Money in the Bank - Smackdown Money in the Bank

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i really see only 3 people that could win this.

Wade Barret, Daniel Bryan or Cody Rhodes.

My gut is telling me Barrett since he was supposed to win the wwe title a while back. If barret doesn't win, like someone else said i think this will be the first cash in and lose.
I don't know how many people here feel the same way, but I saw on several places people are predicting this to be a hoo-hum match. I think it will be a lot of fun:

Wade and Sheamus will just try to kill people with ladders. Sheamus is one intense mother while Wade takes to using weapons like a hooker takes to wearing heels.

Cody and Heath will bump around like flaming assholes. Both are great stooges and seem content with getting destroyed.

Justin Gabriel and Sin Cara will provide the movez off the ladders and such. Justin is just as every bit athletic as the other spot monkeys in the company, but he is a lot crisper in the ring. Sin Cara will probably get one big spot and hide the rest of the match (ala Drew last year)

Kane will add some star power while DB.. Well, I don't know what he will add besides an extra body to get smack around with a ladder. :p

I went with Wade because I am bias. He is still my pick and all, but I think Gabriel could be a surprise in the match. He got rave reviews as working as a face in South Africa and they have started to break up him and Heath. I wouldn't have a problem with him doing some damage. He has such a great "good guy" charisma to him and is a pretty good face when it calls for. :)
As others have stated, the only ones with a chance to realistically win this thing are Sheamus, Cody, and Barrett. Of the three, Sheamus doesn't need it, and I think Barrett's not going to be elevated anytime soon.

Cody is my pick, if for no other reason in that his persona right now seems perfect for a MITB contract in his back pocket, walking around with the briefcase, making chilling hints about when he might cash it in. Plus there is history between him and Orton (who is not going to lose the title against Christian).
either Wade Barrett or Cody Rhodes. Both these guys have never had a title run ("but what about Sin Cara, Daniel Bryan, Gabriel and Slater?" a non existent voice cries)...well, all of them are way too green to be put in the main event picture, with the exception of Bryan who needs some sort of gimmick change before he can get there. If we were going on wrestling ability you'd give it to that guy in an instant though as he's a joy to watch. Perhaps winning MITB could be the impetus for that gimmick change though? Hmm... nah.

Barrett and to a lesser extent Rhodes are already there, and both have history with the current champion Randy Orton. I particularly look forward to an Orton/Rhodes fued at some point this year, both have that "psychotic" persona in their gimmicks and it could really work well. Barrett looks like world champ already in many respects, decent enough on the mic, built like a beast and though he has feuded with Orton it hasn't been completely played out properly. I hope Rhodes wins but I wouldn't be surprised or disappointed if Barrett takes it.

Sheamus doesn't need MITB. Two time WWE champ, current King Of The Ring, and by the looks of things next in line for a programme with Orton once this Christian feud finishes anyway. It's exactly the same reason why Del Rio shouldn't win the Raw one, just pointless and lazy writing.
I always look forward to these matches, no matter who is in them. We have an interesting group for this year's Smackdown Money in the Bank match. I'll go through each of them individually and then give my official prediction.

Kane won last year's match. I doubt he will win again, but as a veteran he often gets put in these matches to show a dominant moment or two.

Sin Cara
Not a chance. He is being built up for a big push but it is far too early in his career to even consider world titles.

Daniel Bryan
As much as many of us would want to see it, Bryan won't win this. He deserves to get to be in the match to show off what he can do, but he's not winning it.

Wade Barrett
VERY likely. With him having lost the Intercontinental Championship, he should be promoted back up to the main event level.

Cody Rhodes
Pretty good odds. He has been on a roll lately and a possible cash in on Orton could lead to a good feud between the two, given their history.

Justin Gabriel
Seriously? He is in here to do the one move he ever does, but off the top of a ladder in an impressive spot. That's it. Nothing more. Anyone who thinks he's winning has lost their mind.

Heath Slater
Highly doubt it. I'm not sure why he's even in the match.

Arguably the highest odds. If they go the route of Kane last year, Sheamus is a former World Champion who wants in on the world title match. He could win and then cash in the same night.

It comes down to Barrett, Sheamus, and Rhodes. All of the others are just a bunch of guys in the match to give us insane spots, and a veteran in Kane. Sheamus can easily main event again without the push of Money in the Bank. Rhodes and Barrett would benefit from it the most. If they are patient with Rhodes' push he will eventually get up to the main event level. That leaves us with none other than Wade Barrett. My pick to win. It was clear that WWE had something HUGE planned for him with his NXT win and the Nexus angle that immediately put him in feuds with Cena and Orton. If they have Barrett win the blue briefcase then it would really benefit him because it could undo the damage that The Corre did to his credibility. I think he will win and perhaps cash in at Summerslam. Loads of potential feuds for him afterwards.

Wade Barrett will win the blue Money in the Bank briefcase.

The reason why he won last year was to go along with the Undertaker Vagetative State storyline. I can't see Kane winning now seeing as though he has nothnig really going for him at the moment, and I can't really see an interesting storyline for Kane to hold the Championship, or the MITB briefcase.

Heath Slater

No chance. He's a midcarder and will probably remain there in the midcard for a while.

Justin Gabriel

See Heath Slater.

Sin Cara

Unless they want to push Sin Cara to the moon in a short time span, I can't see him winning the MITB this Sunday. Stranger thing's have happened, but as far as the luchador rookie is concerned, I think he'll remain in the midcard for a while until Mysterio passes the torch to him to be the next high-flying masked babyface.

Cody Rhodes

Has a current fued with Daniel Bryan. Is a good talent, but ultimately I really can't see him winning the MITB this early in his career. His new gimmick has proven to be a success, but I really can't see him being World Champion anytime soon. Still a chance though he could win.

Daniel Bryan

Wouldn't be shocked if he won, becuase it'll be his big moment for the future. Bryan is a great talent, and it'll be a great way to instantly put him in the Championship picture.


Is currently one of the top heels on Smackdown, and is a great talent. He has a huge collasel chance to win MITB.

Wade Barret

My pick. Perhap's him losing the Intercontinential Cmapionship was a way to greater thing's. He's a fantastic talker, and a decent in-ring talent. He'll make people hate him even more with him gloating around with the MITB and saying he's got a free Championship shot.
Call me crazy but I am picking kane. They hot shot a potential angle on smackdown! Friday night with kane no longer feeling like a monster and requesting he face Orton. Kane beats the champion albeit by countout and Orton then uses kane to send a message to Christian. Retaliation from Kane comes Sunday. He also has last years record breaking story and if Punk leaves then having Kane or Miz win so that Punk is not the only ever back to back winner is a very Vince thing to do. Bank on it. And yes I realize im probably completely wrong but that's my gut.
....Heath Slater is in a MITB match?!? WHY???

Anyway, I think Sheamus is going to take this. Sheamus has been on a role since he moved to Smackdown. He's already had a series of good matches with Orton, and he has been on a nice momentum swing after his return from the punt. I think Orton will retain the WHC tonight, and I wouldn't be surprised if Sheamus decided to cash-in his briefcase on Orton after the match. Sheamus does have some unfinished business with The Viper, and costing Randy his WHC would be a great way to get some revenge.

Personally, I would love to see Cody take this, but I think he' going to have to wait a little while longer, and there's nothing wrong with that. He has plenty of time to break into the main event, and there's no need to rush anything. Cara, Bryan, and Gabriel should provide us with the flashy stuff, and this MITB match should feature a nice amount of action. I also don't think Kane has a shot at winning this. Seeing him grab the briefcase and win the title last year was a shock, but it did make sense, because Kane was the perfect guy to fill the role of Taker's attacker. But The Big Red Machine doesn't have a chance at winning this year.
Sin Cara - It would be quite interesting if Sin Cara wins the ladder match. I don't exactly know how far they will push Sin Cara but the World or WWE Championships don't seem to fit him. Sin Cara needs more expirience in the WWE before winning the big one.

Sheamus - I would absolutely love it if Sheamus won, but he doesn't need it. He's already stuck his nose into Orton and Christian business, it's only a matter of time before he's contending.

Wade Barrett - Out of everyone in the Money in the Bank ladder matches this year, Wade Barrett needs it more. Since the death of Old Nexus, Wade Barrett has wallowed in mediocrity and has seemed to stay there for quite a while. He's completely irrelevant on Smackdown. No one notices if he's on the card or not and won't unless he wins the ladder match. His Intercontinental Championship reign was forgettable and went unnoticed. Without the Corre or Nexus weighing him down, he should be able to climb back up the ladder and be relevant in the WWE again.

Cody Rhodes - I wouldn't mind a win from Cody. He could certainly use the help. A Cody/Orton feud is a dream waiting to happen. And with the WWE trying to duplicate the Miz/Riley feud with Ted and Cody, I could definitely see Cody winning with Ted playing the bitch in the couple.

Daniel Bryan - Holy shit, I would absolutely mark the fuck out if Daniel Bryan wins it. But, he's found himself a nice spot on the midcard roster and he seems fine with that. Unlikely.

Heath Slater - Fuck off.

Justin Gabriel - Hell yeah. Another dream but not likely.

Kane- Won last year. He already got his final reign. A World Championship at this point in his career would be a bit pointless.

Hamler's Prediction - Wade Barrett will win the Smackdown MiTB
I just want to throw my weird theory out there but it all depends on the placement of this match tonight. If the Smackdown MITB happens after the world title match then this has a chance of happening. If not then there's no way.

I'm thinking if Christian loses to Randy Orton before the Smackdown MITB happens, he may enter the match and win. He could beat up someone useless and replace them. Someone that ya know doesn't have a shot in hell. Like a Heath Slater or Justin Gabriel. Hopefully Slater cause he's useless.

It just makes sense within the feud of Christian vs Orton. Christian can win the MITB and somewhere down the line cash it in on a Smackdown 5 days after Orton goes through a gruelling contest. Just like Orton got a title shot 5 days after Christian had to endure a ladder match. Except this time Christian does it on his own terms and not the fans like with Orton. This will lead to a ladder match that can be the final blowoff between these two guys. Just makes sense to me. Idono we'll see I guess.
Sheamus and Del Rio are each the favorites in their MITB match, and only because they have already interfered in the title scene. I think Del Rio will get the nod considering the circumstances surrounding the main event scene on Raw. It NEEDS to be Del Rio's time.

Following WWE logic, one of these two men will win their match and the other will be a "suprise". On the Raw side, I see Del Rio taking it. It's the "safe" ending to the Punk/Cena match with having Del Rio cash in and setting up a SS main event with Cena VS Del Rio. I don't particularly want to see this happen but it's what Im feeling.

Since Del Rio will be cashing in on his win, that leaves one man with the ability to hold onto the briefcase, teasing cash-ins, and being what a traditional MITB winner is. Since Cody is in the IC title scene, I believe that Wade Barrett will hold onto the briefcase. He can have some feuds with former Corre members trying to take his briefcase, and cash in on Orton and have a nice title reign.
This is really great for DBD, I figured it would be Barret or Rhodes. But for DBD to win is a very nice surprise. He does probably need it more then Barret, whose main even future is pretty fine, and Rhodes obviously has a bright future with the stuff he has been doing with his character. DBD needed it more.

But man, what a great match, awesome way to start mitb.

And Heath Slater was pretty impressive in the match. Nice for him to show he does have potential for all his naysayers. I thought he did really well, as did all of them

And hope Sin Cara's injury wasn't real and if it was hope its not serious...that looked pretty nasty. But wheeling him out midway seemed odd so it probably was enough to take him out.
Hoping Sin Cara was kayfabe. That had to hurt. I was so shocked when Daniel won, great for him, and I remembered how much I miss Sheamus, man I like the way he works
I was shocked to see Daniel Bryan win, i mean i really was.... I guess WWE does have something in for him.. just hopefully this doesn't turn into a Mr Kennedy V2.0 if you know what i mean.... Hope Brian Danielson wins the World Heavyweight Championship.
God bless DB! I really hope that something cool comes from this. I hope he can win the title as a face. Crowd popped HARD for this win (I was there live), and I hope that something good can come from it. I don't need any more RKO, mane!
I'm really suprised Bryan won, i felt that either Rhodes or Barrett was going to win for sure. I'm sure Daniel Bryan will make a great World Champ, and i hope he isn't the first to unsuccessfully cash in the briefcase. If he does become World Champion, imagine the look on Cole's face :lol:
He will be the first to lose. And del rio will lose too. I have that feeling. it's one of those times when the WWE has to change the "predictability" of every cash in wins. And after a big win like this, D-Bryan is poised for a failure. Maybe Cody Rhodes screws him when he cashes it in.
I think Daniel Bryan is just holding the case for now but will eventually lose the case to Sheamus. Maybe it was just me but I thought it was so damn obvious that Sheamus would win the MITB ladder match. I think WWE realized that many fans probably thought he was the favorite so they threw us a curveball.

Mark my words, he'll end up losing the case to Sheamus, who will cash it in and win.
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