Emotional moments in wrestling history

Well love the idea of this thread i have so many moments and here they are.
    • Eddie gurerro's death I remeber waking up and hearing he died i cire all morning and night it really hurt
    • Edge cashing in MITB at the time i was a huge cena fan and i was happy he retained and then i saw edge and I thew stuff fliped furniture and cused myself to sleep
    • The hardys winning the wwe and ecw title because im idolize them and i cried during there post match celebration
*note cant put owen harts death I didnt watch wwe at the time*
I don't think this one has been mentioned yet, but Hogan turning on WCW. When he leg dropped Savage, I literally got so pissed off and sad for losing a "hero" to the bad guys that I started crying.

Luger getting attacked by "Sting" in the parking lot during Nitro. Sting is/was/always will be my hero, and I thought Sting followed Hogan's example and jumped ship to the nWo.

Sting walking out on Nitro. I cried, I thought he was leaving wrestling.

Sting's first appearance with the black and white make up. Sent chills down my spine!

Sting beating Hogan at Starrcade for the title after not speaking or having a match for around a year.

Bret vs Benoit after Owen's death. A great match dedicated to a great person.

The last Nitro. Booker vs Steiner, Helms vs Chavo Jr, Mysterio and Kidman vs 3Count vs Moore and Karagias, Palumbo and O'Haire vs Awesome and Lance Storm, Stasiak vs Bigelow, Mysterio and Kidman vs Skipper and Kid Romeo, and finally, Sting vs Flair. I was so emotional throughout the entire show.
For me there's only one: Flair's retirement speech. I've been a fan for over 20 years and I've cried once because of it. Not during Hogan's losses when I was a die hard Hulkamaniac, not during Hogan turning, not when HBK left, but when Flair was in the middle of the ring and everyone gave him the respect he deserves. The talent in that ring showing what a broken down old man meant to them was amazing. I still watch it every few weeks and there's tears in my eyes every time.
I have two major ones in here, though there are more that I didn't see live (such as Savage and Elizabeth getting back together).

First one is Hogan's heel turn in '96. I was about 7 or 8 at the time and this guy was hands down my hero. He was the reason I started watching in the first place, and really the one I main one I wanted to see before Austin and Rock came along a couple years later. And I was so excited when he came down to help WCW. But then he turns on them...and the fans...I couldn't believe what I was seeing and it pushed me to tears. That one took some time to get over I must say.

The other is Flair's sendoff on Raw after Mania last year. He had on the greatest careers in wrestling history and is one of the few that deserve something like that. Seeing all those legends in the ring thanking him, and then the whole roster (faces and heels) alike coming down to show their respect was a moment I will never forget. I've seen it a couple times since and it still touches me just as much. One of the best segments in Raw history in my opinion. I can only hope he doesn't come out of retirement in WWE or any company because it would kind of bastardize that moment.

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