Me? Heat fans? The NBA?

I just want another competitive series like this.
But if that series is Memphis vs. Indiana, there will be much lower interest in the Finals next year. Maybe not by you, but definitely across the country.

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