Most emotional moment in wrestling history.


Pre-Show Stalwart
As a wrestling fan we are sometime emotionally attached to a wrestler or a storyline. There are moments when we feel like crying. In my view the more you are emotionaly attached to a story or wrestler, the better it gets from entertainment point of view. My thread is about what was the most emotional moment in wrestling history(WWE,TNA,WCW,NWA etc) for you fans. What was the moment when you feel like you are going to cry.

For me most emotional moment came at wrestlemania 20 when Chris Benoit won the tittle. I was a huge Chris benoit fan. I respected him and still respect him because he was totally devoted to wrestling. I never thought he will win the tittle but he did at wrestlemania 20. More than that his reaction after winning the tittle made me cry like a small kid. I still remember that day I was standing in my room and clapping for the guy while tears fell down from my eyes. Truly a golden moment for me. The eddie came into the ring and they shared a hug (WOW). I still see that match's video often and it gives me motivation that if you are dedicated enough you will achieve your dream. Another moment for me was when Ricky steamboat won the tittle from ric flair in NWA. This was another truely deserving wrestler who deserved to win every big tittle in wrestling business and a rare moment in one of the best technical wrestler in history.
So what are your picks ?
There's quite a few emotional moments for me really.

The Eddie Guerrero tribute show on RAW was rather emotional. Even if I wasn't a fan around his death, and therefore wasn't impacted as a fan having to go without him. Looking back at his stuff on Youtube and Dailymotion, and then ultimately watching the tribute show. Had me saddened that I never got to truly experience the greatness of Eddie Guerrero.

Eddie was a great performer. His early death was a sad thing for the wrestling business, and I think that is the most emotional moment in wrestling history.

Another rather emotional one was Shawn Michaels retirement speech and ending segment (the hug with Triple H) at RAW after Wrestlemania 26. Shawn was always my favorite performer. He had always entertained me. And to look at that segment. That speech. And know that I would never get to experience Shawn in a WWE ring (performing) again was very heartbreaking.

Shawn as well as Eddie Guerrero were both great talents with an incredible ability to entertain. They had the crowd spell-bound by their performances. And while Shawn didn't pass away, and Shawn wasn't a huge draw. The wrestling business still took a major hit by loosing him. As well as Eddie Guerrero.
For me, it was Ric Flair’s “retirement send” off from the WWE.

I watched the full episode and as the time came to say goodbye to the Nature Boy, I couldn’t help but shed a tear or two. I don’t think it was the fact that he was leaving for good that got me, I think it was the fact that everyone who came to the ring genuinely cared about Ric Flair and came out to the ring to honestly give their respects to a man who has shaped the WWE and the wrestling business. As Triple H came out and started introducing people, I saw Ric Flair begin to tear up and that just set me off. It was at that point that I thought that what was ahead was going to be a trial for me. His friends, his family and his colleagues over the last couple of decades all showing their support for him was such a moving tribute and still stands as the most emotional moment I have watched in wrestling.

Another emotional moment for me was the Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 26. Yes, the speech that came the night after was emotional but this was just the epitome of that feud. To see Shawn Michaels head up that WrestleMania ramp for the last time as a wrestler, with 70,000 people cheering him for all of his hard work throughout his career was just utterly incredible. I am no Shawn Michaels fan but you would need to have a heart made of stone to not appreciate how much of a sad moment for the WWE and wrestling in general that really was. Also, after watching that match, there is literally no way you can call yourself a wrestling fan if you felt no connection to the superstars involved.
I guess the ones everyone will choose will be Ric Flair's Retirement, Eddie's Tribute, Benoit's title win and Micheals retirement. But emotional? That doesn't have to be happy or sad right? that can be anger...and i think anger is a much stronger invoked emotion in wrestling. With that in mind i'd have to go with Hogan joining NWO people hated him for it. But me personally, i'd have to go with Jeff Jarrett laying down for Hogan in WCW as that was the first real sign for me at least that things were over and the War over. That made me angry and upset at the same time, pretty emotional.
Raw is Owen, hands down. It may not be quite the type of moment you were looking for, but it's the most real one I can think of. I don't think anyone can really watch that and not fight back some tears. More than almost any other loss, losing Owen was senseless. This showed on everyone's faces that night, and in everyone's words and actions, from Mark Henry's poem to Steve Austin's unique salute.
Certainly all the ones mentioned on here were very emotianal moments, from RAW is Owen, to the Eddie tribute show, to Ric and Shawns retirements, I fought back tears for all of those shows/segments.

But the one that hit me hardest was the Benoit show, I had watched Smackdown! the Friday before, knew of the PPV that happened over the weekand, and was anxiosly awaiting the results. I turn on my TV and there is a match with Benoit, againest Dean Malenko, I'm thinking, "what the hell!" Then it shows the wrestlers talking about Benoit and crying, and then it hit me, Benoit is dead, I started crying like a little baby, and didn't stop for quite some time. That has to be the most emotional moment in wrestling for me.
Whenever a wrestler dies I feel a little upset, they put their bodies on the line just for us, and I do respect each one of them for that.

When they did the retirement for Flair my eyes watered up a bit, but I was able to hold back tears. I was alright during HBKs speech, until HHH came out and gave him a hug, then I lost it like a little girl.

Other than that I would have to say the WWF Desire video, hold on...


This is the one. When they first played this on RAW I just sat there in awe, it was like watching my life flash before my eyes. To this day this video still gets to me. I did not have to many friends when I was a kid, all I would do was watch wrestling. I wanted to be like these men so bad, when I saw this with all my past and present(at the time) heroes all put together in this awesome tribute I cried, I even cried when I saw it live on the Titian-tron.
I don't care for Kid Rock, but I think that this song makes the video. When I hear this song on the radio I can see the images from the video. that's how much I enjoy it. Hell I'm going to watch it again.
The OP jacked mine, when I read this thread title, it was the first one that popped into my head...

It was just really amazing, and with JR's commentary, even better...

Whats more sad when you watch it back now, is that they are both dead now, they came to the WWE looking for success and at the same time, they won the big one!!!

Honourable Mentions
Eddies tribute show, Raw is Owen, Flairs retirement...
I think the tragic deaths and the retirements are a given for emotional moments, so I'll go with somethin diff...

for me it was hogan turning nWo, even tho it's been mentioned, I remember loving hogan more than anything for well.. almost ever... then mid 90s started gettin, not tired of him but not nearly as exited as I used to be (WM... pick one heh) When he turned tho I to this day have never felt such pure jubilation for anything in wrestling since, and I also remember a kid in the audience decked out in hogan attire crying and that hit me too cuz I imagined if he did it when I was a kid... so yeah, thas mine

Also Demolition beating andre and haku at WM6 because I didn't think they had any chance in hell (still very young at the time heh) and they're still my fav tag team of all time
Other than tributes to wrestlers that have passed on like Eddie, Owen, and Brian Pillman.

Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth's reunion was probably the most emotional moment ever, IMO.

Once Randy and Liz embraced in the middle of the ring, there wasn't a dry eye in the house.

I don't think any couple in wrestling can ever get a response like that from the crowd.
A few got to me, for different reasons...

Benoit's death happened a few months after I started watching, and I quickly was a fan of his. When I heard that he died, I was pretty stunned. I didn't cry or nothing, but I just kinda sat there and was upset that one of my favorites had passed on. Then after I heard of why he died, I got a little disturbed, but I was still upset that he wasn't around anymore.

The other was John Cena's return at the Royal Rumble. I was still kinda a mark at the time, and when I saw that Cena returned 3 months after what was supposed to be a serious injury, I kinda shit myself. I had the upmost respect for Cena after that, and still do to this day. The reaction that he got when he first came out still gives me some chills.
I agree with Juvi.. Besides the obvious death tributes Randy and Liz at Mania 7 was the first thing that came to mind.. This was a storyline was worked beautifully and had been going on for years at that point. Im not afraid to admit I teared up a little.

Also Flairs retirement match at mania and his retirement speech the following night jerked a couple tears... And recently Shawns retirement speech.
For me it has to be the post match applause and walk up the aisle from the Nature Boy Ric Flair after his last match with HBK. The amount of love in that arena was incredible, and people there were thanking a guy who had literelly given his blood, sweat and tears over 30 years to entertain them.

I got emotional looking at Ric, and seeing how much it meant to him and how he wished it wasnt all over. You could tell he would give everything to do it all over again
Mine would have to be Raw is Owen , Eddie's tribute show and Shawn Michaels retirement . (Like most people said above)
Owen Hart was a great performer and it's sad he never made it to the main event before he died . I really , still , miss that guy .
Eddie Guerrero was a good wrestler , he was good on the mic , good backstage promos. He was never my favorite or anything but I was upset when he passed away and the tribute show was amazing .
Shawn Michaels . Oh man , this guy was my favorite wrestler . Ever . His retirement speech brought tears to my eyes . Especially , when he said "Ladies and gentlemen , The Heartbreak Kid , Shawn Michaels , has left the building ." For me , that was probably one of the most emotional moments in WWE . (Only because he was my favorite wrestler .)
I was upset that he didn't get a retirement like Ric Flair , but that's besides the point . :)
I would have to say Hulk Hogans return to Raw.

Youtube it if you want...... the crowd went nuts for so long that they had to cut to commerial and then some.

I thought it was one of the best moments on RAW i have ever seen, and it was will deserved to have the biggest hero in the bussiness return home.
Of course the tribute shows were emotional, but storyline-wise I'd say it was when Macho Man drove the ring bell into the throat of Ricky Steamboat with a top rope dive. I don't know how many people remember this but it was a really big deal. Children cried, adults were appalled. It was heavy stuff, man. Can't seem to post the youtube video. It's definitely worth a look up.

Another was the Dr. Death/Terry Gordy double pin. First time I seen it done. May have been the first time it was ever done. Ref bump, back suplex pin by Williams, another ref comes out, each has a shoulder up while both refs count. I was there and I don't ever remember a crowd being so upset. The image of Gordy running to the back with the title held above his head is burned in my mind forever. It was as if everyone in the arena had their dog ran over at the exact same time.

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