MOSH PIT: The "Metalhead" Thread

I am a huge metal head, 3 Inches of Blood being one of my favorite bands. Though I'm more of a fan of the European genre of metal, Power/Melo-Death/Black.

Couple of my favorite bands:

Amon Amarth:


Children of Bodom:

Yo guys, I need a little help and I thought this would be a great place to stir up a little discussion. Now, I've already stated I'm not the biggest metal head, but I do occasionally listen to some great metal bands. But here's the thing, I do not like the screaming throughout the song as some of you have posted. Guys like Killswitch Engage and numerous other metal bands incorporate melodies into their music and vocals. The point of it all, what is the line between a metal band and rock band/alternative? I hear bands like Disturbed, Korn, and Saliva all referred to as apart of the metal industry but they do very little screaming and when they do scream, it's usually a bridge or background vocals. So help you metal freaks, what makes metal music, metal music?
Black metal or death metal whatever you want to call them, In my book Deicide has been puting out good quality metal since 1987. They will put out a new album for the first time since Till death do us part in 2008. On Febuary 15th, 2011 you can get yourself some real music after having to be with your hunnie all day the day before. Any previous day love still in your system will be purged after hearing this new album.

Glen has never sounded more brutal in this track. One of metals most controversal bands will make your ears bleed once again with this effort.

In support of this album Glen and Co. will also go on tour once again. On the day and the day after the new album the boys will be touring with support from BELPHEGOR, BLACKGUARD, NEURAXIS and PATHOLOGY and more. So on Febuary 15th make sure to pick up your copy of To hell with god!
I am a huge metal head, 3 Inches of Blood being one of my favorite bands. Though I'm more of a fan of the European genre of metal, Power/Melo-Death/Black.

Anything like this? I have a really varied taste for metal I can never stick with one full sub genre of metal for the whole time. Because in my eyes all metal is good metal untill proven different.

If you like black metal then I'm sure you might of seen this drummer before. This is another one of the bands he's in its 1349. Frost?


And we have some melodic death metal following suit.



Kalmah and Wintersun are two very good bands outside of the us. I'm not a big fan of Bodem I just don't like Alexi's voice. I do like his guitar playing but his voice for the most part puts me off.
Big fan of Atreyu

After this Single they exploded, and I'm sure all you metleheads know all about them know.
I just found this song today, and already I am loving it. The motorcycle revving is actually in the song on the CD.


The band is The Showdown, and they are just rocking out here. I definitely get some hints of Metallica here and there, especially during the clean lyrics. Great song.

And Scruff, are those the Bellas?
Well for fans of the band you might know this or might not know this. Devildriver is set to put out an amazing new album on Febuary 22nd. But a frightining fact was just told to me and I've made every effort to make sure it isn't true.

Devildriver bassist John Miller has been in rehab for a few months. I was not told the extent or the full reasons of him putting himself into rehab, but its been said that he put himself into it as to kick his "addiction".

The lead singer Dez himself is a self proclaimed medical ganj user, but for a member of a band with this large of a following at the moment i've found this to be a great thing. He wants to get clean for himself, for the fans, and for his band members.

I believe right now that Devildriver is on the right path to take over the metal scene. They have one of the hardest work ethics i've seen really comming from a band and put it all out on the line! It makes for great music, and a great fan to band relationship. Also just put out fresh from the presses is their new music video Dead to rights. Here we go! Give it a good tune and a comment on youtube if you enjoy it!

What happened to the "mosh pit" thread? Oh well...:shrug:

I don't think this is a HEAVY metal thread but a general METAL thread. That being said, here's my pick of the day:
Killswitch Engage: "a bid farewell".

I'm a big fan of metalcore, As I lay dying,. Killswitch engage, Bullet for my valentine... But this song right here is the first one to eneter the album "the en of heartache", and I can't think of any better song to show what is metalcore all about. I love this song, I just go fucking crazy with it. I hate mosh, circle pits and shit, but with this song I want to punch John Cen..errr..someone on the face!
The Night
By Disturbed

This song is pure epic. If any song got me into Disturbed it would be this one. Obviously, the track was released in early 2009 so I haven't listened to them as long I would like to have. This song's main chorus is very catchy as David Daimen sings the lyrics with back up vocals provided by John Moyer. The part that really catches my attention would be Dan Donegan's guitar solo towards the end in which he got a huge amount of praises for the solo. This song is way better than some other of Disturbed's songs. The only one I can see comparing would be their classic Down with the Sickness. Phenomenal song.

Down with the Sickness
By Disturbed

I've been a bit 'Disturbed' lately. Been feeling a lot of their music. As I've mention before, while many Distubed fans favor Down with the Sickness, my favorite Distubed song would have to be The Night , but Down with the sickness is a very close second.

The intro starts out with Mike only on the drums, then Dan kicks in with a little guitar, which is then followed with David screaming "Oo Wahahahah" and kicks in the heavy shit. This song is an anthem among heavy metal (which is why I posted here) fans and for a good reason too. Lead singer David Daiman does a great job of switching back and forth from singing to screaming while Dan and the rest of the band do a good job of leading to the chorus.

The chorus is fucking awesome. I haven't heard another chorus or song that gets a crowd going quite like this, with the harmonics that add a heavy effect in a weird way. Now the bridge is definitely different but in a good thing. David is basically screaming at his mother for abusing him. The lyrics include "why don't you fuck off and die? Why can't you just fuck off and die? Why can't you just leave here and die? Never stick your hand in my face again bitch Fuck you!" I don't know if this actually happened to him but it adds a anger effect to the song, and when the bridge is done it is basically the intro all over again and it ends off great.
Pick of the day:

Slipknot: "Duality"


Now, I've said it before, I'm not a big fan of Slipknot, however in my search of music I decide to download the "Vol. 3 the subliminal verses". Interesting record, but nothing special for a 3 or 4 songs. "Duality" is the first one to excel. Talking about going crazy with songs, this is another one. It's a pretty interestin prgoression, I'm not sure yet of wtf the lyrics are. But from a musically point of view, this song is interesting and very well built and executed.
Pick of the day and actual HEAVY metal:

Iron Maiden: "Out of the shadows"


Maiden has been my second favorite band since I'm 14 or 15. They have amazing albums (Powerslave, Iron Maiden, The number of the beast...). However since the 2000s, Maiden has been better cause they are actually going different directions with their music. Now it's rare to see more than three or four songs written entirely by Steve Harris. Dickinson, Smith, Gers even Nicko Mcbrain have a role as far composing a song (both lyrically and musically). Being that said, we see this evolution since Iron Maiden's "A matter of life and death".

This song right here shows an amazing vocal performance made by Bruce Dickinson. After all this years, I can honestly say that Maiden has just been better and better with every record. IMO, Bruce is singing better than ever. Enjoy!
I have just recently discovered Kingdom of Sorrow, I mean i heard about them in the spring of 2010 but forgot to look them up and when i tried i got no results. Probably back then i was just looking for Jamey Jasta's side few weeks ago one of my friends who for the last 2 years i been trying to go to metal mayhem with told me they are going to be there and it reintroduced me to the band...

lemme just say i love their 2 cds its a good mix band
have some Hatebreed type songs and some songs with singing
great group
Woah guys it's been a minute since I've last posted that’s for sure. So here is some new metal news for your eyeballs. Lamb of god plans to put out the single they recorded for the newest iron man game for digital download. If you've searched youtube for lamb of god you might have picked up the vid of them recording it for the game, but now is your chance to head the single Hit the Wall on February 15th. Also as stated by drummer Chris Adler the band will be getting back into the studio sometime this month to record their first new album since Wrath in 2009.

For the people who don't already know this the 53rd Grammy awards were held on February 13th. I believe once again the music industry reigns supreme in this pick. I had Iron Maiden as my sleeper in the Grammy nominations for best metal performance. Once again Lamb of God has been picked over for the Grammy and my tie pick for first was basically just laughed at. I respect Iron Maiden and all they have done for hard rock and metal over the years, but when your lead singer admits that the song was a shitty song you should listen to him. Once again we will have to wait another year to see how bad they fuck up the Grammy picks again.

In Iron related news, former front man Paul Di'anno will most likely be serving some prison time here soon. What is his latest act of total intelligence? Claiming benefits close to 72,000 dollars from the years of 2002 to 2008. He allegedly suffered nerve damage in his back, he said that prevented him from working. Funny story is the people who investigated this matter didn't have to go far. Ware did they go? Straight to his home website and youtube page. He had video's that can be traced and were from tour dates and solo shows from right around the time he got benefits. What did the video's show you ask me? Paul sitting down, or taking care of his puppy? No, the video's were of his job.... Singing. He had video's from that area of time of him singing and jumping around on stage. Really bad nerve damage huh? A judge in the UK has told Paul to expect some jail time at his sentencing on the 11th of match. They say stupidity runs wild in the human mind, Paul is no exception to this rule. He will reap what he has sewn in march. I hope he sets for a few years, because if I did that shit I would get the book thrown at me.
Pick of the day:

Avenged Sevenfold: "Nightmare"​


That's right ladies and gentlemen, it is time for the "nightmare come to life" here in the 3 inches of blood thread. So the way this song is build is fucking amazing. With those first little bells giving the feeling you are inside, well, a nightmare and Freddy is coming for ya lol; to the agressive riffs done by both Zachy V. and Syn Gates to the beast that Portnoy is, to the great vocal performance made by M. Shadows, to one of their better and darkest lyrics ever written, everything in this song just screams "NIGHTMARE". I don't want to start writing about The Rev, only R.I.P. Jimmy, thank you. Enjoy this "fucking nightmare". :headbanger:
When first seeing your a7x video I felt the need to bash it. But in thinking and after eating a very nice fresh hostess cupcake I won't. This isn't a metal debate thread or should it be used as that. I see it as more of a post your metal song of the day and metal news thread. Well at least that’s what I believe it is.

But on seeing the recent explosion of metal songs posted as "pick of the day" I figured I would be lazy and do the same for myself.

As I've stated and showed in previous threads I have a very wide taste for all metal. But today I will bring you as it has been said by many, one of the front runners for the title best metal band. That band would be Gojira, Gojira since the late 90's have been playing technical death metal with the best of them. They have also progressed from the first album that they put out into a monster of a band. I could ramble on for about two more pages, but here let the music speak to you.

For anyone who has been following for about the last year you may or may not know that Behemoth's lead singer Nergal was diagnosed with leukemia. Often cited as one of Poland’s most hated musician he's stated that he will fight the disease to his fullest and has been doing that very well.

He underwent a bone marrow transplant in the last few weeks of 2010. He was on a special diet in the hospital and was not allowed to receive visitors or gifts from the outside due to the hospital not wanting to risk viral infections due to his weak immune system. But that has since failed, he is back in the hematology division in Gdansk Poland due to .... todaaaa an infection. Doctors have gone on to say that it's his own fault that he received this infection, but are fighting along with him to prevent this from stopping his bone marrow from taking into his body.

In sort of related polish news Technical Death metal band Decapitated are back in the studio for the first time since 2006. The band went under a few changes since the untimely death of one of the founding leaders death. Vietk the drummer since the start of the band, was involved along with the whole band in a head on collision in 2007. Since then they went on hiatus, disbanded, and now with a new drummer are back in the studio's.

They have played a few live shows since picking up Kerim "Krimh" Lechner to take over the rather large drum stool that put a hole in the band. I was really excited for Krimh as I've been a subscriber of his on youtube since 2007. He would post almost weekly drum covers of different bands and that’s how I followed him. I also got into Decapitated around the same time after hearing their 2006 efforts Organic Hallucinosis. It was a total surprise for me to see him now in the band. But he is a very good drummer and I believe he will carry on Vietk's legacy in the band rather well.

Their is no news on what the album will be called or the song list. But the band has slated a late 2011 release date for the new album.
Ok, So I had to just Bitch about this to my other metal heads on this forum.

So I'm a poor man now, and can only afford to go to one show a year. I usually pick either Ozzfest or Mayhem Fest, because you get to see a lot of great band for a great price. This year I'm really looking forward to Mayhem Fest. I've seen Disturbed and Trivium before and they were awesome, and Godsmack and Megadeth are both on my bucket list.

The only thing I'm upset with, is that on the San Bernardino, CA show, in there only tour appearance, Dethklok. FUCK, what the hell, why can't they tour and come to the east cost they're a bunch of fuckin cartoons. I think it would be sooooo cool to see them; it just sounds terribly entertaining on several levels.

When ever I'll get over it, either way, Mayhem Fest should still be pretty kick ass show.
I have no idea what happened to the original Metal thread, but I'd just like to voice two quick things:

1. The fact this thread is named after 3 Inches of Blood is pathetic. On the list of most influential/talented metal bands, they're probably seeded around #3,405, just below other gimmick-laden acts like Killwhitneydead and Spinal Tap.

2. Darkest Hour is releasing their new album this coming Tuesday called The Human Romance, and while it's certainly not the most metal of metal, the single track which they released a video for was released and IMO is a fantastic upgrade over what they were producing prior with albums like Deliver Us and The Eternal Return.

Pick of the day:

Megadeth "Back in the day"


Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls please welcome one of the biggest bands of metal: Megadeth. "Back in the day" is a reflexion about metal, and what could fit better in a metal thread rather than a song about metal! :worship: This song is pretty simple and yet effective. I love the damn song, specially when the tempo changes with all the chorus. Anyway I hope you enjoy the song and let's bring some old school metal to the thread! :headbanger:
British heavy metal legends Motorhead have entered the Billboard 200 Chart at number 94 after selling over 7,000 copies of their new studio album, The World Is Yours. The record has also done well in Canada, getting the number 24 spot on the Canadian album charts.

In Motorhead related news, front man Lemmy has recorded a video with the rock band The Foo fighters for their video white limo. Lemmy clad his trademark boots and black hat makes a most metal appearance as the driver. He picks up the band doing some obviously Lemmy things. Check it out here.


As I stated a few posts before, Lamb of God has posted their new single called Hit the wall. The instrumental was nothing short of fucking brutal, but for me the vocals wern't up to par with what Randy has been putting out of late. But while I won't put it on my top ten list of best LoG songs I will give it a good listen here and there.


Gary Holt of Exodus fame will fill in for Jeff Hanneman on Slayer's upcoming tour. I'm not to pointed in with all the details as of yet. I've herd Jeff is in the hospital due to an emergency arm surgery, and on the other hand I've read he's out because of a nasty spider bite.

Any fans of Job for a Cowboy? Right here is one, well in recent news both Brent Riggs and Bobby Thompson were missing from their recent tour with Skeletonwitch. One can put the pieces together after lead singer Jonny Davy said this when asked about the new Ep they are in the Audiohammer studios for.

"It felt like a long time since we last got together to write new material," comments Job For A Cowboy vocalist Jonny Davy. "After collaborating in the snow of Boston, we're now recording our second EP. It feels good to be in Florida with Jason, Ron and Eyal of Audio Hammer studios. JFAC 2.0 is on the way."

It looks like both Brent Riggs and Bobby Thompson might be out of the band for good. They were missing from the recent tour and missing from the pictures that were taken in studio. Nothing is confirmed right now but rumor has it that former Despised Icon guitarist Ben Landreville will be filling the role of second guitarist.
I am gonna drop a couple of slices of TNWOBHM (The new wave of british heavy metal) from Saxon, a band who are still going today, but had their biggest success in the 80s.

Metallica actually supported Saxon on tour a couple of times, and I have recently picked up their "best of" CD and I am loving these little classics



and this one, all about JFK getting shot in Dallas

Pik of the day:

Probot: "Shake your blood"


Since Phatso named in the same sentence Lemmy and Dave Grohl, I needed to post this one. DG is my favorite artist, while Lemmy is my third one. That being said, Grohl's METAL side project involved many of his childhood music heroes: Tommy G Warrior, Max Cavalera, Cronos amongst many and including of course Lemmy. "Shake your blood" not only shows that Grohl could fit in Motörhead but also how amazing he is on drums. This is one of the many reasons why Dave Grohl is my favortite artist, his versatility. It's a shame there's only one Probot album, fortunately it wasn't he only collaboration between these two.
Well I just found this out today, and I'm fucking STOKED! I was one of the first people in at least my area to get a copy of Dimmu Borgir's new album Abrahadabra. I spent two hours with about twenty other people in October waiting outside the local Fye at 8 am to get it. It was cold but it was damn well worth it. They only had thirty copys on hand because we basically all pre ordered it.

But back on topic I found the album to be an absolute gem that I will keep in my collection forever. Dimmu Borgir has announced that on May 28th they will perform their whole new album live with the Norwegian Radio Orchestra. For those who aren't in the loop about why that is so big, Dimmu has had a lot of orchestra themed music but for the last few albums they have been using this live Orchestra for their Albums. This is the first time to my Knowledge that they will perform with the Norwegian Radio Orchestra, and in seeing the Orchestra perform on youtube I will go to say that I will be fucking epic.

while I will not be able to go and see it I can only hope that they get it recorded and put it out as a live collection. Because no matter the price, I will go get it. For one I have always been a large fan of good playing Orchestra's like this, and two it's Dimmu. That spells must have for me.

This is my pick of the day, I tend not to show anger or aggression on the internet... but today I will spill my rage with this. This goes out to a very special ex of mine.

She fucking disgusts me anymore, I dated her for a while then we broke up. Fine and well, I usually don't care to much after it. It does take me about a week to get around and figure everything out again. But this time it was only a few days.

Now shes just broken up with the person she replaced me for, and had the gull to tell me he was better than me. Why you ask me? Because he had more money coming in than me.... because he's on fucking welfare.

Well basically about two weeks ago I called her and said I didn't have shit going on that weekend and wanted to come chill out with her. I haven't seen her and her roommate since about November. Big deal she is my ex but I don't really want anything from her I figured we could hang out for about an hour or two.

I waited all weekend and got no call or no texts. I text her on Monday, her exact words were sorry I was busy I had three guys over this weekend they all like me because I'm single now. She also went on to tell me she had problems with her Ex calling her a fat ****e. I asked her why and she said this " Well in the week we broke up I had sex with a few guys don't you think that’s messed up he's calling me that?"

So I sent her back a text saying wow that’s kind of fucked up on your part. Well to make a long story short we got into an argument over it and she said she was going to have my ass beat. Well last night around nine I was walking up town to the gas station and she was there with like 2 dudes. She was hanging all over them. Blah blah blah I walk out of the station and a guy follows me out and yells hey fat fuck. I walked up to him and said whats your fucking deal? She walks out and he pushes me. She called me something I can't really remember and then spit on me. Fucking spit on me.... Am I the ground now? Needless to say this shit isn't over with.

Your blood will blanket the earth, I am the shot heard ‘round the world
Your blood will blanket the earth, I am the shot heard ‘round the world
Your blood will blanket the earth, I am the shot heard ‘round the world
Your blood will blanket the earth, I am the shot heard ‘round the world
We are the atom smashers, we do what can't be done
You are the baby killers, we will explode the sun
You are the masses, we can't be saved
You took your chances, I'll dig your graves
We are the atom smashers, we do what can't be done
You are the baby killers, we will explode the sun
You are the masses, we can't be saved
You took your chances, I'll dig your fucking graves
Your life just fucking disgusts me, no need for you to discuss me
I understand exactly why you don't trust me, I find you fucking disgusting
Drama from the drama hating drama queen
Time to suck today's dick
I hope you choke on it
I hope you choke on it
You spread disease when you spread your legs
Time to suck today's dick
I hope you choke on it
I hope you choke on it
We chewed the fingers to the bone, we can't leave well enough alone
We live in troubled times, don't tell me everything's fine
That's when the roof caved in, that's when your world fell the fuck apart
That's when the roof caved in, that's when your world fell the fuck apart
I saw your world fall apart
I saw your world fall apart
I saw your world fall apart
I saw your world fall apart

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