Mr. Kennedy Injured?

Kennedy must be hurt bad and is needing surgery since WWE has taken the MITB from him on RAW tonight. That looked like it was going to be a real build up for him, now it's gone.

Edit : Update makes our worst fears true ... we lose another SD! Main eventer...

...and gain another
This is the LAST thing that the WWE needed. I mean my god, taker and now Kennedy. I mean this is not looking good. This is why the roster split needs to end. Injuries like this are going to mess things up bad and this is an example of it. They'll probably have Edge go to Smackdown and take the belt. Like they have a choice in the matter.
Out for 5-7 months, this seriously sucks. I can see this meaning that he will be built up again towards the Royal Rumble and maybe have him win that and then challenge at Wrestlemania 24. This is where the new Big era of Wrestling will begin again. With Kennedy Triumphant at Wrestlemania 24, over Edge or Cena, unfortunately I see Cena with the Title then as well.
This is the LAST thing that the WWE needed. I mean my god, taker and now Kennedy. I mean this is not looking good. This is why the roster split needs to end. Injuries like this are going to mess things up bad and this is an example of it. They'll probably have Edge go to Smackdown and take the belt. Like they have a choice in the matter.

They seem to be blurring it a bit, more and more wrestlers have been popping up on more than 1 show. With the tri-brand PPV's and massive injuries, I do see them continuing to blur it. Kennedy has been on raw 2 weeks in a row, Umaga has been doing both Raw and ECW for a while. So I think they are leaning to it.
Undertaker - Out
Mr. Kennedy - Out
Triple H - Out
Booker T - Out
Randy Orton - Doghouse
Rey Mysterio - Out but might return before Summerslam 2007

WWE Main Eventers Left:

John Cena
Shawn Michaels and now....god forbid....
Great Khali???


Bobby Lashley - Feuding with the Mcmahons/Umaga
RVD - Gone Soon (Most Likely TNA)

Vince Mcmahon did this to himself. He refuses to create new talent so Judgment Day 2007 Looks Like This:

WWE Championship Match:
John Cena(c) vs. Great Khali

World Championship Match:
Batista(c) vs. Mark Henry

ECW Championship Handicap Match:
Bobby Lashley vs. Mr. Mcmahon(c), Shane Mcmahon, and Umaga

IC Title Match
Chris Masters vs. Santino Marella(c)

If things stay this way this could possibly be as bad as December to Dismember, or at least bomb as bad as some of WWE's worst PPV's have bombed. They've done this to themselves. Vince refuses to push new talent unless they're big musclebound guys who can't work. Chris Masters is getting the latest push (although not main event level). He sucks in the ring. No one cared about him before, and they certainly don't now.

RAW potential future Main Eventers:

1. Shelton Benjamin
2. Carlito
3. Jeff Hardy
4. Johnny Nitro

They have Shelton Benjamin, Carlito, Johnny Nitro (now he's a jobber???), Jeff Hardy, likely could be future Main Eventers. Hell, why not elevate Finlay for a short amount of time. If anything, they would've gotten the US strap off of Benoit by now and get Benoit back to the Main Event Picture. As much as I personally enjoy Benoit/MVP everytime they wrestle, Benoit needs to go up to Main Event because now Raw will only have 3 Main Eventers. I refuse to consider Khali a main eventer because he's too new, and he can't let alone not wrestle, he's barely mobile in the ring. The WWE last year thought so highly of him that they refused to let him wrestle on PPV after 1 time. Every week, he proves why he belongs nowhere near a wrestling ring.

Why not bring any of these four guys up. Hell, why not give Flair one last run or one last main event feud. Cena/Flair would definitely be alot more interesting than Cena/Khali. Hell, this Cena/Khali feud essentially makes the match at Backlash worthless as the ending went unfulfilled. Until Michaels gets his rematch, the Backlash match ending was another cop out for Cena to retain and move onto the next guy who will undoubtedly job to him. If after all this, they have jobbed everyone to Cena, and the absolute worst wrestler (The Great Khali) wins the title. I really want to see anyone defend that. As bad as John Cena is, no one comes close to the true suckness that Khali brings. Not even Goldberg/Warrior were this awful.

Hopefully, Vince learns from this and this year will create some more main eventers that can actually work.
Above all the other descriptions and adjectives used in this thread to describe Kennedy being injured badly, one that I think we can all agree on is that: This sucks....

It couldn't have come at a worse time for the WWE and in particular, for SmackDown. The 'fastest rising star' in sports entertainment is injured again and you have to feel bad for Kennedy and the depleted brand known as SmackDown. It's just so unfortunate that a guy who definitely is making a break in the WWE and will be the future of the company for years to come is injured at the most important time of the year. It's a shame for sure, but these things do happen, but the frequency that injuries are occuring in the WWE is a worrying sign. Obviously, working as many shows as they do makes it very easy for injuries to occur, but this is the fastest rate of injuries I've seen in a while. What's worse is that the guys on SmackDown who are basically carrying the company are being injured.

What will they do without Taker, Mysterio and now Kennedy? It's a hard thought but you've got to hope that this opens the door for other talents that aren't getting anywhere to come to SD and make a name for themselves. As many think, there is no replacing the calibre of those guys, but an injury like this could be a blessing in disguise for a guy like Orton, MVP and Benoit to get a main event spot over there. It's just such a shame that such a popular guy is disappearing for so long, but I hope he stays on TV for the most part of his time off.

He's just got too much momentum now for him to be left forgotten for 5-7 months, and I think that one option for him (I hope) is Teddy Long's Assistant GM Spot, which I think he could develop his character really well in. It's getting really alarming to see guys go down like this though, and there is no replacing Kennedy like I said, but hopefully, it will assist some others who aren't doing so well to get to the top.

What this means for SmackDown is that the guy who would have been carrying the show a few months from now is going to be gone, leaving an already hurt show to continue to struggle. I expect a main eventer to switch brands already, like it appears with Edge, and hopefully that will mean good things for him, but Kennedy having a severe injury is a huge loss and a disappinting one, I think we can all agree on that.
i think edge needs to be on s/d, theres no dominant heel there anymore, and i think he can have a lengthy run as champ and not the one month joke of a title riegn.

they could have so many potential fueds...benoit and edge could have a good fued...why do they waste the talents of obviously wicked wrestlers.. benoit should still be a main eventer..WWE IS F'IN whack sometimes, i only watch them cuz i've watched for soooo long, and want to see a proper change to were wrestling can be a little respectable..DAMN (no pun intended)
I bet Randy Orton is kicking himself. I'm convinced it would be him who would be taking the title of Taker, if he didn't act like such a dick.
The way I see it is this is one of those blessings in disguise. SD! needed bigger draw power and Edge is arguably a way bigger heel than Mr. Kennedy is. Edge can now have a long term run and we can finally see a new long term heel champion. Batista vs. Taker in the steel cage. They both beat the crap out of each other for 30 minutes or so and then as Batista celebrates you hear Edge's music play, spear, one....two....three. Edge wins. Then at Judgement Day you get the rematch between Batista and Edge with Edge retaining by interference by Mark Henry thus leading to a feud between those two guys.

I understand that this is a big blow for the company as a whole though for all the guys that have been getting injured lately, for example Triple H, Booker T, Rey Mysterio, Val Venis who is the best jobber WWE has and lastly Mr. Kennedy. But this can also be a good thing as WWE can finally get it through there heads that they need more than 4-5 main eventers on each show encase something like this happens and hopefully SD! and RAW build on more main eventers with there current mid carders. Like they build Kenny again to the main event and other guys as well like Carlito and etc.

I think that Mr. Kennedy was suppose to win by cashing in his money in the bank in the steel cage but then he got injured and WWE doesn't want Batista as World Heavyweight Champion anymore and that was the main reason Edge got Mr. Kennedy's money in the bank so he can replace him on SD! A lot of people were saying Edge gets misused at times well now he is finally getting a push and I hope its long term.
I can really see this happening. Obviously Taker or Batista wins tonight, Edge comes out after the cage match and cashes it in and wins (would make more sense against Taker as they can play out an injury angle, and Edge bragging about "taking out" Kennedy and Taker). That would then build up a Batista/Edge feud untill say SummerSlam, with Edge retaining, or winning back the title if Batista wins. Kennedy returns as a huge face in the Rumble match to win, and go on to challenge Edge for the title at WM24. Thoughts?
I see Taker & Batista beating the shit out of each other tonight. I think they will play it like neither can continue again. Edge will then come out the same as he did with his last MITB title shot and just pin Taker. Predictable I know but that's how I feel it will go.
I see Taker & Batista beating the shit out of each other tonight. I think they will play it like neither can continue again. Edge will then come out the same as he did with his last MITB title shot and just pin Taker. Predictable I know but that's how I feel it will go.

I totally agree with that. WWE is struggling with injuries they lost Undertaker, Triple H, and Mr Kennedy. Something tells me after last night they are going to give HBK some time off to rest his body. Looks like their answer to all these injuries will be an Edge vs Batista program (which should be good) and Mark Henry. Lord help us!!!
I bet Randy Orton is kicking himself. I'm convinced it would be him who would be taking the title of Taker, if he didn't act like such a dick.

This isn't the first time this has happened to Orton either, if you remember. It's certainly not the same situation, but the night Eddie passed he was supposed to face him and who ever was the champ at the time (I can't remember for the life of me), and there was talk of him winning the strap. Obviously it's not the same thing like I said but it's twice that Orton's had the chance, if you don't count the botched title run he had.

Orton will get his chance, I'm sure of it, with due time, but the road to getting there is a long and tough one indeed.
This is just typical. One of the fastest rising stars, and they get injured. Plus, couldn't they have had him jobbing to someone else other than a past MITB winner and give someone else a chance? And yeah, Orton would have been in the running for it, but he spoilt it by acting like a spoilt prat.

Hopefully when Kennedy is fit again, he will be given another title opportunity, because he has certainly worked for it. Plus, it seems unfair to him if he doesnt, because he cannot predict when he is going to sustain a serious injury.
Life is unfair though dude. Why try to put him short term feuds and job him out? Wouldn't that kill his draw value when he returns and could fatigue his injury even more maybe even doing more damage. Plus they didn't know he was going to get injured until Sunday and this week he is getting surger or a check up so that is impossible for them to put him back in the ring to do jobs even they wanted to.
It wasn't a job it was an absolute must for this to occur, because it appears that the original plan was to have Kennedy win the Title off of Undertaker at the Smackdown Tapings, But due to the Injury the only guy that could do this would be Edge, Orton is still in too much shit for the Hotel Room, that has done wonders in making people forget about the alleged Steroids he has taken.
Well, is now saying that Kennedy had an MRI and it turned out that his tricep isn't actually torn off the bone. But, he does have a hematoma that developed so they aren't going to clear him to wrestle yet. If any of you have seen the picture of his arm on the wwe website, you can clearly see it, it looks pretty wicked. But they're at least saying he's only going to be gone 6-8 weeks now to allow the blood and swelling to dissappate. To me, that's the best thing I've heard all day. Kennedy is by far my favorite wrestler right now, and I can see this setting up a program with Edge for Vengeance, and if his recovery progresses slower than predicted, then maybe for Summerslam. Certainly good news, you never want to see these guys get injured.
this sucks Mr.Kennedy is out with an injury he is one of my favorite wrestlers never a dull moment with him on TV
Well over at they report that Kennedy's tendon didnt come off the bone as previously thought so this has to be some good news. I still that since he wont need surgery that he can be back prolly after Summerslam, though if i was WWE i would take my time and not rush the man back as he has such a bright future that to rush him back be a mistake. Though i'm gald that it isn't as bad as we all thought but WWE still needs to treat Kennedy with some TLC though you have think as has been said before just when he comes back how hard will WWE push as he seems injury prone now? I think they will but if he gets hurts again i doubt he get the gold.
Well over at they report that Kennedy's tendon didnt come off the bone as previously thought so this has to be some good news. I still that since he wont need surgery that he can be back prolly after Summerslam, though if i was WWE i would take my time and not rush the man back as he has such a bright future that to rush him back be a mistake. Though i'm gald that it isn't as bad as we all thought but WWE still needs to treat Kennedy with some TLC though you have think as has been said before just when he comes back how hard will WWE push as he seems injury prone now? I think they will but if he gets hurts again i doubt he get the gold.

well if he is able to come back as soon as they think then I would wait until Unforgiven to bring him back, and then put him in a feud with Edge, for the WHC, that would be the perfect time and place to bring him back, maybe have him return at Summerslam, with a promo in the ring or a run-in on Edges match, or something, but hold off on him offically returning to action until Unforgiven, and his feud with Edge should carry on at least until Survivor Series, I'm really looking forawrd to his reurn even more now than I was before, the only thing is that it is also being reported that Kennedy won't be returning to the ring, because he is extremly disappointed at this last set back and at loseing his title shot, of couse it is also being said that that could just be a work, I don't want him to stop wrestleing because he is the future of WWE imo, and 1 of about 8 guys I looked forward to watching every week
6-8 weeks is the projected recovery time and I think I speak for a lot of people when I say "Thank God". That is a hell of a lot better than 6-8 months for sure, and hopefully, they can rest him up a bit to keep him fresh and promote him heavily before he returns so that he loses as little momentum as possible. Kennedy's got to feel a little dejected because if it wasn't for the fact that he was supposed to be out for 5-7 months, he would have kept the briefcase and Edge would still be on Raw right now. But hopefully, he can come back and have an awesome feud with Edge. Something tells me he may be going face when he gets back. The fans are warming to him for sure and he could be SD's top face, as Edge is holding the top heel spot for sure now. But this is great news and the quicker he gets back, the better.
I'm pretty sure every one in Stamford, CT is trashed in a bar right now celebrating this blessing that has been bestowed upon them. 6-8 weeks in no good... but compared to what might have been this seems like nothing. Hopefully they don't rush him back too soon only to have him re-aggravate the injury. This news certainly made my day... WWE got a HUGE break on this one.
This is good news, now there is a good chance we could have a real Edge/Kennedy fued going into summerslam. They should rush him back, but summerslam is 3 months away and Kennedy should be good to go by then, they can keep him out of action for the month and go for a mild match at summerslam, just a one on one. This should still give Edge a good run, not put the belt on Kennedy at slam, but stretch the fued into survivor series and maybe have him win it there. This works for edge, this would give him a little over 6 month reign which he has more than earned.
I'm unhappy at the fact that Kennedy got hurt. However, I'm ecstatic at the prospect of him feuding with Edge. That feud is an awesome idea and could really help rescue the company from the slump that is called Cena. Two guys who can really work the mic, but also do the job in the ring well. It's weird for me to say this, but I was actually entertained by Kennedy's match with Matt Hardy on the last Smackdown. Me! Saying that! I hope to high heaven that the creative nitwits don't get cold feet about seeing a true push through for Ken. He is probably one of my top five prospects in the entire company right now as far as who I'd stake money on as a top guy in a couple of years.
Fantastic news that he doesn't require surgery.I also believe he'll return as a face, seeing as Smackdown! lost their top face in the Undertaker. I'm just glad he doesn't require surgery, another six-month injury so early in his career I'm sure would've been disheartening for him.

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