Emotional moments in wrestling history

I have to go with what the dude above me said, namely Eddie and Benoit. At the time, it was a big moment for me because I always felt these two guys really deserved it and to both make it to the big one, on the big night was rather cool.

The other moment that had me was the return of the Undertaker in the Iron man match with HHH vs Rock, rescuing Rock from a beating at the hands of McMahon and associates. I was young at the time and was bouncing round the room, and was absolutely gutted when HBK DQ'd Rock for the interference
That 'I lost my smile' speech was a load of BS. Not one WWF wrestler at the time believed it. Bret, Taker, Austin, Sid all rolled their eyes when Vince told them about HBK's supposed injury. He just didnt want to return the favour to Bret. Simple as that. HBK doesnt have that class about him.

Because Bret had so much class he decided he'd disrespect the whole company by saying no to Vince when he was leaving the place. Hart fans make me laugh due to how hypocritical they can be.

Can you please find me proof that HBK faked that injury? I'll be awaiting you to bring me all of his medical notes, to tell me he was faking. Until then, Shawn was legitimately injured. And you have absolutely no proof to suggest otherwise.
Ric Flair's retirement. The deaths of Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit stung, a lot. But, as a fan of wrestling for over 25 years, I have been there following Ric Flair's entire career. From his cross promotional feud with David and Kerry Von Erich, his matches with Dusty Rhodes and Ricky Steamboat, through TBS Saturday mornings, his sudden appearance in the WWF in the early 90s, Nitro, then back to the WWE after WCW gets bought out, I have put 25+ years of emotional investment into the Nature Boy. When HBK mouthed "I'm sorry!" at the end of their Wrestlemania match, before delivering Sweet Chin Music to end Flair's career, I have no qualms about admitting that I got choked up. There will never, ever be another Ric Flair.
Because Bret had so much class he decided he'd disrespect the whole company by saying no to Vince when he was leaving the place. Hart fans make me laugh due to how hypocritical they can be.

Can you please find me proof that HBK faked that injury? I'll be awaiting you to bring me all of his medical notes, to tell me he was faking. Until then, Shawn was legitimately injured. And you have absolutely no proof to suggest otherwise.

Bret had a month to leave the WWF, he was going to drop the belt to HBK in the states, just not Canada. Anway no point in bringing up the MSJ.

HBK's injury was meant to force him into retirement. Yet he was back wrestling 3 months after his injury, unless the doctors who were dealing with him were so incompetent that they misdiagnosed the seriousness of his injury and he wasnt as bad as they told him he was then they are complete morons. It wasnt the first title he forfited either.
Bret had a month to leave the WWF, he was going to drop the belt to HBK in the states, just not Canada. Anway no point in bringing up the MSJ.

Shawn lost in the U.S. many times. If he can loe there, Hart can lose in Canada.

HBK's injury was meant to force him into retirement. Yet he was back wrestling 3 months after his injury, unless the doctors who were dealing with him were so incompetent that they misdiagnosed the seriousness of his injury and he wasnt as bad as they told him he was then they are complete morons. It wasnt the first title he forfited either.

Actually, the doctors diagnosed him right. However he was told there was one way to get him back wrestling although it wasn't recommended, and he was referred to another doctor. A doctor who specialised in treating sports related injuries, and performed surgery. It wasn't recommended but it got him back in the ring.
I appreciate the fact that both of you are very passionate about what you believe makes a great superstar, but might I suggest a seperate thread to debate Shawn vs Bret as there are plenty around.

Ric Flair's retirement has been one of those rare moments in wrestling recently where it has been a happy occasion that has evoked emotion. For all the crap Ric Flair as taken in the last year or so, his final run and defeat was a call back to the days where he was a vastly respected wrestler.
Three moments stick out in my mind...

1) Arn Anderson retiring on Nitro - a legit tough guy having to hang it up early. He was one of the few wrestlers that commanded respect when he spoke. You could tell that it was hard for him. He wasn't the flashiest, or the most quick-witted, but he was loyal, reliable, and tough.

2) Owen Hart's Death - I was watching the PPV when they suddenly cut to the crowd. Not knowing what was going on (and the internet still being very new to me), I was in suspense for 24 hours. Once confirmed, i cried throughout the tribute show. Definitely one of wrestling's class acts outside of the ring.

I had the opportunity (twice) to meet Owen...once at WM 13, and once at a house show here in Fort Worth. Nice guy.

3) Stu Hart's Death - not exactly a shock, but I always admired his career. I've met him twice as well, once at WM 13, where he thanked me for serving my country (I was in the Navy at the time), and once at a RAW in Dallas. He even remembered me, and asked if I was still in the military. I was blown away! We talked for a little while, then he thanked me for coming out. I was humbled.

A true gentleman, and another legit tough guy (The tough guy IMO). He will be remembered.
I'm only fifteen, so I can't really go back and say that I remember Owen's death and Ric vs Sting on Nitro, but I do have a couple..

Number one for me has got to be Wrestlemania 24. When Shawn stood in the corner, tuning up the band, on the verge of tears, I knew that the end was coming. And when Ric stood, tears in his eyes, and waited for what he knew would be the final moment in his in ring career.. Wow.. Shawn's, "I'm sorry.. I love you.." Was completely genuine and heart-felt.. It gives me shivers everytime I watch it. The way he just collapsed onto Flair and sobbed with him after the pin brought tears to my eyes.. Then, seeing Ric walk back up the ramp, bawling, just tore me up. I was happy for him, but sad. The following night, his farewell ceremony was bautifully done. It was all just perfect.

Second is WM 20, when Eddie comes out to hug Benoit.. It was just like an awh, moment for me back then, but now.. Now, it gives me goosebumps and I tear up. That moment will forever stay in my mind..

The tribute shows for Benoit and Eddie were great too.. Although, on ECW, after it was revealed what Benoit had done.. It left a horrible taste in my mouth.. Ahgh.
To me, three particular moments stick out as having been the most emotional one is of triumph and the other is of sadness while the third had so many mixed feelings that it is still today being pondered deep within the hearts of us all.

1. It was a jam packed arena. Energy was high. The crowd was amped. They were in the edge of their seats after having seen what will forever be an all around classic night. And then, in the main event Chris Benoit capped off the night by making Triple H tap out to the Crippler Crossface, finally winning the coveted WWE title. His name would forever be solidified into the halls of wrestling history alongside Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Shawn Michaels, The Rock, and the man who he had just beaten for the title. And then, as this man began to spill over with emotion after winning the title, it was believed that this moment could not become any more special. But if you thought that, then you were wrong. Out came Benoit's good friend, and long time colleague, Eddie Guerrero, with the world title that he himself had successfully defended against a young Kurt Angle, who was still in his prime. He embraced Benoit and both held up their titles to show that they had both "made it". They both took the same path, which split down two separate roads, and this was the apex of their achievements. Tears would stream down any hardcore wrestling fan's face over this.

2. There lives a moment that stretched from one side of the United States to the next. It covered one entire continent with a shade of grief. This moment was when the light known as Owen Hart's life, was tragically extinguished. On a fateful night, one that will never be forgotten, Owen Hart, in his persona as The Blue Blazer, attempted a Sting-like ascension from the rafters only to have the cable snap and experience a fall that snapped his neck like a twig. In that moment, a Hart stopped beating. A talented wrestler from an immense legacy saw the live crowd of the sport at which he traded his craft for the very last time. It was tragic to see yes. But for those who did not see it, we saw the aftermath on WWF and WCW tv the next night. On RAW, the show was held up and superstars spent the night talking fondly of the wrestler. Many tried to hold it together and be strong, but many were unable to. A true testament to how shaken up the masses were was told on the face of Debra McMichael when she could barely even find the words to describe how much her time with Owen meant to her. She was too choked up by tears to even speak or gather her thoughts. And just to show how much he meant all around tot he wrestling industry, WCW gave Bret Hart carte blanch to go against kayfabe and to take time off or to step down if he needed to. This never happened with the loss of Rude. It never happened with the lose of any other superstar. That's how emotional this loss was to wrestling.

3. A moment that will forever live in emphamy. A day that has been shrouded in turmoil and mixed emotions. The moment that we found out about the Benoit tragedy. Not the entire tragedy, mind you, just the initial moments where we found out that the entire family was dead. We wondered why God would take away such a talented wrestler and how this could have happened. Where was the justice? Where was the manhunt? Where was the blood that we screamed for over the monstrosity that this event appeared to be. We shed tears. We watched best of matches. We paid eternal tribute to the man, the machine, the entity know as "The Wolverine" and "The Crippler". Especially the day of a pay per view. And then the truth came out. We found out that Benoit had went insane and slaughtered his family and then himself. And our tears of sorrow turned to tears of rage. Out calls for justice were silenced by calls for answers. We went from mourning to disbelief, and then to hatred. A melting pot of emotions took over as we searched for answers as to why a man would murder his young handicapped son and his wife so coldly. Then steroids were blamed and we couldn't begin the witchhunt fast enough to condemn the good old "wrasslers assistant". Wrestling couldn't distance itself from Benoit fast enough. It was as if all record of his existence needed to be erased. Even today, it is almost taboo to speak his name. You would think that he was a villain from the Harry Potter film. But in reality, it was no movie. It was real. Too real for us to even grasp today.
To me, three particular moments stick out as having been the most emotional one is of triumph and the other is of sadness while the third had so many mixed feelings that it is still today being pondered deep within the hearts of us all.

1. It was a jam packed arena. Energy was high. The crowd was amped. They were in the edge of their seats after having seen what will forever be an all around classic night. And then, in the main event Chris Benoit capped off the night by making Triple H tap out to the Crippler Crossface, finally winning the coveted WWE title. His name would forever be solidified into the halls of wrestling history alongside Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Shawn Michaels, The Rock, and the man who he had just beaten for the title. And then, as this man began to spill over with emotion after winning the title, it was believed that this moment could not become any more special. But if you thought that, then you were wrong. Out came Benoit's good friend, and long time colleague, Eddie Guerrero, with the world title that he himself had successfully defended against a young Kurt Angle, who was still in his prime. He embraced Benoit and both held up their titles to show that they had both "made it". They both took the same path, which split down two separate roads, and this was the apex of their achievements. Tears would stream down any hardcore wrestling fan's face over this.

2. There lives a moment that stretched from one side of the United States to the next. It covered one entire continent with a shade of grief. This moment was when the light known as Owen Hart's life, was tragically extinguished. On a fateful night, one that will never be forgotten, Owen Hart, in his persona as The Blue Blazer, attempted a Sting-like ascension from the rafters only to have the cable snap and experience a fall that snapped his neck like a twig. In that moment, a Hart stopped beating. A talented wrestler from an immense legacy saw the live crowd of the sport at which he traded his craft for the very last time. It was tragic to see yes. But for those who did not see it, we saw the aftermath on WWF and WCW tv the next night. On RAW, the show was held up and superstars spent the night talking fondly of the wrestler. Many tried to hold it together and be strong, but many were unable to. A true testament to how shaken up the masses were was told on the face of Debra McMichael when she could barely even find the words to describe how much her time with Owen meant to her. She was too choked up by tears to even speak or gather her thoughts. And just to show how much he meant all around tot he wrestling industry, WCW gave Bret Hart carte blanch to go against kayfabe and to take time off or to step down if he needed to. This never happened with the loss of Rude. It never happened with the lose of any other superstar. That's how emotional this loss was to wrestling.

3. A moment that will forever live in emphamy. A day that has been shrouded in turmoil and mixed emotions. The moment that we found out about the Benoit tragedy. Not the entire tragedy, mind you, just the initial moments where we found out that the entire family was dead. We wondered why God would take away such a talented wrestler and how this could have happened. Where was the justice? Where was the manhunt? Where was the blood that we screamed for over the monstrosity that this event appeared to be. We shed tears. We watched best of matches. We paid eternal tribute to the man, the machine, the entity know as "The Wolverine" and "The Crippler". Especially the day of a pay per view. And then the truth came out. We found out that Benoit had went insane and slaughtered his family and then himself. And our tears of sorrow turned to tears of rage. Out calls for justice were silenced by calls for answers. We went from mourning to disbelief, and then to hatred. A melting pot of emotions took over as we searched for answers as to why a man would murder his young handicapped son and his wife so coldly. Then steroids were blamed and we couldn't begin the witchhunt fast enough to condemn the good old "wrasslers assistant". Wrestling couldn't distance itself from Benoit fast enough. It was as if all record of his existence needed to be erased. Even today, it is almost taboo to speak his name. You would think that he was a villain from the Harry Potter film. But in reality, it was no movie. It was real. Too real for us to even grasp today.

We all have different reactions to things and what Benoit did to his family was horrific no doubt, but I don't see how someone can be mad at him for what happened. Or to say you hate him. Its not like it was your family he killed or if you even knew them. His legacy being ruined and his name being tarnished by what he did may upset someone or what he did may upset someone but hating him just seems illogical to me.
The Benoit moments were emotional at the time and I can see how the luster of those moments is forever ruined by how his life ended but if guys like Chris Jericho can still care about the man they knew, the very good friend they knew and not hate him then we as fans should be able to at the very least not despise him. Then again we all have our own views on the matter. The Eddie tribute was a tough one but Owens was probably the toughest for me to watch. Benoit was insane because he's my second favorite wrestler but I was just in such disbelief while watching it. I didn't know how to react.
I remember crying after watching ric flair retire as of late, man was i a fan, hehe, but im not sure why, but my most "emotional" moment for wwe was when eddie turned heel on rey rey back when MnM came on the scene, well, i was like 10 years old and for some odd reason (confession time) i suprisingly still thought wrestling was real, and seeing him do that really tore me up...=\ i was a huge rey rey/eddie fan, but now that i look back on the situation i find eddie played it out perfectly...what a way to go from face/heel/face in a matter of 6 months haha anyways, i liked their bouts and the story lines eddie/rey had but man, seeing him suplex rey rey on the steal steps then taking off his mask really got to me...haha
The Owen Hart and Eddie Guerrero testimonials definatly stand out for me, but i didnt catch the original Chris Benoit tribute show, before all the evidence came to light, however when watching the superstars remember him and seeing Edge crying and watching all superstars be real really hit it home, i still rememeber at the Eddie Guerrero RAW tribute show of that scene with the little kid crying and his dad comforting him who is also crying, when they did the tell bell salute, as a big lad, i was sure as hell upset =(.

But these scenes really hit it home that we will never see these superstars grace the ring ever again, RIP Eddie, Chris, Owen, and others.

V12, Over and Out
Well you could also ask which were more emotionally involving storylines or real events? If you go with real events you have to consider the Eddie/Benoit/Owen tribute shows to be the most emotionally significant events in wrestling memory, or even the recent passing of the TNA stagehand after the recent accident (sure he didn't get a 2 hour tribute show...but still tragic and sad nevertheless)

As far as actual storylines go, of most recent memory the Ric Flair retirement saga was really emotionally significant. What about No Way Out 01 (before WrestleMania 17) where Stone Cold and Triple H fought in a cage match? It had just been revealed months before that Triple H plotted the "hit and run" incident that took out Stone Cold for over a year...and you just wanted to see the Rattlesnake beat the living hell out of Trips! Or HBK's World Heavyweight Championship win in the first Elimination Chamber at Survivor Series 02 after being out of action for 5 years and being told he'd never wrestle again? Eddie and Benoit hugging and celebrating their respective wins at WM20? The Edge/Matt Hardy feud (dun remember which year) after it was revealed Edge and Lita had an affair in real life (I would say that feud definately gave Edge the push to the Rated R character and main event status). Y2J's return, John Cena's early comeback from injury to win the 08 Rumble (oh come on, even Cena's haters loved the shock that came with his return, especially with today's age of internet rumors/spoilers)...those are some more recent ones I can remember...although I'm sure I'm forgetting some because of my Naval service took me away from some nice feuds :(
Jeff Hardy versus the Undertaker in a ladder match..

Jeff walks under the ladder before the match..

JR's "MAKE YOURSELF FAMOUS!" to Jeff as he climbs toward the gold.

It was one of the best matches I've ever seen, and being a huge fan of both men, it was very emotional to me.

JR just seeems to make matches better.
JR just seeems to make matches better.

Oh definately! JR can make so many great moments much more emotional!


Or how about the night JR was "fired" (due to his colon cancer I believe)...and on WWE.com they had him giving his emotional farewell...with King hugging him as JR got to the top of the entrance ramp...an emotional moment involving an announcer!
I do not know, but one that comes to mind was when Eric Bischoff was named the raw GM. I did not read internet wrestling sights then, so I do not know if it was known before hand to people, but it was not to me. It was truly something else to see VinnieMac hug Bischoff after naming him GM I was in total shock, and did not even make a noise for like 15 minutes.
Of course there are the obvious ones like most people have already written, but I found that the ending of the Homicide vs Colt Cabana feud in ROH was extremely emotional. It all fit in together with Colt not being happy and not smiling, and then Homicide's henchman try to hang Colt after Colt wins the match, but Homicide gets them to not do it. Then Homicide got on his knees to shake his hand, Colt shakes Homicide's hand, and Colt has that goofy look on his face again. I just felt that the feud was built very well and the ending was something that you don't see in wrestling.
I have an obscure emotional moment for me. It was after Razor Ramon won the ladder match at Wrestlemania X. I found it symbolic when he was on the top of the ladder holding the two belts. He was standing there triumphant on top of those ladders posing. I find it symbolic because it is the peak of his career in my opinion, him peaking and winning the Intercontinental belt (which was a big deal at the time) He had reached the top, and when he came down, his life was never the same... drugs, alcohol.. defining moments in his career. After such a great match.. him being on top of the world.. to all have it come crashing down afterwards. Corny I know, I just believe he could have been one of the all time greatest wrestlers if it wasn't for his backstage shenanigans.
For me the two biggest things that I got upset about is benoit and owen.. Owen I watched the news every day...my sister and were hysterical when mark henry was in tears.. I get chills thinkin bout the rock and austin doin their salutes in the ring and it really was a huge loss... We all kno if that didn't happen he would be world champion fightin wit triple h and cena today.. Benoits loss still hurts.. Yeah he killed his son and wife and himself but he went crazy... He couldn't control himself and no one knew... He was a phenominal wrestler and before that day by hearing the stories he was a great guy... Doesn't deserve to be erased from our minds or history cause that night when three people were killed it was not the chris benoit we all grew up watching and began to love... Rip benoit, owen, eddie, pillman and others who were taken away from us to early in life
The most emotional moments for me were definitely the Raw and Smackdown in tribute to Eddie as wrestling had lost one of its greats and the Ric Flair farewell address at the end of Raw the night after Wrestlemania this year as we saw the end of the career of possibly the most influential wrestler of all time
I know its been used like 100 times in the whole thread. But the loss of chris was hard on me. Kane has allways been my favorite, But Chris was a close second. You knew when you herd that opening rip to his themesong. That you were going to see a 5 star match. Or prety damn close to it. When the show came on and I turned to usa. I was in a happy go lucky mood. Then vince comes on and I serously didn't believe it could happen. The crippler shot down in his prime. Then I got on wz the next morning and learned about what happend. I WILL NEVER, EVER care what people say. I loved benoit in ring before his death. And never got to meet him. Its a shame what wwe did to him. Yes he killed his son and whife. But shit wwe has got worse pub before. Why just try to strip chris out of everyones memorys like that.
Owen Hart tribute, for sure. I remember seeing it as kid on PPV, I was like wow. I actually seen Owen's last match in Chicago, the night, or two nights before the PPV. Owen & Jarrett vs. Edge & Christian. I'm glad I can say I seen Owen's last match.

Another moment, was the first, or second RAW I ever seen. Main event was Rock vs. Mankind for the WWF Title, DX & Corporate are fighting on the outside, and the glass shatters, then the crowd pops like no other. I swear, that was the biggest pop EVER. Austin hit Rock with the chair, Mick covered Rock, and won the WWF Title. Truely a moment I marked out for.

And watching Beyong The Mat DVD, Funk & Foley with their family's, also watching Bret talk on his DVD, same as Jake Roberts on his. Seeing them speak out fo character, on emotional up and downs in their lives. It's emotional.

And of course, seeing the show The Mania of Wrestlemania. Rock & Austin discuss their last match vs. each other at WM 19, Rock says after the match he pushed the ref out the way, and told Austin he loved him, after all they been through. THAT was emotional too.

And lastly, the Flair Tribute/Retirement. I laughed my ass off so hard, and cried of joy. So happy his old yeller ass is gone. So happy he can take his not-so-rich ass out of the WWE. So happy he can walk the fuck out of WWE, with his cricked yellow teeth. I called it months ago, and it happened. Him and his wife are done, what a shocker? Flair will wrestle again, for the same damn reason he's been wrestling for the last 15+ years......MONEY!!! Truely, a funny, hysterical moment, of joy.
Most emotional moments?? There are a few for me...

- Shawn Michaels winning the world title in Madison Square Garden in the 1st ever elimination chamber was a huge moment for me.. It played out like a fair tale.. It was such an awesome match which made it so much better.

- Again... The tradgic shock loss of Probably the greatest of all time Chris Benoit.

- Probably the biggest so far was watching Edge win the wwe title in early 2006 for the 1st time, as well as when he mainevented WM24 with the deadman. I think the reason it was so emotional was because he was living his dream.. and he was now truly in my opinion, the best in the business... I really felt that for him.. - The same feeling can go for when christian cage won the NWA Heavyweight title... E & C Have Done It!!

- My most emotional moment in wrestling is still to come.... when my favorite wrestler Jeff hardy finally wins the WHC or WWE championship. Jeff Should be the champ already, not punk... pity jeff fucked up.... but yeah... They are my picks..

- Another top emotional moment was Trish Stratus last match..
Three moments in wrestling history come to mind.

1.) Eddie's death. I used to flip over to WCW just for the cruiserweight matches. I didn't give a shit about the heavyweights to be honest. But Eddie passing on really hit hard because, it's like superstars aren't supposed to die. I remember Owen's death, but I was a bit too young to really get it. Also: Batista coming out in the lowrider was pretty emotional too.

2.) CM Punk cashing in money in the bank. Just because I was watching the broadcast and had JUST thought, "damn, Punk could cash in here and do to Edge what he did to (Punk comes out with the ref).....OH HOLY SHIT!" It was a different type of emotional. I just kinda stopped what I was doing and firmly attached myself to the TV. Hell that whole edition of Raw was emotional just because it was such a breath of fresh air with all hell breaking loose everywhere, given the shitty booking for the months before.

3.) AJ Styles vs Jeff Hardy. The match wasn't as good as I hoped it would be, but I'll be honest, these are two of my absolute favorite wrestlers. This was just a dream match that I wanted to see for a REALLY long time. Kinda like Silva vs Liddell, which also I was very stoked on. Lol, I actually delayed starting my band's gig that night just to see the end of that fight.
I just thought that I would bump this thread to see if anybody has any new additions.

After watching Austin VS Rock in what was (unbeknownst to me then) Austins last 'proper' match, I kinda got a tingle up my spine.
I hate to be one of those 'rose tinted specs' type of people, but I can honestly say that there has not, for me, been anything that has really got me 'there' recently like wrestling of the past.

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