My Infraction Virginity is GONE!!!!

lol, thanks dudes, imagine my reaction when it said I have a Private Message, I was like "oh some one likes me" and it was King Jake hitting me with an infraction.

Still he put all the best at the bottom of the post, so I appreciated that :)
Lawls. It automatically says that at the end of every infraction we send out.

I find it funny how I used to hate getting infractions, but I take pleasure from infracting people lol.
What this thread proves to me, is that people seem to care way to much about infracting others. While I'll be the first to say it's not a big deal, I believe that people with the power are too trigger happy. They forget the INTENT of rules, and instead follow them because they have the power.

The INTENT of the rules is to provide a good posting atmosphere. Infractions should be used only when necessary, not in every minute case, just because it can be infracted.

Take one of my infractions, for example. It's expired now, so it's not like I'm complaining, I want to get that out of the way. I got infracted for making a lengthy post, but which consisted only of a question. However, it contributed to the thread, encouraged discussion, and was on topic. However, I was infracted for spam, simply because it was a question.

Why? Isn't the whole purpose to create discussion and debate? This example illustrates my point that, in my opinion, our staff should worry less about showing people how much power they have, and do more to worry about the reason they have the power. If that makes sense.

With that being said, aside from the above complaint, I feel the staff does do a decent job of promoting good discussion. While they are too zealous sometimes to wield power, they do provide a good atmosphere. However, I think sometimes that discretion is much better than fervor.

I mean, if we're going to take the concept that "everyone gets an infraction", doesn't that kind of say something?

Lawls. It automatically says that at the end of every infraction we send out.

I find it funny how I used to hate getting infractions, but I take pleasure from infracting people lol.
Yeah, imagine that...

See what I mean?
Everyone usually gets an infraction because the rules here are different to other forums, so when they first post they expect it to be like other forums they've been on and it's not. People don't give out infractions just for the sake of it.
I swear the only people that piss and moan about the rules as much as Sly are the random n00bs after they get their first infraction (usually for spamming)

the job of the mods are to enforce the rules, that's what they do, and the current staff seems to do a very good job at that
People don't give out infractions just for the sake of it.

We don't? I'm pretty sure I infracted you because I felt like it. LOL Just like Luther warned/infracted me, instead of simply PMed and TOLD ME my sig was too large.

I accepted it though, as I should've knew the rules. Just like everyone else. Plain and simple.
Everyone usually gets an infraction because the rules here are different to other forums, so when they first post they expect it to be like other forums they've been on and it's not. People don't give out infractions just for the sake of it.
So, that explains how Ricky just now got his first infraction, or how I went 7 or 8 months before my first infraction? Does that explain why people STILL get infractions months into their posting experience?

No, it doesn't.

I swear the only people that piss and moan about the rules as much as Sly are the random n00bs after they get their first infraction (usually for spamming)

the job of the mods are to enforce the rules, that's what they do, and the current staff seems to do a very good job at that
First of all, I'd appreciate you not continuing to flame-bait me. I'm asking you politely. Please stop.

Second of all, the whole purpose of rules is to protect a good posting atmosphere, not to create traps so people who have the power to infract get to use the power. It seems to me that, at least with some people (not all), they WANT to infract people, instead of only doing it as a last resort. They take pleasure in infracting people. Why? A "moderator" is someone whose job it is to keep discussion on topic and to prevent off-topic banter. I mean, that's the very definition of a moderator. Sometimes though, it seems that around here, people don't want to play moderator, they want to play e-ticket police.

I don't think it should be like that, and I think this place misses out on a lot of good posters because some people are too gung ho about doing their job, they completely miss the whole point of their job.
:lmao: Sly. That's pretty much all I can say without having to say anymore. Everyone would understand if I just said..

:laughing rolling smiley icon: Sly.
Im one of thee people Sly is talking about. I enjoy infracting people becuase im fat, jave a VERY small penis, and cant get girls, and have virtually no life outside of here.

In fact,


So, that explains how Ricky just now got his first infraction, or how I went 7 or 8 months before my first infraction? Does that explain why people STILL get infractions months into their posting experience?

No, it doesn't.

First of all, I'd appreciate you not continuing to flame-bait me. I'm asking you politely. Please stop.

Second of all, the whole purpose of rules is to protect a good posting atmosphere, not to create traps so people who have the power to infract get to use the power. It seems to me that, at least with some people (not all), they WANT to infract people, instead of only doing it as a last resort. They take pleasure in infracting people. Why? A "moderator" is someone whose job it is to keep discussion on topic and to prevent off-topic banter. I mean, that's the very definition of a moderator. Sometimes though, it seems that around here, people don't want to play moderator, they want to play e-ticket police.

I don't think it should be like that, and I think this place misses out on a lot of good posters because some people are too gung ho about doing their job, they completely miss the whole point of their job.

I totally agree, Sly. When I first became a mod, I would do some modding every now and then, and instead of giving out infractions, I would give out warnings with the stipulation that the culprit edit his or her post to resolve the issue at hand. It accomplished the following:

1) Let the poster know that what he was doing was against the rules.
2) Gives the guy/girl a break as he or she is learning how to use the forums. It also cuts some slack for someone guilty of making an honest mistake.
3) It gives the poster confidence to continue posting elsewhere without the fear of being infracted again.

It didn't go over too well, however. But I stand by my actions and think it was fairly successful in rehabilitating posters' posting problems.
So, that explains how Ricky just now got his first infraction, or how I went 7 or 8 months before my first infraction? Does that explain why people STILL get infractions months into their posting experience?

No, it doesn't.

There are indeed exceptions. However, many, if not most, people get warned first, then infracted in their first few weeks of posting rather than months into it.

And, most of the time I use the infraction button is actually to auto ban bots, rather than to infract spam.
Im one of thee people Sly is talking about. I enjoy infracting people becuase im fat, jave a VERY small penis, and cant get girls, and have virtually no life outside of here.

In fact,



:lmao: I'm constantly abusing my power to compensate for my incredibly small penis. Thats also why I have such a huge post count. Disco loves my peni.. err, post count.

By the way, Sly.....


Slyfox is a smartman he feels the same way i do about this. People try to find a way to give you infractions even thou you're not doing anything wrong. just like that guy giving me infractions for my signature bieng 520 pixels. Thats only 20 over 500 which means that that damned infraction was B.S
I have a huge penis, and am always warning newbs to change if i see them doing somthing wrong. Thats why I have no power:)
Im one of thee people Sly is talking about. I enjoy infracting people becuase im fat, jave a VERY small penis, and cant get girls, and have virtually no life outside of here.

In fact,


You actually seem like the kind of person who would be more willing to try and rehabilitate a posters habits, than just giving them a ticket.

I totally agree, Sly. When I first became a mod, I would do some modding every now and then, and instead of giving out infractions, I would give out warnings with the stipulation that the culprit edit his or her post to resolve the issue at hand. It accomplished the following:

1) Let the poster know that what he was doing was against the rules.
2) Gives the guy/girl a break as he or she is learning how to use the forums. It also cuts some slack for someone guilty of making an honest mistake.
3) It gives the poster confidence to continue posting elsewhere without the fear of being infracted again.

It didn't go over too well, however. But I stand by my actions and think it was fairly successful in rehabilitating posters' posting problems.
And see, THAT is what I believe SHOULD happen. Taking your example of accidentally posting in Chit Chat when you thought it was the Bar Room. Instead of infracting an obvious mistake, why not just delete the post, and send a PM saying "Hey, you fucked up. Make sure you're not in the Bar Room". Or something like that. Surely that's no less difficult than giving an infraction. But, the difference is that you are using your power of moderater to actually moderate, not to screw people over.

There are indeed exceptions. However, many, if not most, people get warned first, then infracted in their first few weeks of posting rather than months into it.

And, most of the time I use the infraction button is actually to auto ban bots, rather than to infract spam.
I have NEVER been warned before any infraction, so you'll excuse me if I have trouble believing that statement.

And, banning bots is good. Its something that you SHOULD do to preserve the posting atmosphere here. If someone comes on here and spams to disrupt the forum, they SHOULD be infracted, in order to preserve the posting atmosphere.

But, I think just about everyone can tell the difference between honest mistake and intentional disruptions. A moderators job is to preserve discussion, not to lick their lips at a chance to wield power.

The way Ricky said he tried doing it should be the way it is done, in my opinion. Yes, I know I don't get to run the forums, I understand that. But I think this place misses out on good posters because some people choose to not follow the intent of the rules in favor of being able to have power.
Slyfox is a smartman he feels the same way i do about this. People try to find a way to give you infractions even thou you're not doing anything wrong. just like that guy giving me infractions for my signature bieng 520 pixels. Thats only 20 over 500 which means that that damned infraction was B.S

Umm... That sig was 20 over what the rules say. So you just told all of us why you got infracted, and no one is gonna disagre, as you just admitted to breaking the rules.
Slyfox is a smartman he feels the same way i do about this. People try to find a way to give you infractions even thou you're not doing anything wrong. just like that guy giving me infractions for my signature bieng 520 pixels. Thats only 20 over 500 which means that that damned infraction was B.S

Would it have been to much to just PM and say "Hey, your sig is a little too big. You need to shrink it to 500 pixels, as the rules say."?

And, if he chose not to, then you give him an infraction. I mean, even Jake had two or three sigs that were too large according to forum rules. Once it was pointed out to him, he changed it.
Slyfox is a smartman he feels the same way i do about this. People try to find a way to give you infractions even thou you're not doing anything wrong. just like that guy giving me infractions for my signature bieng 520 pixels. Thats only 20 over 500 which means that that damned infraction was B.S

I mean this in the nicest possible way, but you're honestly pissing me off with this now. This is one infraction which physically cannot be debated. Some spam ones I can understand as they're classed as borderline. But this is a clear cut rule break. It cannot be over 500. Yours was, by 20. Now if you want me to explain it officially, take it to the complain thread, if not, listen to me now and forget about it.
Umm... That sig was 20 over what the rules say. So you just told all of us why you got infracted, and no one is gonna disagre, as you just admitted to breaking the rules.
He broke the rules by the strict definition, not the intent. The point of not having large sigs is to speed up load times for posting, and to keep people from having to scroll through 2/3 of a page to read posts. 20 pixels is a VERY small number. Yes, he was over, but instead of infracting, why not just say "hey buddy, while your sig is not really that large, it still is technically larger than what our rules allow. Please resize it so we dont have to give you an infraction."?
Seeings as you're bitching as usual Casey..That sig is also too big. I'm asking you nicely to remove it now. This is your warning. Ignore this, and I'll infract you.
someone CAN just PM you and say something. Or, you CAN just read the rules and not break them. right-o.
Where in the rules does it say that by just posting a question, it is automatically considered spam?

Again, I only use that example, because I know the situation surrounding it. It has expired, so it's not like I'm trying to get it undone.

When the prevailing attitude around here is "Everybody gets an infraction", I think there is something definitely wrong with that.

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