Mr. Kennedy to Raw

Not yet, but he has the potential to be better than all of them mic wise. "He only says his name twice" bullshit is all the Kennedy haters have, yet every fucking time he says it at the end of his promos it has the crowd reacting doesn't it? Yes. That's the entire point of him doing it. Until they stop chanting his name or booing him, he'll continue to use it and rightfully so.

Watch his promos from the Undertaker, Flair, Batista and HBK feuds and try to tell me that he isn't a main event caliber mic worker.

Then you pull out the predictable "trash" statement. *sigh*. Yeah, he's so trash that Vince McMahon would try endlessly to push him after each injury. Vince has tried many times to make him the future of his company, yet he sucks? I'll trust Vince McMahon here instead of your blind, spammy opinion. He knows what he's doing.

MITB - was suppose to beat Taker a week after he got injured. But Kennedy got hurt.

Bombed Limo - was suppose to be in on it with Vince or some shit. Chris Benoit decided to off himself and his family.

Illegitimate child - was suppose to build him up to main event, and win the title at Wrestlemania 24. Got caught in the drug thing.

US Title push last year - was suppose to beat Shelton Benjamin at SummerSlam and go from there. Got injured, and has been out since.

All those opportunities don't equal trash, it's simply bad luck. He would have been a multiple time world champion. The guy can't catch a break, and yet through all of it, he's over, still looks like the brightest young star along with MVP, Jeff Hardy (hurts to say, but people like him), Punk (hurts to say, but Vince sees something and usually knows what he's doing) and Christian. And do I really need to get in to all the wrestlers that have spoken greatly about his abilities and future?

i have watched them, And besides the undertaker feud all his promos with hbk, flair and batista weren't spectacular. if they were, they still be talked about today, but they were utter trash.

go ahead and trust vince. i could care less. you must like watching him push talentless wrestlers like Vladimir koslov, and Mark Henry since you have faith in vince and you think "he knows what hes doing".

yea, kennedy got hurt, failed a drug test, got hurt again. hes injury prone, which is ANOTHER reason why he shouldn't be pushed. How can Vince push an injury proned wrestler, when chances are hes not even reliable. If you know vince, then you'd also know that he'd rather take someone like another john cena over an inury proned overrated wrestler.
i have watched them, And besides the undertaker feud all his promos with hbk, flair and batista weren't spectacular. if they were, they still be talked about today, but they were utter trash.

If they were utter trash. Explain why. All you do is throw out mindless statements with no points to back it up.

go ahead and trust vince. i could care less. you must like watching him push talentless wrestlers like Vladimir koslov, and Mark Henry since you have faith in vince and you think "he knows what hes doing".

Talentless? What's wrong with Kozlov and Henry? They do their jobs well. They're monster heels, they aren't suppose to do backflips and wrestle fast paced matches.

yea, kennedy got hurt, failed a drug test, got hurt again. hes injury prone, which is ANOTHER reason why he shouldn't be pushed.

Agreed that he's unreliable at the moment. But he likely will be anyway, when Vince is determined to do something, he's going to do it sooner or later. Look at Punk's massive fail of a title reign last year, yet gets built back up and wins MITB.

Taker, Edge, HBK, Batista, Austin, HHH, and others have all been prone to injury at some point or another during their careers, maybe not as bad as Kennedy but they have been. Vince saw something in all of them, and kept pushing and brought them right back in their spot once they were proven.

How can Vince push an injury proned wrestler, when chances are hes not even reliable.

How can Vince push a drug addict who's been suspended 6 times and fired by two different companies? Because he's sees strong potential in that superstar and will take the risk.

If you know vince, then you'd also know that he'd rather take someone like another john cena over an inury proned overrated wrestler.

For 2 of the past 3 years, Vince's plan was for Kennedy to be another John Cena. Only as a main event heel instead.

So yeah...
i have watched them, And besides the undertaker feud all his promos with hbk, flair and batista weren't spectacular. if they were, they still be talked about today, but they were utter trash.

Ok Flair is still talked about today so that statement is pointless, and batista why not check the crowd reaction, people go nuts over him every time he enters the ring so that statement was utterly pointless

go ahead and trust vince. i could care less. you must like watching him push talentless wrestlers like Vladimir koslov, and Mark Henry since you have faith in vince and you think "he knows what hes doing"

Henry is a former ECW Champion and to the effect really came into his own in the brand, he deserves his push after being with the WWE for so long and the fact that he took some racist remarks from the man known as Michael PS Hayes.

As for Koslov, the guy has been used and marketed properly, yes he has been buried by Trips but the guy looked really strong when competing against taker twice, he will be a future ECW Champion sooner then later.

yea, kennedy got hurt, failed a drug test, got hurt again. hes injury prone, which is ANOTHER reason why he shouldn't be pushed. How can Vince push an injury proned wrestler, when chances are hes not even reliable. If you know vince, then you'd also know that he'd rather take someone like another john cena over an inury proned overrated wrestler.

The Fact is despite all those things Kennedy is a work horse, yes he is injury prone but so is batista the guy nearly destroyed Cenas neck with a huge powerbomb I dont hear anyone talking about him, Kennedy has bled and sweat WWE, and the fact that the fans rally behind him show why the WWE will push him to the moon everytime he returns, but this time however I dont know if he will get the same treatment, only time will tell
If they were utter trash. Explain why. All you do is throw out mindless statements with no points to back it up.

Why? because he can't CUT a promo. u do understand what cutting a promo is right? he couldn't get his point accross the HBK segments. he couldn't CUT a promo. so hes trash.

Talentless? What's wrong with Kozlov and Henry? They do their jobs well. They're monster heels, they aren't suppose to do backflips and wrestle fast paced matches.

there both horrible, thats whats wrong. i'm not askin for them to do backflips and wrestle fast paced matches, i want them to be more than something thats been seen time and time again. koslov is horrible. what the hell is so great about him that i haven't seen already? the same with henry. if i wanna see monster heels, i'll watch Vader, snitsky, or Psycho Sid.

Agreed that he's unreliable at the moment. But he likely will be anyway, when Vince is determined to do something, he's going to do it sooner or later. Look at Punk's massive fail of a title reign last year, yet gets built back up and wins MITB.
Which was a low blow for the WWE. Punk winning MITB. but just because he won it, doesn't mean the grass is already greener for punk.

Taker, Edge, HBK, Batista, Austin, HHH, and others have all been prone to injury at some point or another during their careers, maybe not as bad as Kennedy but they have been. Vince saw something in all of them, and kept pushing and brought them right back in their spot once they were proven.
Yea, he saw something in them, its called drive. all those men were out, but for a brief moment, or wrestled w/ their injuries, just to get their main event spot. austin was out for 3 months after suffering the spinal/neck injury at SS 97. but wasn't fully out. he still remained active. Triple h would get injured but was also STILL ACTIVE . the same with the rest. Kennedy has been out way TOO many times and hes not even a main eventer.

How can Vince push a drug addict who's been suspended 6 times and fired by two different companies? Because he's sees strong potential in that superstar and will take the risk.

yup, thats why he pushed him. hes not injury prone, like kennedy.

For 2 of the past 3 years, Vince's plan was for Kennedy to be another John Cena. Only as a main event heel instead.

So yeah...

And hes failed at accomplishing that, just like Ahmed Johnson did.

So yeah...
Ok Flair is still talked about today so that statement is pointless, and batista why not check the crowd reaction, people go nuts over him every time he enters the ring so that statement was utterly pointless
What the hell are you talking about? i'm talking about kennedy's promos on those wrestlers. Not flair, batista or hbk. Reading COMPREHENSION. try it.

Henry is a former ECW Champion and to the effect really came into his own in the brand, he deserves his push after being with the WWE for so long and the fact that he took some racist remarks from the man known as Michael PS Hayes.

So was bobby lashley. whats your point?

As for Koslov, the guy has been used and marketed properly, yes he has been buried by Trips but the guy looked really strong when competing against taker twice, he will be a future ECW Champion sooner then later.

yea, thats because it was TAKER doing all the work. just like he did with Khali. and koslov is still trash.

The Fact is despite all those things Kennedy is a work horse, yes he is injury prone but so is batista the guy nearly destroyed Cenas neck with a huge powerbomb I dont hear anyone talking about him, Kennedy has bled and sweat WWE, and the fact that the fans rally behind him show why the WWE will push him to the moon everytime he returns, but this time however I dont know if he will get the same treatment, only time will tell

but the difference between both kennedy and batista is that batista didn't blow opportunity after opportunity like kennedy has.
Do you see Kennedy as a wrestler with good mic skills? do you ACTUALLY put him in the same boat as Jericho, John Cena, JBL, etc.? because i don't. hes trash. he says his own name twice. whats so great about that?






Yep guy clearly sucks at cutting a promo:rolleyes:

Kennedy is more than likely going to turn heel when he comes back, Raw is desperately thin on heels right now so it's just the most logical move, Matt Hardy, and Miz won't do a damn thing on Monday nights with Morrison by his side people will quickly see that Miz isn't capable of being anything more than a sidekick, I wouldn't be surprised to be seeing Miz get wished well i all his future endeavors within' the next 6 months, and Matt will just get buried in the mid card and only be pulled up occasionally to the ME to job to someone with actual talent, Kennedy would have been better off on ECW or SD!, but if they turn him heel I fully expect to see him as the guy replacing the hole on the heel side of things that was left open when Jericho was drafted to SD!





Yep guy clearly sucks at cutting a promo:rolleyes:

Kennedy is more than likely going to turn heel when he comes back, Raw is desperately thin on heels right now so it's just the most logical move, Matt Hardy, and Miz won't do a damn thing on Monday nights with Morrison by his side people will quickly see that Miz isn't capable of being anything more than a sidekick, I wouldn't be surprised to be seeing Miz get wished well i all his future endeavors within' the next 6 months, and Matt will just get buried in the mid card and only be pulled up occasionally to the ME to job to someone with actual talent, Kennedy would have been better off on ECW or SD!, but if they turn him heel I fully expect to see him as the guy replacing the hole on the heel side of things that was left open when Jericho was drafted to SD!

Thank you. So much. It's nice to see someone behind Mr. Kennedy, as I myself am. People always bring up that "all he does is say his name twice." Sure, he does that. But Flair sure said "WHOOO!" a whole bunch. It's something that identifies him. Makes him unique. Kennedy is a natural on the mic. When he has one in his hand, people LISTEN to what he says. And, after a successful initial run on Smackdown, he was primed. The injury bug has bitten a few times, but he's tenacious. He's hungry. And I fully agree that he will, hopefully, be turning back heel on his return. That would easily bump him up the card higher.

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