Name A Poster Worse Than You

Wow, I can't believe I haven't been mentioned, even with all the hate I've gotten recently.
And I will say I'm better than...well not really anyone, wait, actually, there was this guy named RKOLEGACYRULZ and he always typed in caps and misspelled everything. Is he still around? Oh who cares. Other than that, I can't name too many people.
Wow, I can't believe I haven't been mentioned, even with all the hate I've gotten recently.
And I will say I'm better than...well not really anyone, wait, actually, there was this guy named RKOLEGACYRULZ and he always typed in caps and misspelled everything. Is he still around? Oh who cares. Other than that, I can't name too many people.

Sorry partner, It appears I am the "Most Hated" around here, and trust me if I could I would let you take that honor all on your own. I guess it does make me a great heel though doesn't it? I guess I'll roll with it.
Sorry partner, It appears I am the "Most Hated" around here, and trust me if I could I would let you take that honor all on your own. I guess it does make me a great heel though doesn't it? I guess I'll roll with it.
Yeah, for some reason people don't like you. But look in the thread I started about me and you'll find people don't like me very well either.
Yeah, for some reason people don't like you. But look in the thread I started about me and you'll find people don't like me very well either.

People don't like me because I say more than they want to hear, and most of the time what I am saying is contrary to what they want to hear as well. I don't back down, I say what I think, and I'm not afraid to give people an ear full. Not only that I am relentless.

I don't know why anyone has a problem with you, from what I have noticed you seem alright to me.

yeah im gonna go with you johnnie as u seem like u want the attention

Couldn't be further from the truth. Not that kind of attention.
yeah game rage you give someone an earfull on the internet,that must really annoy alot of people that you dont agree with them
yeah game rage you give someone an earfull on the internet,that must really annoy alot of people that you dont agree with them

Actually it does, no one likes to be told "No your wrong and this is why". Often times I have a different perspective to give and people don't like the way I give it sometimes. What's so hard to figure out there? I accept it, it's ok, people disagree.

OK, I just read TheFOUR's current thread....yeah, this guy is definitely worse than me.

Yeah what the hell was that all about?
People don't like me because I say more than they want to hear, and most of the time what I am saying is contrary to what they want to hear as well. I don't back down, I say what I think, and I'm not afraid to give people an ear full. Not only that I am relentless.

I don't know why anyone has a problem with you, from what I have noticed you seem alright to me.

Couldn't be further from the truth. Not that kind of attention.

People don't dislike you because they don't like what you have to say. They just don't like the fact that you aren't really debating anyhting. You just say what you believe and act like it's fact. You don't actually listen to anybody with the intent of taking what they say into consideration. You just say no to their rebuttals. All of the things you say they do, avoiding your points and such, those are things you do far more often. Restating your point isn't debating, it's pussy footing around their points.

Personally I have nothing against you. That would be ridiculous since I don't know you. As a poster though, I find your ''debating'' childish and pointless.
People don't dislike you because they don't like what you have to say. They just don't like the fact that you aren't really debating anyhting. You just say what you believe and act like it's fact. You don't actually listen to anybody with the intent of taking what they say into consideration. You just say no to their rebuttals. All of the things you say they do, avoiding your points and such, those are things you do far more often. Restating your point isn't debating, it's pussy footing around their points.

That's fair. It's your evaluation of my stuff and that's fine. At least you are honest in what you think.

I think it's a communication error of some sort. I think it's because I am stating facts in conjunction with what I think, and the two get confused by the reader which is my fault. I have to make it more clear what I am presenting as fact, and what I am presenting as opinion. I often rely on you the reader to just "Get it" but obviously that doesn't work.
yeah im gonna go with you johnnie as u seem like u want the attention
No, I don't want the kind of attention that makes me hated by the community. And, why the hell is your name CAPS if you don't even use the damn button?

I don't know why anyone has a problem with you, from what I have noticed you seem alright to me.
Yeah well, I said "N***a" so I guess saying something that I'm allowed to say in real life as a black guy is really bad. And I said it in a joking context, but people on the site are very sensitive.
Yeah well, I said "N***a" so I guess saying something that I'm allowed to say in real life as a black guy is really bad. And I said it in a joking context, but people on the site are very sensitive.

Yeah, that's shaky ground for...excuse me.....white people, LOL!

Well, I'd rather be your n-i-g-g-a so we can get drunk and smoke weed all day. (2 pac reference)
I'm going to say it now.... I do like the Game Rage. I don't get why people think he's so damn bad. We've seen far worse on these forums, trust me
Yeah, we're super sensitive. We don't like racism or racist remarks. Fuck us, we should all grow a pair.
hogan is the greatest amuses me to no end. He has to be a troll.

Also, CAPS' name is CAPS as a shot against Leafy. It was quite funny.
Yeah, that's shaky ground for...excuse me.....white people, LOL!

Well, I'd rather be your n-i-g-g-a so we can get drunk and smoke weed all day. (2 pac reference)
Yeah, I know it's shaky ground, but I'm half black and Puerto Rican, and half white. I understood it when I said "gay", and I understood it when I said "N*gga", but to be called racist and constantly reminded by Lee that "I said the N-Word," is ridiculous. Same goes for why everyone keeps calling my brother Triple K a racist, the K is because his damn name is Kenny and he was a big Triple H fan, not because of the Klan.

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