Your Most Emotional Moments in Wrestling

Most excited was when Kurt Angle beat Lesnar for the WWE Gold on an episode of Smackdown! and his family came into the ring to celebrate with him. It had to have been '02 or '03 I was in middle school at the time and i remember my mom coming upstairs having to tell me to calm down because i was jumping up and down yelling. I might have been just as emotional when i found out Eddie Guerrero died. I was reading one of these sites when the news broke, it really was a big factor in me not watching WWE and moving away from wrestling as a whole for a few years.
[Heel] Green Ranger;3659276 said:
Most recently I had a huge emotional moment while attending Money in the Bank 2011. I know, the Punk thing has everyone talking, so it probably sounds generic to use it as an example at this point. But as a guy who has lived in Chicago his entire life, was born in the Suburbs, and has also followed CM Punk's career since he faced Samoa Joe at Joe/Punk II here in the Windy was an amazing moment seeing him win the title and walk out in the streets with the belt. I was there live, I was about 100 feet from him when he jumped the rail. It was one of those moments where a guy I knew had the talent to make it all the way to the top finally realized his dream. The build-up was perfect, and the delivery was more than I could have asked for. Just an excellent moment for any wrestling fan, but for Chicagoans and ROH fans, it was unforgettable.


Like our esteemed OP I was also in attendance with my buddy, Thriller. The build after his promo on Raw was ecstatic. The whole PPV was awesome and the crowd was hot as balls! I looked at my phone and saw it was only like 9:20 or something. Didn't think it would get as much time as it would. The emotion of the crowd helped make the match what it was. The start was fun, chants, Punk playing to the crowd, not hearing Cole yell "ANACONDA VICE" after a takedown. Haha, memories.

Anyway, as we all know it really ramped up later on. Cena hit the AA for the second time and I'm freaking out. "NO WAY! NOOOOOOO!!!" *Punk kicks out* "YESSSS!!!" I did the arm motion of safe in baseball or no goal in hockey during the count. Little bit later I saw a camera man pointing at the tron, so I show Thriller and said something along the lines of "Vince is probably coming out". Next thing ya know Vince is coming out with Ace, and so I booed the hell out of both of them. Ace goes to ring the bell and Cena knocks him out, to which I cheered mightily. Then the finish. OOOOHHHH the finish. Cena hopping back in the ring and Punk picks him up. I was pumped but thought Cena might counter. Punk hits it and I go nuts. THEN 1, 2, 3!!!!!!

Needless to say the crowd, and I, went crazy as those that watched witnessed. Gave Thriller a huge hug and nearly cried tears of joy. It was such an awesome moment in time. As people can see, my avatar and sig are Punk related. Have been for almost all my time on here. Almost. I didn't know Punk during his indy days. I saw him when he came on Raw before Survivor Series in '06. Heard he was from Chicago so I tried to find out more about him. Watched what I could on youtube and went back to his indy days until I got digital cable (read: Sci-Fi) in early '07. I grew to like him more and more. I've watched his WWE career blossom for the past 5-6 years and he is at the top of my list of favorite wrestlers. His win was the biggest moment of joy I had because it was the first time that he didn't use the MITB briefcase to step his challenge up. The build was insane and made it that much more awesome. Epic moment to see in person.
I've neve had a tear jerker moment but when WWE showed the Macho Man tribute video i was literaly so close to tears cuz that was pretty much the child hood right there. But when Hogan dies and WWE does a tribute video for him i think that'll get me.
Nothing in wrestling or anything in entertainment for that matter has ever made me cry but the one moment where I came the closest was when Hogan returned to wwf in 2001 and came face to face with the rock. The moment when the rocky chant turned into a Hogan chant gave me goose bumps and I knew the wwe fans appreciated him way more than the wcw fans ever did and that Hulkamania would certainly be back for one last time.
For me this is simple.

I was 14 and the event was SS 98. I was at my grandpas house and begged him to drive me back home so I can watch the event (back in the day we have one of those black boxes).

I became a Rock fan that summer and the culmination of his fued that summer with DX was the ladder match against HHH. I will never forget the Rock at the top of the ladder and then Chyna come in with the low blow allowing HHH to grab the title in win.

After the match I was yelling and screaming, throwing anything I could get my hands on all over the living room.

It was a perfect strom of events that ensured this would be the last time I would have this type of reaction. I was still young enough where even though I new wrestling was scripted, it still mattered to me, and while the internet was in its infancy, I did not know of the sites to go to to get results.

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