MSN Confessions


[This Space for Rent]
Leore Riven - US Champ says:

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
what would be a good name for a show?

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
Tuesday Night ?

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
it should begin with a T

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
Tuesday Night _____?

William says:
Tuesday isn't a great night for a show.

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
i know i know...but if a show were to be on a tuesday night what would you call it?

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
Tuesday Night ____?

William says:

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
oh lord

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
lol...not in rreal life

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
if u were to have an e-fed and it would be on tuesday night

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
what would u call it?

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
Tuesday Night ____? (it should begin with a T)

William says:
worthless because I wouldn't put a show on a Tuesday night.

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
wow...ur a sport.

William says:

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
just play a long

William says:
Tuesday Night Teddy Harted!

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
no seriously

William says:

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
Tuesday Night ___?

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
come on

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
just give me a legit name

William says:
Tuesday Night Turdfest!

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
ur so immature

William says:
Look who's talking..

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
I'm not immature

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
I'm not the one that is saying turdfest or some other crap.

William says:
Why are you asking? Because you can't think for yourself?

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
i cant think of one, not bc i cnt think

William says:
NO, but you ARE the same ol' Leore.. who blows up at jokes.

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
Oy...I'm not blowing up at jokes

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
did you hear me scream "fuck fuck fuck fuck"?

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
absoluly not

William says:
Its a computer. I wouldn't of heard you even if you did.

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
well I didn't

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
can't u just help me here

William says:
You keep bad mouthing my ideas.

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
i haven't bad mouthed ur ideas

Leore Riven - US Champ says:

William says:
gimme a minute.

Leore Riven - US Champ says:

William says:
Whats this for, anyways?

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
it's not really for anything. I just was thinking

Leore Riven - US Champ says:

William says:
Hmm.. tartar sauce?

Leore Riven - US Champ says:

William says:
It starts with a "T" and its sweet.

Leore Riven - US Champ says:

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
come on, man, be mature.

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
ur an adult with a kid

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
act like one

William says:
come on, man, be honest.

William says:
Now you've just pissed me off. Every adult with children need to have a playful mind.

Leore Riven - US Champ says:

William says:
You're pathetic at covering up what you want a show title for.

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
okay...I see that I have caught you at a bad timing (no surprise there)

William says:
now you mock me? Bye Leore.

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
so i guess when you clear up your mind and when you don't blow up at every little thing, and when you are mature, like moi, then come and message me.

William says:
hahahahahaha Did you really just say "moi?"

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
I don't know about you, but I have matured since we last met. I don't blow up at little things. I'm no longer a child. I am a young adult, thank you very much.

William says:
You're a baby in a child's body.

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
I'm a sohpisticated young adult. Apparently you are not.

William says:
No, you aren't.

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
I believe so.

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
So when will you be growing up?

Leore Riven - US Champ says:

William says:
you really are.

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
Oh how little can you be to make fun of a young sophisticated young adult.

William says:
Let Ricky help you..

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
Sorry, gentlemen, I have a chess match to go play, and some tea to go drink.

Leore Riven - US Champ says:

If he only would've been honest for why he wanted a name for his show, I would've gave him a couple great ones. But if he wants to play stupid with me, then hes gonna get a thread made for him.
Leore Riven - US Champ says:

William says:
The hell

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
ur a cunt bad

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
bag and we no more friends so suck it!

William says:
Leore.. english.. please.

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
you are a jackass

William says:

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
Luther messaged me saying "tuesday night turd"

William says:
I see..

William says:
And I'm a jackass because he called you a turd?

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
he didnt call me a turd

William says:
You said he messaged you and said turd.. ie. He was calling you a turd.

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
Luther messaged me saying "tuesday night turd"

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
tuesday night what u said meaning u told him

William says:
I don't talk to Luth.. guys just too far out there, he doesn't like me. Said so himself.

William says:
He said he called you a turd, too, by the way.

William says:
But he doesn't talk to me.

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
well then how in the world does he know to message me and say "Tuesday Night Turd"

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
[email protected] says:
lol Tuesday Night Turdfest

William says:
Maybe the guy just thinks your show is crap and you're a turd? The two do have a connection.

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
why did you message me sayign tuesday night turdfest?
Lew says:
it's a good show name, you should use it
Leore Riven - US Champ says:
where did u get that from
Lew says:
Lew says:
he kinda posted your Convo on WZ

William says:
Hes full of it. Much like your show.

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
he says that u posted the conv on the site

William says:
ugh.. hold on.

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
if it's not does he know anything about tuesday night turdfest?

William says:
The guy has E.S.P.. seriously, he messaged me one night before he quit talking to me.. told me you were an idiot, it blew my mind that he knew I was talking to you.

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
ok i guess u consider me as a dupshit

William says:
Will says:
Luth, Leore thinks I'm lying
Luth says:
Hes a turd
Will says:
Thats what I said you said
Luth says:
He'll believe anything

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
u see i know ur lying right there bc Luther's thing isn't Luth is Lew

William says:
He has alternate accounts. Only his friends have the one that says Luth

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
yea riight

William says:
We aren't friends though..

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
Willl go fuck off, do me a favor

William says:
Well you just asked me to fuck off, I'd say favors are pretty much outta the question.

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
the favor i would like u to do is go fuck off

William says:
How is that a favor, so much as a request?

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
the 2 of u....go fuck off

Lew says:
yeah Will

Lew says:
haha, that sounds like the natwest advert

Lew says:
but you won't have seen that

Lew says:
cos you ain't British

Lew says:
all over your head that is

William says:
Geez Luth, I can't believe you didn't explain to him about your alt. account.

Lew says:

Leore Riven - US Champ says:
ok the 2 of u...drop dead

Leore Riven - US Champ has left the conversation.

Lew says:

Lew says:
oh man that hurts

Lew says:
we just got shafted by coco

William says:
I didn't, this is great stuff.

Next installment. :lmao: I'm telling you, if only the guy told the truth.. it could've been prevented.
you consider him a "dupshit" ???

:lmao: He blocked me, so I consider him gone as far as I'm concerned.

Again, the kid lied. I don't take liars kindly, and he had every chance to simply explain the stupid name/title thing was for a show. He tried playing stupid with me, because he knows I'm apart of this site's e-fed, so he wanted me to give him ideas that he could use as his own.
So...Will was basically his only e-friend left, right?

Well, this 'young sohpisticated young adult' will surely move on from these e-friends, and lead a normal, 'sohpisticated' life.

Maybe he is designing his own e-fed, and believes that he would have hurt Will's feelings by saying that.

He really gave it to you Will, by the way. I'm surprised he had such a large number of heinous insults in you need a e-shoulder to cry on? Don't use mine, you're probably too e-tall and it just wouldn't work.

Will needs some kleenex.
So...Will was basically his only e-friend left, right?

No, hes still got Becca. And somehow he still manages to talk to Luther and see him as a friend, dispite how often the guy banned him countless times over. :headscratch:

Well, this 'young sohpisticated young adult' will surely move on from these e-friends, and lead a normal, 'sohpisticated' life.

*sniff* I'm gonna miss the little spud. I just know hes gonna walk out into this big ol' world and BAM! Mashed potatoes!

Maybe he is designing his own e-fed, and believes that he would have hurt Will's feelings by saying that.

I can honestly see that as being true, IF it wasn't for the shear fact that hes been trying to recruit me to be apart of his e-fed for the previous 2 weeks. He kept messaging me, telling me I should join because the one on this forum is dying out.

Yet he turns to me, asking for storyline advice as well as show titles and character development. I might as well just started helping him run that one too. lol

Thing is its not HIS e-fed. I think its David's, and David is more than capable of running it on his own. The guy is a genius. Leore.. not so much, unfortunately.

He really gave it to you Will, by the way. I'm surprised he had such a large number of heinous insults in you need a e-shoulder to cry on? Don't use mine, you're probably too e-tall and it just wouldn't work.

He did.. it hurt too, the fact that I was called a cunt and a dupshit. It cits to the bone!

Will needs some kleenex.

Strippers would work too. I'm not too picky.

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