Emotional moments in wrestling history

1 Wrestlemania 24
Watching Ric Flairs last match and to be there live and see all the fans and all the emotion pouring out of everyone there was insane. a lot of the time JR gives me goosebumps but it wasn't necessary this time

2 Slamboree 1998
when Hall turned on Nash i couldn't believe it. it felt like i had lost my best friend

3 Chris Jericho's Book (im not sure if this counts)
i was deployed and had no access to anything at this time but i was lucky enough to have gottan my hands on this book. and when i got to the part where he said that little did he know hed never see his mom walk again well i started crying in front all my fellow soldiers/brothers and like the song says no one laughs when i soldier cries but also when he said that he promised his mom a ride in his new car and then goofed off with his friends then caught a plane to go to GA and he never saw his mom again well i think we can all relate to something like that

4 i was trying to give ones that hadnt been mentioned but when arn anderson said "what a goof" hit him self in the head then said something to the effect of i forgot the 4th horseman ric flair well i still get goosebumps

plus alot of the ones already mentioned
tell me a lie(still gets to me)
tribute shows
when ecw showed up as part of the invasion
Mick winning the title even after Nitro had told me it was gonna happen
eddie taking his boot off during his match with angle

and for me these are the reason i can watch mae young give birth to a hand. katie vick stuff and other stuff along these lines and still walk into work and tell people that wrestling is not lame stupid and doesn't make you less of a man for watching it because i get to share moments like the ones i mentioned
I know Hall and Nash take alotta flack, but that was one feud I didn't wanna see. Thought it was great when they got back together at Starrcade, then the finger poke of doom ruined it.
I know Hall and Nash take alotta flack, but that was one feud I didn't wanna see. Thought it was great when they got back together at Starrcade, then the finger poke of doom ruined it.

I was waiting from 1996 all the way until 1998 for Scott Hall to turn on Kevin Nash. I always knew Nash was the bigger favorite of them, so naturally Hall would turn.

I don't know what you're talking about, in saying you didn't want to see them feud. Halloween Havoc was a great match by them, and it reminded me of the old school Razor Ramon & Diesel. W.C.W. ruined it, by having Hall get turned on by Hollywood Hogan..

Nash and Hall could've had such a great rivalry beyond that match, and the ending was wide open for a rematch.. a rematch, I might add that was suppose to happen at World War III but was ruined by the n.W.o. (white & black) turning on Hall even more so.. and Nash saving him, then Hall later returning the favor by helping Nash win the 60 man battle royal.
I was never a Hogan fan, so the happiest I've ever been watching wrestling was watching Goldberg beat Hogan for the belt on free TV.

The Flair tribute of course.

Warrior beating Hogan.

After all those videos about HBK wanting a title and training before his first title win, to see him finally get it was pretty cool too.

I had tickets to the Benoit show, you know before he went crazy, and I pretty pissed during that show (selfish at the time, correct emotion wrong reason in the end.).
Benoit winning the big 1 then celebrating in the ring with eddie. I had only been watching wrestlnig for 6 months and the only reason i bought WMXX was for benoit/eddie matchs (and takers return even though i had no idea who he was lol)
I do have to agree with a few people saying WM XX, because to see that, especially now is so emotional, and it effects most people. I'm someone who will always respect Benoit for what he did in the business. Whilst making it clear I don't condone the death of him or his family, I will respect him for what I saw him as; a great wrestler.

And, probably one of the most emotional matches ever for me was the Shawn V Austin match at Wrestlemania before he left. It makes the amount of respect I had for him increase even more, because everyone knows how much pain he was in that night, it was made obvious. and I think most people knew that would be his last match. It was an awful thought, and upset me at the time.
The most emotional moment ever was when Eddie had died and they did the interview segment on Raw about him. Seeing Chris Benoit break down really got to me. To see one of our idols who had always had the persona of a hard man, show a moment of weakness and prove he was just like the rest of us, was a big reality check. He showed TRUE heartbrake (unlike Steph McMahon's fake tears) and this was was a weird and very sad moment.

Incase you forgot how sad it was:

- Eddie's win at NWO to claim his first WWE champion after beating Brocklesner followed by the celebration with his family.

- After 24 years of hard work Benoit Finally wins the big one on the grandest stage of them all.

- Follwed by the celebration with Eddie , I was watchign this in the theaters and DAMN! I couldnt stop clapping and the people wouldnt stop to. Some even Broke out.

- The Eddie tribute show, I still cry watching that.

- Shawn Micheals winning the EC.
well i started watching wrestling since last year at like around no way out and i do know alot of wrestling facts and my #1 is when Ric Flair had to retire.ill admit i knew hbk was gonna win but when i saw the fans and everything i almost broke out.even my friend almost did.when i saw how big a person eddie guerro was and when i found out who he was how good he was i was sad cus i missed out on such a great person.and when chris benoit died.i was sad.
One moment that will stand out for me is Eddie and Beniot at WM 20. Both men being such good friends and them finally making it to the top together both holding the big titles was a moment. The Flair tribute show would rank up there as well, it was the first time that I had shed a tear while watching wrestling after all these years.
1. Obviously, just this past sunday, seeing trips win the title live. My voice/throat is still recovering today LOL

2.Ric Flair's last match...got me teared up when he rose up crying and you knew the end was coming. I had a bunch of friends over, so I didnt let any tears fall LOL but they were there dammit

3. When the chris benoit graphic flashed across the screen at the beginning of RAW when he died. I had RAW on in the weight room, and just totally dropped the weights I had in my hands. I was angry, and felt it unfair my favorite wrestler had been taken from me. It was so surreal, so FINAL looking at that graphic
1. Rob Van Dam winning the WWE Championship at One Night Stand 2006. RVD is my favorite wrestler of all time, and I waited so long for that moment to happen. It should've fucking happened in 2002, but the wait was worth it. The match wasn't as good as it should've been because Michael Hayes' bitch ass was the agent for it (when the wrestlers should've just called it themselves) and the screw job ending was a bit stupid, but still... seeing RVD get that three count and the crowd go absolutely insane was well worth it.

2. Uncensored 1996, Sting comes down from the raptors and kicks the NWO's ass. I was very lucky my mom let me order this pay-per-view, and boy am I glad she did. That was one of my biggest mark out moments ever. At that time in my life, Sting was pro wrestling to me. And WCW did such a wonderful job fucking with people’s mind on whether or not Sting was a goodguy. And when he finally showed his true colors, it was a glorious

3. Raven returns to ECW and wins the Tag Titles with Tommy Dreamer. I'm one of the biggest Raven fans alive. I saw him in a magazine when he was ECW Champion, and instantly became a fan of his just based off his unique look. He was the sole reason I ordered ECW Barely Legal over Wrestlemania (my mom would let me order one pay-per-view per month those days, so I had to choose between a lot of events between the main pro wrestling companies), and with Sting, he was the main reason I tuned into Nitro over Raw once he joined WCW. And to see him make the return he did and to see the crowd go absolutely nuts, it was just great. No one expected it either, which made it that much more special.

4. Randy Savage winning the WWF Championship at Wrestlemania 4. Just a beautiful moment to see Savage finally win that thing, but I think it was the gorgeous Miss Elizabeth crying on his shoulders that made it so special for me.

5. Benoit and Eddie's hugging at Wrestlemania 20. Again, just a beautiful moment. I don't need to go into detail why this was special to me.

6. Sting wins the very first ever Battlebowl at Starrcade 1991. Again, even back then, Sting was pro wrestling to me. He was just coming off a title loss to that monster Vader, and to see him bounce back from it and win this meant a lot to me. I thought for sure Luger had the thing in the bag.

7. Ric Flair vs. Vader at WCW’s Starrcade 1993. Unless you watched this event, you have no idea how huge this match was. WCW built up Vader as this unstoppable monster. He was scary as shit and there was not a person on this planet who could defeat him. So, when Ric Flair finally got a shot at him, there was no way he could win, right? Then, to make matters worse, Flair puts his career on the line and the match is happening in his own hometown. So it's very possible that we could not only see the destruction of Nature Boy, but it could be his last match ever and it was going to happen in front of his family and hometown. But anyway, the match was fantastic. Vader absolutely controlled about the first twenty minutes of it. Every time Flair made one little hit though, whether it fazed the big bastard or not, the crowd went nuts. Flair was finally able to gain some control during his big comeback, where the crowd was insane, but it didn't last long. However, in the end, Flair overcame the odds and got a rollup for the win. The crowd went nuts and Ric’s celebration was so genuine. Great, great moment.

7. One Night Stand 2005. Just one of my favorite nights in pro wrestling history. Even though they would eventually turn ECW's name into crap, I will always be thankful towards Vince for letting that night go down in such ECW fashion.

8. Shane Douglas beats Bam Bam Bigelow at ECW's November to Remember 1997. It was much like the Starrcade match between Vader and Flair. Douglas faced the unstoppable the monster in his hometown, Bam Bam controlled nearly the entire bout, the crowd was nuts for Douglas, and it was insane when the Franchise pulled off the Belly to Belly Suplex on the table and defeated Bam Bam. Great moment and story told that night. It single handily made the Franchise one of my favorite wrestlers of all time.

9. ECW Barely Legal. Like I said earlier, I ordered this mainly just to see Raven in action. I loved what I saw when ECW invaded Raw, but he was still the main person I wanted to watch wrestle. And even though I was disappointed in Raven's match, it was still a fan-fucking-tastic show. It started out with a wonderful spotfest between the Dudleys and the Eliminators, which really through me for a loop. I've never seen action like that before. Then I got to see RVD in action for the first time, and I instantly became a fan. And the rest of the night was just great. Taz vs. Sabu stole the show for me, however. Both those guys were just awesome back then.

10. Sting vs. Vader at WCW's Slamboree 1994. Not much build up to this match (basically, Rick Rude stole the title from Sting in Japan, and then Rude was stripped of it, which JJ Dillon then offered Sting the belt back, but Sting refused to accept any handouts, so JJ offered a Sting/Vader match for later on in the night for the title as a compromise, and Sting excepted), but Sting and Vader had a huge history against one another in which Vader basically dominated. It bugged the shit out of me that Sting could never defeat Vader, so to finally see him do it, for a World Title no less, meant a lot to me.

11. ECW invades Raw in 1997. The only guys I knew in ECW were Raven, Sandman, Taz, and Sabu, and I didn't really know them, just saw pictures and read articles about them in magazines. So to finally see all these guys that looked so cool and seemed so different was awesome. Not to mention it was the first I seen of Tommy Dreamer and the BWO.

12. The Sandman returns to ECW. The pop is ultimately what made this moment. Whether you're a fan of the Sandman, or ECW in general, or not, you still should check this out if you ever get the chance. It was nuts.
Well for me Michael's return match against HHH at S-Series has to rank up there. I never in my wildest dreams expected him to return to the ring, and when he did I thought he'd be all broken down and taint his legacy, BOY WAS I WRONG. That is the blueprint of a Streetfight telling a perfect story, possibly one of Hunter's best matches EVER, and knowing HBK was back made me very emotional that night!
I'd have to vote for Taz leaving ECW. Not only was it a massive shock seeing the Champ get eliminated first in a 3 way dance, when he'd spent the better part of a year destroying the majority of his opponents, and then the whole roster coming out to say goodbye as the match continued was a huge emotional momnet in my view. Could have been more emotional if they'd set aside a segment to say goodbye, but that wasn't really the ECW style back then i guess
I have to say that the ecw reunion show was very emotional. Afer 4 and a half years of being in the grave, ecw came back for one night and it was like the good old days coming back. The Heyman and RVD promos were very intense and filled with emotion and I almost shed a tear when Joey Styles said "this was our life Mick, 24/7". Oh and who could forget Sandman coming out to the Metallica music and the ending when all the ecw guys were standing in the ring while Joey yelled "ecw lives!".

As an old school ecw fan, June 12, 2005 was an emotional night for me. For one night I along with the other ecw fans relived the good days. And man those highlight reels of ecw moments from the early, mid, and later years were beautiful!
You know the most emotional moment to me was when I sat down one evening in June,was ready to see a storyline continue,and then the graphic came on screen-Chris Benoit:1968-2007.I just broke down and cried many times that evening.I couldn't believe it.I was awestruck.I just cried like it was my best friend that just died.I never even met that man but yet I cried anyway.I don't know why.It was just so sad to me cause he was a favorite of mine and a true legend in my eyes.It was emotional.I have a few parts of that show recorded on a VHS somewhere,although I'm not sure where it is.But it was a very emotional thing,the most emotional to me probally.It was so sad.
For me, personally, it was the delay at the beginning of the Hulk Hogan/Rock match at Wrestlemania. As a lifelong Hogan fan, who had to tolerate his stint in WCW, seeing him back in the WWE, at Wrestlemania, and hearing the crowd chanting HOGAN HOGAN HOGAN, etc, brought tears to my eyes. With all due respect to Shawn Michaels, that match proved that HOGAN IS MR. WRESTLEMANIA. It was great to see him back in a WWE ring for the granddaddy of them all. Second most emotional was Chris Benoit winning the title, because never has a guy deserved that belt more, at that time.
the best happy moment was hbk winning his 1st wwe championship i can still remember the goose bumps i got when vince said the boyhood dream has come true.

the sad moment has to be the eddie guerrero tribute video [johnny cash version]
i have more than one emotional moment in professional wrestling first the death of brian pillman then the death of owen hart who i truly believe should held thew title longer than he did dont what im talkin about just go to youtube and type in owen hart winning the wwf title my other moment would be the death of eddie guerrero a good moment to me was when undertaker and paul bearer reunited at wrestlemania 20 for first time in years another moment is when triple h first came back from his knee injury even though he left as a heel he returned as a face
Ric Flairs farewell on Raw-I was never a Flair flan but I respect what he did for the wrestling with all the great matches he's been in, vs Sting,Hogan, Vader,Savage War Games; it was great the respect they showed him and he will be missed.

Hogan saying he wasn't going to retire after Earthquake broke his ribs- As a Hogan at the age of 7 I was crying to tears when Hogan was carried out on a strecther when Earthquake squashed on Saturday morning Wrestling I was devasted I thought my favorite was never going to wrestle again. Then weeks later when they labeled it his farewll speech I was crying before he said anything then when he said Hell No I'm not retiring I was yelling more than the actual crowd; then Eartquake and his goons came to the ring but Tug Boat came in and saved the day oh the memories.

Sting winning the WCW belt at Starrcade 97- I was tired of the Hogan and NWO keeping the belt when he should have lost it. After the year plus saga of staying in the rafters to finally get Hollywood in the ring was worth the price of admission I was as nervous for that like I would be a Dallas Cowboy game and I knew wrestling was fake; then when ref got knocked and Bret Hart came in to count the 3-count that started off the year great for me.
Deaths of Eddie and Chris
There is no way on this Earth these 2 moments culd not be called emotional. As well as surreal. Both times I actually refused to believe it. With Eddie, a friend phoned me and told me. I thought she was pulling my leg. Wrestlers don't die. They're not even real people, right? Stupidly, that's what was going through my head. There whole lives have been devoted to entertaining us, and as stupid as it may seem we develop bonds with them due to it.

When I heard about Benoit the morning it happened, I just cried my heart out. Benoit has always, and will continue to be one of the best wrestlers ever to step foot in the ring. When it comes to favourites I don't have many thatbeat him out. I cried for him, for his wife, and for hisson. Because nothing should ever happen like that. As controversial as it may seem, I actually felt, and feel, sorry for him.

Watching the tribute shows was one of the hardest things to do. Especially when it came to Eddie. I will ALWAYS remember seeing some wrestlers crying during ringing the bell 10 times in tribute to him.

"I lost my smile"
There will always be theories flying around that Shawn made this up to getout of dropping the belt. People called it fake. Yet to Shawn, and many of his fans, it was very real. I was really young at the time, but even then Shawn meant the world to me. And he was in tears. And there we were, being told he could never wrestle again. I was heartbroken. I couldn't bare to see him that upset. Even now, watching it brings tears to my eyes.

Ric Flairs Retirement
With this, I mean the match at Wrestlemania, as well as the Raw the night after. As soon as Shawn said he was sorry to Ric, before delivering the final Sweet Chin Music, I got goosebumps. Here was a man who was arguably the best wrestler ever, and this was his final match. Memories flooded through me, his best matches, his best promos, his best feuds. And it was all over. It was like a new era in wrestling was about to begin.

I fail to see how anyone could have a dry eye on the Raw afterwards. His official goodbye. Seeing him in the middle of the ring, how upset he was, and how many people cared for him was one of the most emotional things I have ever seen. It was brilliant, and I really could not credit WWE enough for how they had done this. Absoloutely fantastic.
1) As many others have mentioned, the premature deaths of Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit were some recent, very shocking moments; the death of Benoit and his family for me even more, as I had seen Benoit wrestle live only a few months before, and the tragedy that he actually committed such a terrible crime was more shocking than the untimely passing of Eddie to me; since Eddie, sadly enough, had destroyed only himself with his history of substance abuse, and it did not surprise that much in the aftermath; but Chris had no such history (as far as I know), and it came even more out of the blue than Eddie's death, and of course he also took his wife and child with him, which makes it all the more sad.

However, I also think Owen Hart's passing was very emotional, I remember watching some video testimonials on the internet shortly thereafter, and his tribute show; that was also pretty shocking.

2) For me, one of the most emotional moments was the notorious Bash at the Beach when Hogan turned heel. I was still pretty young back then, and had grown up a fan of old school wrestling, faces were faces, heels were heels, and Hogan just was THE face and would always be; and I just could not believe my eyes when he dropped the leg on Macho Man; I want absolutely nuts in front of my TV - nothing like this has ever happened to me before or since with pro wrestling. The single greatest heelturn in wrestling history ever, and for me personally a very emotional moment.

3) Ric Flair's retirement was also very emotional of course, and how could it not be? It was done in the way that Ric Flair deserved, one of the longest-serving and most popular wrestlers of all time.

4) Another very emotional moment for me personally was Bret Hart's acceptance speech for the Hall of Fame; he had been one of my favorite wrestlers in my childhood of course, and seeing how he hadn't been anywhere near WWE for such a long time after the Screwjob, and then hearing his music play for the first time in what seemed forever on WWE TV, and him coming out - looking a big older, a bit paler, and undeniably somewhat bitter; but still being Bret "Hitman" Hart, even after his stroke; that really sent goosebumps down my spine.

I'm sure I can think of some more moments, but for now, that's it hehe.
I thought Eddie's induction into the Hall of Fame was really emotional. I couldn't help but shed a tear. The crowd chanting Eddie's name and Vickie delivering an emotional speech. It really showed just how much Eddie's death impacted the community and how his legacy will never be forgotten.
That 'I lost my smile' speech was a load of BS. Not one WWF wrestler at the time believed it. Bret, Taker, Austin, Sid all rolled their eyes when Vince told them about HBK's supposed injury. He just didnt want to return the favour to Bret. Simple as that. HBK doesnt have that class about him.
i think the most emotional moment was after benoit won the title at wrestlemania 20 and then edddie came out and hugged him. the part that i hate is that benoit and eddie are now dead, but there is something for me to remember them by.

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