Emotion-filled moments you wish you could relive all over again

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Kane has been my #1 since I first watched WWF back in the late 90's (I have been a hardcore fan for only a couple years) and to see him finally win the World title was phenomenal for me. It was great then when Kane was pinning Rey after the tombstone the crowd yelled "1, 2, 3!" along with the count and he got a good pop afterwards.
Mine would have to be two moments at one night stand. The first is the promo an injured RVD cut because he couldn't wrestle and the next time watching RVD beating Cena for the world title. I totally marked out when RVD won. Cena facing a truly hostile crowd was great.

Another one would be when Brian pill man crashed nitro. Nobody knew if it was real or fake. It was awesome. Plus I was the doofy looking kid in the front row holding up one end of pillmans sign. When he came in he threw me out of my seat to get at bischoff. That was awesome. That night in Winston was great the stieners returned against the road warriors. That one is more personal for me.
For me it would have to be when Sting joined the wolfpac. Hogan had been pressuring Sting for weeks to choose between the nwo and the wolfpac. When sting came out took off his coat and had on the black and white shirt you could feel every persons disappointment. Then when he took it off and had on the red and black the place just exploded and the look on Hogan and the Giants faces will forever be burned into my mind.
Another great moment would be RR like 9 years ago it was right after Matt and Jeff Hardy had been at each others throats because Matt thought Jeff was going after Lita anyway Matt was in the ring going against Taker and not fairing too well then all of a sudden the Hardys music hits and here come Jeff the two work together and eliminate Taker then hug each other afterwards. Ive always been a fan of the Hardys and seeing the brothers back together just made me mark out like none other.
Ah gee, some of yall's answers damn near brought a brotha to tears! Very good you guys! But here's a couple of mine.

Happy:Rey Mysterio winning the WHC for the first time in '06 was crazy for me. Here you have this 11 year old kid who's a Mysterio nut, and I begged my mom to let me order my first PPV for WM 22. So when he finally got the 123, i did cartwheels and backflips (literally) around my house!!!

Mad : When the nWo rammed The Rock's ambulance with the 18 wheeler. Ok, i was six, first of all. Plus, The Rock was my favorite wrestler. He still is, no one comes close IMO, but that's for another topic. I literally cried so hard when it happened, i remember everything about it. I thought The Rock was dead! As soon as Raw went off the air, i grabbed my Hollywood Hogan action WCW action figure and started running over it with toy cars, with the rock driving them. Let's just say i had to buy a new HH figure, lol!

Sad: My birthday is November 9. So on Sunday night, November 13, 2005, I was just about to get in the bed, when my dad called from his job and told me that Eddie Guerrero had died. I thought it was a joke at first, because i was still immature. I thought it was one of Eddies pranks from his lie, cheat, and steal gimmick. It bothered me all day the next day wondering if it was true. But when Raw came on, and all of the superstars were lined up on the stage, the Cadillac sitting in the corner, and the fans screaming "Eddie, Eddie, Eddie!", I knew it was true. I think I did cry, but I know he's in a better place now. RIP EDDIE!
As soon as I saw the title of this thread, Savage vs Ultimate Warrior WM7 came to mind! That was a great moment, you explained it well!! For the sake of posting a different moment, I remember the angle when Undertaker and Paul Bearer were having a feud and the moment on Raw when Paul Bearer told the story of the Undertakers family dying in the fire scared the BAJEEZUS out of me! Then at "Badd Blood" Kane was made his first appearance during Underaker vs Shawn Michaels first ever "hell in a cell" match. Great moment if you ask me. Although I have seen on the web a few people criticizing it and calling it corny. As a 9 yr old boy that story line was close to perfect.
For me, it was also my favourite ever ending to a Monday Night Raw.

Vince, Stephanie, and Shane had all agreed to move the Wrestlemania main event up a week, and the deal was there would be no rematch. After a phenominal Raw triple threat match for the belt, HHH defeated the Rock and Big Show after plenty of near falls and interference. As HHH was heading to the back with Stephanie, Linda appeared and made the Wrestlemania main event a fatal four way including...this man....Mick Foley! Foley's music hit and he stormed out and beat the crap out of HHH/ For me that will always be my favourite wrestling moment.

It has become forgotten over the years because of peoples displeasure with how the main event at Mania went that year.

Post it again if you remember!
The Undertaker/Warrior feud in the early 90's. I remember watching as Taker and Bearer locked Warrior in a casket and the refs and crew worked frantically to open up the thing up as it was "airtight". Later on, Jake Roberts talked to Warrior about his fear of the casket and having to overcome it before the Casket Match at the following PPV. Warrior at his finest.

Then he drank all his own Kool-Aid and well, the memories are bittersweet.

The death of Owen "Nugget" Heart. RIP.

Sting grabbing the WCW exec (I forget his name) and pointing at the "Sting wants Hogan" sign. At this point, he still hadn't said a word after the persona change.
A few more came to mind after thinking about it for a few hours, and some were actually more memorable than my original post.

Bret hart and shawn michaels hugging after all the years after the screw job. I've never bEen a Hart fan, but its was still cool to see it after so long.

The DX re-union in '06, I had been hoping to see it happen for years and it finally did. It lead to months of entertaining tv.

Hogan getting some sweet chin music from HBK after their tag match. Never a Hogan fan.

And this last one is my all time favorite moment from was the Iron man match from Wretlemania 12. From HBK's entrnce to him winning in OT. He fulfilled his dream he had since he was 12 years old. Just an awesome moment in wrestling history.
For me I think it was the moment when ECW joined the Invasion storyline.

RVD and Tommy Dreamer hit the ring and then the WWF locker room emptied. Guys like Tazz, Raven, The Dudleyz and Justin Credible all rushed out, to defend the WWF as they had been doing against the WCW invaders the past few weeks. When they faced off against RVD and Dreamer I suddenly realised that all these guys had been in ECW together...they just stared at each other and the seconds seemed to last forever, then they all turned around and assaulted Kane and Jericho, forming a new alliance- ECW.

It was a great moment, made even better by Paul Heyman on commentary, announcing "remember this moment for the rest of your life JR....this invasion just got taken....to the...EXTREME!"

I marked the fuck out right there, I had not been expecting ECW to be a part of the invasion, but as a huge fan of Van Dam, Raven and Tazz I was so happy that this swerve happened and it was the dream scenario of all 3 promotions feuding with each other, that fans never thought they would ever get to see. It is a shame that the McMahon kids had to hijack it, as ECW should have been left by Heyman, and I would rather they had remained as a seperate faction, rather than forming the Alliance with WCW, but it still remains my favourite time in wrestling history.

I can watch clips of the Invasion storyline all day, it never gets old to me, its just great.
As you might be able to tell, I'm a bit of a mark for Ric Flair. While I might not necessarily agree with his actions as of late (nor do I agree with the decision to tarnish what should've been the finest legacy in the history of this business by signing with TNA), he remains my favorite wrestler of all time. I actually joined this forum to post in this thread and recount the story of my fondest wrestling memory.

I remember the day like it was yesterday. I had followed Flair's career since my mother's boyfriend had exposed me to NWA wrestling in 1987. During this time, everyone across the country was fawning over Hulk Hogan and the WWF marketing machine. I remained a loyal Flair fan throughout the years, always favoring the masterful ring work and expert mic skills of "The Nature Boy." I'd seen all the greats -- even of today -- and still none come close. Still, it was on my birthday in 1998 that I truly believed that the entire country felt like I did watching at home in Queens, NY. That Nitro on September 14th has been seared into my cerebelum. Etched in my psyche as the most emotional, real night in what is often referred to as a "fake" sport.

Seeing James J. Dillion come down to the ring in the tuxedo gave me chills right off the bat. I'd followed J.J's career since he was referred to as "Nature Boy Dillion." Often overlooked for his contributions to the sport, I knew what he meant -- especially to The Horsemen. He was part of the nucleus - Arn, Flair and J.J. He introduces to the ring probably the most underrated, under appreciated worker of all time in "The Enforcer," Arn Anderson. While still on the entrance way, he throws up those 4 fingers and you know -- you just know. You feel it. It's something no other stable could produce, ever -- those goose bumps. Arn delivers a promo that only Arn can deliver. Terse and intense, Arn brings out the Horsemen in succession. I'll never forget him using the line he'd used in the past..."We don't wear white hats...we're not nice guys! I said it, I meant it...be careful what you wish for..." He does the shtick about being punch drunk and nearly forgetting the 4th Horsemen. Keep in mind that during the entire promo, the crowd is rabid; they interrupt at several points with boisterous "We Want Flair" chants. As Arn assures both the crowd and Bischoff, everyone will get what they want.

When Arn screams "Ric Flair, get on out here.." The ovation was -- indescribable. A pop that cannot be compared or comprehended. I cannot put to the words the emotions that came over me. It was overwhelming. As a young man, I didn't express much emotion even when the situation warranted it. On this night, watching Nitro on my birthday, I cried uncontrollably. I wept at the thought of Ric Flair, the greatest ever, being humbled by this outpouring of adulation from peer and fan alike. It defined my love for pro wrestling, that experience.

I've been to two Wrestlemanias (10 and 27, with plans on going to 28). I've been to very nearly 1,000 shows live (many PPV's, house shows and independents). I've been in Madison Square Garden during Austin's meteoric rise to the top. I've seen The Rock at the height of his popularity. All of their pops have been tremendous; I've been right there cheering along with the rest of the crowd. Still, no pop comes close to the deafening decibel level combined with the raw emotion that Flair's return invoked.

Among them all, Ric Flair's return and reuniting the Horsemen still gives me goose bumps and to this day causes me to get a little misty eyed.
1984--For me as a teenager, Ric Flair putting over Kerry von Erich at Texas Stadium was the coolest moment in wrestling. It was a hot Texas afternoon and The WCCW David Von Erich Tribute card was headlined by Kerry, the huge underdog, wrestling Flair for the NWA strap. Everything was perfect in my eyes. The little girl singing "Heaven Needed a Champion" over the DVE tribute video hit the right emotional spots and then the big crowd-pleasing send-off made the place go berserk.
Even the little exchange afterwards with Flair saying, "I'm not gonna start any trouble but tell your brothers and your old man I'm gonna be back. Ric Flair is gonna be back!" made it feel like this was going to be one of the greatest rivalries in all of wrestling history. Ah, what might have been.
There was a crowd of the VE family in the ring, and it seemed that life was going to go on and everything would be okay. I knew nothing of the trouble that was already brewing in Kerry's life. I knew nothing of the string of self-destructive acts that would hit that family. For that moment, everything was okay.
I knew wrestling was scripted, but knew nothing about the inner workings of the business. I knew nothing of the self-destructive behaviors that run rampant among so many of these grown men who act out all of our little boy dreams. I see it all through different eyes now, and somehow it has taken on more meaning to me instead of less.
Mick Foley's 1st WWE title win in 1999. That was the night Tony Schiavone basically told people watching Nitro that Foley won the title and said sarcastically "that will put a lot of butts in the seats." And every Tom, Dick, and Hairy told WCW to kiss their ass and they switched over to Raw and saw the title change. Austin's humongous pop when he came out to help Foley and the pop when Foley won were moments that I truly will never forget.
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