Name A Poster Worse Than You

Why? Give me one good reason and I'll consider it.

Because the internet is NOT serious business. Like honestly... do you have any life outside fucking forums and shit? I mean, Doc, I like you, I really do, but get the just give it a rest! I'm an asshole to guys like ZeroVX and shit, but I'm just doing it for the lulz and because it's fun. You honestly just have this hatred for TM that's like destroying you inside, it's just pathetic. He did ONE thing. ONE THING. And it was a joke. Like, c'mon, do you know why people call you a "sig-maker" in a derogatory way? Because it pisses you off so fucking much. If you were to just roll with it and show us that you're more than that people wouldn't bring you down, but instead you have to just complain about the oppression we non-sig-makers force upon you or some shit. Like... c'mon. You're famous because of your sigs. It's probably what you're best at. So why is it such an insult? If you don't want to be trolled here anymore stop being such an easy target.
Um, I'm going to be forced to say: nobody? I'm not saying I'm the worst, I just don't care enough about those I deem worse than me to remember their names.
You could say anyone, but you would be lying. - Lee

Anyone. LOL.

Well there you go. The Game_Rage is still the only person here I don't like. - Via Armbar

Still got served in the long run.

I shall go with the majority and say The Game Rage. - Scotty

Of course you'll got with the majority, LOL!

ZeroVX, The Game Rage – Matt Fox

That's ok, can't suit everyone's flavor.

I realize this is just for fun "kind of", but I don't think I could actually just say " This person for sure is worse than me". Some days those statements might be true, but every dog has his day as well. I look forward to the day some of you dogs have yours.
No, Razor, this is the WORSE thread

Ah. I must have made a wrong turn from the Elite Bar Room....

you never even saw the thing I posted in XFears thread like three days ago did ya

No sir. And I searched through like 4 of the most recent pages to find it. Whatever you posted, I'm sure it was full of love though. <3
Still got served in the long run.

Yes dude you totally served me. If by served you mean you took four days to post a hypocritical, hole filled and biased rebuttal...then yes I was served. Just because I havn't responded yet, don't think I won't. I really don't look forward to it because you've clearly demonstrated you aren't debating anything, your a stubborn unmoveable child who thinks their opinions are facts. The fact that you are 25 years of age is mind blowing and I really hope your lying about it.
Yes dude you totally served me. If by served you mean you took four days to post a hypocritical, hole filled and biased rebuttal...then yes I was served. Just because I havn't responded yet, don't think I won't. I really don't look forward to it because you've clearly demonstrated you aren't debating anything, your a stubborn unmoveable child who thinks their opinions are facts. The fact that you are 25 years of age is mind blowing and I really hope your lying about it.

He's 25 in Octal.

...Figure that one out. 21
Yes dude you totally served me. If by served you mean you took four days to post a hypocritical, hole filled and biased rebuttal...then yes I was served. Just because I haven't responded yet, don't think I won't. I really don't look forward to it because you've clearly demonstrated you aren't debating anything, your a stubborn unmoveable child who thinks their opinions are facts. The fact that you are 25 years of age is mind blowing and I really hope your lying about it.

I don't mind grammar/spelling, just when it changes the meaning of the word or when people say lazer instead of laser.
Yes dude you totally served me. If by served you mean you took four days to post a hypocritical, hole filled and biased rebuttal...then yes I was served. Just because I havn't responded yet, don't think I won't. I really don't look forward to it because you've clearly demonstrated you aren't debating anything, your a stubborn unmoveable child who thinks their opinions are facts. The fact that you are 25 years of age is mind blowing and I really hope your lying about it.

just remember what "served" means when they say it in the bay area
Nobody mentioned Marty? the guy that was in love with Disco? Or even disco? I almost got D-modded ad baned because I infracted him. He sooked to admin. I'm going to go with disco.

Other mentions.

That is not a good reason, Jane. TM is a slimebucket and an asshole. He has done more than "one thing" to me. I have observed him as someone immature and I greatly dislike his personality. Him acting unprofessional was the straw that broke the camel's back for me with the trolling being icing

Also I have moved from school to school ad country to country several times in my life. Forums are my only constant. The people in school are cyncial douchebags save for a select few and they live far away. I do have a date for prom though.

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