Mickie James-- The best Diva the WWE has ever seen?


Future Diva, Womans and Divas champ
Ok so we all know once again Mickie James is the #1 contender for the Womans Championship. Right now Mickie is obiviously the best the WWE has right now. She has good mic skills, good in-ring skills and she is good as a face or a heel which isn't seen by many supersatrs or divas you are either a good heel or face. Mickie can also really sell as seen with the piggy james segament { wich by the way was uncalled for.}. Right now Mickie is on the Smackdown brand and besides Michelle she has nobody to fued for I mean Michelle is getting better but she still isn't as good as Mickie. So Mickie is getting her chance at TLC to capture her sixith championship. Mickie really had the crowd going Friday Night. She is a fan favorite obviously and I haven't seen an divas get a crowd into it like she did Friday. Which leads to the question is Mickie the best ever. Is she on the way to becoming a hall of famer. I think Mickie will be able to be able to be a hall of famer one day. If you don't think Mickie is the best of all time who do you think is and why.
If you don't think Mickie is the best of all time who do you think is and why.

Trish is the best diva ever. There is no reason why anyone could argue against that. She was a 7 time Women's Champion and her combined reigns gives her 828 days of holding the title. This was also back when there was only one title for the divas to compete for on both Raw and Smackdown. Mickie only has 344 days of holding the title and 5 times of winning it. if you count her Divas title win, then that's still just 6 wins and 422 days of holding it.

Trish's feuds and title runs are all superior to Mickie's. It's not that Mickie is not great, because she is ONE of the best, just not THE best. Mickie is top tier, that's for sure.... but Trish is the best diva ever and no one will ever dethrone her.
I think Mickie James is the BEST. She will most likely get to and surpass Trish's 7 Women's Title reigns. In her career so far she's gotten four Women's Championships and one Diva's title. She's already in striking distance of Trish. My question is, Why Not? I also think possibly she will go to Raw sometime in the future and get a few more Diva's title reigns.
I think Mickie James is the BEST. She will most likely get to and surpass Trish's 7 Women's Title reigns. In her career so far she's gotten four Women's Championships and one Diva's title. She's already in striking distance of Trish. My question is, Why Not? I also think possibly she will go to Raw sometime in the future and get a few more Diva's title reigns.

She might end up with more title reigns than Trish.... just like how HHH will beat Flair's record.... but that's not all it takes to be the best. Every single title reign that Trish had, and (for the most part) every feud she had, were better than Mickie's. Her reigns were also longer, and she has more fans. Trish will never be dethroned as the best diva ever. I'll go even further to say that she's a legend, as far as divas are concerned, because she's been gone since 2006 and is STILL thought of as better than the majority of the current divas.
Trish is the best diva ever. There is no reason why anyone could argue against that. She was a 7 time Women's Champion and her combined reigns gives her 828 days of holding the title. This was also back when there was only one title for the divas to compete for on both Raw and Smackdown. Mickie only has 344 days of holding the title and 5 times of winning it. if you count her Divas title win, then that's still just 6 wins and 422 days of holding it.

Trish's feuds and title runs are all superior to Mickie's. It's not that Mickie is not great, because she is ONE of the best, just not THE best. Mickie is top tier, that's for sure.... but Trish is the best diva ever and no one will ever dethrone her.

I don't know why people like Tish so much. I mean the only reason she is as big as she is is because Vince liked her. I mean Vince crammed 7 title reings in 4 years. She isn't that great Mickie's mic skills are WAY better, her title reigns are better in my opionion and so are her fueds.
I don't know why people like Tish so much. I mean the only reason she is as big as she is is because Vince liked her.

Not really.... she was (and still is) very popular among the fans.

I mean Vince crammed 7 title reings in 4 years.

All of which were better than Mickie's 5.

She isn't that great Mickie's mic skills are WAY better

I'd say that they are about on par on the mic. Mickie is great on the mic too, but Trish is just a little bit better. Look at how good she did as guest host and hadn't been on the mic for almost 3 years.

her title reigns are better in my opionion and so are her fueds.

Remember her 400+ day one? Best title reign by a diva. Mickie's best feud was against Trish. I have been defending the "Piggie James" segments.... but Trish's feuds were superior to Mickie VS Michelle. Look at her stuff against Lita for instance.

Even without the 828 days of holding the Women's title, Trish would still be a candidate for legendary status among the divas. She would be just a little bit above Lita (who's the 2nd best) in terms of who's the best, rather than being regarded as the greatest ever. Mickie's got a ways to go before she can beat Lita, let alone Trish.... and it's going to take more than having the most title wins.
No way man, I mean Mickie's good, but I'd definately take Trish over her any day. I mean the lack of competition might also be it since Trish always had Victoria/Molly/Jazz/Beth/Mickie to feud with, while Mickie has had...hmm Beth, Michelle I dunno she's not on par with the rest of those names, heck I can't think of many more. Her feuds really haven't been memorable just like the rest of the Divas Division hasn't been since Trish left. Having two Diva's titles certainly doesn't help matters much either.
Mickie would be in my top 10, but greatest EVER? No. That goes to Fabulous Moolah or Trish Stratus. Moolah didn't lose her damn belt for years and years. And Trish is a hybrid. A real beauty queen who could wrestle. Mickie's a definitely great wrestler, but to say the greatest WWE Diva of all time is a stretch. Lita, Jackie, and even Chyna was better than her.

Mickie will have her legacy, but she's not the greatest WWE Diva of all time.
Besides her feuds with Trish and Beth, I can't think of a single, memorable opponent for Mickie. Nor do I recall ever feeling "hyped" about one of her title defenses or reigns. I couldn't say the same about Trish. Seriously, her feud with Lita was as good or better than most of the male feuds at the time, and they shined in the ring as bright as most of the men, too! Those women busted their ass hardcore in an entire series of matches, were wildly over with the fans, and made for some incredible TV.

When is the last time Mickie saw anything remotely like that? I don't hate the woman -- she's one of the best WWE has at the moment, for sure -- but she can rise only as high as the competition allows. For the last few years, Beth aside (who I am really a huge of!), WWE's women's division has been pretty lackluster. As a result, Mickie's legacy is more than a little tainted.

In my mind, I'd put women like Trish, Lita, Moolah, Wendy Richter and possibly even Chyna and Sable above Mickie. With five current title reigns in WWE, Mickie is certainly etching her place in history, but she hasn't had the kind of popularity, longevity, memorable matches or legendary feuds of most any of those women. It's going to take some real maneuvering on the part of WWE to get her over that hump and into the same territory as most of those women.
I'll agree Mickie is the best "Diva" the WWE has ever seen. However, Trish and Lita were miles ahead of her in just about every aspect of the business, and who can forget Wendi Richter?

She's the woman that headlned shows that Hogan wasn't appearing at. It doesn't get any bigger. She's probably the reason that there's still mainstream women's wrestling today...
In my mind, I'd put women like Trish, Lita, Moolah, Wendy Richter and possibly even Chyna and Sable above Mickie.

Yeah, that about covers most of the older female wrestlers that Mickie would have to overcome. I disagree on Chyna, but I may be a bit biased against her because I couldn't stand her. I also disagree sort of on Moolah, because though she had the Women's title for practically forever, that was a different time. The business is so much different now.

Here is how I see it....

Trish is at the top and the biggest candidate for a diva legend. Lita is the 2nd best. It begins to get very close when trying to rank 3rd and below. Whether Mickie can make 3rd place or not depends on how the rest of her career goes. Then you also need to remember that there are other divas like Beth Phoenix who have also had impressive careers so far. It will come down to how much success Mickie has for the rest of her career, as well as how well her rivals (like Beth) will do later on also. The best Mickie can hope for is 3rd best.
Thanks for calling me out on this one.

According to the history books, Mickie James will never become the greatest in the WWE as that title goes to the Fabulous Moolah and her legendary championship reign of over 2 decades, with others like Trish and her record of 7 Women's Championship reigns taking the next spots. James has held 4 womens title reigns and a diva's championship, whereby a couple of these can be considered as "not completely legit" (like Maryse's injury and the house show incident, if memory serves me right). She had a great feud with Stratus and played a character in the diva's division not seen before (or perfected). Sure, it has some merit, but not as much as the ones listed above.

As for being a wrestler in the WWE under the category of women's wrestling, it is arguable but you'd have an arduous task on your hands. Title reigns and everything aside, only looking at the wrestler themselves... Mickie can be considered the best. She is gold on the stick and has enough charisma to play any role (something hardly seen), she can wrestle very well and make her opponents look legit (as best as she can do) and she has a fan following as a face and heel heat as the bad girl.

Mickie James is one of the best the WWE has seen no doubt, but I don't think she could be considered the best ever... which I already stated as who should deserve them more.
I still think you guys are giving Mickie too much credit. Beth only needs a little more work, and I think SHE can overcome Mickie in this thing. Again, it would depend almost entirely on what kind of system you used to rank the women, but I Trish, Lita, Moolah and Wendy Richter are easily ahead of Mickie right now. Moolah and Wendy were literally main eventing shows during the '80s. Mickie couldn't even dream of that level of popularity. Hell, she can't even dream of the popularity of Sable!
I still think you guys are giving Mickie too much credit. Beth only needs a little more work, and I think SHE can overcome Mickie in this thing. Again, it would depend almost entirely on what kind of system you used to rank the women, but I Trish, Lita, Moolah and Wendy Richter are easily ahead of Mickie right now. Moolah and Wendy were literally main eventing shows during the '80s. Mickie couldn't even dream of that level of popularity. Hell, she can't even dream of the popularity of Sable!

The only reason I rank Mickie above Sable is Mickie's championship reigns. I do agree though that Beth will end up ranking higher than Mickie once both of their careers are over. Beth might even get 3rd as far as my ranks go.... in the future, that is. I'm a huge fan of hers, but like Mickie, she too has more to go before making the top tier for best Diva.
Sable's title reigns were practically a farce, even I admit. She was a fairly horrible in-ring performer. But the reality with the "Divas" is few can actually wrestle, so ranking them on that ability would greatly skew things. Hell, if you are to rank the women based on wrestling talent, Alundra Blaze (Medusa Micheli) would be above Mickie. She could flat out wrestle and was pretty popular in her own right.

So with wrestling ability playing only one factor in the determining equation, Sable's extreme, and I mean extreme popularity within not only pro wrestling but the Playboy following boosts her above Mickie. Yes, Mickie has a following, but I don't know that it's anything near what Sable experienced.

Further, as a two time WWF Women's Champion, Wendy Richter in her prime could compete with 90% of the WWE "Divas" in the looks department, wrestle her ass off and got the historic win over Moolah, ending her 26-year reign as champ. (Don't believe Wendy was drop-dead gorgeous? Check this out: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl...mage_result&resnum=5&ct=image&ved=0CBgQ9QEwBA). Wendy was also featured near the main event at the early WrestleManias, something Mickie will never accomplish. Not to mention she went on to win additional major women's championships in both World Wrestling Council (Puerto Rico) and American Wrestling Association.

Mickie is talented. She might even show signs of greatness. But there's simply something about her that's missing -- that "It" factor that makes the difference between a "great wrestler" and a "legendary figure." The WWE would need to seriously invest some effort into developing her career beyond just the crap she's mostly been served over the last few years to put her on my radar. I'll never rank five mediocre runs with the title over two or three truly memorable ones. Ever. So in my book, at least, Mickie's really got her work cut out for her.
Sable's title reigns were practically a farce, even I admit. She was a fairly horrible in-ring performer. But the reality with the "Divas" is few can actually wrestle, so ranking them on that ability would greatly skew things. Hell, if you are to rank the women based on wrestling talent, Alundra Blaze (Medusa Micheli) would be above Mickie. She could flat out wrestle and was pretty popular in her own right.

Alundra Blaze! I knew i forgot someone. She'd rank highly. So would Sable and Wendy Richter. You made some good and valid points about all 3 of them.

Mickie is talented. She might even show signs of greatness. But there's simply something about her that's missing -- that "It" factor that makes the difference between a "great wrestler" and a "legendary figure." The WWE would need to seriously invest some effort into developing her career beyond just the crap she's mostly been served over the last few years to put her on my radar. I'll never rank five mediocre runs with the title over two or three truly memorable ones. Ever. So in my book, at least, Mickie's really got her work cut out for her.

If Mickie's career ended today (it won't, obviously, just playing the "what if" game here.) then she would be lucky to even make the top 10. She has the potential to be among the best, and so does Beth Phoenix.... but like I've said in pretty much all my posts in this thread.... she will NEVER be the best of all, because that award goes to Trish!
This is a simple argument from my point of view. Mickie James is not the greatest Diva the WWE has ever seen (assuming by Diva you mean female wretler, and by WWE you date back to the start). The reason is simple: Anyone who has regularly botched a DDT does not deserve to be classed as the greatest of anything because it's a very simple move to do.
This is a simple argument from my point of view. Mickie James is not the greatest Diva the WWE has ever seen (assuming by Diva you mean female wretler, and by WWE you date back to the start). The reason is simple: Anyone who has regularly botched a DDT does not deserve to be classed as the greatest of anything because it's a very simple move to do.

OK, that just plain cracked me up! You're right, of course. It's consistently reported that Mickie is unable to safely perform a DDT, one of the more common (and simple, one might assume) offensive moves in the sport today. How many people has she injured with this? Anyway, that fact aside, I've really been interested by everyone's perspective on who ranks where in the WWE's history.

While I think maybe Mickie actually does outrank her by now, Sherri Martel is another great. Long before "Scary" Sherri, her WWF Women's title reign lasted 15 months, which is pretty decent. She had a series of fairly strong challenges, too, and in a little known fact simultaneously held both the WWF and AWA Women's Championships.

When Sherri entered the WWF, she immediately won the title while still holding the AWA belt. She dropped the AWA title a few days later, but it's one of the rare occasions (the only I can think of, off hand) when an individual concurrently held titles in two of the then "Big 3" wrestling companies (the third at the time would have been the NWA).
This is a simple argument from my point of view. Mickie James is not the greatest Diva the WWE has ever seen (assuming by Diva you mean female wretler, and by WWE you date back to the start). The reason is simple: Anyone who has regularly botched a DDT does not deserve to be classed as the greatest of anything because it's a very simple move to do.

Great point, Lee. I'd like to see any Mickie defender argue against that. Surely those who want to be "the best" would have to know how to do a simple DDT. It's not that impressive these days since so many people have used it, but it's a move more people should know how to use simply because of how commonly used it is.... and that includes any diva who wants to be taken seriously.
Mickie James is a pretty good wrestler and she’s one of the best the WWE currently has. However, she is nowhere near being the greatest of all time. She’s probably in my top ten or 15. But that’s just the WWE, if we are talking about all female wrestlers then she wouldn’t even be in the top 20.

Anyways, people are saying Fabulous Moolah is the greatest of all time and they are citing the fact she held the title for the longest time (even though she dropped it many times). However, I have to politely disagree. I don’t think her holding the title for many years means that she is the greatest of all time. Sure, she was a trailblazer, but what makes her the best of all time? Her matches were subpar, she wrestled in an era with very little competition, she wrestled in the undercards for shows, e.t.c.

I think everyone should read IC25’s post in this thread Click here.

He perfectly explains why Moolah is NOT the greatest diva of all time.

But if she isn’t the greatest diva of all time that the WWE has seen, then who is? I think that honor goes to either Trish Stratus or Lita. Both are wonderful performers and they knew how to keep fans entertained and interested in their matches. Also, they probably had one of the greatest feuds between women ever. It may not sound like an incredible feat, but remember who the boss of the company they worked for is. Vince McMahon. The man who has seen women as just eye-candy for a long time now. So if you think about it, it’s pretty incredible that they are able to do so much while working for Vince.

So Trish and Lita are the greatest of all time because of their great feuds and matches and because they were very successful. So Mickie isn’t the best diva of all time in my eyes.
Alundra Blaze! I knew i forgot someone. She'd rank highly. So would Sable and Wendy Richter. You made some good and valid points about all 3 of them.

If Mickie's career ended today (it won't, obviously, just playing the "what if" game here.) then she would be lucky to even make the top 10. She has the potential to be among the best, and so does Beth Phoenix.... but like I've said in pretty much all my posts in this thread.... she will NEVER be the best of all, because that award goes to Trish!

What are you talking about. Right now Mickie is in the top ten. I'm so sick of Trish being put above her. I don't hate Trish I respect her in-ring talent Mickie is just better. Mickie has and always will be the best to me. She didn't get where she got because of her blonde hair. Because everyone knows that Vince loves girls with blonde hair.
What are you talking about. Right now Mickie is in the top ten. I'm so sick of Trish being put above her. I don't hate Trish I respect her in-ring talent Mickie is just better. Mickie has and always will be the best to me. She didn't get where she got because of her blonde hair. Because everyone knows that Vince loves girls with blonde hair.

You're entitled to your opinion. If you think Mickie is the best, that's great. Everyone has a right to their own opinion. Mine is that Trish is the best. Many people would agree with me, because she accomplished so much in her career. Things that most divas can only dream of.
Trish isn't #1 I'm sorry 1st Mickie, #2 Lita, #3 Fabulous Moolah #4 Angelina Love #5 Maryse and the n Trish oh and just because someone holds a title or holds it for a long time doesn't make them great. I mean seriously 7 title reigns in 4 years. Also think of this while the Fabulous Moolah was champion there was really nobody for her to defend her title against was there but I have a lot of respect for her and what she has done for the woman of the WWE. Also Mickie is the best because she can work a crowd did you hear them FridayI don't know about you guys but that was the first time in a long time I heard a crowd so fired up for the WWE divas.
Trish isn't #1 I'm sorry 1st Mickie, #2 Lita, #3 Fabulous Moolah #4 Angelina Love #5 Maryse and the n Trish oh and just because someone holds a title or holds it for a long time doesn't make them great. I mean seriously 7 title reigns in 4 years. Also think of this while the Fabulous Moolah was champion there was really nobody for her to defend her title against was there but I have a lot of respect for her and what she has done for the woman of the WWE. Also Mickie is the best because she can work a crowd did you hear them FridayI don't know about you guys but that was the first time in a long time I heard a crowd so fired up for the WWE divas.

Wow.... sorry, but.... wow.... I could have agreed to disagree, but I simply had to respond once more after reading that.

Ok.... as far as your top 5 goes.... Mickie is NOT better than Lita. Fabulous Moolah was from a time when there were no "WWE divas". Angelina is TNA, therefore she is disqualified from the list because she's not even involved with WWE. Maryse is good, but she has a long way to go before she can make even the top 10. The only current diva who has a chance would be Beth Phoenix.

#1 is Trish. #2 is Lita. After that, there is a long list of others who Mickie would have to overcome. That list has already been discussed a lot in this thread, so I'm not going to write it out again.
Wow.... sorry, but.... wow.... I could have agreed to disagree, but I simply had to respond once more after reading that.

Ok.... as far as your top 5 goes.... Mickie is NOT better than Lita. Fabulous Moolah was from a time when there were no "WWE divas". Angelina is TNA, therefore she is disqualified from the list because she's not even involved with WWE. Maryse is good, but she has a long way to go before she can make even the top 10. The only current diva who has a chance would be Beth Phoenix.

#1 is Trish. #2 is Lita. After that, there is a long list of others who Mickie would have to overcome. That list has already been discussed a lot in this thread, so I'm not going to write it out again.

We haven't seen a lot of Beth latley and your right Angelina isn't apart of the WWE but she used to be a WWE diva before she became a TNA knockout so she still counts. I'm sorry by no standards is Trish better than Lita. Lita had a different kind of in-ring skill that was awesome she had great mic skills and interesting storylines with divas and superstars. Trish isn't even close to Lita, Mickie has great mic skills and a unique in-ring style just like Lita which I think makes her #1. I guess you guys will always like Trish I don't know why and I can't change your mind but I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion and my opionion is that Mickie is the best.

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