Monday Night Raw - April 29, 2013 LD

Would somebody give swoll Carlton Banks some kneepads? They might as well just call him "Black Ken Patera."

I think that some tights that go at least a little bit further down his thighs should be of higher priority. I won't even watch his matches for fear of the dreaded "Ahmed Johnson Wedgie."
No way. Swagger had a legit contender in Orton. Not only is Ziggler small time, but no one cares about his opponents.

Solid point, but I'll let Ziggler's reign run it's course before I judge it completely.

And all of you guys are right about Big E needing a better fitting singlet, but at least some kneepads would take the edge off.
No way. Swagger had a legit contender in Orton. Not only is Ziggler small time, but no one cares about his opponents.

Didn't the feud with Orton only last until Extreme Rules before he started feuding with Big Show?

You're right, it's not. That sits with those in power who hadn't a clue how small of a deal he really is.

If he didn't lose so much he'd be doing fine as champion IMO. I'd take Ziggler as champion over Del Rio, Swagger, Sheamus or Big Show anyday.
Who do you guys think the secret admirer is?

Probably gonna be Cody. They teased that before.

Am I the only one who thinks the divas segments have been perfectly fine tonight? AJ and Kaitlyn could end up being a good feud and i'm all for anything that gets The Bellas on my TV more.
No need to sit here debating when it's clear that the whole WHC scene has been the drizzling shits recently. Mark Henry and Daniel Bryan made it fun for a while, but it's been utterly forgettable over the last year.
Sheamus had a good run until he met a very stale heel in Alberto del Rio. Big Show-Sheamus was a great feud.
Or someone that likes a woman that doesn't look like she needs to eat a sandwich and not throw it up.

I said "meaty," not "fat." She's got broader shoulders than most of the guys that post on this forum, to be sure. Cute face, but AJ was shooting just now when she said "man arms."

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