Name A Poster Worse Than You

Well, it all started a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, when I was but a wee lad. I decided to not pay attention to what the majority said, and form opinions for myself.

Now, TM has always rubbed me the wrong way. The way he red reps people for opinions and for stupid reasons, the way he treats people, the way he carries himself around here, the way he's second in never sat well with me.

Now, last time I said as much, I was yelled at by SavageTaker. That made me stop and try and reevaluate my position. I tried talking to TM on MSN, try and get to know him better. After a few sessions, my opinion on him had changed slightly, but there was still the niggling doubt in the back of my mind that there was something I just did not like about him.

Fast forward a bit. I had been led to believe by him that post count had been turned completely off in the Graphics section. I thought I would go into the Complaint Thread and make what I believed to be a respectful complaint about this. I believed that at the very least the Showcase Hall should have post count, as graphics can promote discussion by having people critique them, plus it takes about as long to make one as it does to make a really good post if you're focused. TM decides to take my complaint and completely dissect it in the most unprofessional manner, all the while saying things to me on MSN. I got testy about this, and while I admit I could have kept my cool a bit better, it still pissed me off.

A mod dealing with a complaint that is phrased in a calm or respectful manner shouldn't be unprofessional like that. All he had to do was say "I was mistaken; post count is off everywhere except Showcase Hall" or "I think you read wrong; it's on in the Showcase Hall". Simple. Easy. Respectful.

On top of that, I have come to realize that he is not a particularly good poster. Occasionally he can be, but more often than not, he is fairly mediocre.

To be honest, he reminds me of someone I knew at my old high school. This person was a complete and utter cunt to anyone and everyone save the right few people, yet for some reason everyone loved him. He had that certain je ne sais quois, which TM also seems to have.

There are going to be people in every community that you simply do not get along with. TM is this person for me.

to answer you guys question ive been phenominal

i havent watched wrestling in years but i like to check in on the happenings around here once in awhile

and i see we have another VIP room again those were the days ive gotta say

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