Monday Night Raw - April 29, 2013 LD

Sheamus had a good run until he met a very stale heel in Alberto del Rio. Big Show-Sheamus was a great feud.

Sheamus' run started on the wrong foot. The bad taste of his win at 'Mania never left my mouth during his run, and he only made it worse by trying to cop the "yes" chants for a week or two afterwards.
Didn't the feud with Orton only last until Extreme Rules before he started feuding with Big Show?

If he didn't lose so much he'd be doing fine as champion IMO. I'd take Ziggler as champion over Del Rio, Swagger, Sheamus or Big Show anyday.

Swagger? Sure. He's nowhere near as talented as any of the other guys you listed.
I love JBL." I'm fine with the soldiers eating my pizza but I'm clotheslining everyone's else's heads off." JBL is a god!
I liked Del Rio's face character, and his wins over Big Show were both great matches. He'd have been better off chasing Swagger for the belt, though.
@Hollywood Nightmare Zach Ryder didn't spike his hair last week either. I think he's gradually moving away from this gimmick
*sighs* A tug of war? Really? This being a handicap strap match or even a handicap match in general would have made Henry look SO MUCH better then beating two fatties in a tug of war.
Wouldn't it make sense for Vickie to just tell Hell No that they can pick their own partner?

Or for her to choose their partner and for Ryback to be, as Jesse Ventura used to put it, "fined and suspended." If it were as easy as just telling the GM "no" and going home, why doesn't everyone who has an unfavorable match up do it?

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