Mr. Kennedy Injured?

WWE gets lucky on Kennedy's injury. Next week they'll make another mistake and say Taker will be out for 6-8 weeks as well. Seriously, this can help some of the storylines out on the SD! brand. They bring Kennedy back as a major baby face and than he goes straight after Edge thus leading to a long term feud. I just hope Kennedy comming back doesn't mean Edge looses the title to him shortly. I want Edge to have a long term title run. As for the build up, WWE can have Edge beat people week in and week out and say Kennedy wouldn't be half the champion he is and then in a suprise come back he makes a run in on Edge. already spilled the beans on the good news with kennedys injury, so, edge will be expecting him in the next 2 months.
nevertheless, i cant wait to see edge vs kennedy, could be feud of the year
Glad to hear that Kennedy isn't as badly hurt as first reported. I think an Edge/Kennedy fued would be awesome..and I agree that in order to capture the heat that Edge winning MITB, the fued has to happen as soon as Kennedy comes back...but I don't know how Kennedy will work as a face. If he gets pushed as a face with attitude like HBK is right now, then it should be ok... but if he gets a Cena/Lashley superman 100% goodguy push... I just don't see that working well for him.
God must be a wrestling fan, cause Kennedy getting injured may have saved WWE from oblivion.I agree with all of you Edge/Kennedy will be huge.It will be justa s big as Austin/Rock was.Kennedy was already becoming a huge babyface and the way in which he "lost" the MITB contract will make him the biggest babyface since HBK in 1996! As long as Edge stays on SD! for the foreseeable future,SD! will be the most superior WWE brand(if not the most supeior wrestling brand!) We've got Edge,Kennedy,Rey,Batista,Taker,Beniot,Matt Hardy,Kane...need I say more!
I was actually kind of disappionted when Kennedy lost the MITB as he was a very deserving superstar and really could have been a great champion. I know the decision to give Edge the Breifcase was just as Kennedy was injured. I would hope that Kennedy comes back to feud with Edge as the two could probably have some good matches together. The problem I had was the match on RAW was too short, as it lasted shorter than 3 minutes. And now with the news that his injury isnt as severe as once thought, I hope WWE keeps Kennedy close to the main picture until he returns.
I'm unhappy at the fact that Kennedy got hurt. However, I'm ecstatic at the prospect of him feuding with Edge. That feud is an awesome idea and could really help rescue the company from the slump that is called Cena. Two guys who can really work the mic, but also do the job in the ring well. It's weird for me to say this, but I was actually entertained by Kennedy's match with Matt Hardy on the last Smackdown. Me! Saying that! I hope to high heaven that the creative nitwits don't get cold feet about seeing a true push through for Ken. He is probably one of my top five prospects in the entire company right now as far as who I'd stake money on as a top guy in a couple of years.

Kennedy/Edge definitely has buckets of potential, but I'm not entirely sure WWE is competent enough to either pull it off or clear it in the first place. I wouldn't be unhappy if Kennedy and Edge headlined WrestleMania 24, it'd almost make up for the crapfest that was WrestleMania 23.
Mr Kennedy has tons of potential and I can see him getting the world gold but probably not before next year's Mania .

I would love to see him getting it from a "heel" HHH there if Ken Anderson is moved to RAW as rumored lately

As for Edge vs Kennedy, why not making it a massive "heel" vs "heel" feud with either of them trying to sneak the other one on each occasion
Too bad WWE didn't know that it wouldn't be such a big injury or else they could of kept the Money In The Bank on him and just have him disappear for a while until re-appearing and continuing on as a heel. Edge got lucky on this WHC title reign or else I bet he would of continued his feud with Randy Orton which would been pointless as they already had a match on RAW. Randy Orton could of also gotten his oppurtunity to be WHC again if he didn't screw up on that tour.
Too bad WWE didn't know that it wouldn't be such a big injury or else they could of kept the Money In The Bank on him and just have him disappear for a while until re-appearing and continuing on as a heel. Edge got lucky on this WHC title reign or else I bet he would of continued his feud with Randy Orton which would been pointless as they already had a match on RAW. Randy Orton could of also gotten his oppurtunity to be WHC again if he didn't screw up on that tour.

They would probably have taken it off him anyway. They needed a reason for Edge to go to Smackdown and challenge for the title. And it will lead perfectly into a feud when he returns.
Edge would've potentially won the Money in the Bank ladder match at Wrestlemania anyway if it wasn't for his nagging injury. Anyone else notice how he barely wrestlers for like a month or two before wrestlemania? And he got taken out of that match early by the hardy drop off the ladder.

I'm convinced he would've at least come close to winning it if it wasn't for that.
what the hell its gonna happen with Kennedy? does anybody have an update of the injury?? he had lost a LOT of Momentum, and with the Draft coming, i hate the idea to possibly see Kennedy on ECW. i think the best for him is to stay on SD and start to feud matt hardy and then edge. i dont think RAW is a good idea either, who he's going to feud there? Fucking Cena? Fucking Umaga, Great Khali? please, RAW right now is a freak show, except for Randy Orton(setting up the return of Triple H) and Carlito(it seems that Carlito is enjoying his new heel change FOR SURE!).
I hope Kennedy could return soon and start making appearances when Edge is having a match (mind games ala Undertaker)
Well besides him being out for a shorter period of time than first thought thats pretty much the only update i've heard of. presumably he's taking time off and spending time with his family. also due to the swelling of his arm (due to a haemotoma) he's presumably not appearing on tv because a guy with a swolen arm might frighten the kids in attendence and hes not appearing for that reason.
Kennedy returning is going to the beginning of a new era.
Kennedy returning is going to the beginning of a new era.

That's it. that is all you have to add to the discussion, Kennedy returning is the beginning of a new era, would you care to explain why?, I would love to know the reasoning behind your statement, I'm a Kennedy fan and I 'd like to see him as a main event player when he comes back, and he very well could be, but I don't think that his return is the "beginning of a new era", because this is the second major injury in his short WWE career, so I imagine WWE is going to be a bit hesitent to give him the top position in the company for a extended duration of time. that's my take on it, now I would like to hear yours, why do you think Kennedys return will be the beginning of a new era? explain yourself, and from now on DON'T SPAM!!!, just a helpful tip, you may want to take if you plan on sticking around for awhile:D

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