My Infraction Virginity is GONE!!!!

and you have about negative 10 seconds to do so, becuase your BOTH starting to piss me off a little. you dont like the rules? dont fucking post here.
He infracted me again because i didnt delete it so i got this signature just for him.

Regardless of your signature being big or not, you just said publicly that you changed it because of a mod. Which means you're now mocking and flaming a mod with it.

Whether an infraction for a sig. violation is on its way, an infraction for flaming most definately should be.
Seeings as you're bitching as usual Casey..That sig is also too big. I'm asking you nicely to remove it now. This is your warning. Ignore this, and I'll infract you.
And, that, is all I'm asking for.

Just a simple statement like that. You have nicely warned the offender, and have given him a chance to redeem his mistake. That's all I'm saying.
At least 4 of us have warned the guy, and two of us have the option to take action... One would think the guy would change his ways before it's too late. He's been warned, made it worse, and now has no excuse.
and you have about negative 10 seconds to do so, becuase your BOTH starting to piss me off a little. you dont like the rules? dont fucking post here.
I don't have a problem with the rules. Not at all. My problem is the way that some people choose to enforce them.

Don't get me wrong. Overall, I have little problem with how the forum is run. While I may not agree with everything in the rules, I do understand why they are there.

However, as HBK-aholic pointed out, the rules on this forum ARE different than others. And, I feel that instead of going all out to infract everyone who breaks a rule in the tiniest bit, a moderator should take the time and try to correct the behavior. I think it would be more beneficial to the boards.
And, that, is all I'm asking for.

Just a simple statement like that. You have nicely warned the offender, and have given him a chance to redeem his mistake. That's all I'm saying.

So you believe what he's done is perfectly justifiable? Openly flaming a mod, mocking or otherwise, to you is okay?

By all means, if its meant in good humor its one thing. But in the manner he proceeded with it, it didn't seem like a humorous type of statement so much as a flaming type of action.
And, that, is all I'm asking for.

Just a simple statement like that. You have nicely warned the offender, and have given him a chance to redeem his mistake. That's all I'm saying.

which isnt necessary. the rules are clear. the rules at the top of the forum are asking you nicely no to break them.
However, as HBK-aholic pointed out, the rules on this forum ARE different than others. And, I feel that instead of going all out to infract everyone who breaks a rule in the tiniest bit, a moderator should take the time and try to correct the behavior. I think it would be more beneficial to the boards.

Here, I do understand what you're saying. However, it takes 5 infractions to be perma banned. That's 5 of them. So 1 infraction to someone should serve as a warning not to break the rules. Usually the moderators choice to issue a ban or warning is at their discretion, deending on how bad an offense it is. But all in all, people are given 4 chances at these forums. If they don't listen after that they never will.
And im pretty damn sure that the rules say that they'll let you're signature get a little bit bigger than 500 pixels

Seeings as you're so busy with your nose in the rules, being "sure" of what they say, why don't you copy and paste me the part about signature size? :)
So you believe what he's done is perfectly justifiable? Openly flaming a mod, mocking or otherwise, to you is okay?
I think what HBK-aholic did was better.

She told him that his sig isn't allowed by the rules. So, unless someone removed it for him, he took it down. In the end, isn't everyone happy? He doesn't have the offending sig anymore, he didn't get infracted (assuming he didnt, for arguments sake), and HBK-aholic did her job as a mod.

Just like Michael Scott would say on "The Office", "it's a win-win-win situation".

which isnt necessary. the rules are clear. the rules at the top of the forum are asking you nicely no to break them.
And HBK-aholic politely warned him that his sig was in violation of those rules, and it is gone now.

Isn't that the whole point of having someone enforce the rules? Is it necessary to give an infraction, when the same can be accomplished with what probably amounted to 10 seconds worth of typing?

And, if who ever infracted him first, I guess it was DIAR, had done that in the first place, do you think the other sig would have ever shown up?
7. Keep your signatures modest. You're allowed one picture in your sig (400x400) and a few lines of text. If your signature exceeds this, we will edit it for you. If you restore it to its original condition (or an equivalent), we'll ban you. NO MOVING PICS, as it can slow down the comp for those with dial up modems. Signatures can be as wide as 500 Pixels, but they must in total only add up to 800 Pixels. For example, if you have a Banner that is 500 Pixels wide, then it can be no longer than 300 Pixels.

i didnt know that
Isn't that the whole point of having someone enforce the rules? Is it necessary to give an infraction, when the same can be accomplished with what probably amounted to 10 seconds worth of typing?

And, if who ever infracted him first, I guess it was DIAR, had done that in the first place, do you think the other sig would have ever shown up?

1. If they dont want to, they dont have to. every mod is different. personally, I wouldve. but thats me. every mod is different. end of.

2. it should never be put up REGARDLESS of what happens. You dont sass the mod staff. end of.
7. Keep your signatures modest. You're allowed one picture in your sig (400x400) and a few lines of text. If your signature exceeds this, we will edit it for you. If you restore it to its original condition (or an equivalent), we'll ban you. NO MOVING PICS, as it can slow down the comp for those with dial up modems. Signatures can be as wide as 500 Pixels, but they must in total only add up to 800 Pixels. For example, if you have a Banner that is 500 Pixels wide, then it can be no longer than 300 Pixels.

i didnt know that

So, you finally read the rules then? Know the moderators are doing their jobs and are in the right? I thought so.
1. If they dont want to, they dont have to. every mod is different. personally, I wouldve. but thats me. every mod is different. end of.
You're right. They don't HAVE to. But, that just proves what I'm saying. Why wouldn't you? There's only one reason not to do it like she did, and like you said you would.

2. it should never be put up REGARDLESS of what happens. You dont sass the mod staff. end of.
I agree. But, if DIAR had just done as HBK-aholic did, then the sig would never have been an issue (theoretically). Thus, we wouldn't even have to have this talk.

Do you understand what I'm saying?
Im a American we always fight back.

Take note of something Slyfox said earlier. It would be better if you stopped posting now. It just makes it seem like you were causing trouble for the sake of it. And I can't be bothered wasting my time with you if that's the case.
Achtung(Attention): I am not complaining, I am merely giving my view of this forum. To make it clear, I do like this forum and plan to stay here.

I don't really care about my infractions anymore, I just want to let them die out before I go back to posting more. That being said, I have never received a warning. One time my chit chat post was deleted. I was not notified, but I know it was spam because at the time I thought that Chit Chat was a bar equivalent. However, I have also received an infraction for an incident of bumping two Chit Chat threads. I understand now that it was wrong, but at the time the only reason why I didn't make the new threads instead(I knew about the rule) was because I was afraid of getting infracted for posting duplicate topics. In fact, part of the reason why I don't post often is because even though I am confident that I can make well thought out posts, I am afraid of receiving an infraction(through some kind of misunderstanding or unfortunate turn of events).

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